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File: 27 KB, 620x382, YouTube-Porn-397338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1373302 No.1373302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the public opinion say that porn is harmful to underages?

Many things that are much more harmful are widely tolerated, like violence (news on TV), drugs, alcohol, celebrities that promote degeneratism.

>> No.1373306

Because the average persons is just average. Think about everyone below that. There's a lot of them and they are all retarded.

>> No.1373316

its adultery. and sin ruins all lives. not just young lives.

>> No.1373320

problem with porn is it creates false expectations in adolescents. for example kids might assume that shoving dick in anus without foreplay stretching and lots of lube is normal. you just spit on your dick and in it goes like magic and the chick enjoys it. that's like in 90% of porn. and stuff like that we all know not really part of normal sex life is pretty recurring theme in porn. deepthroat and fisting for example requires a lot of practice fro these actresses so they don't get injured.

>> No.1373321

>Why does the public opinion say that porn is harmful to underages?

Because it's effortless dopamine releases and it skews your thinking and gets you addicted.

That's why erectile dysfunction is increasing in record-breaking numbers.

Some kid who's been watching porn since 14 and is now 22 should be full of testosterone and sexdrive but he's only been watching hand-picked women, with perfect makeup, perfect lighting, filmed by camera crews, with surgeries done to make them look better get fucked by hand-picked penises/bodies who use viagra and cialis to fuck in all sorts of strange positions for 40 minutes at a time.

So after a few years (or many years) of this regularly, of being able to see 11/10 unnatural women within seconds of typing www.pornhub.com you start to have problems getting aroused by actual women, with their actual imperfections.

Because really, why bother going on 2-3 dates to have boring sex with a condom with a 6-7/10 girl when you can watch a nigger on steroids fuck a dog in the ass in the comfort of your home?

>> No.1373323

how is this /biz/ exactly?

>> No.1373326

>we all know
Top fucking kek
No gf

Being serious, don't soap operas, movies
, music videos create false expectations?

>> No.1373327

Those things aren't instantly gratifying in the same way that porn is.

it's like using drugs, you can feel good INSTANTLY without doing anything. That's why it becomes addicting and damages you, because instead of passing an interview for a really great job or hitting a new PR In the gym you can just smoke a little crack and feel the same way

>> No.1373329

>Being serious, don't soap operas, movies, music videos create false expectations?
sure i guess, but will they make a girl bleed out of her anus?

>> No.1373331
File: 29 KB, 307x400, 1278353341360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deepthroat and fisting for example requires a lot of practice

Personal experience?

>> No.1373334


>> No.1373339

in a way but not as you try to suggest.
i do try to stuff things in girls orifices from time to time. don't have a giant cock but most can't take it in the ass so far none of them could throat it either. most girls vag i can shove in like two or three fingers and that's it.

>> No.1373343

Excessive replication causes problems, u must not promote it these days or u will fight for simple resources later

>> No.1373363
File: 11 KB, 180x235, 1278353491512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do try to stuff things in girls orifices from time to time

No, no you don't.


>> No.1373371

retards on this fucking site never change.
not going to post pics because i don't care about your stupid aspie shit.

>> No.1373395

Well you're still here instead of doing something successful.

That alone should be reason to be against it.

>> No.1373407

Kidding bud. Remember to breath before you click the 4chan bookmark.

>> No.1373418


Get a load of this faggot. Get thicker skin you pole smoker

>> No.1373421


[citation needed]

>> No.1373447

Logic and http://yourbrainonporn.com/

>> No.1373468

What if you only watch amateur porn made on someones cell phone? Or watch videos of yourself having sex. Is that the same result or is it a middle ground?

>> No.1373472
File: 9 KB, 446x399, 1467760029853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw erectile disfunction for too much porn
>tfw 22

>> No.1373475

Same effect but obviously a little bit better.

Work on abstaining from porn, in all likelihood the damage has already been done( if you're like most young adults who's watched it during their developmental years and has seen 1000's of porn videos before their first ever actual intercourse ).

>> No.1373480

can the damage be reversed

>> No.1373485

No one knows, but you stop it from getting worse and try the best you can to reverse it.

Stop watching porn right now, go talk to real women.

Masturbating is normal but you should only do it a few times a week and ONLY to your thoughts(this is most healthy).

>> No.1373489

>tfw you got it at 18 but still have it at 32

>> No.1373490

Problem with me is that I have premature ejaculation. The only way I have found to counter it, (which I have studied and tried and failed for many many years) is SSRI's. I get my doctor to prescribe them, and I take them 1-3 hours before sex and it helps me not cum so fast. But my mind is in a fog throughout the day so its a trade I make. Probably not the healthiest thing to do but I dont see a big problem with it as I only take it before sex which is rare. Every few months since

>> No.1373494

Hmm not sure then, maybe porn still has something to do with it though

>> No.1373501

and why "get your doctor to prescribe them" instead of actually going to a specialist to help decide the right therapy?

>> No.1373513

Because there is no "cure" for the problem. Same thing for dandruff, there is no cure. But there are methods that CAN work. Its all up to the individual. I found something that worked for me. It isnt difficult to get and you can get 100 pills for like 30 bucks or so depending on insurance. So that's in theory 100 nuts. Assuming you fuck once a day.

>> No.1373546

>Because really, why bother going on 2-3 dates to have boring sex with a condom with a 6-7/10 girl when you can watch a nigger on steroids fuck a dog in the ass in the comfort of your home?

>> No.1373565
File: 34 KB, 316x480, 1459791303435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is money
Money is business
Porn business
It just works.jpg

>> No.1373689

Does masturbating to thoughts cause erective dysfunction?

>> No.1373697


Erectile dysfunction is mostly caused by being visually and auditorily stimulated by videos or pictures that cannot possible be recreated in real life.

You can open up xvideos.com right now and see every single kind of porn imaginable, you can browse through the first three pages and see more naked women than the average male will ever see partners in his entire life.

After a while of that, it's not surprise that getting aroused to boring old "regular women" and all their imperfections starts to require viagra.

>> No.1373702

Well it's caused by different things but this is the main reason for young men these days

>> No.1373707

And is that a problem?
Wait, wait wait.
Is THAT the reason why people protect children from porn?
I don't think that's the reason.
"I censor porn to my children, so they don't have unrealistic expectations, and have erectile disfunction."

>> No.1373721

>And is that a problem?

Yeah you could say that it's a problem, it's increasingly affecting more and more men.

There are plenty of forums with many thousands of men all describing their experiences(which are all eerily similar) with internet porn and how it is negatively affecting their lives.

There are studies showing its effects on the brain and such. Yeah you could say it's a pretty big issue.

>"I censor porn to my children, so they don't have unrealistic expectations, and have erectile disfunction."

Reason doesn't matter so much as it's a good thing to do.

>> No.1373731

well, I don't think that is a problem.
They spend less time chasing meme women, and work in the real world, working, innovating, achieving their dreams. So, it's not a problem at all, it's a benefit!

and it's not like they hide sex references in the media anymore, they're "very open".

>> No.1373733

This is why it shouldn't be called no fap, it needs to be called no porn.

>> No.1373994

Your fucking insane. I usually jerk off 3 times before lunch.

>> No.1374024

>work in the real world, working, innovating, achieving their dreams
>thanks to porn
Honestly porn is probably what makes it possible to become a neet. Otherwise you'd be bursting at the balls to fuck a girl and make some achievements to be attractive.

>> No.1374133

i have thick skin i just lose patience after the two-hundredth time i guess. it's like a fucking kindergarten sometimes.

>> No.1374256

OP, sauce on pic?

>> No.1374279

Remember you asked for this

>> No.1374285
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1446750168608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a man isn't he

>> No.1374388

Just lol. 14 yo chads have more sexual experience than everyone in here combined.

If you don't have a 7inch+ dick and good stamina you'll never fully please a girl. Not today, and never. Thinking otherwise is a cope.

>> No.1374390

In addition: Chads watch porn since an early age, but since they get laid they don't develop any problems.

It's the losers that can't get laid that suffer, since who wants to fuck a plain jane when you can just fap to hot girls which you cannot get since you are not Chad.