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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13747275 No.13747275 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW You have powerful knowledge that could make you rich but you have literally 0$ to invest because you're a student from a poor country with nothing.

I could have made it.

>> No.13747284

ill give you some money if you tell me what the opportunity is

>> No.13747288


>> No.13747295
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>tfw ur a shitposting faggot who invests 6K/month into criptoe

>> No.13747303

What do you mean by "what the opportunity is"?

>> No.13747307

Spill the beans. Gimme some of that venezuelan insider info.

>> No.13747318

investment opportunity

>> No.13747325
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Excuses. Work 80 hours a week, save 80% of income to build capital. You will find a way!

>> No.13747331
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Just buy Chainlink.

Diversity is good for the economy.

>> No.13747383

Just find someone to fund your project? If it actually is a great idea then it should be doable even if you live in poor country.

>> No.13747384

True. Life isn't fair and you must overcome the obstacles but I am in such a shitty position now.
>Am a student
>Paused college because my depression which I've had for about 8 years started getting to me really bad
>A lot of health issues started popping up both mental and physical
>Can't deal with any of it because I've had so many health issues since I was born
>I'm breaking down because enough is enough
>My psychiatrist is surprised I haven't killed myself

I guess there isn't any

>> No.13747419

Oh, sounded like you had some kind of business idea. If you're that smart can't you get a scholarship to do your master in a wealthy country? As far as I remember, some countries in Europe even let you attend college for free if you stay there and work for a few years afterwards.

>> No.13747439


I dropped out of college to invest in crypto. Youre a nutless queer. Enjoy your desk job faggot. Also im in America which is the worst place possible to do this.

>> No.13747443

I have a blockchain idea that I know will raise a lot of money. I'm looking at seed funding opportunities get devs, co-founders and basically trying to learn as I go. If you hustle and network, you can make it happen. I'm broke atm.

>> No.13747454

Well I did stop going to college because it's on pause. But I plan on dropping out because I can't think about anything except my health issues. It's really bad and I want to study and get a degree but I am a total wreck now. I need to fix my shit then continue with my life normally

>> No.13747471

Do you unironically think you're worse off than someone born in a country where wages are <10% of the US? You're delusional lol.

But yes, it's a waste of time to cry about how much better your life could be if only x, y and z.

>> No.13747493

You probably shouldn't drop out. I had to take a 2 year break from college too because of serious health issues. Now I'm back to studying and things are great.

Have tried taking any medications? If you're really depressed it might be worth it.

>> No.13747542

I am taking meds and talking to a psychiatrist. Also will go get an analysis by a psychologist as requested by other doctors. That's just the psychological stuff man. If only you knew about other shit. It's so much I can't be bothered to type a whole fucking essay here.
Long story short:
>brain tumor
>rare muscle disease
>digestion issues
>never recovered from brain tumor
>high blood pressure and very fast pulse
>hormone issues

Anon I'm only 20 I'm losing myself.

>> No.13747933

For gastro and allergies, look up mast cell activation. High histamine foods can make things worse, and interestingly also increase anxiety. Aged meat, aged cheese, red wine, crab etc.

I’m sorry to hear about your health difficulties, I was very sick around your age. I found my way, still a bit ill but nothing like before. Checkout the website selfhacked look up stuff like histamine, whatever cells caused your cancer, hormone stuff, its a good site that helped me. Try to eat fresh food, its a meme but for sick people it helps. Try a low histamine diet, its always good for allergies and digestion problems, and asthma. You want to decrease the total amount of histamine in your body. Asthma is a mast cell destabilization event

>> No.13747967

Look into the medical medium, Anthony Williams, seriously

>> No.13748445
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I hope your position gets better in the future.