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13710907 No.13710907 [Reply] [Original]


>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) grilled the CEO of Gilead over a life saving HIV drug that costs $1,780 per month ($21,360 per year) in the United States, yet just $8 in Australia.

>"You're the CEO of Gilead. Is it true that Gilead made $3 billion in profits from Truvada in 2018?" Ocasio-Cortez asked Gilead CEO Daniel O'Day.

>"$3 billion in revenue," he replied.

>"The current list price is $2,000 a month in the United States, correct?" AOC then asked.

>"It's $1,780 in the United States," responded O'Day.

>"Why is it $8 in Australia?" countered Ocasio-Cortez.

>"Truvada still has patent protection in the United States and in the rest of the world it is generic," explained O'Day, adding "It will be generically available in the United States as of September 2020."

>"I think it's important here that we notice that we the public, we the people, developed this drug. We paid for this drug, we lead and developed all the patents to create Prep and then that patent has been privatized despite the fact that the patent is owned by the public, who refused to enforce it," shot back the Congresswoman. "There’s no reason this should be $2,000 a month. People are dying because of it and there’s no enforceable reason for it."

>As the Washington Post reported in March, Gilead's development of Truvada was "almost fully funded by US taxpayers."

>According to the Post, the US government patented the treatment in 2015, but has "opted not to file an infringement suit to enforce" the patent.

>"Gilead seems to be using the CDC’s technology for free without compensating the CDC, without compensating the taxpayer," said Morten in an interview after reviewing the CDC's patents at the request of the PrEP4All Collaboration.


>> No.13710915

based big titty congresswoman

>> No.13710937

She's right but biz is full of temporarily embarrassed millionaires so I hope truvada stays brave

>> No.13710946


>> No.13710966

How do I buy it at Australian prices and sell it here for $1000 each?

>> No.13710968

>implying politics and the markets can be completely differentiated

>> No.13710973

>People are dying because of it

Isn't this BS? Just gets transferred to insurance premiums, no?

>> No.13710979

>import restrictions

>> No.13710987

Shes right. The economics of healthcare in the United states is so fucked. I cant believe we lick the boots of the insurance companies this much.

>> No.13710988

The fair price of anything is whatever people are prepared to pay, Comrades

>> No.13710993

The constituency she represents, Bronx, is a complete stinking shithole. Will only get worse with her.

>> No.13710995

This system is sick but it is what it is. If we stopped having these taxpayer funded and American consumer supported programs then America would pretty much cede all innovation to the Chinese because they have no morals either and allow for human experimentations.

So this way is the only way America is the best place in the world to develop new cures for stuff like AIDS.

Gilead might have told her that but that person was probably scared to give up the truth in fear of the public who cannot know their money is what supports this all and that we are basically the worlds beta testers for dangerous shit that could kill you.

>> No.13710997

Illegally of course

>> No.13711005

thanks US people for being guinea pigs and financers of cheap technology for the rest of the world. hopefully that privilege won't mean my country will be bombed to the ground, though.

>> No.13711026

>they have no morals either and allow for human experimentations
how do you think these companies test their drugs? by black magic? they test them on ill people...

>> No.13711027

any post with this bitch in it is /pol/

>> No.13711041

It's also a prevention medication. People with HIV don't take it. It's for fags who want to run around getting raw dogged in the ass they can take this daily and it protects you from contracting it.

>> No.13711060


Her fag party is the one that sold us out to the insurance companies dipshit. Live bitch about problems they create, then pass draconian laws that only exacerbate the problem, and repeat. I.E Obamacare.

Standard socialist tricks. Democrats have made US policy unimpeded since 1988 until 2017. Republicans are paper tiger gimps. Let’s elect more of the people that made these problems to “fix” them, because they’re mad about it.

Literally the original trolls, fucking brainlets.

>> No.13711083

>How do I drug dealer

blocked, reported, called the cops

>> No.13711085

Her fag party hates her.

>> No.13711104

So fucking based. Cant wait for her to be president.

>> No.13711124

anon, if the medical companies weren't able to make such heaping profits, all the boomers that invested in them wouldn't have their pension funds constantly topped up from the dividends.
we need to keep price gouging you, otherwise the whole system will collapse.

>> No.13711127

I have never heard someone describe socialist/democrat tactics so perfectly. This is exactly what they do with education as well. Every 15 years or so they raise the flag of an education crisis, ignoring the crisis began with their last handling of a 'crisis'. Invent a problem. Build a coalition get a consensus, 2 steps forward one 1 step back.

>> No.13711139

Long live Skreli

Hang Democrats

>> No.13711158

in other words it is a big giant NOTHING URGER.
>OP is a total dumbfuck
typical leftist performance. kek

>> No.13711161

is she the female version of shapiro?
muh "facts dont care about feelings"

>> No.13711165

AOC is my president. Say it with me. I'm with her. We've always had a knack for picking out a winner and Cortex is a winner!

>> No.13711167


Because she’s a retard and actually believes the original memes like Globak Warming and refuses to cool off shit pot stirring when they need a strategic cook off.

She’s worse than the Schumers of the world because she actually BELIEVES that trash. They made an entire generation of these monsters that they are losing control of.

>> No.13711186

The fag party lost the presidential election to a complete newcomer in politics who wasn't even trying to win so they seem like the actual retards desu

>> No.13711196
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You’re not that far from the truth

>> No.13711199

>implying it's not democrats compromising with republicans to at least get the plan rolling
>implying the compromises don't structurally sacrifice the integrity of the plan
>implying republicans don't sabotage the plan the moment they seize power, then blame it on the dems
You didn't learn anything from the Obamacare debacle did you?

>> No.13711212

If its covered and if it is covered the premium on your insurance goes up.

>> No.13711278

how much link to have a stable relationship with her?

>> No.13711340

Slightly related, if the only people in congress willing to call out Israel aka Jews are brown and black women, some Muslim, so be it.

Why are white male politicians so pathetic when it comes to Jews? They kowtow to the Jew's lobbies with zero pushback.

>> No.13711382

it's a different system when the attitude towards insurance and healthcare isn't the same casino capitalism approach that burgers love.
they love being freeriders instead of owning up to their duties. If they can skimp on health insurance payments, weaken the system, but then show up to the ER and demand service, they think they've won.
insurance companies that have regular contributors and government regulations that are accountable to the tax payers can better bargain with care provider companies.
just like the guy says, the medication is unprotected by patents and is available as a generic in Australia.
Being provided as a generic drug means that they are allowing capitalist market competition to provide the drug at the lowest possible price.

>> No.13711459
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Big tits on slim chicks makes me hard as a rock.

>> No.13711593

Isn't it cheaper to buy tickets to those sick and send them to Australia?

>> No.13711643

It is pretty annoying our taxes are going directly to private companies though.
I wish they’d just make this drug illegal though and hang all the fags

>> No.13711644

>Caring about AIDS ridden faggots

>> No.13711735

Faggots aren't people.

>> No.13711738

anyone have fappable pictures of this communist whore?

>> No.13712034

>According to the Post, the US government patented the treatment in 2015, but has "opted not to file an infringement suit to enforce" the patent.

Well here's the real story.

>> No.13712044

Believe it or not the government officials involved with the medical insurance industry are corrupt as fuck

>> No.13712064

Tell that to my UNH shares

>> No.13712093

Daily reminder that the United States spends more PUBLIC money per capita on health care then the leafs. You could have single payer health care tommorow as well as gold plated private insurance on top of you didn’t spend the money like a bunch of spastics

>> No.13712094

because fuck fags and their fag medication

>> No.13712106

>Daily reminder that the United States spends more PUBLIC money per capita on health care then the leafs.


>> No.13712289

>just hate gay people and don't look at the underlying issue
Public money goes into research for drugs that get privatized, and then sold for extortive prices back to the public. You'd think on /biz/ people would be more concerned about their own money lining the pockets of people they'll never meet or see. All the complaints about food stamps and yet the grossest reallocation of public money, from healthcare to bank bailouts to the military industrial complex, gets totally overlooked on this board. Doesn't make sense when foodstamps are a fraction of what we fork over to companies. In my state, for example, we just gave $4 billion to Foxconn, and they'll probably have to bring in workers from China to fill the factory they say they're building (if they even build it to functionality, there's a good chance they'll just build an empty campus, take the benefits, and run)

>> No.13712346

Americans are cucks

>> No.13712381

I would be saving lives

>> No.13712401

But what about the share holders?

>> No.13712426
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I always burst out in laughter when I think about how jewed americucks are when it comes to their healthcare system.
t. every civilized country in the world.

>> No.13712437

>people are dying because drugs are expensive
Nah they dying cause they are degenerate disgusting faggots and tearing their asshole while fucking each other in 10+ anonymous orgies
Totally deserved

>> No.13712439

What about them?

>> No.13712459

Yes comrade, we should just seize the means already.

>> No.13712465

Politicians are nothing but the leeches on the belly of risk takers. The us made a deal. Now they have to stick with it.

>> No.13712499

One day you'll be in a magnificent day, with a good night of sleep, a little bout of aerobic exercise or just even walking, and your IQ will reach 100 ! What a comfy feeling ! Making correlations between things and patterns you'd never have guessed before, recognizing your own biases and discover truth that you could have never seen before.
And then, you fucking idiot, will realize what you just posted.

>> No.13712537

Why shouldn’t they be allowed to leach off the American taxpayer?

>> No.13712590

>seething fag

>> No.13712626

T. Buttblasted poofta
Enjoy your aids and 2k a month bill faggot

>> No.13712645

>Daily reminder that doctors in the United States are paid more than in Canada

>> No.13712646
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The secret is to seize the means of production and create a communist state with me as the leader. I aint workin in no collective farm

>> No.13712685

>Public money goes into research for drugs that get privatized
Sorry but you can't just make shit up. It's the biotech companies that pay to develop these drugs and the reason they are so expensive is because it takes years and millions upon millions of dollars to get a drug through the FDA approval process and they have to recoup those costs.

>> No.13712699

This. It's good that this chick is highlighting how fucked Americans are by their government. This is incredibly corrupt conduct. People obviously being paid off to not pursue, and it's all in the open, no one can do a damn thing.

>> No.13712703

And yet still has the highest infant mortality rate and one of the lowest life expectancies. All that winning

>> No.13712709

That's because obesity and smoking are so common. Not a problem if you aren't a degenerate.

>> No.13712767

Canadian smoking rate is higher but I won’t fight you on ebesity. Bunch of fat fucks.

>> No.13712770

my cock goes diamonds just think what she'd like at potus . Her kind is going to single handly destroy america.
Think of all the cheap stocks and asset prices.

>> No.13712828

This. The rest of the world has cheap healthcare in part because Americans subsidize all the research with their taxes and expensive healthcare, then the other countries just have to pitch in to pay for the completed product. But this particular case -- and I'm sure many others -- is expensive because, even after that cost was covered, the US Gov. was paid to look the other way while a private corporation robbed the citizenry.

>> No.13712839
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1. Americans and American companies like Gilead with tens of thousands of employees spend billions developing novel medications; single handedly responsible for devolping 60% of all new drugs and saving countless lives in the process

2. Our "allies" in the EU, Canada and Australia et al threaten these companies with reverse engineering these drugs if the company refuses to sell them "at cost" to them, forcing these companies to charge american citizens more to recoup the enormous costs with producing them

3. European companies that do absolutely nothing to advance medical science but maintain monopoly level market production share on desperately needed legacy medicinal products like insulin (Novo Nordisk/Sanofi) charge exorbitant prices to Americans as well

4. Even with little money going into drug research and perhaps even less money going into paying for drugs Eurotrash still have to be taxed like WW2 never ended to maintain their unsustainable welfare state

Savor the flavor because me and the rest of the glorious goblinoid races of America will not tolerate this injustice much longer. Eurabians are already taxed to the brink and many of these countries will go down in flames if their fucked up protectionist policies are tampered with by future American legislation.

>> No.13712854

Explain insulin then

>> No.13712910


>phrama funds ~60%, gov't funds ~33%

>all 210 drugs approved in the US between 2010 and 2016 benefited from publicly funded research

>from 2010 to 2016 NIH money (public money funding pharma research) totaled more than $100 billion

That's just the NIH, not to mention the research done by public universities (although public universities tend to receive endowments from private persons and corps). Took about a second on google to find. If you look at it from the standpoint of investing, we the people are putting money into an industry, and instead of getting returns, they're charging us more for the same drugs by monopolizing patents (patents funded, even in part, by that money we invested).

FDA regulations aside, if we look at the reallocation of public money as an investment, the investors (the taxpayers) are getting hilariously shafted. If you owned ~33% percent of a stock, you would expect incredible returns, not heightened prices on the stock's product.

Our system is actually kind of socialist, insofar as a third of those "means of production" are already public funds. The only thing I'm complaining about is that we're not seeing a return on the money we put in as taxpayers. Instead that money accumulates at the top to pharma CEOs. So yeah, a bit like Soviet Russia, innit?

>> No.13713000

Of the three biggest insulin producers two are European (Novo Nordisk and Sanofi) and the American one (Eli Lilly) recently introduced a half-price humolog due out soon


>> No.13713004

she’s not really representative of her party, that’s why she’s so popular. people want a real solution to the american healthcare system.

everyone on the left knows obamacare was bullshit. but it was a step in the right direction, even if it was forced private healthcare. look at auto insurance. that’s force private insurance but there aren’t crazy monopolies controlling the markets. the problem wasn’t obamacare but he context around it, nawmean?

(this might not be coherent. i’m phone posting. )

>> No.13713066

Obamacare was a compromise. He wanted single payer but that would never fly. The reality is buying drugs by the skid will always be cheaper than buying by the bottle or pill and that’s what single payer is. One payer representing all Americans and securing a discount. European countries all manage to cover their citizens with better care outcomes with less public money. United States wouldn’t be an exception if they actually went down that road.

>> No.13713085

Anyone got a good idea on how to solve this shit? We used to have cool cunts like the penicillin guy who made the rights public.

>> No.13713125

>usa is the best country
>amerifats literally have to beg for money to pay their medical bills

>> No.13713146

Lousy fags in Europe and Canada annoy the fuck out of me.

>t. Leaf fag looking to gtfo

>> No.13713158

The real readpill is that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. A lifestyle of hard drug use, anal tearing, injections of foreign genetic material and commensal biota, catching STD's and their subsequent treatment all lead to your immune system collapsing. Because why wouldn't it? Why wouldn't this behavior result in your strained and over-taxed immune system falling apart?

>> No.13713169
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are you saying murica is a capitalistic hellhole? who would have thought

>> No.13713181

what the fuck happened between 2005 and 2006 in the top left chart?

>> No.13713205

In australia the gays are not yet embraced and celebrated, their numbers need to be maximised.
In america the embraced gays are an obstacle to muslim, mexican and black expansion

>> No.13713231

How many Republicans voted for Obamacare, anon? Do you remember?

>> No.13713376
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>have healthy population
>get drugs for free
>still have to be taxed like you're $150,000 in debt the second you get your first McJob

Your system only appears tolerable in the face of the exploitation of American research, American military hegemony and the long-abused american public. You can laugh now, but without us you'd still be dying from the black plague, you won't be isolated from the problems inherent in american style cosmpolitanism for long

>> No.13713399

they call in some dude and then scream at him for complying with the profit maximization mandate?

>> No.13713503

ameritards are literally more brainwashed than chinks

>> No.13713512
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She may be a garbage candidate but at least she's trying and I'll give her props for grilling that man

>> No.13713552
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The FDA over time has increased the costs associated with developing a new drug from an inflation adjusted 400 million to over two billion today. In the 80s a law was passed called the Orphan Drug Law that gave drug companies patent protections (i.e. no generics) on all new drugs for 15 years or something like that which greatly boosted both the amount of new medications as well as the costs-and as you can see in that same image this had the unintended consequence of the rest of the world essentially dropping off from producing drugs themselves and then putting up trade restrictions that made it impossible for drug companies to place the burden anywhere other than the shoulders of the American public...Also the Health Insurance industry inadvertently subsidizes these higher prices in the same way that student loans do. If people can't afford something they can't buy it and drug companies-like all companies-need customers buying their shit or they become liquidated.

>> No.13713589

god this is such a clown world

>> No.13713893

yet everything he said is right

>> No.13713911

Thank god for this; AMRN will be bringing in Profit by the ton. And no one else can make that drug for 15 yrs (or if they try they'll get sued by a pack of Lawyers). Long AMRN, Long mega Profits. Hurray for big stock price hikes (and Profits). Bring on the buyout! - Hello Financial Freedom.

>> No.13713944

someone give me some AOC fap material or you anons are useless

>> No.13713947

Aside note: AOC is kinda hitting the wall already. She's what 29? Look at the video on youtube where she's dancing during her college years. She looked way better then. Didn't take long did it?

>> No.13713959

>that picture
>that pose
> that admission
I seriously thought this was from the stormer, is Haaretz antisemitic now wtf?

>> No.13714003

she'll be suicided and probably sooner than later.
all the right people hate her so she is for sure not gonna be around for much longer.

>> No.13714202

>"People Are Dying"
Faggots aren't really people tho.

>> No.13714304

typical cost is about 1billion per drug. oharma can have 2-3 drugs in phase 3 trials and have them all fail in the same year and be out 3-4 billion dollars with nothing to show for it.

successful drugs have to pay for:
>their own development
>development of future drugs
>taking future drugs through phase 1, 2 & 3 trials
>and pay for failed trials

>> No.13714493
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Makes me wonder what happened to that anon who'd posted about investing in novovax(?). I hope he didn't go all in because they were obliterated by the FDA in their Phase 3 trials and went back to a penny stock. From what he did say though assuming their company is still solvent it might not be a bad time to look into investing there.

Two and a half billion circa 6 years ago actually (with the study concluding that the costs increase by 8.5% a year, thus it can be surmised that the full 3 billion mark has been passed)


>> No.13714606
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>it's because of patents
>a corportatist big govt invention

ancap wins again

>> No.13714635

Ill people who have no other shot at a treatment and are willing to sign the waiver. With China there wouldn't even be that much, just Doctor Wang Chung injecting a million people with random stuff to see what happens.

>> No.13714645

>US government patented the treatment in 2015, but has "opted not to file an infringement suit to enforce" the patent.

Why does she bother the CEO then. It’s governments fault

>> No.13714660

>"American" research
>over 50% of PhD students studying in America are foreign nationals on H1B visas

Wew lad.

>> No.13714663

Who the fuck cares about a bunch of hiv infected faggots? I want my civilization back godfuckingdammit.

>> No.13714868
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The development of these drugs predates their release to the market by at least 8 years right? Look at the graph, the US took the burden of the world's healthcare on its back as early as the mid 90s. This just didn't happen yesterday, and I'll thank you not to make light of my country's current demographic eccentricities. Do you honestly think Europe as it is today would endure as well as the United States has considering it's been the victim of a 50 year "refugee crisis"?

>> No.13715134
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I'm not saying the us isn't funding it in saying it very literally isn't Americans doing the research anymore. They keep it patented in America because if they try anywhere else the nationals in America who do the actual research can just go back home and start undercutting. Main reason China doesn't five a fuck abut us patent law. The chinks who do the research here just hand it all over to them for free.

>> No.13715247

So the united states make about 50% of R&D while the rest is done in Japan, UK, Germany, France and Switzerland which have about the same population as the US combined.

>> No.13715280

These drugs are free in Europe, btw. Thanks American frens.

>> No.13715296


>> No.13715310

fuck off retard

>> No.13715339


Gee it's like centralization leads to corruption and companies need revenue to exist and fund future research

>> No.13715391

What coin is this?

>> No.13715442

The problem isn't Gilead or any other drug company, the problem is that your shitty system allows them to take advantage of you. Their shareholders literally force the CEO to maximize profits. If he doesn't do it he will get fired and the board will find someone "better". Don't blame the player, blame the game.

>> No.13715521


cheers mate! she would make a great president

>> No.13715581

While that graph isn't necessarily as specific as it should be I have to concede the point that visa holders have been a substantial portion of the American STEM market in general for some time-certainly longer than I'd have assumed.

Nonetheless, it's less important to me to laud "Genetically Amerigoblin Made Medical Innovation" than it is to point out that it's only through American money and suffering that these advancements are made possible.

Again, using Sanofi and Novo Nordisk as an example with what they do with insulin, what drugs they (Europe et. al) do produce-which in cases like France are statistically less than a third of what they'd erstwhile produced even ten/eleven years ago-they go on to dump on American consumers at a higher cost, and it's only through this apparatus that this research is able to be carried out and these drugs are made available retroactively to their domestic market.


>If the FDA, EMA, and other advanced regulators have (largely) the same safety standards, there should at least be reciprocal approval for vaccines (and likely many drug classes as well) where the biological understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action are well understood, and where robust postmarket surveillance tools are already in place. The FDA already works, to some extent, with international regulators to harmonize regulations, so this wouldn’t be a heavy lift for the agency.

>But while the FDA and EMA engage in high level discussion and collaboration, true reciprocity of approvals has never really been on the table. Why? Regulators may fear losing clout, and application review fees – about $672 million in 2012 – that come with submitting new drug approvals to the FDA. After all, if access to the large and lucrative U.S. market could be obtained by going to the EMA rather than the FDA, there might be a mass exodus of drug applications to the E.U.

>> No.13715930

Dumb bitch couldn't wait tables like a pro, now she wants to complain?
She never took chemistry, nor gave a fuck about your health, prior to getting elected.

>> No.13716089

It's not $8, it's $40.30 to me the user, but the Australian government subsidises it down from $250 a month.

So become an Australia citizen and get your monthly prescription and make an easy $1000 or $ 500 a month.

>> No.13716278

so let the world meet us half way

>> No.13716303

Dying of preventable illness so that companies can profiteer is a good thing. Because if we did it another way black people would get access to healthcare, and that's bad or something. idk i just watch Fox news and it tells me what to think.