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13700988 No.13700988 [Reply] [Original]

how come burgers have such extreme health care? Why are your anesthesiologists getting paid obscene amount of money? Here in slavland we have healthcare almost for free and some hospitals pay their anesthesiologists like $1200 monthly it is sad

>> No.13701005

Nobody here actually pays those retard high bills. They go straight to insurance.

>> No.13701023

Who do you think pays it then? kek we not only pay that amount of money because it comes from taxes but we also pay the gibs for people that have shitty health habits and gypsies

>> No.13701036

anesthesiologists Get paid a shitload because they could kill the person they are dosing medicine to. They pay a ton for malpractice insurance or whatever it’s called. So they might make 120k a year but are paying probably 12-24k a year on just that insurance

>> No.13701061

Extreme? You mean the best in the world? And your healthcare is not free; it is subsidized by the American pharmaceutical industry providing you cheap and new drugs, the American medical research industry doing all of the advancing research that brings costs down >>13700988
and the US government paying for your defence costs.

>> No.13701064

Try 450k a year.

>> No.13701080

This. Fucking eurofag commie freeloaders. USA single handedly drags the rest of the world into the future, kicking and screaming the whole fucking way.

>> No.13701082

I heard 40-50% of a doctor's salary goes straight to insurance

>> No.13701155


>> No.13701159
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legal costs and massive liability any time there is a mistake are priced into the cost of healthcare, as is bad debt. all by people paying for goods and services for other people with other peoples' money. also, it's administered for profit and is the most profitable market commercially as far as I know, if you want to develop a bleeding edge technology or drug

>> No.13701174
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>tfw it's because they have no better alternative despite all this

>> No.13701190

Its not really debt if nobody can force you to pay it. For the time being America plays nice but when the default happens its not like anyone can actually take america to task for what they owe.

>> No.13701222
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The whole healthcare thing is a joke and anyone on either side who cares about it is an idiot. Pharmaceutical literally means "poison" in ancient greek.

Antibiotics literally suppress your immune system.

Take things like magneisum, lions mans....cordyceps....and reishe mushrooms

AND to cure literally ANY disease or illness drink your own urine. Your urine has info about what is wrong with you so when you drink it you create antibodies and can heal fucking anything..

Look up Monica Schutt on youtube. Read thw water of life by john armstrong.

ALSO distilled water will get rid of all the bad shit in your body. Distilled water is the worlds greatest solvent in the world. But be ready for detox symptoms.


“I thought if I DRANK PLENTY OF IT, I might get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it, and it worked like a charm. Within a short time my sciatica left me and I have been free of rheumatism from that day to this. I have KEPT UP MY DRINKING OF DISTILLED WATER and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.”

— Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone


— Nikola Tesla, when asked about his predictions for the next 100 years in an article appearing in Liberty magazine, February 9th, 1935

>> No.13701228

Also, the medical industrial complex in americ and europe makes the nazis look like amateurs when it comes to killing (if the holocaust was real)

>> No.13701237

healthcare in america and europe is not healthcare it is all poison. Literally treating symptoms and making you worse so they have repeat business.

>> No.13701266

Because of health insurance
If you dont have insurance the price is higher

This 5 minute video explains it so easily that even a brainlet can understand

>> No.13701309

Everyone is on the hook to keep 500 pound blobs alive as long as possible.

>> No.13701350

All correct except for your last point; developing new drugs and technologies is incredibly risky and expensive due to government regulations. Companies that do so can be made or broken based on one bad trial or one bad lawsuit or one project that didn't become profitable. Average cost to develop a new pharmaceutical = $2.4billion

>> No.13701369

because universal healthcare is slavery and this is the land of the free

>> No.13701445

artifical scarcity, the american medical association and association of american medical colleges drastically restricts who can become an anesthesiologist. scarcity keeps the wage high

>> No.13702007
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s-sure Deebo, i-ill buy your detbs

>> No.13702034

Buy some yuan or German money then for those real returns

>> No.13703042

doctors get paid a lot because the restrictions to become one. If someone just had to pass an exam anyone could pay $100 to take there would be a lot more doctors working for less pay

>> No.13703052


>> No.13703126

Because we have it bad enough with spics flooding our lands, now you want to give them free heath care on top of it? Mexico would be vacant overnight.

>> No.13703129


Here's what is wrong with American healthcare:

> fatties
50% of all healthcare costs in America are due to obesity. Seriously look it up. Half of all that money spent is because Larry can't put the cheeseburger down

> medical management groups
These people make a fuckload of money

> insurance companies
Thanks to Obamacare they now are locked in and make more money than God. There is no stopping them

> Pharma
Control Washington and will keep their prices as high as humanity can allow and still survive. And they will do everything they can to keep natural remedies and solutions impossible to know about or use.

> No transparency, no set standard
Nobody really knows who is making what. The bill on the paper is not what the insurance companies pay. And if you pay cash or finance the service, you negotiate with the medical group for what you can afford.

The fat people problem should be fixed first, then everything else second.

>> No.13703381


If we just had greater regulations on the amount of sugar companies are allowed to put into food product, and did something about food deserts where people can't buy anything fresh, we could solve the obesity crisis.

70% of Americans are overweight. Seventy goddamn percent. 40% of women are obese. 37% of men are obese. It's disgusting what we're allowing to happen to ourselves.

>> No.13703439

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.13703539
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>Free healthcare

>> No.13703877

Tax-paid healthcare is a shitton cheaper than insurance-paid healthcare.

>> No.13704199

unironically this.

>> No.13704235

>Government should regulate the free market more.
Nice try Russian spy.

>> No.13704257

I think it goes far beyond half the population being complete morons that buy the propaganda. People in USA are downright spiteful, and want people to suffer. People here get off on punishment. Look at how crowded the prisons are. The new insanely restrictive abortion laws that force rape babies. They think the lowest in society don't even deserve basic treatment. It makes them feel better about themselves. It is sad as shit.

>> No.13704269

Cost of med school plus cost of medical malpractice insurance equals your doctor better get paid, or they are gonna go off and do something that pays better.

>> No.13704276

oh shit. this is redpilled. redpill me more, anon.

>> No.13704281

whats the difference between distilled and reverse osmosis water.

>> No.13704301

Our medical fields make actual cures and treatments. Yours just use our cures and treatments. They're able to do this because they work more hours and hire the best people. They can do this by paying more. They pay more because they charge more.

Like always, Capitalism breeds excellence compared to free shit nations.

>> No.13704332


This is like 1% of the cost. Say a doctor makes 400k a year, he probably sees dozens if not hundreds of patients so the cost is spread out. Doctors salaries have little to do with why shit is so expensive.