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File: 173 KB, 1280x867, 49F99023-7923-41FB-A5C1-1532EF1BA6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13720843 No.13720843 [Reply] [Original]

And he will go to jail

Page 38

New forgery, new smoking gun

It’s just unbelievable how people can still trust him

>> No.13720897


>> No.13720904

That is rather confusing, why are there two similar (identical?) documents with different addresses? Is there any source on the second scan?

>> No.13720951
File: 133 KB, 750x922, 1508681770563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh genius
>nobody is gonna check these complicated strings
>hurrrrr let's submit them to court XD

>> No.13720991

Stop it Creg, you're already dead...

>> No.13721002



>> No.13721003
File: 168 KB, 628x565, debunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The amount of attempted fud against CSW makes me think they're really scared of him. I wonder why people like Greg Maxwell, a known scammer, are trying to discredit him.

>> No.13721045

Debunked my ass
It’s on courtlistener you fucking retard
It takes 1 minute to open the link and verify

>> No.13721052

The sad thing is that it likely is CSW posting that...

>> No.13721077

This doesn't make things any more clear, why does the scan from page 38 contain an address that doesn't belong to Craig?

>> No.13721082


>> No.13721147

That Twitter is so much full of asslickers and roasties, holy shit... Those people must leave /biz/ immediately if they browse here

>> No.13721149

You can ask it to Craig my dear fren
>CSW post a list of controlled BTC addresses
>someone exposes him as a fraud by signing with one of the address
>CSW forge a new document different from the one submitted to the court on 2013 replacing the “fraud exposed” address with a bunch of random digits which are not even a real address
This is going worse and worse...

>> No.13721165

Twitter doesn’t matter, it’s everywhere now
Enjoy your scam being exposed
BSV to zero

>> No.13721206

You guys are literally retarded. IRA submitted the left document to court which contain addresses which cant belong to Craig. This document was leaked to the ATO from where Ira got it. However, the document got obviously altered before the leak (pretty sure by Greg Maxwell). So the original hard copy of the document (right side) contains adresses to the first unspend blocks, including block 9 with the first transaction to Hal.

People try so hard to frame and slander Craig. You should ask yourself why.

>> No.13721226

>The amount of attempted fud against CSW makes me think they're really scared of him.
i think it's hate and despise not fear. everyone wants him in jail because he fuds crypto especially bitcoin too much.

>> No.13721233

hahaha my god the cope
Greg Maxwell the international spy. They should make a movie about him.

>> No.13721239

now emilio has to testify which one is the original from 2013.

>> No.13721250

>However, the document got obviously altered before the leak (pretty sure by Greg Maxwell).

>> No.13721255

I sincerely don't want CSW in jail because he's lulzy and entertaining, like an idiot character in a movie

>> No.13721293

Yeah but it would also be entertaining if he gets put in jail. Imagine the drama.

>> No.13721306

Some people might make him a martyr. It's better for him to stay wild and free.

>> No.13721314

Learn about the history of Maxwell. This psycho had his greasy fat fingers in everything to maipulate people.

How would it not be obviously altered if the scanned version suddenly has MtGox and Silkroad adresses? You deserve to be poor.

>> No.13721325

It’s better to save people from BSV scam before it drops to zero and it ruins crypto community

>> No.13721355

Crypto feeds on scams anyway, at least this drama is entertaining.

>> No.13721386

You can't save people like that from scams. They're drawn to them and will just find the next one.

>> No.13721393

>This psycho had his greasy fat fingers in everything to maipulate people.
This is an accurate CSW description

>> No.13721427
File: 72 KB, 600x900, 1533285440068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Greg Maxwell is about to learn what it feels like to be punished for lying. Him and the whole Core team are a bunch of scammers and conmen trying to make Silk Road 2.0 drug money. What people don't seem to get, is that I created Bitcoin not as this anonymous crime-coin for anarchist losers, but to enable free trade, real shares, not worthless tokens that do nothing and will eventually be worth, NOTHING!

Go ahead, keep talking about me. I can be anonymous too :)

>> No.13721456

yeah i mean that's how it would be if he didn't try to scam and burn noobies this hard. i don't appreciate him giving crypto especially bitcoin a bad name.

>> No.13721461
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"Crypto" gave itself a bad name when it stopped being about innovation and started becoming a casino for losers and day traders.

>> No.13721466
File: 7 KB, 226x223, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the inventor of Bitcoin only picks on BCH which is a minority chain and never tried to attack BTC or use his 1,200,000,000 BTC coins he mined in the first 2 years to buy a country, build an army, conquer China, loot the miners, and fulfill his Satoshi Vision and crash BTC to make his original vision come true?
Something is fishy about this whole thing...

>> No.13721470

>marketing slogans
A blockchain is a blockchain, to say one is for scammers and the other isn't is just empty talk. CSW himself is funded by a gambling industry veteran btw

>> No.13721480

>brags about BTC being drug money
BSV allows cheap CP on chain


>> No.13721527

Ira Kleiman submitted these forged docs you retard.
Csw shut his mouth as he has the original.
Therefore Craig owned Ira

>> No.13721549
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>> No.13721558
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>CSW himself is funded by a gambling industry veteran btw
It's not like Ayre is doing it on his behalf, he's merely a proxy.

>> No.13721568
File: 50 KB, 572x62, pretty_original_if_you_ask_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has the original
Yep, pretty original, i mean, creative

SPOILER: this is not even a valid address

>> No.13721662

i think all of them are forged and all by creg

>> No.13721682

what an absolute autist

>> No.13721903
File: 1.12 MB, 751x2511, CSW_contrarian_document_alteration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL the lies just never end. The forged document on the left was submitted to the court by the plaintiff (((IRA KLEIMAN))), and you think Craig will go to jail?

Holy shit you guys are going to learn about law the hard way. This is clown world out of control where up is down and left is right.

>> No.13721924

faggots misappropriating the brand bitcoin for their p&d shitforks are doing it.

>> No.13721938

if ira can prove that he got it from craig yeah

>> No.13721977
File: 74 KB, 512x512, 1461419004905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That man is so full of slogans, holy shit

>> No.13722046
File: 71 KB, 858x99, WRONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.13722058

i don't get it... this fag evidently knows nothing about cryptography proof evidence he throws around words out of context. it's like he is mentally handicapped but in actuality his audience is that is why he talks like this.

>> No.13722067

wat? plaintiff is the one initiating the case. creg didn't sue the kleimans.

>> No.13722084

or was it an earlier case used as exhibit in this new one? the fuck is going on?

>> No.13722101

because none of those wallets belong to him, he's going to jail for fraud

>> No.13722136

yeah but here is the deal:
it's possible that all versions of the document are unaltered and authentic (ie emilio signed them all albeit maybe backdated in which case he committed fraud) and creg can show whichever he wants.
it's also possible that the new document is the original one and creg altered it before filing it to the ato. and now showing the original. i find it unlikely the ato would commit fraud.
what i don't see is a big conspiracy where poor creg is the victim somehow.

also lol at "proof of letters"

>> No.13722139

The document from where this retard cropped out the image of Craig being a plaintiff is from 2013. It was resubmitted to the court as evidence in the Craig vs Kleiman case, by Kleiman's team, where Kleiman is the plaintiff.

Therefore, if the document is altered, which it is as shown in the OP and in my previous post, Kleiman is responsible, not Craig.

There's like a hundred paid operatives trying to muddy the water in this case it's actually insane to watch.

>> No.13722157
File: 53 KB, 798x436, May15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 21

>> No.13722167

but the original court archives match kleimans so kleiman couldn't have altered it.

>> No.13722172

The ATO received leaked documents from an unknown source. This source was most likely Maxwell.

>> No.13722177
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s-soon! S-SOON!

>> No.13722180
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kys faggot

>> No.13722185

Ira later got the documents from the ATO not knowing they were altered and submitted them as evidence.

>> No.13722213

>b...but we gonna flip bcash
>b...btc too

>> No.13722223
File: 47 KB, 704x757, 1557944501623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just market bought some more.
Thank you.

>> No.13722237


>> No.13722239

>The document from where this retard cropped out the image of Craig being a plaintiff is from 2013. It was resubmitted to the court as evidence in the Craig vs Kleiman case, by Kleiman's team, where Kleiman is the plaintiff.
>Therefore, if the document is altered
Therefore the document is not altered since it's on courtlistener and it was provided by CSW (the plantiff)
That's the point.
After the "craig is fraud" signed message was posted online, Craig immediately provided what he is claiming to be the original document, which is an obvious forgery and it's different from the one HE submitted to court in 2013.

>> No.13722254


>> No.13722284

looks like forgetoshi played himself into a checkm8 in his 4d chess.

>> No.13722317

unironically this

>> No.13722320

with faketoshi something big will always happen but in the future. You'll see when blablabla, wait until blablabla, next year blablabla
all talk and nothing materialized. few days ago it was WAIT MAY 15!

>> No.13722321
File: 1.21 MB, 1324x1700, craig-timetraveller-wright-caught-faking-again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor guy tries to go back in time to alter the past but it keeps readjusting itself.

>> No.13722344

He is picking the wrong court to bullshit. Florida deals with this kind of stuff daily

>> No.13722448

Wow you people are stupid
All in BSV those with a brain

>> No.13722470

All in BSV those with a brain sir.

>> No.13722488

The best part is Roger Ver.
He signed a message with on of the forged addresses trying to proof that it's not Craig's address.

Now someone analysed this particular address and found out, that it's linked to Silk road.
Roger dug his own grave.

That's why BCH went anon coin and cash shuffle shit. We wants to laundry his Silk Road coins.

He will soon sit next to Ulbrich.

Screenshot this

>> No.13722492

i don't believe you two have a brain

>> No.13722505

Gregory Maxwell forged the first one

>> No.13722513

You just had to go through all the meme lingo to support your shanty case, didn't ya?

>> No.13722521

Good luck proving it's Roger's in the first place.

>> No.13722538

are u fucking retarded?

>> No.13722554

Holy shit

>> No.13722586

Fuck you
Fuck Greg
Fuck Craig
Fuck this drama
Fuck this fraud
Fuck BSV
Fuck all the brainlet shillers
And fuck jannies

>> No.13722598
File: 800 KB, 493x939, greggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how I know you're greg?

>> No.13722603

BTC addresses are “case-sensitive”
Probably CSW doesn’t know

>> No.13722702

doesnt make the address unvalid

>> No.13722739

Technically, it does. The blockchain explorer software may second-guess the address if it's mistyped

>> No.13722801

yeah if you searched case insensitive you could get in theory billions of results.

>> No.13722834

If you use a different blockchain explorer (without second-guessing), it shows no results:

>> No.13722854

>some lawyer's 19 year old stacey sexretary who typed to the document forgot how to use the shift key for a minute
>this proves CSW is a fraud and invalidates all other evidence to the contrary

>> No.13722852

Whats a jannie?

>> No.13722876

there is no evidence to the contrary

>> No.13722947

Where is the court file from 2013 where Craig submitted this document?

>> No.13723009
File: 955 KB, 656x4112, csw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over for altcucks

>> No.13723022

First post

>> No.13723040 [DELETED] 

I suck cocks

>> No.13723050

janitors, moderators

>> No.13723070

looks like yet another fake image by mr maxwell

>> No.13723136

then you didn't pay attention
original document submitted by craig in 2013 is in court archives

>> No.13723330

All discussion about CSW is run by jews intended to distract us from making money through bitcoin

>> No.13723377

so 'Gregory Maxwell' forged a document submitted by Craig White to Australian Courts (in support of whatever fraud) in 2013? How then does that work? Did 'Greg Maxwell' also forge Dave Kliemans signature (p. 23 of the link in OP)? Its a wonder poor creg doesn't take legal action against this determined madman, forging documents everywhere, then demanding Creg submit them under his own name. To courts. Under threat of perjury. In two different continents
>When it's spring again, I'll bring again
>tulips from Amsterdam