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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1000x500, BAE6815D-14EE-455F-A694-A408D88FD3FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13725017 No.13725017 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not in this for the months of June and July what are you doing in crypto

>> No.13725051

it's a 50/50
if they have some actual businesses on their dashboar next tuesday it should moon if not you're fucked

>> No.13725087

What competition do we actually have? Blockport - dead
Polymath - has nothing to show for over 200 million $ raised and is starting from scratch to build what Own already has
Swarm - erc-20 shitcoin
Smartlands - runs off of Stellar (that just went down for hours this weekend), no real tokenomics

>> No.13725346
File: 125 KB, 1582x954, 512B8799-24D4-4FB2-8EC6-8B348E5A77F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have this being revealed in two days

>> No.13725420


but still, we gonna make it

>> No.13725439

It's only photoshopped until it's not anon.

>> No.13725515
File: 117 KB, 594x618, 15581971768311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the discord and telegram trannys are back posting this dogshit scam



Project Crowd's female CEO also runs Blockchain Fox: https://www.blockchain-fox.com/
On her site states she has launched 120 projects and has 22 years of experience. Except she cannot code at all and uses Crowd Machine: https://www.crowdmachine.com/kathrin-hauck/
Project Crowd has been in business for over a year, has no working product, clients, or freelancers on their platform. Blockchain Fox acts as a consultant for other businesses on using blockchains. Again, she cannot code. She is an affiliate marketer for Crowd Machine, which pays a % for resellers and referrals. She states she has developed Artificial Intelligence on Blockchains in the above link. She cannot code.
>Kathrin was drawn in by Crowd Academy’s “professional, yet spacy cool look,” and was ready to jump into the future with both feet.
>Envisioned an A.I. and blockchain enabled application that could empower the growing ranks of freelancers. Up to that point in her life, Kathrin had no development experience, and in fact, had steered clear of anything close to coding. To make this vision come true, Kathrin decided to join Crowd Academy.


>look at blockchain-fox
>same shitty $5 templated website full of meaningless memes like AI + blockchain + community
>no proof it does anything
>look at contact page
>look at address
>paste into google
>find this
>no mention of "blockchain-fox"
agree with you m8, this is a huge scam

This is the type and quality of the so-called 9x "STOs" launching on Monday.
What a FUCKING joke!

>> No.13725530
File: 395 KB, 2692x1327, faggit scam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.13725568

who gives a shit about project crowd if we have taco bell

>> No.13725608

It's fake.
>Who gives a fuck about the premier top "STO" being offered and promoted and shilled.
Tells you everything you need to know about this dogshit scam. These aren't STOs, they are extended ICO scams.

>> No.13725623

It's not fake

>> No.13725642

it's not promoted at all they just introduced the team
they didn't tell anyone to buy this it's up to the investors

it's still an STO and who cares if it's a scam as long as they buy my tokens

>> No.13725666

>it's still an STO and who cares if it's a scam as long as they buy my tokens

Sweetheart, no one is giving a single fucking shekel to this:

And then after viewing this, sweetheart, no one is giving a single fucking shekel to CHX

>> No.13725709

still: who gives a shit about project crowd?
do you have something else to fud or is that it?
and yes I'm not retarded and let the train leave without buying a suicide insurance bag first

>> No.13725740

risk of losing money is low since it has been bleeding for weeks already
if they deliver you won't get this shit at sub .2$ anymore

>> No.13725744

What's a shekel

>> No.13725745

It's CHXs best and most prominent STO, one that CHX and you telegram trannys have been saying is about to launch a billion dollars worth of STOs, starting tomorrow.
Lmfao dumb FUCK

>> No.13725761

Is a tranny a train conductor?

>> No.13725765

Smartlands actually does have an STO live since yesterday, at least it's not speculation anymore

>> No.13725772

Look at price lul

>> No.13725780
File: 195 KB, 1830x760, faggit scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its going to zero, just watch this: https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho

Plus, all the discord and telegram CHX trannys have been saying 9X STOs launching, precisely tomorrow, for a BILLION dollars worth.

>> No.13725785

thats bullshit it is literally the only customer that agreed to let them interview them
everybody except you knows that project crowd is not going to get the money but that doesn't phase me as a staker though

>> No.13725829

my god how old are you?
I bet you're one of those salty kids that got banned in the traders telegram group

you're still riding on the same point which tells me that you don't have anything bad about the team which is funny
I'm going to send you a postcard when I'm in the bahamas living off my staking rewards

>> No.13725853

How much CHX to makeit.gif?
What do you need 500k for?

>> No.13725854


and see: >>13725515

It is this STO that CHX is deriving all of its claims about a BILLION dollars launching tomorrow on the network.

Get fucking rekt nigger.

>> No.13725870

It was clear for months now that the first $1m STO wasn't going to bump the price a lot since only 1% of the dollar value has to be locked away in SLT. But still, the point is that the legal and technical framework are fully fledged out and operational.

>> No.13725917

NDA maybe?

>> No.13725922

21 may will be interesting, if the sto reveals are disappointing this shitshow will finally be over. Still got a suicide bag just in case

>> No.13725933

oh look its the same clip again my god dont you realize that youre the worst fudder ever?
the team never said anything about a billion launching tomorrow

>> No.13725943

>pushing it out another day
its always been shilled as tomorrow, monday




>> No.13725996
File: 122 KB, 1066x558, DIVERGENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish div on the 1D.


>> No.13726046

>it's not promoted at all they just introduced the team
>they didn't tell anyone to buy this it's up to the investors

Then why do they have this prominently featured on their blog? You Telegram trannies constantly make up lies and spin the truth to pump your bags. But as long as I'm around, I'll deliver the facts about this Liechtenstein/Bosnian/IKEA Kitchen scam.

>> No.13726073

I mean either you're right and the project is dead on Tuesday. Or you're wrong and you just look like a retard if you keep spamming shit.

>> No.13726090

In case anyone is new to biz, the fact that every time a new thread is posted the EXACT SAME fud is posted shortly after is what you should be noticing here. Go ahead and go to the archive and ctrl f search "CHX" and you'll see what I'm saying. Now why would someone do this? It's because these are paid fudders that want the price to stay low. I've seen this with dozens of other coins throughout my time here and I'll continue to see it as long as I stay in this hellhole. If the same fud is posted enough times in so many threads eventually it begins to be believed. This is where the phrase "always do the opposite of what biz says" comes from. There are massive plays at work here and so much more going on behind the scenes. Don't fall for the fud, retards.

>> No.13726094

Sweetheart, there is an enormous weight of evidence showing that CHX is a complete fucking scam. Please fuck off back to your discord and telegram channels.

>> No.13726145

Or he's just an autist that means well.
Could be both around these parts.

>> No.13726156

Ok lol, btw what kind of faggot are you? Pretty sure onky tranny niggers call other dudes sweetheart.

>> No.13726168

>I mean either you're right and the project is dead on Tuesday. Or you're wrong and you just look like a retard if you keep spamming shit.
In one case I look like a retard and miss an opportunity for a cheap 1.5X return. In the other case, you're left with thousands of dollars worth of bags on your hands you will never be able to find buyers for with the token swap "just around the corner" and being delisted from IDEX. You will be stuck on a shitty unknown exchange with wash trading and low volume.

I'll take those odds.

>> No.13726181

The funny thing is, is that there is enormous evidence that it is legit, so legit that it has the potential to 10,000x. Sorry, you can't get in at 1 cents like most of us did, cope super hard, lmfao.

The TacoBell thing was shopped by an old TG member, but it is in the pipeline through Hamersley with other ones like it

>> No.13726189
File: 182 KB, 620x350, 222222206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not able to freely scam people on /biz/



>> No.13726277
File: 92 KB, 546x756, always-scheming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen this with dozens of other coins throughout my time here and I'll continue to see it as long as I stay in this hellhole. If the same fud is posted enough times in so many threads eventually it begins to be believed.
If it's a fact, it's not a fud. No lies have been made here. The Project Crowd video wasn't altered, Sascha's comments weren't edited (see pic), lies weren't made up out of thin air. While all bagholders talked about billion dollar STOs being in the pipeline, 9 STOs launching on Tuesday, Binance and other well-known exchanges.

I only browse /biz/ while taking a shit or procrastinating and if I see OWN mentioned when I refresh the catalog, I open the thread on auto-update. It's bagholders that keep posting about OWN every six hours. I enjoy finding fud material because I don't have to dig deep. It's everywhere. Because OWN is a blatant scam and confidence trick using the Computershare brand and an ex-prime minister who probably doesn't even know what domain registrations are or how to use Twitter to DYOR.

>> No.13726339

If there's no decent STOs on the 22nd this shit is gonna fuckin freefall..God only knows where its gonna bottom

>> No.13726347

If there's no decent STOs on the 21st this shit is gonna fuckin freefall..God only knows where its gonna bottom

>> No.13726365

Swm has raised quite a bit on STOs so I wouldn’t consider them a shitcoin in that sense, but CHX is literally the only platform set up for enterprise adoption and the only 500-1000x in that group.

>> No.13726376


>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>very high standard

>hand picked

>> No.13726431


Devs, team, contractors or whatever the fuck you wanna call them have been unloading million of tokens the last couple of months. I was keeping an eye on etherscan, literally hundreds of thousand EVERY day..Shows you how much faith they have in the project if they immediately market dump soon as they receive the tokens

>> No.13726450

> will finally be over
Far from it. The process by which an STO is issued on OWN is sometimes isn’t even announced publically on the dashboard, regardless of what we see on Monday it’s fairly obvious that OWN will be a success. The validator node launch and the token swap that follows will also be a massive driver in getting OWN on more exchanges and really separate itself from any other platform in crypto

>> No.13726454

>If there's no decent STOs on the 22nd this shit is gonna fuckin freefall..God only knows where its gonna bottom
5 cents or less. CHX will not be listed on major exchanges and IDEX will de-list because of the swap from ERC-20 to native token. No one is signing up on ChexMix or whatever that no-name exchange is called that supports the swap.

>> No.13726474

Everyday? Thats false information lmao. Nice try niglet. You'll be buried once Taco Bell is shown on Tuesday

>> No.13726476

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.13726514


This shit went from 2 cents to 30 cents, how the fuck are people still left bagholding this? Crazy..should have been got in and out like the rest of us

>> No.13726531

dumb fucks like these trannys
are either CHX shills themselves or were tricked by medium and pajeet.com articles stating STOs were the new ICOs

>> No.13726583


>Devs, team, contractors or whatever the fuck you wanna call them have been unloading million of tokens the last couple of months.
On this point, here's another slick wordsmith scheme of Sascha: He says the team isn't selling any tokens. It's the contractors. But the contractors are building the blockchain and the design. They are the team. Sascha simply doesn't pay them health insurance, dental, and vacation days. That's the only difference between the "team" and the "contractors".

>> No.13726641


They werent even decent enough to at least stagger the dumps and give the order book a chance to absorb it..Literally millions of tokens over the course of a couple of months. Scandalous behaviour

>> No.13726679

They had to dump before it gets de-listed on IDEX because they won't be able to sell their large stacks of CHX afterwards.

>> No.13726696

XRP does this too

>> No.13726722

Vechain as well

>> No.13726799

Stop trying to pretend you know what you're talking about. The DSR was open for anyone to play around on to get an idea of what it would be like to register your business on there. Since you're too retarded to know what that means and you clearly lack the mental capacity to work in any type of real life business, it doesn't mean shit and everyone knew that except for you. You thought it meant 300 businesses were lined up when in reality your retarded ass wasn't able to comprehend what he was saying. It's a "lie" because you twisted their words into a lie.

>> No.13726814


Yeah every single project does, but at least the likes of XRP have the liquidity on Binance to support the selling. These fucks all immediately market dumped into a thin order book. Look at what happened to the price soon as they unlocked the teams tokens

>> No.13726820

if they don't get on Binance before their tokenswap, I don't think this is going anywhere.
If they do get listed on Binance, even possible in conjunction with their mainnet, then we've got it made in the shade.

>> No.13726828
File: 96 KB, 543x756, faggit scam 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho [Embed]

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho [Embed]

>very high standard
https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho [Embed]

>hand picked
https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho [Embed]

Project CROWD will DEFINITELY make a difference for you investors. 100x LOSS EASY.

>> No.13726909

The best part is, is that the will buy it back up at lower prices. I'm just ridin the waves dude. 3rd wave should take us to $4

>> No.13726912

Binance listing and the Taco Bell sto are both what will make it explode in the coming weeks

>> No.13726980

Neither are happening and I'm an insider

>> No.13727050

Obviously not. I'm the actual insider here. Sit the fuck down little boy. Taco Bell in two days. Screen cap this

>> No.13727073

Imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.13727083
File: 690 KB, 1500x844, FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You thought it meant 300 businesses were lined up when in reality your retarded ass wasn't able to comprehend what he was saying. It's a "lie" because you twisted their words into a lie.
You're the "I'm smart (my IQ is 115 according to gamesandquizzes.com)" faggot from yesterday's thread that avoids any clear evidence and goes "I took an economy class in community college!".

Here's a fun fact for you. Last week I made pic related with the intention of posting it on Sunday and pretending the Twitter announcement must have went up early, if called out on it. I wasn't going to fud, I was going to shill. Didn't finish the image because after looking at the IDEX graph and general sentiment on Twitter, realized if I buy some cheap bags at 0.0007ETH they will not be pumped by 50% before May 21st. Just like I did earlier when admitting to "fudding to buy in lower and CHX is totally legit guys" on April 30 when I took profits out of Flexacoin. Taco Bell is also a fake Photoshop. Enjoy your bags. OWN is a joke.

>> No.13727171
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1557334363172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did earlier when admitting to "fudding to buy in lower and CHX is totally legit guys"
>OWN is a joke
the only joke here is you
fucking pajeet kek

>> No.13727212

I made the image, it is a real screen cap, but the Taco Bell part is fake.

>> No.13727258
File: 33 KB, 542x324, sascha-shrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray at your Sascha shrine with the rest of the Telegram cult that tomorrow will be fruitful day for you and they announce a Zoho level company on their platform. I hate spoiling suspenseful stories with great twsits, I really do: But you're getting rekt.

>> No.13727277

low effort fud. pajeets are gonna get rekt when it rains burritos in a few days

>> No.13727294

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>very high standard

>hand picked

>> No.13727536

The font for the US is bigger than the other countries

>> No.13727563

Clearly the previous CIO of computershare that is actually running a successful business knows a bit more than what you gleaned from a video, Kek

>> No.13727608

take care of your eyes anon. time for a check up. this faggot wont matter in a couple days anyways

>> No.13727612
File: 287 KB, 594x619, lol-ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly the previous CIO of computershare that is actually running a successful business knows a bit more than what you gleaned from a video, Kek
He knows that because he worked at ComputerShare that gives him credibility and authority and because you (and most alt-coin crypto pajeets) never achieved social and financial status the traditional way like he did, you will believe him. Attached pic is the CEO's Twitter account.

>> No.13727825

Smartlands proven no scam
XHC scam

>> No.13727853
File: 72 KB, 1429x1196, CHX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Own (CHX) is a pump and dump scam coin.
CEO is a janitor who scams people from his kitchen. he did a exit scam before.

The fraudster devs pumped the price of their token by lying about mainnet being Q1, lying about having tokenized billions of dollars worth of assets, and lying about having STO's lined up until 2020. The devs have been dumping their tokens on exchanges for months.

They will keep delaying mainnet until they have dumped all their tokens and then walk away from the project. Mainnet was supposed to be Q1, then Q2, now it's "end of the year". They can't dump all their tokens at the same time because there isn't enough liquidity to do that. They can only dump about 10,000 tokens per day, so they need to keep stringing you a long to make you hold.

Chx admins are doxxing and banning people on telegram for raising concerns



>> No.13727865

It’s a different font

>> No.13727891

Yeah, no shit. I can shop better after 30 beers.

>> No.13727932

oh baby this thing crashing to zero is going to be so sweet. think i'll get a bottle of champagne for Tuesday.

>> No.13727969
File: 193 KB, 851x935, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's ignore Project Crowd for one post. Pic related is the other STO, which registered their domain a day before OWN announced the date of their portal. VersoView did not want other people to register the domain when OWN makes the partnership announcement. VersoView did not even purchase web hosting (at the time of the screenshot) and is actually not an existing business at all. You will not find any information on it, yet OWN were the first ones to announce the logo. Yes, the logo. They would not even say what kind of company it is.

May 21st. Project Crowd. VersoView. Hotdog stand.

>> No.13728028

Just kidding. Hotdog stands are existing businesses that generate profit, so don't expect it on the portal.

>> No.13728033

Enjoy the burritos shoved down your throat on Tuesday

>> No.13728035

>Project Crowd. VersoView. Hotdog stand.
99.99% of STOs will be companies like this, what were you expecting

>> No.13728083

Are you fucking retarded? It's a legit leak. I'm sorry anon but holy shit do you need help. Sit back and be blown away come a couple days.

>> No.13728123

look at the A in Germany and the A in United States
its literally another type of A, obv shop

>> No.13728148

> It's a legit leak.

could be, but pic was totally shopped

>> No.13728178

yeah, and the 'a' in Taco Bell & Page Chain are different too. Good eye.

>Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13728187

inb4 doing an IOTA with fake partnership with M$

>> No.13728206

It's a page still under development. I know you take longer to understand things but in the grown up world errors can be made on a webpage before actual release. It's a leak not a release. What else do you expect on this site though coming from brainlets such as yourself

>> No.13728241

don't wrry anon, fud special needs child like him will be left in the dust when the taco drops

>> No.13728330

>an embedded font can magically change its properties on a website from div container to div container with no special classes assigned to it
>assigning a special class to the taco bell section to display a different font for no discernible or logical reason

>> No.13728341
File: 96 KB, 543x753, faggit scam 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>we hand pick and that fit our very high standard
we hand pick and that fit our very high standard

>very high standard

>hand picked

>> No.13728504

>doesn't understand a group of individuals collaborate on web design and in the absolute rough draft small mistakes aren't corrected yet like a different font for a new addition to the portal.
>tuesday when sascha rings the Bell and the Tacos reign supreme

>> No.13728599

>>doesn't understand a group of individuals collaborate on web design and in the absolute rough draft small mistakes aren't corrected yet like a different font for a new addition to the portal.
So what you're saying is the portal doesn't even exist and it's only a Photoshop mockup. Cool.

No such mistake can happen if the web site exists because you'd have to specifically and deliberately code such visual error by setting up classes AND importing two fonts into the project AND assigning that font to that Taco Bell container. Retarded lil' pajeet, at least make your shilling bullshit somewhat believable if you want your bags pumped 5% and eat dinner tonight.

>> No.13728638
File: 1.82 MB, 357x296, 1413604929312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blown the fuck out by facts and logic

hey discord and telegram tranny: >>13728504; kys

>> No.13728806

Sometimes on here the fud for certain projects is exaggerated but even the bagholders for Chx can't honestly overlook some of the massive red flags here.

>> No.13728823

>So what you're saying is the portal doesn't even exist and it's only a Photoshop mockup. Cool.
You have no idea what you are talking about. You'll see come tuesday silly lil' fudster.
Lmao the only thing getting blown out is his portfolio when Sascha drops Taco Bell on all the poorfags. Go back to telegram ya tranny

>> No.13728894

Of course they can't. I haven't seen ONE single solid counter argument to any fud I have posted in the past two weeks. Look at this shit: >>13728823 this is the best OWN defense force has. Says it all.

>> No.13728908
File: 95 KB, 632x612, 1558148095495.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea this is over-exaggerated: https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho, the video speaks for itself + CHX


>> No.13728962

I legit spit out my coffee at this

>> No.13729008

If you weren't an actual brainlet, you'd see that we're on the same side. Of course Taco Bell isn't going to happen you moron. It's called inverse fudding. Incepting a false narrative to watch CHX come crashing down when it's disproven in a couple of days. I was invested in CHX but went to hold other competitors when it turned out to be a blatant scam. Now it's fun to plant seeds of delusion. I'll be back tomorrow.

>> No.13729166

The problem with your fud is it focuses on microscopic details
> Sascha make me mad wen delay mainnet
> Project crowd isn’t worth 1 trillion and the ceo doesn’t have Dale Carnegie level presentation skills
> Shopped picture is leaked therefore entire project is a scam
> Sascha must cater to my every need and answer every question regardless if it breaks NDA
While also ignoring the overarching facts about the project that make everyone else bullish
> they built two fucking blockchains for the sole purpose of enterprise adoption
> the team is arguably the most experienced in crypto with their global markets knowledge and how to disrupt this archaic industry
> they funded the project out of their own pockets (not sure or the extent)
> there are over 20 people on LinkedIn who work for own in some facet which is publically searchable
> they wouldn’t have waited as long as the did, spent all the time and money to build a specialized blockchain from scratch only to piss it away along with their 30 year professional reputations just met a few million $ and to be hunted down by the authorities
The cumulative IQ of the fudders on this board is less that of my dog

>> No.13729206

I know you didn't believe Taco Bell is actually on the platform. Whether you still have bags or not. No one can be that delusional.

>> No.13729292

You overestimate the iq of CHX bagholders. See >>13729166 for example

>> No.13729323


Please see:

>> No.13729391
File: 144 KB, 360x346, D6A037B6-11D8-4454-8F72-E0D04F3DD02E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point

>> No.13729420

> Sascha make me mad wen delay mainnet
Bagholders say OWN has always been on schedule and nothing has ever been delayed.

> Project crowd isn’t worth 1 trillion and the ceo doesn’t have Dale Carnegie level presentation skills
Project Crowd is worth zero dollars. And it's not the CEO in the video but a woman they paid on Fiverr.

> Shopped picture is leaked therefore entire project is a scam
I never said the entire project is a scam because of the shopped picture. What another anon did in their freetime has no bearing on the legitimacy of OWN.

> Sascha must cater to my every need and answer every question regardless if it breaks NDA
Exaggeration by implying I want "every" question answered and Sascha to cater to "my" personal needs.

> they built two fucking blockchains for the sole purpose of enterprise adoption
Project Crowd built a blockchain with Crowd Machine. Not impressed. Other crypto projects also built their own blockchain.

> the team is arguably the most experienced in crypto with their global markets knowledge and how to disrupt this archaic industry
They don't have the capital required to disrupt the industry. Anyone with more money, connections, and brand trust could replicate what they're doing and better.

> they funded the project out of their own pockets (not sure or the extent)
They raised money when they were called Chainium, spent all their money on the rebrand and starting from scratch when the original developers left the project, and they've been dumping $50,000 worth of CHX every month to fund the development since.

>spent all the time and money to build a specialized blockchain from scratch only to piss it away along with their 30 year professional reputations just met a few million $ and to be hunted down by the authorities
Not their money. Sascha is now his own boss. Scam implies it's intentional like Bernie Madoff. They are only incompetent and straight up liars, like Project Crowd's CEO.

>> No.13729497

Dont forget that Project Crowd, CHX's ****PREMIER**** "STO", is boasting that its "CEO" got an online certificate as evidence for her use of meme words like "AI blockchain".

The dumb bitch really thinks that by spamming as many meme words as possible she can convince people to hand over their hard earned dollars to her.

Fucking joke!

>> No.13729901

So are there any legit projects out there doing STO's?

>> No.13730228

Unironically, this is the best one. You just have to ignore the retard noise, they can be quite loud.

>> No.13730555

>Unironically, this is the best one.
STOs are a meme.

>> No.13730592

1. Lie. It wasn’t delayed, the genesis block was created on Apr 1st which is viewable on Twitter and their blockchain
2. Again, blatant lie, in the intro video of PJ the ceo goes over her background which is verifiable on LinkedIn
4. Ask the questions you want on telegram and if they aren’t under NDA then they will
5. Completely different usecases, irrelevant. Tell me why poly is opting to build their own dual blockchain setup two years after their ico?
6. Anyone with more money...hmmm. Again, poly raised 200m in their ico, the problem isn’t solved. Try again
7. Raised 2m at ICO, spent it all on a rebrand? Doesn’t make sense at all, also Sascha has stated he or the co-founders haven’t taken a salary. 50k a month is nothing when you’re building two blockchains, paying for sales, engineers and marketing talent btw. Another retarded argument.
8. Once again, completely wrong. Sascha is a savant and was leading project development teams the same age you were old enough to make chicken tendies without mommie’s supervision (also verifiable on LinkedIn). Also you completely ignore the argument that they are willing to put their 30 year careers on the line to create a utter failure and still wait 2 year until the blockchain is up and running, only to lie about their clients and exit scam with less then 4m. LOL

For the fud-closer I expected a little more logic lmao

>> No.13730617

Lmao at this cope post full of lies.
Fuck off back to telegram tranny.

Dumb ass CHX trannys on SUICIDE watch.

>> No.13730879
File: 966 KB, 2275x2680, faggit scam 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13730899

> Provides zero evidence
> Projects transgender identity when threatened
Who’s coping? Lmfao

>> No.13730963
File: 102 KB, 238x232, 1552002824726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The effort going into fudding this project is amazing. Really top tier. This has to be salty shitland holders or people genuinely keeping the price low for ulterior reasons. Either way it is worth buying a small stack in case it takes off. I don't think fucking taco bell is going to be announced next week either.

>> No.13731047

Based & redpilled

>> No.13731069

1. Lie. Screenshot proves STOs will open to the general public end of January: >>13728341
2. Lie. It's a sign of autism to not be able to distinguish difference between faces.
4. Lie. Ask a question and get banned. Sascha and the rest of his crew will ban you for even stating that their animation on the web page is low quality.
5. I don't know why Poly is opting for a dual blockchain. I don't follow them. Irrelevant to OWN, CHX, and this thread.
6. Again, no one cares what Poly does in this thread. Irrelevant.
7. Spent it on a rebrand AND working on the blockchain from scratch AND advisors AND getting new developer talent. $50,000 but the developers live in Bosnia.
8. Lie. My chicken tendie cooking skills are not included on my resume, thus not verifiable on LinkedIn. False premise, thus can ignore the rest.

LOL. Saved.

>> No.13731261

Just noticed the caption for the Project Crowd video (https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho)) says
>Project Crowd is an award-winning freelancer recruitment platform
The platform doesn't even exist. What award could have they won?

>> No.13731311

I agree, it’s a telltale sign that people are trying to drop the price as low as possible, of course it’s fudded the absolute hardest before the STO dashboard tomorrow and mainnet entering its main phase in June.
Was this meant to be your argument, Rajesh? Did you need to ask your Down syndrome friend for help to write those complete sentences?

Poly is targeting the “STO” meme same as OWN. You said that if a theoretical project had more money and resources to work with, they would be able to accomplish what OWN is doing. Are you that brain dead to forget what you wrote on the same page we’re writing on? Holy fuck every word you wrote on this thread was just refuted by your glaring ineptitude for logic.

>> No.13731336

oh my, this is worse than a robbery at this point

>> No.13731423

Imagine sounding this dumb, lol. Sometime censorship and freedom of speech is awful. Especially when retards try to participate in conversations with high IQ Chads.

>> No.13731759

>Was this meant to be your argument, Rajesh? Did you need to ask your Down syndrome friend for help to write those complete sentences?
If my chicken tender answer didn't clue you in: I didn't take your post serious. Quickly hammered it out between my daily shits (on the street). I'm not interest in STO tech, I'm interested in making MONEY. OWN is shit, bagholders are getting dumped on, and SEC will flush them down along with the price of CHX.

>> No.13732446

You didn't take his post serious yet responded (nonsensically) to each one of his points. Nice cope but ok.

>> No.13732533

Cope or not, none of his points made much sense from an argumentative sense. Only because Sascha worked for a major corporation, for example, doesn't mean he wouldn't lie to crypto kiddies and third-worlders and take their lunch money if it was expedient towards his goals. He is not scamming Microsoft or large corporations. Just like Project Crowd CEO will lie to your face by saying she worked with 120 projects and give you consultation advice on blockchains when she cannot even code and hocks Crowd Machine referrals to unsuspecting boomers.