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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 628x960, sad_girl_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13733205 No.13733205 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck money.
Fuck that shit. Now label me. Call me whatever you want.

If unconditional love actually existed, we would get rid of money in an instant. But nooooo, thats not how life works. We always need to compete and fight with each other for power and dominance.

Fuckin shit man. Fuck. Most if not 90% of humans are barbaric animals. Hivemind everywhere.

>> No.13733229

fuck u nigger

>> No.13733238

Aww, lock at those knees.

She’s been busy.

>> No.13733239
File: 324 KB, 414x459, 1b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy the top?

>> No.13733244

Most beta thread of the day, fuck off.

>> No.13733273
File: 154 KB, 600x842, 1557365891730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded and understand nothing.

>> No.13733289

t. richfags

>> No.13733296
File: 60 KB, 459x350, c82a55934691de485d6b53b21d207311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give him those, otherwise he would stay here forever.
I hope he returns back to r e d d i t.

>> No.13733333

guess she's been spreading 'unconditional love'

>> No.13733356 [DELETED] 

> muh unconditional love meme
Let’s say you find your dream girl. Would you still love her if she gained 200 kg, spent all day in front of the tv, didn’t have a job, and didn’t want to take care of the home? Probably not.

>> No.13733447

> muh unconditional love meme
Let’s say you found your “dream girl”. Would you still love her the same if she gained 200 kg, stopped taking care of her appearance, didn’t want to have sex with you anymore, spent all day in front of the tv, and didn’t want to take care of the home? Probably not.

Men are attracted to women who (appear) fertile/young and are good nurturers/mothers. Women look for men who are good providers and protectors. That doesn’t mean you have to be a multi millionaire (and a woman doesn’t have to be a 10/10 model), but it’s natural for a woman to want a man that is at least somewhat financially secure.

If you want a girl with no standards then you shouldn’t have any standards yourself.

>> No.13733456
File: 10 KB, 205x246, 1527773699115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls would rather suck random guys dicks than be in a relationship with you

>> No.13733459

love doesn't always imply dating and sex.

love can be being kind to someone and helping them through something.

>> No.13733482

how many times did you get burnt? i still feel like helping for the sake of helping, but not off the bat anymore.. i wait, observe, even years now to see whos "worthy" in my own eyes to help out..

>> No.13733498

i guess your right in a sense, barbaric i feel the world, yet you and i are the same barbarians we hate. they cant help it, we can only help ourselves a tad more, but at the end of the day, we're still more on the barbaric side... unless your a hardcore christian or something that actully obeys and follows the commandment to the core for the sake of loving God, and nothing else.

>> No.13733506

A mom’s (and maybe a dad’s) love for her child can be pretty damn close to unconditional. Romantic love isn’t unconditional for very good reasons. People with unconditional romantic love have been weeded out by evolution.

>> No.13733519

Money is good because it can assign power to even a beta loser like me. Without money I would be getting dabbed on by caveman-like Chads 24/7. Money levels the playing field and awards power for intelligent decision making rather than physical power and genetic blessing

>> No.13733522

I’m pretty sure everyone assumed you were talking about romantic love because you posted a pic of a girl and didn’t specify.

>> No.13733528

>There are incels on this board that have never experienced love
>They never experienced teen love
Wtf, bro! Mentally they're like children still... a whole plain of emotion and perspective remains unknown to them, still locked. They haven't got the post-love mindset

Remember how you felt when you had your heart broken? How much it changed you as a person? They've never experienced it

*breathes in*

>> No.13733539


>> No.13733545

Thats how persons are OP

Not everyone is a human being

>> No.13733554

You're welcome to go live off-grid, nigger-tier brainlet

>> No.13733567
File: 208 KB, 640x632, 4AFF379F46374E3AB95018226CEB4DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK but how do I profit from this?

>> No.13733589

Persons are slaves unironically

They deserve the taxation of their property....read/write/speak English on a 3rd grade level but believe you "pay" bills. This money shits been in the negatives for a LONG time. The only thing that exists is debt.

You deserve it because you only care for yourself, person.

>> No.13733637

Etherder Tinder DAPP

>> No.13733694

The only reason I want money is so I can sit on my ass and do nothing all day. I don’t care about competing with anyone over anything.

>> No.13733728

What the hell are you implying?

>> No.13733755

She has cuts and bruises on her knees from sucking cock and doggy

Look at your knees. Do you have cuts and bruises? Look at a pornstars knees

>> No.13733802

I am growing food on a farm, here you go you can all have the food.


*food is gone in seconds*

*still have to wait to grow the rest of the food*

Just a micro-example of why what you're saying is dumb, but I definitely agree post-scarcity is what we should be working toward, but don't get things twisted

>> No.13733851


>> No.13733868


Work whatever job you want and give it all to Africans then.

>> No.13733942

People who love money love faggot kikes. Money is the tool of the kike to enslave the goyim. All money gained should be used towards the destruction of kike society but noooooooooo you faggot forget real quick and get real selfish buying satanic shit you don’t need. Poor slaves getting rich and then selling out to serve satan are even worse than the kikes to begin with.

Kill all human cancers

>> No.13733961

thats just oxytocin doing funny shit to your brain

>> No.13734619
File: 49 KB, 190x200, CF94C69C-6111-40F0-A901-7B121E521E13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13734648

also nice ID+color

>> No.13734680

What? You're not mad at money you're mad at scarcity. Go wipe out 2/3 of humans if you want easy resources again (that would reduce the world population to 1950 levels)

>> No.13734877

Are you retarded?
Unconditional love does not (nor cannot) truly exist
If you love anything and everything, it isn't love
You imply by your wording and your use of swearing that you are somehow "above" this however, implying that you've discovered this new thing and want essentially to make a statement against the hivemind

You're behaving like a child with a tantrum, against one of the more basic philosophical questions one can put forth
Many, many men have thought much harder and more productively about this than you have, but you are just reacting to someone(s) that have made u feel bad boohoo
You ARE the hivemind
You fucking unanalytical normie