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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13699939 No.13699939 [Reply] [Original]

A movie that all of you should watch.

>> No.13699947

Im all in 30x short

>> No.13699949

Short water supplies.

>> No.13700049

It's a good movie that has nothing to do with crypto

Why even mention it here?

>> No.13700069

Fucking fundamentals you dumb fuck.

>> No.13700078

she got blacked by micheal b jordan.

>> No.13700080

Business & Finance is not /crypto/, you know.
And by the way could teach you bubble lessons that would help you with crypto too.

>> No.13700096

Is it better than wolf of Wallstreet

>> No.13700098

bluepill movie blaming everything on wall street without mentioning big govt economic intervention via incestuous bank bailouts is what really screwed people over


>> No.13700115

Margin call is better.

>> No.13700127

No it blames it on the banks and the government. Did you even watch the movie?

>> No.13700134


>> No.13700135
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So what will they call the movie about the LINKmarines?

>> No.13700137

No but most people are too stupid to truly understand Wolf of Wall Street so if you’re a simpleton the big short might be more your speed.

>> No.13700142

This all movies are trash and also nose propaganda

>> No.13700185

>big govt economic intervention via incestuous bank bailouts is what really screwed people over
that shit literally saved people.

If the government didnt intervene, these banks would have collapsed. Wiping out millions of peoples savings. It would have started another great depression.

The problem was both retarded normies trying to buy houses that were way out their price range, and the banks that lent to them.

>> No.13700195

It was so boring though, felt like knockoff Scorsese

>> No.13700196

What is hard to understand in Wolf of Wall St?

>> No.13700218
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The entire crash was predicated upon banks giving loans out to unemployed illiterate Mexican immigrants, which the movie deflects away as "they blamed it on minorities who dindu nuffin".

>> No.13700224

All movies made by jews (all of the full budget ones) are propaganda to swindle the goyim. Don't waste your time brainwashing yourself with filth.

>> No.13700239


>> No.13700248

If you think wolf of wall street is hard to understand, then you are brain ded. sorry to say.

>> No.13700257

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.13700259

>Blames the government

Not to the extent they should have. The government pressed banks into making riskier and riskier loans. Politicians wanted everyone to have the "American Dream" so they keep getting reelected. One big fucking scam. Should have let the banks fail. Not one person who stood their ground would have lost their home. Banks and the Gov couldn't afford the PR hit. Plus, when the economy did come back, people would have realized how much the Gov held them back.

>> No.13700272


>> No.13700274

I loved all of the minor characters in the film. Like the two frat boy mortgage lenders, the Ryu looking douchebag CDO manager, the lady at s&p

Acting was great through and through

>> No.13700287

As a spic myself, I'd say 60% of whites are financially illiterate but 95% of spics are and with niggers has to be 99.99%. My parents are absolutely aggravating and consider lottery tickets as the only "investment" to become rich... he literally says "you need to spend money to make money!".

>> No.13700288

The Virgin Suicides.

>> No.13700308

it does give you an idea of the kinda red flags to look out for.
-bundled assets
-futures trading
-timing bubbles

>> No.13700311

Just kicking the can down the road

>> No.13700326
File: 323 KB, 500x622, 0CA4F890-516A-4F88-A998-2605B8E9F449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Big Stink

>> No.13700327

Kek & checked

>> No.13700331

Supersize Me

>> No.13700628

Why don’t you just say Bitmex rather than all that

>> No.13700856

hes unironically right though. spics cant be trusted to make sound financial decisions. the banks are to blame.

>> No.13700876

also this movie is so quotable its insane. same goes for the fast and furious.


>> No.13700940

>he didnt watch the movie

>> No.13700949

We should watch it as a group sometime either tonight or tomorrow night.

>> No.13700960
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Absolute faggot

>> No.13700968

especially the part where they start the fraud to postpone the crash

>> No.13700981

>If the government didnt intervene, these banks would have collapsed.
that's good

>> No.13701003

>these banks would have collapsed
I thought banks are FDIC insured? So even if they collapsed, the gov still pays the people their savings.

>> No.13701011


>> No.13701039

Those concepts are good, but it doesn't explain the psychology.
In the beginning they talk about rates of fraud going up at the end of an expansionary period.
They talk about the bro mindset of the bank companies competing for quotas.
They talk about these companies looking for the bigger fool.

>> No.13701062


>> No.13701079 [DELETED] 

>implying we havent seen it already u dipshit

>> No.13701090
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> movie about the financial crisis who gave birth to bitcoin
> Why even mention it here?

>> No.13701092

its turned into a bit of a cult film for hardcore trader fags.
i for one own it on amazon prime video.

>> No.13701109

did you not read the next sentence? the fuck?
>wiping out millions of people's savings
Not to mention also wiping out tens of thousands of businesses which rely on the bank's line of credit.

>> No.13701125

>FDIC insured
only up to a certain amount. Usually $250k.

>> No.13701184

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