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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 95 KB, 242x338, 45345345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13701652 No.13701652 [Reply] [Original]

>Brave is looking to raise $30–$50 million at a valuation of roughly $133 million, the sources say.
>Ads are so successful we need more money goyim, pay up goy, our san francisco, new york and london pent houses arent going to pay for themselves
Ouch only worth 133 million...... Brave/BAT fags btfo

>> No.13701735

god i hope this project goes under and dies. the world will be a better place

>> No.13701742

Lol what piece of shit.
Fuck ads and Brendan.

>> No.13701756

why would anybody think these tokens would be a good investment, regardless of if the project is successful or not? the sell pressure from millions of pajeets market dumping as soon as they earned a BAT from ad farming would be enormous

>> No.13701758
File: 13 KB, 302x402, me face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-...jokes on you
I didn't want to make it anyway


>> No.13701777
File: 106 KB, 480x529, 1537571587911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically thinking people will watch ads for shitcoins when they currently pay real money to avoid them

>> No.13701844


>> No.13701862

>nobody is going to download and use a browser

>everyone is going to download and use bitcorns or whatever other autistic blockchain project thats shilled on here

>> No.13701899


>> No.13701916

also checked. this is a batfag thread what did kek mean by this

>> No.13701928

Based brainlet

>> No.13701940


They aren't dumping their UGP reserves on users. This is actually bullish if they pull it off.

>> No.13701958

>browser adoption == token adoption
no issue with the browser. the token is why this is shit

>> No.13701970


>> No.13701978

Thanks sold bought BTT LETS GOO

>> No.13701989

nice try fudfag, trashing BAT isnt going to make your bags lighter.

>> No.13702001

a closed reward system where the user can only pay out of, not take away from isn't going to catch on? bbb-but 'unidirectional' wallets are going to change..

>> No.13702004

proof BAT is a scam. "real" crypto application like bitcoin and ethereum are self sustaining and do not require centralized money to continue working

>> No.13702109


kek a new browser in year 2019 what a joke

minds behind this bat fraud are really retarded

>> No.13702118

Its literally not fud nigger, its reality pajeet.

>> No.13702126
File: 144 KB, 362x208, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid fucking faggot.

This is in my Uphold wallet. It is ALL from free grants / ads.

Only retards don't know how to "cash out" of BAT from the browser.

>> No.13702142

BAT is an er20 token that is utilized by a browser. It is not base layer technology. Ethereum is the base layer technology BATs functionality is dependent on.

Nobody claims erc20 token projects are independent entities...

>> No.13702398


Lets take something simple like a central authority and replace it with something experimental and 100x more risky and complex like a decentralized form of governance.

>> No.13702507
File: 124 KB, 1039x809, BAT use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are using your BAT, aren't you anon?

>> No.13702510

>ignores the fact that they have millions worth of tokens they could sell but have decided against.
Good job pajeet.

>> No.13702554

Their reasons for using erc20 token are laid out in the BAT documentation. If you are curious you can take a look. Or just keep whining if you like. I bought 20k at 12 cents because I felt they made their case, and because brave was my favorite mobile browser even before I knew was bat was.

>> No.13702857
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>> No.13702891

I was explaining that BAT doesnt need to be a DAO like so many people believe. BAT does what it needs to do. Centralization maximalists can stay out. BAT is just the right amount of decentralization.

>> No.13703285

Looks like ad money isnt enough nigger.

>> No.13703364

the fact BAT is so hated on biz makes me hold my BAT bags even fucking tighter. all you fucking faggots are going to hang yourselves after Brave/BAT becomes successful.

this is literally just a round of venture investing. if they hit their target thats going to be extremely good news.

also, need i say it again...peter thiel is in. why the fuck wouldnt you be in with him?

>> No.13703384
File: 53 KB, 600x450, batgeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and die, google!

>> No.13703392

fuck off back to plebbit nigger

>> No.13703913

looks like its fo sho time to super sell even at a loss

>> No.13703938


>> No.13704084
File: 55 KB, 960x744, 1528774769062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off BATSHILLS and your centralized shitcoin

>> No.13704159

>listening to fluffypony
>a man with so little self control he can't even control his own weight.
anon i...

>> No.13704451
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>> No.13704876
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 09F2041D-9CC4-4670-9168-FCDF693B2E51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is he up to anything these days other than fudding Brave?

>regards, guy with much love for Monero even though I don't own any

>don't look
>just "look really hard"

fella, I...

>> No.13705939

Only on a cesspool like /biz is the idea that one of these crypto shit stains could actually attract investors (that aren't disabled ICO monkeys) an embarrassing thing LOL. Literally no other project would get a dime.

>> No.13705963

>pay real money to avoid them
Adblockers are free though anon. But checked

>> No.13705984

Checked and truthpilled

I will always allocate at least $50 a month to avoid all advertising which is currently:
- Netflix
- YouTube Premium
- Spotify
- Hulu

>> No.13706014

This guy thinks VC's are smart. please, they invest in less profitable garbage everyday

>> No.13706131

Only on a cesspool like /biz do you find festering potatoes who think VC's don't make profitable investments but /biz users do.

>> No.13706146

> bags are heavy, mom’s spaghetti

>> No.13706147

Brave allows you to do that for free without downloading any extensions. It's basically Chrome with various built-in extensions, newest build I'm using has built-in TOR. Brave is hands down the best browser on the market atm and BAT will be big thanks to it.

>> No.13706248

VC's will tell you themselves that most projects lose money, fuck you're stupid Even the winners lose money for a decade