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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 572x132, LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13760440 No.13760440 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a story. It's January 2017 and ETH is around $15. I have 20k saved up and am torn between different ETF's, and am questioning how much to have in cash vs. in the market. I post on /biz asking what I should do with my 20k. Almost everyone said, go all-in on ETH. I thought to myself, what the fuck is ETH, wow I'm not a fucking retard, that is so risky, and not to mention the financial elite will never let ETH significantly rise in value. Fast forward a few months and ETH is around $300, and I am back at /biz suddenly paying real attention to the high iq posts. Many of those January people Made It.

Fast forward to today and if you make the same post asking what to do with your money, /biz, in the same way, will tell you to go all-in on LINK. I don't know exactly when the first price singularity will be, but LINK will go 20x in those few days, and it could happen at any time. And the crazy part is that will just be the beginning.

>> No.13760473


Yea well this is the exact reason why link will never moon

>> No.13760478

Here is one high iq post for you:

Sucky sucky one linky
icky icky stinky brappy
sergy nazy winky sucky
linky stinky you peepee

>> No.13760510


>> No.13760515


mouth-breather iq posts

>> No.13760531

Link is a scam for newfags speaking of which you should go all-in link

>> No.13760538

Go all-in on ChainLink; in a couple of years, your only regret shall be not having bought even more LINK with every red cent you could borrow or scrape together somehow.

>> No.13760575

go all in link

>> No.13760579

biz got lucky once. wont happen again. the next big thing will come from some obscure forum. like moms with ethnic children forum or something along those lines.

>> No.13760586
File: 7 KB, 231x219, FC4C6457-D0AB-4014-954E-85418F0E57EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being all in link already

>> No.13760599

/biz/ shilled antshares too

>> No.13760656


This wtf 4chan is known to be a notorious trolling image board so you tell me this mister, why the fuck would anyone here wan't you to get rich? You are just deluded, and it reads straight out of your post.
Everybody says go all in in every pajeet tier cones, you are just deluded man get some help.

>> No.13760673

i invest in Link and even i can detect this is top fucking shilling

>> No.13760688

The thing is about 4chan, total anonymity allows for ideas with merit to bubble to the top.

>> No.13760725

LINK will do well, it won't do what ETH will do.
ETH pumped on speculation, it was the first easily accessible programmable crypto. The price pumped due to speculation of it's use and the ICO craze.

LINK is less hype-friendly, and people will have to wait for it's utility/true value to pump the price, which will be a couple of years.

>> No.13760750

I'm not deluded at all retard. I'm perfectly aware that LINK is a high-risk investment that has a completely non-insignificant risk of failure. That said, it's also a terrific investment.

Pajeets like you shill every coin there is yeah, but few projects reach actual meme status and also have high-iq shillposts. ETH and LINK are the 2 huge ones

>> No.13760752

tell yourself that...

>> No.13760766

hello, buy matic sir

>> No.13760775

i've got a 75k stack fren, just being realistic. It'll do a 10x from current prices this year I think, I'd be surprised if it breaks 15-20 USD though.

>> No.13760781

yes, the ones with merit get adopted and then they're regurgitated over and over (like you're doing now) until there's enough of a release, or rather a culmination, of its pent-up energy.
Link mooning to double digits and stabilizing there would be such an event.
After that, chatter around it would slowly die down (like it did with eth), and a new idea would slowly take root.

>> No.13760787

People give good advice sometimes because they want to be right, they love being able to say 'I told you so'
Sure there's people looking to dump on you or make you miss out on a good thing sometimes but there's always a couple autists who will stop at nothing to prove themselves right

>> No.13760788

to clarify, I think this will be due to some big name real companies seen actively testing/using LINK on the network, not due to real adoption. Smart contracts currently are fucking useless as ETH is a piece of shit. Once LINK integrates with blockstack, then it'll get interesting..

>> No.13760820

You do see that you're basing your numbers on what you need to become a millionaire though right? It's just as likely that we could hit $5 or $50. Don't forget that even a shitcoin like EOS hit a $20 billion market cap in the middle of the bear market. We're not in a bear market, and Link isn't a shitcoin.

>> No.13760862

This. The people who will get the richest from link are the ones who believe and understand it the most. Everyone else will sell for much too little

>> No.13760866
File: 1.74 MB, 1080x1080, 1514464138531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't /b/ where people are going out of their way to trick/harm you using your own stupidity.
When someone is being deceitful, you can usually spot it and the sarcasm is pretty self evident as well.
There are some good faggots here, nevermind the toughboy facades. Ofc there are always lowlifes present. Like BSV shills.

>> No.13760904

i only bought 200 dollars worth of link in nov 2017, but i bought 2k worth of monetha and req... fuck me

>> No.13760912


Everyone who told you to go all in on ETH back then made millions and no longer come to biz

The ones left here are those who didn't make it. These are the ones shilling link to you now. Why on earth would you listen to them

>> No.13760992

I bought LINK in the presale in fall 2017 lmao. Held ever since. /biz advice isn't dependent on any handful of individuals. There're always going to be the thought leaders who show up enough to drive the collective mind. They may not be in every thread but /biz is never 100% adrift

>> No.13761164

T. Link marine fudding his own shit

>> No.13761176

Anyone making posts like this is a newfag.

>> No.13761460

Pee poo

>> No.13761557

But that's wrong. Assblaster was an oldfag.

>> No.13761564 [DELETED] 

There's no need. Reg already did.

>> No.13761981
File: 184 KB, 1300x1500, 1527689169258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you're not telling us anything that we don't know. It seems to be the case that you're coming to understand the power of /biz/ hivemind.