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13735394 No.13735394 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13735398

I just smell my qt3.14’s instead

>> No.13735434

I eat my own cum no homo most powerful substance on earth with power to create life, a miniature DNA version of yourself so logically why would I waste it? It's extremely powerful and I can feel my power growing day by day. I don't do it for any sort of sexual gratification or anything, but more like a vitamin shot, BANG! Down the hatch, rinse with some water, on with my day. Semen is packed full of hormones the body is constantly trying to produce more off forever until you die, packed with anti-ageing benefits, etc.

Eating my cum cured my depression. Rumor has it that Adolf Hitler ate his own cum and that's what gave him the speech abilities he had and strong will power.

>> No.13735450

You just gay dude

>> No.13735463

Don't think I am. As I said, no sexual gratification. I've fucked probably 15 women since Jan
You think it's a meme but it's not

>> No.13735485

Dude, he said no homo!

>> No.13735491

What is remotely homosexual about eating your own cum? If I drink my pee am I gay now too? Being a fag means you are sexually attracted to men or take it up the ass by other men

>> No.13735533

according to pereto's principle about 80% of these comments should come from a minority of 20% who actually post them

>> No.13735543

It's so gay it's made you blind.

>> No.13735562

I eat my own poo, most powerful substance on earth, compressed food and minerals straight from the most advanced machine in nature, a miniature DNA version of yourself (you are what you eat) so logically why would I waste it? It's extremely powerful and I can feel my power growing day by day. I don't do it for any sort of sexual gratification or anything, but more like a vitamin shot, BANG! Down the hatch, rinse with some water, on with my day. Poo is packed full of hormones the body is constantly trying to expel more off forever until you die, packed with anti-ageing benefits, etc.

Eating my poo cured my depression. Rumor has it that Craig Wright ate his own poo and that's what gave him the patent writing abilities he had and strong will power.

>> No.13735570

Based math
Poo doesn't create human life
COPE. If eating my own cum is gay then so is masturbating

>> No.13735581

The bigger question for me is whether cum breaks the blood-brain barrier or not
I mean it will end up in your bloodstream after ingestion but will it be absorbed by the brain? I'm not sure

>> No.13735593

If you ever get the chance to sleep next to woman, stay awake and listen for a silent srrrffff under the blankets. That is your chance to duck under the covers and truly enjoy a brapper in peace.

>> No.13735616

you want cum in your brain? now that's definitely gay bro

>> No.13735628
File: 279 KB, 300x577, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my iq shoots up 10 points from one simple trick

>> No.13735629

homosexual & cumpilled

>> No.13735774

Your own farts smell the best

>> No.13735790
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Why do I browse this board?

>> No.13735805

For LINK threads

>> No.13735858

You can’t smell a fart from a cartoon character

>> No.13735868
