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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13751667 No.13751667 [Reply] [Original]

Who here bought linkies when people made fun of us.

I bought my stack at 20 cents.

I am comfy.

I don't work. I watch anime all day.

I am planning what house I want to buy and where I am going to travel.

feels good.

>> No.13751674

how many link do you own

>> No.13751696
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>> No.13751734


I always bought during periods of maximum FUD. I actually bought Link at the ATL on the ETH charts as well.

>> No.13751760
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>stinky linkies are mentally challenged incel weeb homos
Not surprising really

>> No.13751770

I button hovered 120,000 20 cent in July, but instead spread across a meme portfolio that I stopped out at $6,000 loss in August. Even if i'd sold early at 40 cents before the December crash (a x2 when everything else bled 90%) .....

I button hovered 150,000 in December when everyone was losing their minds. I bought other shitcoins instead that have barely moved.

I am truly the worlds justed man.

>> No.13751788

Did you sell now that it reached the $1 softcap?

>> No.13751805


Can I live in your mansion bro. I have 20k.

>> No.13751839

Of course I bought, I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.13751949

I bought 1200 when it was 20cents.
Bought a little more 70-90cents range.
I know I'm not gonna make it, but at least I am a marine.

>> No.13751975

Is is too late to buy? Only got 1600

>> No.13752021
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>remember when my stack of 23k was quite a lot
>all these people posting their massive stacks


>> No.13752035

Too late, sorry. Sergey has left the station.

>> No.13752099

I pussied out on an extra 40k@25c. Still have 40k+ but feeling quite silly now.

>> No.13752108

I progressively bought as it kept going up from December last year, average buy price is probably around 45c. Shoulda jsut went all in at the start and I'd have a bigger stack, but I'm comfy with my 10k.

>> No.13752145


This, I have a 10k linkstack and some 0.5 shitcoone stack intended to chase pumps for LINK. The think is, LINK left the station and my cone hasnt pumped yet.
I'm still comfy as fuck

>> No.13752160
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