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13726883 No.13726883 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t forget to take profits.


>> No.13726914

how did you obtain yellow lines with such accuracy? out your arse?

>> No.13726938

If you believed in """analysis""" like this, you would've thought BTC would still be the 3-4k accumulation range. The asset is currently highly sensitive to trade news. You can't possibly hope to predict what comes next unless you know what's going on behind the scenes in China and the US.

>> No.13726988
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>...unless you know what's going on behind the scenes in China...
Weall know what's gonna happen.

>> No.13727028


You're beyond retarded if you believe in those memelines.

>> No.13727132

^ What up brah, you scared? You think it’ll go up forever? Ahaha lol

>> No.13727406

>going down to 6k
i've been in since 600USD, and held
and i'll continue to hold

>> No.13727466


>> No.13727507

Patterns are the first thing a trader learns. The second thing they learn are that patterns rarely work like they expect.

>> No.13727535

this is the why trdview ideas suck ass
theyre not fractals, theyre not makmrket cyckes, they are literally just the shape of a completely different time yhat happens ri be dmsimilar

>> No.13727558

>This rally will fail like the others

>> No.13727604

the difference, brainlet, is that in July '18 we were still coming down into the bear market from Dec '17 all time highs. we did not have long sustained periods of consolidation/price growth. today, in may 2019, there has been 5 months of bullish price growth and the market is moving upward, not downward

>> No.13727622

TAfags told me wed be trading btc at 200 usd by now you fumbfuck brainlets

>> No.13727701
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Hello? Who taught you TA?

People are missing the point here. It's not only a fractal from a different time with "memelines". We gone down to 7.1k area last 48 hours without penetrating the high of last peak the current run. Trade volume is dying out. Futures for BTC have already started dumping.

I longed since December 3.5k area and happily closed it yesterday. BTC can still moon this year, but this isn't the time and you'd have to be blind to think we're going up from here.

>> No.13727726

TA fags longed since December and closed for EZ Bitmex 10x yesterday.

>> No.13727766

We've had less than 2 months of upward growth, what world are you living in?

In an 18 month bear market that is called correction

>> No.13727818

there's an ever increasing 'hardening' of BTC, just by time passing by. Everything else but this hardness is irrelevant.

Increasing Demand, Decreasing Supply; both of that not just steady but even accelerating.

Given that it's an 24/7, globally tradeable ultra-hard asset, you just need to wait till it goes up. There cannot be infinite dumps from whales; at some point it will always rise.Only thing that can bring BTC down is the code being compromised or the encryption getting hacked.
So with time passing, there's only 2 options for BTC:
- (more or less) steady increase
- Zero & Dead

>> No.13727852
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Wtf you just drawd yellow lines like tarot master lol
Your prediction is ok (not correct but good prediction by TA standards) if we doubletop like 2018
To doubletop now it needs to fall 7550-7450

>> No.13727863

oh yeah im fucking petrified, only fucking idiots trade crypto or hold it the past what 2 or 3 years now?

Learn fucking options

>> No.13727909

Comparing bear market behavior in a bull market

>> No.13728069

are you me?

>> No.13728072

>Only thing that can bring BTC down is the code being compromised or the encryption getting hacked.

You're forgetting people losing faith in BTC because it can't scale. Bitcoin propagandists may say otherwise, but this is a fact that any person can check. Anytime there's a rally, the memepool gets clogged with transactions. The problem happens with such a small rally, imagine how clogged it would become when there's a much larger rally. Transactions would remain unconfirmed for days just like in the late 2017 run.

>> No.13728080

oh thank you mother theresa!

>> No.13728087

Bull market? Lol there isn’t a bullmarket.

>> No.13728094

huh? we've had 5 consecutive green months. sort by monthly


>> No.13728095

As of now transaction fees are $4

>> No.13728136

>only fucking idiots would hold onto something that's gone up over 1500% in the last 5 years!
>buy my stocks goy!, don't you want to watch charts all day and get your 12-16% annual return??!

somebody's mad they missed out

>> No.13728172

mempool isn't clogged at all right now. fees are higher because bitcoin price is higher. fees are measured in satoshis/byte

>> No.13728200
File: 20 KB, 770x398, 9-19 daily Lunchtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won in crypto and got out before the bubble popped jus like the weed bubble in the stock market.

if you still fuck with crypto ur about to get burnt.
i been doin this shit for a long time buckaroo

>> No.13728286

It isn't clogged because there's not much activity. It's always clogged during a rally. How do people believe that BTC could ever be used as a global currency is beyond me. Fees are higher because the there are more transactions than miners can handle, not because BTC's price is higher. Miners will always choose process the most profitable transactions.

>> No.13728331

3k was the bottom and we won't ever revisit that level. We're just beginning another 3-5 year bull cycle - imagine being bearish at the bottom lmao

>> No.13728345

Scammers sometimes take their professional seriously

>> No.13728364

BTC has been on fake bullruns almost nonstop since its hit that 3k level it always crashes down it doesnt have the strength to reach 20k levels like it once did
Its fake volume.

>> No.13728387

I'm seeing this too... but too early to confirm.

Capital outflow from China is getting intense. Bitcorn is quick and dirty way for the proletariat and oligarchs to get out of yuan.

China is probably having a currency crisis behind the scenes.

>> No.13728427

Lightning is the solution and will fix that.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but that's just how it is:
It will take time, people will learn to avoid on-chain transactions. Eventually an On-Chain Transaction will become a very expensive "event" you rarely do.

Lightning will need time to mature to become normal and to be implemented on exchanges and into Apps; also the education on it. And then it needs to be dumbed down for everyday easy usage.

That will take years but LN is the one and only solution to scaling & speed with BTC. It's also a good solution but it wont come overnight.

>> No.13728453

Of course fees are higher during rallies. There's more activity on the network and so people are outbidding each other on fees to get their transaction into the next block quicker. That's fine- if you need to get your transaction sent quicker go for it. But fees are also increasing in dollars because the price of satoshis are increasing.

>> No.13728597

The Lightning Network was designed for very small transactions because it isn't secure enough (read the white paper), so it doesn't solve the main problem of scalability. Because its speed comes from its low security, fundamentally the Lightning Network can't be used for anything but small transactions because who would want to send a large amount of BTC through an insecure network?

Furthermore, the Lightning Network is barely being used right now, which makes one doubt the priorities of the developers. (This is no different than China building ghost cities that are barely occupied.) Why aren't the developers trying to solve the immediate problem of large, slow transactions?

>> No.13728622
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>> No.13728667

what a bullshit... i run a lightning node (lnd on top of bitcoind via docker on a debian system) since half a year and its as safe as on-chain. it's very thought through and bulletproof if implemented correctly. i think you have no idea what you're talking about. dumb FUD.

>> No.13728692

Protip: nobody here does anything useful for crypto other than buy and complain.

Good job running a node

>> No.13728745

it's just a yellow pasta of the right one

>> No.13728800

>because it isn't secure enough
total and utter bullshit
>(read the white paper)
as if you did lol. fucking made up argumentation. i know how it works, similiar to TOR with onion layers, and that is the absolute peak you can currently have in security.

>so it doesn't solve the main problem of scalability.
just plain wrong.

>Because its speed comes from its low security,
holy shit please don't post these completely wrong and misleading made-up statements.

i encounter that here on 4chan already for the second time that some people are pulling arguments against lightning out of their ass. there's a little barrier on getting how it works and once you're over that you discover the one's that didnt .

Your post and arguments are not only plain wrong but pathetic to everyone who put in the work and enganged with lightning already.

>> No.13728819

You haven't done any research. It says straight up in the white paper that LN is only used for micropayments (i.e. small transactions).


Look at the low BTC volume in the Lightning Network. They've been working on it for years and only has as much transaction volume as a shitty altcoin.

>> No.13728858

Everyone's free to do their own research. If they choose to believe in e-celebs and social media shills instead, then that's their problem.

>> No.13728983

it takes time till it's gonna be adopted on a large scale. let alone the development took years for good reasons.

a link to the whitepaper and your distracting argumentation doesn't
change the fact that you're talking shit and that your points are wrong and misleading.

you can of course use LN for every BTC amount you desire and its as secure as it can get IF properly implemented.

KYS you worthless piece of fake news jew garbage.

>> No.13729070
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>calling someone a jew
>defending Goyim Network

oh watch out, we've got King Goyim in here.

>> No.13729154

You haven't made any counterargument and attacked me for providing a first hand source that explicitly states that LN is for micropayments. When paper say it's for micropayments, it's not a question of implementation, but of design. You're pants-on-head retarded, man.

>> No.13729159

> How do people believe that BTC could ever be used as a global currency is beyond me
Gold was used as a global currency and it's heavy as fuck. Sure, sending BTC may be slow some times but it's still faster than transporting a vehicle. Bitcoin will never be used for every day transaction, but it will be used (and is used) as a store of wealth.

>> No.13729175

>and attacked me
Reddit is that way you fucking roody poo candy ass

>> No.13729243

>The asset is currently highly sensitive to trade news
news have zero impact on btc literally zero nor up or down
if btc isn't in the 3-4k range it's because btc is a highly manipulated asset and on April 2 a massive short squeeze was done when someone spot bough +100M usd of btc

>> No.13730022

Zoom out retard

>> No.13730031

just sold everything...currently sitting in zimbabwe dollars