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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 538 KB, 950x534, uploads%2Fstory%2Fthumbnail%2F7797%2FScreen_Shot_2016-05-04_at_10.47.52_AM.png%2F950x534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13738327 No.13738327 [Reply] [Original]

All other coins are garbage

Link is rendered useless

BSV or BTC as it will be again one-day will be traded against Fiat only.

All of these shitcoins are just Ponzi scemes

You shouldn't need matic or chainlink or any other shit coin in a sea of coins it's retarded

BSV Bitcoin does everything already. All you need is BSV and stocks in companies building on the metanet

>> No.13738597

Meanwhile you deluded shills keep selling your neet coins

>> No.13738644

pure delusion there bud. just keep on believing lying creg

>> No.13738782

Kek you will see soon

>> No.13738882

Indeed. Buy BSV anons

>> No.13738897

you fags have been saying this shit since the fork and all youve done is lose money. creg NEVER delivers

>> No.13738905

Lmao i'm starting to like these threads unironically

>> No.13739163

you have not DYOR at all have you

I was skeptical but once you go down the rabbit hole you realize the truth, the more you search the more you realize that BTC is KING the REAL BTC can do everything that all the shit coins try

Its so stupid to think otherwise and when Craig posts proof hes Satoshi its already too late

You have no idea the amount of dev going on while CZ is pumping shit tier coins

i feel bad for you

>> No.13739195
File: 1.81 MB, 2400x3000, Wizard_Craig01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right I got 20 replies earlier today with just a picture of our saviour Craig and some vague message.
Imagine the butthurt when he actually pulls trough.

>> No.13739235

Get stifffffffff

>> No.13739245

ive dmor plenty. sure it can do all those things but that doesnt change the fact that its a ridiculously insecure micro-minority hash fork that has burned bridges with anyone who would be remotely interested in it. creg has done nothing but blow hot air and lose since the fork happened. creg being satoshi would do nothing for the price even if he was, and he doesn't have a million coins so it's even more meaningless.

>> No.13739266

>Implying miners won't simply switch

>Implying CZ and other won't be in legal hot water

>You are cluelessness clulry cluelessly clulsess clucknessly cucked

>> No.13739267

When’s the due date for proving his identity? How will the outcome effect the price of BSV and BCH? What do boobs feel like?

Pls respond.

>> No.13739326

Like sand

>> No.13739345

why would they switch? theyve had plenty of time to show support. the only thing i can think of is that creg is actively fudding sv and if they were going to switch they are letting the price dump as far as possible to accumulate. Even then they've shot themselves in the foot because its only available on shit exchanges like hitbtc now. the infrastructure around bsv has gotten significantly worse.

>> No.13739355


Thanks, fren, I needed that.

>> No.13739356

Wet sand or dry sand?

>> No.13739363

im not playing cs with 10 min ping fuck off!

>> No.13739371

The research points mostly to dry sand, mostly.