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13703158 No.13703158 [Reply] [Original]

Not 1000 LINK, 3000, or 8000.

>Will dip on mainnet so wait before loading up

>> No.13703170

1k suicide stack
10,000 make it stack
100,000 already rich but want to be more rich stack

>> No.13703976

what price are you actually thinking for that to happen?

>> No.13704001

What price are YOU thinking to make YOUR narrative happen?

>> No.13704009


>> No.13704025

$15 in 2-3 yrs

>> No.13704045
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1000 link = 21 btc

>> No.13704060

>1k suicide stack
glad I won't have to worry about that at least.

>> No.13704071

Making it is $2 million right now, so the price would be around $80.

If you had 1000 LINK, what are you going to do with $80k? Even $240k (3000 LINK) is not enough for a nice home in a good neighborhood.

>> No.13704083

it's actually 40k to make it. 10k was and always will be a meme.

>> No.13704095

All you faggots acting like LINK is the last great investment opportunity and not the floodgates that lead to an entire new set of products that you will be able to move LINK gains into.

>> No.13704103

Delete now.

>> No.13704118

If link does all it is set out to do, then there'll be no need to move funds, it'll keep growing since the network usage will constantly go up, as nearly all crypto related products need access to external data.

>> No.13704131
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>> No.13704498


>> No.13704517

>If you had 1000 LINK, what are you going to do with $80k?
not kill myself

>> No.13704682

>no need to move funds, it'll keep growing since the network usage will constantly go up
Yes, but after a certain point, your gains from start diminishing as the price levels out. You won't be able to continue to 100x your money over and over.

After the big moon mission, you'll have a choice. Sit on your comfy profits and earn 5% to 10% a year. Or reinvest (some of) those earnings into a new potential 100x moon mission

>> No.13704802

The global derivatives market alone is estimated to be valued between 600 trillion and 1,2 quadrilion USD.

Thus, even if 1 Billion link were in circulation and Chainlink facilitated a measly 1% of the global derivative settlements, then a suicide stack would be worth anywhere from 6 million to 12 million bucks, cucks.

$1000 ATH is literal fud.

>> No.13704843

At what point will you guys stop accumulating link? I mean if you think about even if it goes to $500 that's still god tier roi if you buy at up to like $100 a link

>> No.13704855

Let's just say Sergey's only concern is that the supply of LINK will be too low.

>> No.13704897

What would be the point of buying Link at 100$ unless you only have like 142 Link right now?

If you have anything over 1,000 link it isnt even worth the effort to deposit $2,000 to add 20 link

>> No.13704911

I'll keep DCAing as usual up to $5, past $10 I'd probably cut down my DCA amount but not stop. Because let's face it, if we got anywhere near $10 then LINK would be a certified unstoppable moon mission.

These next few months are so insanely pivotal for LINK.

>> No.13704917

To add to my last comment I have 25k Link, and i cant imagine adding anymore past 1$. Sure maybe I'd add 3k worth to get to 28k but I need too have cash until it fucking gets to 100$-1000$

>> No.13704929
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easy jump print more



i'm halfway to making it stack

>> No.13705187

>trust me I'm a faggot
Yeah, ok anon.

>> No.13705363

this desu

>> No.13705403

what does it matter... it's going back down to 30c after mainnet. this will be your last chance anons

>> No.13705439

Unnamed but hinted at partnerships will be officially announced the day of or day before mainnet to prevent a dump and then it will moon

It will be artificially surprassed to stay below $1.00 until then

It's going to hit .999 today and you will see thousands of trades for 10 link both buy and sell to keep the price down

>> No.13705471

I have 250k link. I knew my autistic research would pay off one day. I'll be set even if it gets to $5, 1.5bil MC

>> No.13705605

I believe in you, anon! I'm independently wealthy but I'm in LINK for the cause. Here's a question though: Is Chainlink effectively a monetization model for the Internet of Things?

>> No.13705612


How are faggots like these able to find biz in the first place?

>> No.13705926

If I'm being realistic,
1.4K per LINK

>> No.13706193

>new potential 100x moon mission
Why would blockchain tech need anything else than BTC, ETH and LINK?

Every oldfag who’s been in this space for a while is saying those are the big three and everything else will be purged in the coming years

>> No.13706216


>link's actually got the potential to flip bitcoin

this fuckin timeline

>> No.13706219


>> No.13706222
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Actually 30k was always the minimum to make it.

>> No.13706242
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15k Linklet here
Bought for the memes
Wtf am I even doing !?

>> No.13706250
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My parents are really rich but don't want to give us anything until we've gone full boomer ourselves (some weird virtue thing idfk), so I don't need to 'make it'. That will happen eventually anyway.

I have only a couple hundred link at the moment. Will this be enough to pay for a nice holiday within the next few months?

>> No.13706677

You don't deserve link

>> No.13706684

Making money

>> No.13707290

>1000 link = 21 btc

What did I miss? Quickrundown requested

>> No.13707385

Believe me when I say 10k is plenty to make it, assuming that ‘making it’ is $2m after taxes. The only benefit to having more than that is that you can sell some earlier; you don’t need to wait until we’re really close to a peak.

$300 minimum per LINK before EOY 2021, and that’s a low-end estimate.

This 100%. There are obviously other useful coins and tokens out there, but none are as critically important as that trifecta. Chainlink could very well flip ETH, but I don’t think it will ever flip BTC.

>> No.13707453

This was written on 4 chan to fud redditors btw, don't spread that shit here

>> No.13707570
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Listen friends, there's a lot of misinformation and manipulation out there, in my experience, the biggest danger with crypto (and investing in general) is being easily influenced into investing in some tokens and then realizing you were just a sucker buying a shill's bags. We've all been here, folks. This crypto space is still immature, driven by greed, flooded with opportunists and is more dominated by marketing than by real value... and there are so many different projects all offering wonderful groundbreaking promises that it's very difficult to keep track of what's legit, what's a scam, and what's a big nothing... Well, do you remember the rick roll troll meme? Well the same folks who came up with that troll joke, 4chan (also known as Anonymous), has been orchestrating secret raids on reddit to downvote every thread discussing this particular token. Now think about this, who would FUD their own investment instead of shilling it? We all shill the tokens we own to our friends and family, so why are they doing this? It doesn't make sense, right? Well they're just doing it for fun, it seems... "as a joke", yup, just like the rick roll meme. All I'm saying is, be careful if you're thinking of buying this one, folks. Personally I'll be waiting until it proves itself to be more than just a joke and reaches at least 10 dollars before taking the risk to buy in, just to be safe. Smart move is to be patient and let the market decides if it can be trusted.

>> No.13707670

$10 is when I'm fucking dumping. Pretty profit from that

>> No.13707686

the /makeit/ threshold

>> No.13707766
File: 81 KB, 446x435, 1558118036455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fundamentally, I’ve noticed a lot of new posters in the last 69hr (SIXTY NINE) asking about Chainlink and just wanted to warn you. Chainlink is shilled HEAVILY here and it’s very hard to understand so this background is crucial to ensure you stay safe.

Basically, a bunch of RACIST WHITE CIS MALE 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people (IT WAS BESIDE THE FUCKING TOILETS FOR FUCK'S SAKES, YOU COULD HEAR THEM FLUSHING), literally no news or partnership came from the event.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.
The coin is HEAVILY manipulated by a literal TRANNY DISCORD who pump and dump this coin more than their boyfriends pump and dump hot cum into their asses, and the supply is dried up from huge fucking chink whales (xi jinping is rumoured to hold link) who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser (OH MY GOD ITS JSON PARSER...) for smart contracts (LOL HOW CAN A CONTRACT BE "SMART"???), would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. You're literally just buying a wh*tepaper.

They only have 2 devs who are literal pajeets who are payed in big macs (non beef) and Surgay NAZAJEET is a literal psychologist (trusting a shrink? is he gonna tell us to go clean our room next?). So FUNDAMENTALLY, it's a scam, ok thanks.

Now go do the needful and buy a real coin with fundamentals like MATIC.

>> No.13707780
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>Price 59 EOY


>> No.13707857
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but didn't you just fud link?

>> No.13707928


plz no larp

>> No.13707945

I will literally have $500k AUD i'm so keen
>23 Y/O

>> No.13707956

Kek I knew it

>> No.13707964

Smart contracts are in their infancy. In the next few years, we will see new use cases and business models popping up that are only possible by leveraging chain link. Link will open up new possibilities, and those are what you will want to reinvest in

>> No.13707978

These threads never get the "get"

>> No.13708046


checks out

>> No.13708711
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>implying 99% of the FUD doesn't come from bored bagholders from me
wew how new are you

>> No.13708739

like me*

>> No.13708986

>you need 3 times the global GDP to make it
I appreciate the FUD OP but this is ridiculous