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File: 15 KB, 273x247, 1467854245837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1376012 No.1376012 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you see all your former classmates get good jobs and become more successful than you

>> No.1376017

> tfw I didnt grow up in social media and don't need others being envious of my lifestyle

>> No.1376018

You don't know what anything about them besides what you see on they're profiles

They could be up to their ass in debt and drug addictions.

If doesn't matter anyway. Just focus on yourself

>> No.1376042

Most of my classmates are military cucks, minimumwager at moms momshouse, homeless on drugs, moved to some state like arizona cause too poor to live in california, a few people got into software and are doing alright, nothing really notable. I'm probably on par with the software people for now.

>> No.1376053

>See this kid posting from SanFran in a super plush working space
>Get bummed thinking everyone is doing better than me
>today he writes a post how he's an addict
Everyone is unhappy one way or another. Still doesn't help my desire to be better than my peers

>> No.1376065
File: 286 KB, 1280x960, 1299397875306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please no.

What are you doing currently, work/money wise?

>> No.1376072

I'm a teacher. This is my 3rd year and I realize $40k a year isn't making me happy enough.
Just looking where/how to start. I literally just came here from /pol/ 3 mins ago looking to start.
Maybe stocks? Start a small business? Buy and rent houses idk.
How bout you friend

>> No.1376079

I do some remote IT support for 50k/yr in SF, but i only work about 6hrs a week most of the time. Trying to start a robotics company, barrier of entry is high cause prototypes cost money just for parts but I'm getting there.
What level do you teach at? I'd consider moving to Orange County CA, teachers usually make at least 60k/yr for some reason. Where are you located now? All i can say is don't ever fall for memestocks on /biz, when it becomes a meme it's usually too late.

>> No.1376084

I'm savy enough on 4chan, been here a damn near decade, but know dick about stocks. I'm already seeing things plastered here on memestocks lol.
Yeah it's all based on the schools. I literally work at the lowest paying Alt school (behavior problem kids) in the state. Yet a high income area school could pay another 20k. It's a very competitive field what school you get. And I teach middle school special ed, basically day care for kids who won't do any work.
At least you have a focus and working towards it with robotics.
Thanks for the advice boss

>> No.1376089
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Damn man, thats rough. Hopefully, good chance this thing could take a shit all over my financial future. Good luck friend, don't let the jewish tricks get you on the way out.

>> No.1376091

You work 6 hours most weeks, from home doing remote IT support and make 50k y/r?


>> No.1376092

You're committed enough spending your free time here too though
You're a good man. Good things will come

>> No.1376095

>still live at home six years after graduating high school
>entire high school class, even the high achievers and valedictorians, are currently working menial jobs and haven't contributed one notable thing to the world
>tfw we're all losers in the end

I can only sit here and be comfy.

Has anyone here ever had a highly successful person among their graduation class?

>> No.1376101
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Well not entirely remote, but i do operations at a nearby site and have to go in maybe once a week for a bit unless there's some project or installation or outage, I'm on call but shit rarely happens and if it does 90% of the time it's the ISP shitting the bed. A lot of it is just being on call.

We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.1376116
File: 84 KB, 455x427, 1432998965946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a fucking teacher... with a college degree I'm guessing. Right? In California and you only make 40k? I'm a cop in OKC with a high school diploma and I make 56k? Where is the justice in that?

>> No.1376119
File: 32 KB, 448x545, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in NY where teachers do pretty well.
I actually started at $37k.
I have a masters actually...
Won't see me dinduing in the streets, just looking to do better bro. I'd say both our jobs are under mass scrutiny too. pls stay safe out there

>> No.1376123
File: 666 KB, 300x225, down by the river.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talked down to throughout school
>retard! idiot! dumbass!
>now making 94k a year
>every now and then see old class mates
>those that havent died are all working at Walmart, or McDonalds, the only one that actually has a semi job is a IT guy working at a a school making 50k a year

ahahaha, i outdid them all! strange that 7 of them got Leukemia and got snuffed out that way but oh well the world is shit and then you die

>> No.1376129

What's your background as far as education and experience to land that gig?

>> No.1376140

I went to a fairly prestigious school, yet I'm outperforming most of my classmates with a rather mediocre job. The real world has been a pretty huge disappointment for my generation.

>> No.1376156

Curious about this too. Live near LA and work as a junior sys admin. Been wanting to move to San Fran and get some remote work.

>> No.1376158

>strange that 7 of them got Leukemia

Did you all go to Three Mille Island Elementary, or what?
Class trip to Chernobyl?

>> No.1376246

>tfw you are your own boss

No more hectic clock-in schedules for me

>> No.1376481

Your a fucking teacher in the USA moron. Is there a less respected position? I'm surprised they pay you as much as they do. Fuck your career choice. My father used to say this when he was alive. If you can't do anything else in this world you can be a teacher or a cop. Enjoy your stipends cockmuncher. I take it all back if you have fucked at least one of your students.

>> No.1376503
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tfw joining the military was the best decision out of everyone's wagecucks jobs and still cant find a job after their 4-year degree deb sittong on their shoulders. I have 2 other friends in the military as well and we are just stress free. My dad did 29 years and he makes 40k a year in retirement, what a life

>> No.1376544
File: 24 KB, 409x409, 1360259763709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated with a BS in Computer Engineering which isn't really applicable, and i got a CCNA sometime in 2009. I'm pretty comfy and i have time to work on my side shit but fuck living in SF is expensive.

>> No.1376551

Forgot to add, past experience was some freelance IT and retail helpdesk at fucking Staples, never do this.

>> No.1376554

cops in canada make 150k
teachers in canada make 100k
>they continue to ask for raises every year and more benefits meanwhile the economy is in the shitter and everyone who's not a social servant either gets a pay cut or loses their job.

>> No.1376567


You might live near a Uranium slag heap. No shit, they're all over the USA and not known about. But there was almost certainly something going on in your neighborhood regardless. Keep getting checked up man.

>> No.1376573

>fucking where? Maybe as a chief but constables here make average 90k

>> No.1376576
File: 7 KB, 212x238, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intellectual for the military

>> No.1376588

a cop browsing 4chan?

do you /pol?

>> No.1376612


>Tfw not a neurotic woman bitterly monitoring all close acquaintances and feigning my own extravagant lifestyle

>> No.1376630

I went to a pretty prestigious high school where a lot of the wealthy and smart families would send their kids.

A lot of them did quite well. Off the top of my head:

One became a member of parliament last year (I'm 30 now and so are they)

One girl became an international fashion model.

MY crush is now a lawyer.

One guy runs a bank branch. Other guy works as a lawyer for major accounting firm.

One guy is an engineer for some German turbine company.

I know another dude works on a boat in the Baltic fishing herring, one is a high voltage outdoor electrician, a couple of them are programmers doing God knows what (no one has seen or heard from them in years), one dude became a guitarist for some local band and the girls with big tits all got married early and had kids.

My cohort did pretty good desu. They were a nice group of people. Mind you, none of them even experimented with drugs.

I"m a fucking salesman just about to finish my goddamn degree.

>> No.1376650

>You don't know what anything about them besides what you see on they're profiles

Yup, I dont keep any social media except for an instagram that i just post photos and never check them again. I know ex's and old acquaintances check it.

It has photos of me when I was a military officer for a year doing all sorts of badass stuff.

Got kicked out for steroid use. Then worked an office job I was not truly capable of so got let go from that. Now Im sitting home all day while people think Im leading men into combat and wearing uniforms to fancy dinners.

Dont believe it all man.

>> No.1376659

You only work 3/4 of the year though correct?

You figure public accounting pays maybe like 55k entry level? But they work 70 hour weeks for a 1/3 of the year. Then stay busy the rest of the year also.

That something Ive noticed in salary now, try to calculate it from what hours are worked. In my old office job I would have taken 40k for 40 hours a week rather than 55 hours for 50k like I was getting.

Being a cop is a danger money (in theory) seeing people at their worst can demand a middle class wage.

Enlisted make poverty tier wages and its not an easy job unless youre some chair force fag or something.

doubtful you could make officer buddy, look into it.

>> No.1376660

look at the sunshine list, constables easy at minimum make 100k+ and most are hovering around 130k

>> No.1376663

There was even a news report I heard once where this chief wanted the sunshine list raised to 150k so that not so many cops would be on the list. As if that would defeat the purpose of the list.

>> No.1376687
File: 143 KB, 1152x931, westchester county police salary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but have a look at this

this was obviously as it said due to them taking the municipality to court over backpay and winning, but the westchester county police are surprisingly well paid considering they're mostly just highway patrol.

Though I don't actually know how many years of service are required to advance from one step to the next bear in mind that this pic shows BASE pay so it doesn't have things like overtime or bonuses for working at night, on weekends, in an elite unit, etc.

>> No.1376692

Isn't Canada's money kinda like monopoly money though?

>> No.1376695


>> No.1376700

1.3CAD to one USD, so that 150,000 would be 115,000 if exchanged

but that only tells part of the story since the cost of living may not actually reflect that.

>> No.1376733

Is getting the ccna worth it? That's what I'm working on right now. But I hear different things on its actual value

>> No.1376734

>didn't know where I wanted to live in time to apply, didn't have a job lined up out of college
>hear classmates talk about their jobs lined up, get a bit depressed for a while
>I spend a few months after graduation on moving to an area I like and dicking around
>not sweating it because estimated starting salary is 50k and there are tons of jobs available
>former classmates get good jobs right out of college in the same area they went to school
>they also sign up for car loans, the biggest apartment/house they can afford, and 5000 other luxuries
>spend every cent they make
>their net cash from ops is 0
>I can live on 20k
>if I make 50 that's about 25k after tax free cash to invest

Literally working hard, not smart. Nothing to envy.

>> No.1376742

yeah but the avg median income is 60k which means 30k individually.

>> No.1376744

except they have a job and you don't

>> No.1376755

Nah I already have a bigboy job. Thanks for playing soldier though.
>crankin dat intensifies

>> No.1376815


I'll get a job eventually. I'm not in danger of running out of money so it doesn't matter. It's actually been less than two months. I wanted to make sure I moved somewhere I want to live, not just take any job offer for any shithole that comes my way. I've actually turned down a few job offers because I didn't like them; I'm not desperate.

>> No.1376870

>I'm a teacher
>I literally just came here from /pol/
I feel sick to my stomach, mass amounts of children shouldn't be allowed to be subjected to this.

>> No.1376932

>ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I literally cant even.

>> No.1376941

Anon, why are you jealous of them getting a good job? Why not make the jobs?

>> No.1376981


But children being brainwashed with cultural marxism and 99% politically liberal teachers is just fine and dandy? Fine with white children literally being taught to hate themselves and their culture and that they're racist by virtue of existence, and boys being taught they're all rapists from birth? kys

>> No.1376982

>always one of the "smart kids" in school
>went to top tier uni
>due to laziness and fear, end up working factoryshit at age 27
>the dumb ass "chads" and "stacies" from high school have much better and professional jobs than you

im such a waste. i think my parents even hate me too

>> No.1377026


I'm kind of like you but 24

>> No.1377059

No uni, 35 working low wage....an hero soon

>> No.1377077

No offense but what do people like you DO instead of college? Like I am the biggest loser on the planet and I have a masters degree. If you did a trade you should be doing that until death like some WWII vet, so just watching anime really?

Oh well sorry for being so insulting guess I just wanted to honestly know what went wrong.

>> No.1377083

Were any of them friends, or friendly? The best way to get a job is a recommendation from an employee, and keeping it by having someone you enjoy working with. Start looking at it as opportunities.

>> No.1377085

>have BS/MS in Mathematics
>told that companies will be crawling for me

Turns out it was a gigantic lie. Companies aren't calling for me at all.

Majoring in math is a mistake unless you have a strong applied minor or double major.

I've had academic management and teaching jobs, but nothing in anything I've wanted. Teaching myself C++ though and I signed up for an algorithms class, so I'm getting there.

All of my c++ projects are math based, though. Just finished writing a program that can row reduce 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 matrices.

>> No.1377096

They attempt college/trade but are too beta to finish anything.

Many of them fap all day and are constantly in a mental fog.

Some of them are just retards.

>> No.1377105

Can you do statistics?

What do you actually want? What did you envisage? Some sort of think tank where you sit around with other boffins solving the world's problems?

>> No.1377107

One of my former classmates is about to get into the NBA next year

>> No.1377122

>the smart but lazy meme
no, you're just not as smart as you think

>> No.1377133

Kill yourself

>> No.1377144

>couple of people got into engineering jobs
>one sells some sort of medical devices
>one sells used cars
>one repairs planes (like a technician/trade job) after getting through engineering
>one sessional tutor and freelancer
>most of the others have no professional job after graduation
>most working retail/fast food
>some attractive girls working reception/admin

Cunt's fucked.

>> No.1377152

I can do stats, but it wasn't my primary focus.

Right now, I want to get into applied STEM; specifically, engineering. Control systems and weapon development.

I envisioned something similar to what you described, but also thought that I could be integrated into an engineering firm with my math background and make a contribution there.

My uncle, who is also a (retired) mathematician, did just that. He acquired a BS in math and he applied to an engineering firm which hired him right out of school. He was taught everything on the job and he led a team of engineers. He eventually acquired his MS during that time.

I recently spoke with some guys at Lockheed at a college fair earlier this year and some of them were math majors. They were thrilled about my resume and transcript(s), talked it over with the big wigs and called me up later, saying that they can't offer me anything. They want full on engineers.

10+ years ago, math majors were in demand a fuckton because people would hire them for anything. That's why it was always recommended. Math majors could sneak their way into applied fields because of the degree itself. Since everything is so specialized, that demand isn't needed anymore and there's no point in on-the-job training.

Look at Wall St. Wall St. used to hire math/phys PhDs to work as quants exclusively. Now, there are financial math degree programs Wall St. can cherrypick from; they don't need to exclusively look at math/phys PhD candidates. There are now MFEs walking around on Wall St. That's a relatively new degree.

It used to be, "hey I do math" and people would fall all over you. Now, it's "hey I do math" and you're given chalk or the actuary exam.

>> No.1377173

Maybe you're just not an attractive candidate. All these fucking excuses and it's probably all your own fault as a result of being a mediocre turd.

Nah, that couldn't possibly be it. The world is just totes against you and all your snowflake buddies.

>> No.1377184

Have you thought about things like data science? Seems to make good money.

Your best bet is to work your way into some sort of tech based role. Seems to be one of the few fields these days where the demand for good employees isn't being met.

Maybe you can get some software development/computer science experience and work your way over into working on software systems for weapons?

>> No.1377204

It almost guarantees a job to some extent, if you have prior IT then you don't need to do entry level usually, it's easy enough that id say it's worth it.

>> No.1377217

Thanks for the pep talk, but I'm not the only math major in this conundrum. All of my math major friends were/are in this conundrum as well, even those with stellar resumes and backgrounds. People with 3.8+ GPAs, extracurriculars in college, working summers, etc.

Some eventually went into TFA (Teach for America), others went into grad school for their math PhD and left the job market, and a handful of others went into web/software development.

My resume isn't exactly the greatest, but I look around at people who have similar academic backgrounds as myself and I know there's more to it. Why the hostility on your part, though? Go to /b/ with that shit.
>Data Science
I've thought about it, but I don't know if I could do that for 30+ years of my life. Not into the field that much.

I'm currently working part time as a tutor for this company which pays me a good hourly wage ($60/hr). Through them, I've been able to introduce things like programs I wrote to row reduce, find slopes/lines, factor quadratic equations, etc. I'm building all these programs and will upload it to git. It's not overly impressive, but at least shows I know some of the basics.

>> No.1377234

It's almost like the market is saturated because people told each of you snowflakes to go to college instead of digging a ditch or something.

It's a globalized world. Any math you took and spent thousands learning can be learned by some indian who reads wiki and khan academy while he poos. Either put yourself ahead of the competition or invest heavily in knee pads because your sob story and uploading literal cs 101 projects to github (lol rref) aren't going to do anything for you.

>uh oh he's telling me what I don't want to hear. better tell him to go to /b/

oops i meant to say just be urself, m8. I'm sure someone will throw you a bone eventually.

>> No.1377237


One of my high school classmates is currently a star sports player and nationally recognized.

Considering most of them go broke within 3 years of retirement it's nothing to envy.

>> No.1377248

It wasn't a sob story. The point of this thread is to discuss how we are not as financially secure/ successful as we want to be in our lives at this point. Your actions are akin to some asshole barging into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and telling us we're all fucked up.

We get it. We know.

> Either put yourself ahead of the competition
I'm doing this by proactively learning programming. I understand that my projects are beginner level, but everyone has to start somewhere. What the fuck do you expect me to do? Just learn 4yrs+ of CS knowledge in a day? It takes time.

Fuck off, man. Your posts are nothing but cruel insults and filled with denigration. You gain nothing from insulting me like this when I already feel depressed as it is.

>> No.1377251

Also, tell me, Oh Great One, what you would do since you're such a fucking master?

>> No.1377258

easy, just be a trust fund baby

>> No.1377268

this thought process literally halts all progress in the US

>> No.1377269


Which one is it, cupcake? Do you want me to leave you alone because you're too much of a pussy to handle comments from anonymous internet posters? Or do you want me to tell you what I'd do in your shit sniffing situation that you're already balls deep in?

>> No.1377271

all lies

>> No.1377274

Tell me what you'd do. Go on.

>> No.1377310

become a quant you dumb shit

>> No.1377314

you have to get a PHD in math, then you'll get a 300K starting salary doing any job you want

>> No.1377328

move country to a smaller player thats still a financial player, Montreal, Dublin, Seol, Sydney, etc and get a quant job there. these places still take pure maths grads. learn to fucking code. seriously the idea a uni let you graduate math without coding skills is insane. After a few years of experience, move on again to another financial player, this time a bigger. Singapore for example. Cement your skillset, get an MBA and then return home. make the changes you want in life

>> No.1377331

Sunshine list says otherwise bud.

>> No.1377341


Well since you asked nicely; I'd learn to apply my math skills to something worth a shit rather than being a tutor or stuck in academia in perpetuity. Preferably in a field that's expected to see growth, provide you mobility, and be universally desired. Now what's something that fits that description... OH, the geo-sciences. Turns out they're mellow jobs with good pay (not wall st but comfy), tons of mobility, and nothing but growing demand as other parts of the world start to get their shit together in terms of simple things such as providing water for their citizens for example.

Next I'd beef up my programming skills (no, not by uploading "hello world" to github and demanding accolades) by learning to think like a programmer. Read knuth and SICP instead of asking "wat programming language should i learn".

So now you know how a bit about how to program (read: not code), you can do math, and you're somewhat versed in something that's actually in demand and not being actively farmed out to pajeets or the lowest bidder. It's not the sexiest life but it beats the fuck out of your daydreaming about being the next prodigy at raytheon or something and you can go pretty much anywhere with it providing you're smart enough to do unit conversions.

Good luck, faggot.

>> No.1377396

>Sunshine list
individual instances of high level workers =/= median wage most employees can expect

>> No.1377486

with that attitude of course you're gonna be median dog shit. I'm just saying people in private industry as "workers" don't get the same part of the pie to work from.

>> No.1377571


It doesn't really matter if our peers are doing better than us at this point in time. There's efficiency of spending, investment effectiveness, and career progress. Difference between 20+2x or 5+5x. Difference between 100 income 90 spending or 50 income 20 spending. I think a lot of people in this thread are just late bloomers but will one day be better off. Most people don't know shit about finance/investing but /biz/ sort of mostly does sometimes.

>> No.1377695

Do you mind if I ask what industry? Close to being in your shoes and will graduate with ~20k. I'm almost guaranteed 2 job offers, and will probably get more, but I'm not that excited about my industry any more.

I am honestly considering doing a bit of travel to find a location that I like and then start my job search there.

>> No.1377702

>not really sure how well everyone is doing since im only 2 years out of school and everyone worth a damn is still in college
everyone who didnt go to school is having an experience similar to mine

>> No.1377720

Says a dink on a shitcoin shill forum.

>> No.1377722

I am a 6'4 manager at wendys who makes 11 inches per year and has a $250,00.

Perhaps my former classmates thought it was fun to bully me but if they hadn't perhaps I would hire them as janitors. But seeing as that isn't the case they can deal with their mistakes.

>> No.1377778


Accounting degree, hate accounting, trying for finance that is neither sales nor day trading. I'm thinking more of loan/mortgage industry, analyst jobs, or something to do with budgeting. I had an interview for private accounting in a small firm but didn't like it, had offers for sales jobs.

I had 10k. Bother is I have student loans so I have 4 more months until I need a job.

I'd recommend travel, dude. I didn't have the leisure so I just picked a city, thankfully it worked out and I like it here. Definitely take a month or two and travel to a few places that might be cool before you settle down.

>> No.1377867

yeah its poverty tier 24k, but you pay no bills and you get no taxes and free medical/dental. If you don't think that's worth than you're an idort

>> No.1378081

I'm a tutor who refers my students to other tutors who specialise in particular areas.
I then take a cut.
>"Senpai, I want to learn Japanese"
>Okay, I'll ask Anon-kun
>Oi Anon-cunt, how's it going?
>Sweet as your mothers arse. How can I help ya?
>Got a weabo who want's to learn chink moon runes. Parents are fucking loaded m8
>Yeah sure. 2%5 as usual?
>You know it.
>Yeah, send him through Thursday.
>Too easy.
>"Oh thank you senpai! uguu"
>No worries, I always have my students best interests at heart.

I'm now tutoring a kid who's parent make millions but are never home.
I'm his dad now.

>> No.1378356
File: 15 KB, 165x156, 1279716871090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I just graduated a month ago with a Business Administration degree, and I'm quickly finding that when companies want a marketer, what they really what is a sales rep who will be a glorified telemarketer.

I spent almost all my electives taking marketing courses cause shit like B2B and advertising was interesting but I am having trouble weeding through all the companies who want sales reps.

Really not sure where I should go from here, and its only made worse by the fact that my friends all landed solid jobs working in IT or nursing. Luckily I worked full time all through college and have 30k on the bank, and my current sales job covers my monthly expenses.

Any /biz/nessman have any protips? Other types of jobs I could explore with my degree?

>> No.1378488

Holy shit you are such a weak pathetic faggot

Enjoy your life of mediocritity

>> No.1378619

>Yes, ban right wing views in schools! only PC liberal progressive views that teach you it's okay to mutilate your genitals and pretend to be a girl are okay!

>> No.1378625
File: 198 KB, 1031x866, sanfranrent2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50k/yr in SanFran

>> No.1378635

>MS in Mathematics
>not doing data science

What the fuck are you doing in c++? Go to python you dumb shit.

>> No.1379472

python is like reddit: the programming language

>> No.1379508

You are a hiro. :^)

>> No.1379626

You need a marketing degree for many marketing positions today. Its not something you can just take quick course in, then you certainly misinterpreted what a marketer outside of telemarketing does. I got a degree in marketing and they want people who are basically experts at selling an idea or a concept. Doesn´t matter if the product is bullshit, the idea might sound good and thats enough for a sale. Keep in mind though, there are so many different types of marketing jobs. Researcher, assistant, coordinater, stakeholder relations, CSR, PR, HR, internal communications, storywriting and even journalism. The field is very broad.

I though Biz Admin only had very little marketing in it and more economics`

>> No.1380074


Kek you're so fucking delusional. You sound like one of those fat NEETs who go to /fit/ and talk shit about curl bros, but you're ok with that because you're going to "start going to the gym next week."

Get a job faggot.

>> No.1380185

That's an expensive area, but i pay 1200/mo for 350 sqft including utilities, so somewhat better but not gr8.

>> No.1380191

Do you live in somolia or something?

>> No.1380234

>learn how to write code at 9
>never go to school
>hack code 24/7
>start two businesses
>drop out of school
>raking cash

Fast forward to now:
>still raking cash
>about to start another business
>live rent free
>drive a hooptie
>pretend to be broke
>spend money on useless shit like food and cigarettes but nothing else aside from investments / trading for something to do
>hoard the remainder like a jew
>watch everyone fall for the marriage meme
>watch everyone show off relentlessly about how "awesome" their life is
>don't care

Money doesn't make you happy. It doesn't change anything. People just love to put everyone's face in their asshole just to _feel_ better. It's extremely effeminate, at least to me, to want to look like a desirable person twenty-four-fucking-seven.

I hoard money to make sure that my family is okay when I eventually an hero.

>> No.1380253

>fantasy: the post(s)

He's trying to increase his quality of well being, not kill himself in 10 years. What the fuck are you both thinking? Honestly, from what I can tell, you both don't have ANY experience in programming whatsoever. The suggestions you're both making are down syndrome level of mental retardation.

>> No.1380266

atleast your honest about the an hero part

grats for making it though without the normal route

>> No.1380275

Thanks. I admit, it does get staggeringly lonely sometimes, but I'm not going to reduce myself to an a BLOO BLOO BLOO victim.

>> No.1380306

yeh the lonliness thing is something money cant buy directly. even poor beyond poor people can live without being lonely

>> No.1381212

>I admit, it does get staggeringly lonely sometimes,

I can be your friend. If you're in SanFran/Berkeley area