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File: 718 KB, 960x640, pinkwojakarmy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13760941 No.13760941 [Reply] [Original]

how can I avoid a military draft? anyone know anything useful about that? I don't feel like fighting wars for Israel.

>> No.13760952

inb4 /biz/ related, dying is not fucking profitable.

>> No.13760955

bone spur

>> No.13760968

Break your fibula and have plate put in. That can technically disqualify you.

>> No.13761001

Your income is tax free on deployments. Imagine not paying taxes legally by cashing out your crypto while overseas

>> No.13761018

all of that is meaningless if you die, refer back to >>13760952

>> No.13761041

>tfw history of mental illness

>> No.13761051

Go camping. Forever.

>> No.13761062
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from what i understand, they an bypass all that, and age, and also some injuries im pretty sure. basially they can do whatever they want, i don't want to fight a war for kikes, thats not why i was born gawt dammit!! i am fine and am not harming anyone getting high and masturbating all day :(

>> No.13761072
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>tfw 30yr old boomer but still fitter than 99% of this board
enjoy dying for kikes zoomie scum

>> No.13761084

in ww2 they recruited up to age 45. fuck you, you're coming with us!!

>> No.13761115
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Mfw just got medically discharged from the Army

>> No.13761194

>how can I avoid a military draft?
Leave America, even the permeant residences have to register for the draft.
Maybe look into Contract law...find out the rules of the contract...Can they force you to contact? Is that not Involuntary Servitude (proper slavery)? I though 'Merica was free.
>anyone know anything useful about that?
Canada & Mexico are both nice...Canada more so obviously
>I don't feel like fighting wars for Israel.
What are you going to do about it?

I have been hoping for the Zoomerocalypse

>> No.13761231

Only your LES pay is tax-free. Still have to pay taxes on other incomes.

>> No.13761241

idk, probably take off if i ever get that notice, fuck them, mexico does sounds nice.

>> No.13761249

>dying is not fucking profitable.
What is the military Industrial complex?
>in ww2 they recruited up to age 45
kek, the quality of this board is going up!

>> No.13761250

Tell them you're a tranny

>> No.13761265
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We're fucked, aren't we?

>> No.13761287

>Tell them you're a tranny
OP will become apart of operation tranny shield, the FIRST line of defence

>> No.13761317

Pretty sure schizophrenia/psychosis means youre not allowed near a gun.

>> No.13761338

INSIST on being called 'Private Pile'

>> No.13761347

Baja here mate. Used to do data mining for a startup in San diego till I go laid off. Got a telecommute job but make and tents expensive as fuck. So like many others I live in Rosarito in mexico 30mons from the border 2 blocks from the water. A huge fucking house for $800. A 2 bedroom apt in san diego is $1500 btw. Im still practically a hermit tho lol. But quite a bit of white people and ukranians for some reason.

>> No.13761831


>> No.13761880

Also, be extra (and vocally) curious about when you’ll be issued live grenades and what the blast radius of said grenades is

>> No.13761918

Audible KEK

>> No.13762500

War is fucked up and only the wealthy people really profit from it. Just fight for Freedom by Start taking Aktion for Peace. People organize against this Organised Crime

>> No.13762658

Join the Air Force ASAP, they have no non-Special Forces combat troops, and in the draft they are the ones who always draft the fewest. If you're sent to war, it'll be to an air conditioned office in a friendly nearby country fucking around on a computer.

>> No.13762695

> I don't feel like fighting wars for Israel.
Just say this. Anti-Semitism disqualifies goyim from service, because they know you are capable of refusing orders.

>> No.13762707

are you sure about that?

>> No.13762708

This. the chairforce is the best way to go.

>> No.13762732

nah, i don't fucking want to do any of it. my hair is over 2 feet long, i got a taliban beard, im, not cutting my hair to take orders from some stupid kike loving faggots.

>> No.13762735

Llllllllmao if you join open general you can wind up as a fuels guy, loader, military police, or other horrible jobs with 14 hour days while deployed.

>> No.13762749

they are literally all faggots, the military is the gayest damn thing ive seen other than bohemian grove.

>> No.13762780

Just tell them you know all about the Nuremberg trials!

>> No.13762782

Nobody is going to draft your stupid ass, dumbfuck. Even if they did you can just go to Canada and resume your pot smoking retard commie lifestyle there.

>> No.13762799
File: 111 KB, 680x636, pinkwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what good would that do? ill just tell them I aint goin!

>> No.13762819

i hate fucking commies, don't you ever disrespect me like that again you piece of shit!

>> No.13762832

Just be 30, anon.

>> No.13762844

The Nuremberg trials were about following orders that ppl knew where wrong! i.e you DON'T have to follow orders that you think are morally wrong. i.e murder

>> No.13763227

Relocate retard, that's how I avoided draft I poland

>> No.13763242

but what about my family?

>> No.13763307
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Pretend to be insane and be forced to being committed to a mental institution. Then you are barred from buying guns that require a background check. You could show your record to the selective service if they come for you.

> Heh, you guys would be insane to give me, a previously institutionalized faggot access to firearms

There you go OP. Heads up, even though you didn't 'ask for it' getting committed will still be billed in your name, so have insurance, it will still be thousands. Better than fighting and dying for Israel, for sure.

>> No.13763350

Priorities, my dude priorities.

>> No.13763351

no, this is also a stupid answer. next!

>> No.13763368


>> No.13763745

go to a psychologist and get diagnosed with autism and adhd since you probably already have it

>> No.13763770

Well I don't think there is an answer that suits you. 26 is the age that the selective service draft goes up to. But in a big war they can go much higher. Nazi Germany took men as high as the age of 60.

If the Congress and all really wanted to I suppose they could get rid of all draft dodging methods, making only suicide the only foolproof avoidance of this situation.

>> No.13763863

Can you be declared unfit for service if you're weak and/or fat?
Start bulking

>> No.13763883

no they have special programs for both lmao.

>> No.13763893

do illegal spics have to serve?

>> No.13764602
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Rejoyce, and get ready to die for Israel anon. It's your american birth right.

>> No.13764621

no fuck you anon. go fight and die ya little bitch. I'm too old to be drafted! hahahahahaha get fukt you little bitch zoomer! have fund dying in the desert!

>> No.13764654
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>> No.13764685

Why burgers can't never stay quiet?
Too sugar maybe?

>> No.13764725

I’m pretty old for draft standards and have had knee surgery with most of the cartilage in that knee missing. I think I’m safe

>> No.13764769

The Germans only started conscripting the very young and the very old when they decided to fight a war on both fronts and the Russians threw wave after wave after wave at them. Also, buy chainlink

>> No.13764771
File: 619 KB, 1242x996, 44B7E187-43DE-488E-8030-69722FD6E248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to die for Israel goyim.

>> No.13764878


buy Chainlink

>> No.13764892

there is no war with iran brainlet. it's just trump flexing to have the jews support for reelection.

>> No.13765267

Hey guys, just in case.. If there is a war with Iran... How do I make profit from that?

>> No.13765315
File: 793 KB, 2560x1600, 1556473637226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skitzo here trying to get in so me and my shadow man can rain hell

>> No.13765336

double kek