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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13692931 No.13692931 [Reply] [Original]

Is 100€ a lot to you?
Where do you live?

>> No.13692961

Depends what im buying. Food expenses dont differ that much if you're starch eater.

>> No.13692991

where do you live?

>> No.13693097



>> No.13693121

I guess it's kind of a lot, like those 100 million zimbabwe dollars. Would be cute/funny to have as a collector piece. Like haha some nerds actually think this is money kind of deal. I live america

>> No.13693130

It makes 1/4 of the average pay here

>> No.13693159
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A $100 Monopoly money bill doesn't really get you ahead in the game. :)

>> No.13693250

You're probably too young to know that € can be exchanged for $.
How's life in Serbia? Is the population white? Do you often encounter visitors from western europe?

>> No.13693262

How old are you kids?

>> No.13693289
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Pic related

>> No.13693299

100 euro is $162 aud. $162 is less than I paid for my last pair of shoes. So no, 100€ is basically nothing. It's like a months worth of groceries.

>> No.13693310

ëbinn :DD

>> No.13693314

a 100euro bill in my hand feels much, but probably just keeps me alive for a week or so

>> No.13693317

>spends more on shoes than he spends on grocery for a month
Slick jordans nigga

>> No.13693326

>$162 is less than I paid for my last pair of shoes
Ok, why not
>So no, 100€ is basically nothing. It's like a months worth of groceries.
Hmm, wtf? Something is wrong here

I'll assume you're young and living with your parents. In general this board is flooded with young people like you. I don't mind it, I was young on 4chan too but this was a long time ago when /biz/ didn't even exist and we flooded /g/ with crypto bullshit

>> No.13693331

Yes, is a lot for me. I can eat lunch ~10 days.

>> No.13693354

Pretty bad. It's kinda depressive knowing that for the last 20 years, nothing good happened in terms of economic growth or political progress. People here now how to live a good and simple life, but most of us have a "dead look".
A majority here is white, others are clearly mixed while some represent an ethicity of a neighboring country (hungary, romania, albania etc.) Girls are qts as well, but the fucked up thing here is that hookups rarely occcur and dating only works thru veto systems. As for visitors, I don't encounter them THAT much since I don't live in the center of Belgrade. But every fucking time I go there, I keep seeing foreign tourists from Europe or Asia. I've encountered a German elderly group the other day ago, was pretty comfy in some way to see that.

>> No.13693357

I thought you were all rich bankers

>> No.13693359

I'm in a weird position
€600 is a lot to me, but it also isn't.

It's an entire month of living expenses for me. I try to keep my expenses cheap, but I have a few luxuries like watching blockbuster movies (watched endgame last week, john wick 3 yesterday), and eat at nice restaurants like 2x a week.

But then, I'm a crypto millionaire from the 2017 bullrun, and I'm set for life, so it's actually not a lot for me at all.

But I used to be poor and earned only like €500 monthly wagecucking before I made it, so I still see it as "not small change" (even though it is to me).

>> No.13693369

A months worth of groceries? If you buy tuna cans and crackers from Aldi.

You've obviously never bought groceries before have you sport?

>> No.13693373

I cant read
My mind saw that as €600 instead of €100 wtf

>> No.13693379

Based and frugalpilled

>> No.13693387

Not even enough for a meal and the pub with friends, but I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it - just bring it to me

>> No.13693394

Thanks for your detailed answer my friend. Hope you'll find a way to escape the veto system and find a qt.
Is that possible for a stranger from W Europe to buy a small property, like an apartment, in Belgrade without being in troubles or is the system "locked"?

>> No.13693397

I am still a student, life here is super expensive; if your paycheck isn't ++$5k you just stay alive

>> No.13693416

What fancy pub so you go? Plenty of pubs in London will serve you a pint and food for 30/40 although that's still pricey.

>> No.13693417

Do you manage your funds on a daily basic?
Still trading yet?

>> No.13693423


It's not a lot.

>> No.13693425

>You've obviously never bought groceries before have you sport?

Have you ever eaten canned meals, old fart? They're not that expensive.

>> No.13693446

Lol I spend €50 a week on striploin at Lidl. That's 20 steaks. Another 30 on chicken and then rice, eggs, peanut butter etc. Around €80-100 a week on food.

Would never spend €100 on shoes though. Aliexpress ftw

€100 is nothing for some things but if I was handed a bill for €100 in a restaurant I'd think it very expensive.

>> No.13693455

bitcoin gives € a tremendous value, as of today, but it keeps decreasing for the €

>> No.13693466

It is. I really don't recommend you Belgrade though, at this rate the city is going to collapse on itself if some measures aren't taken. There are absolutely no plans on how to fix the problems of the city and even if you started doing shit today, it would take till 2023 to see results.

My personal plan was to move to Novi Sad if I make it with what I invested. It's the 2nd largest city, a lot more green but still urban and it's a big IT hub. People are kind there compared to Belgrade. Think of Belgrade as the average urban US city where all the poorfags and subhumans move to.

>> No.13693471

Not 'spoons, that's for sure. Tattershall Castle is a good un - pricey drink but the club at the other ends is always full of desperate milfs

>> No.13693515

I'm looking at Novi Sad and it looks lovely. Thanks for the informations that's greatly appreciated.

>> No.13693559

Can you tell me why you're moving here besides the really minimal costs of living and cheap houses? It's a good decision, especially for someone from W. Europe, but I'm just wondering if there is something more.
Also plan on learning the language before you get here, especially if moving solo.

>> No.13693569

for what?

>> No.13693603

It depends on how you define a lot.
For a day worth of expenses it is more than enough, for a month it is way to little

>> No.13693658

I just consider the option because I don't see a bright future for W Europe on the social plan. And actually when I remember the time from early 2000 I think the quality of life is decreasing here and the trend will continue exactly like that. Also it's not the worst thing but air quality isn't good at all in the major cities and confirmed by the report to be much worse in the next years even with new regulations on cars (which aren't applied yet)
>Also plan on learning the language before you get here, especially if moving solo.
Yes, I think that's a mandatory start and I plan to do so.

>> No.13693680

all in chainlink (january 2018)
financially ruined

>> No.13693704

I allocate around 1000€ every month (my 3% safe withdrawal rate) for living expenses, bills, and other things I might want to buy like clothes and new gadgets or accessories. But at the end of the month, I usually end up having spent only about over half of it, so I just withdraw enough to top it up.
But I usually carry 400-1000€ in my wallet.

I still have half my net worth in crypto.
I was cashing out from $7k to $16k.

And I still trade 10% of my stack (I have the rest in cold storage), but only slow trades.
I bought at 6k when btc was faking a floor there for a long time (fooled me).
And I bought at 3.5k as well when it fell further.
Sold my stack I bought at 6k at 8k after that green dildo.
I'm holding my 3.5k stack for the golden bull run.

I also bought eth at 0.03 btc and below prices.
Gonna sell at 0.05 to 0.1 btc, maybe hold some if it rises to 0.2 btc prices again.

>> No.13693725

No, barely nothing, Spain

>> No.13693728

Heheh what a lucky guy, thanks for the complete answer.

>> No.13693752

Burger here. I made more than that delivering pizza last night (not even my main job, I just do it for the extra shekels).

>> No.13693781

How much hours? Do you do that with a bike or anything else?

>> No.13693807

1/4 of an average wage here. Ukraine.

>> No.13693822

What do you mean dating works only with veto system exactly?

>> No.13693960

> Has euros
> Says dollars are MONOPOLY MONEY

>> No.13694028

It's kinda really fucked up and embedded too much into our culture. Modern tech only makes it worse, so it's nothing strange that some people don't even get to fuck in high school.

Basically, for centuries Serbs (most balkan countries) have lived in small tight-knit communities where everyone knows each other. People rely on hanging out with people that they already know (childhood friends and acquaintances) or people that their friends know about. Doing something socially alone (going to the movies for example) is fucking abstract, going solo to clubs is INSANE.
This may be common in some other countries too, but here it's at an extreme level. Yes, people have always formed their own groups, but here it's a completely other level here if you move to another city and know absolutely no one.

As far for the veto system, to make it short, you have a minimal chance of dating someone if you don't know them beforehand or if you don't know her friends. Hookups in clubs rarely happen and most dating apps here can't even get you out on a coffee. You can't even imagine how strange it was for me to hear that in Germany people can go solo in clubs and find other people that also went there alone.
Fundamentally, modern tech combined with our style of living is worse than anything else happening in the west right now. Like you know it's fucked up when a few years ago I was considered to be introverted while everyone else was normal and now it's vice versa.

>> No.13694054

Summerfags are coming, especially the upcoming bull run. We’re gonna have to go through insufferable faggots who think they are a genius for picking a x10 coin when all of them are doing the same

>> No.13694118


>> No.13694149

It can buy around 10 decent restaurant meals here, is that a lot? What about you other anons?
>South Africa, Cape Town

>> No.13694195

Interesting reading your posts anon I hope you make it

>> No.13694223




It will allow me to eat steak for a week. The food prices are too high here. We are selling cricket powder in the store for protein here. Send help.

>> No.13694237


>> No.13694287

At least homeless people can be gay or change sex in canada, what a beautyful coundy

>> No.13694303

Norway, without work and denied neetbucks because racism against whites.

>> No.13694334
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it is not really , but it depends on the situation i suppose .

Eurofag here

>> No.13694501


>> No.13694514


It is basically a full fuel tank or a weeks worth of groceries

>> No.13694702


>> No.13694715

it's an alright amount for a student I guess but otherwise no

>> No.13694729

UK. I'm moving the fuck out of this shithole as soon as I finish uni

>> No.13694776


Still I’m living frugal and don’t like consumer whoring. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy free time - babysitter, kitchen aid, faster traveling. So I spent money on that.

>> No.13694838

Yes. Spain

You can buy real food for 10 days with 100€

>> No.13694855

Thank you fren, everyone deserves a turnaround.

>> No.13694923

Depends what you mean by a lot
Yes, i can buy groceries for a week, but can't really go out with that small amount

>> No.13694939

It's what I get monthly if lucky.
Latinoamerica. Not even Venezuela though.

>> No.13695051

What does "going out" mean?

>> No.13695080

going out to clubs, drinking, buying drugs, eating out, etc.

>> No.13695418

1 week worth of groceries - Switzerland

If you eat out etc. you will only survive 3 days

>> No.13695501

Groceries are at least 60€ a week and thats playing it really cheap

>> No.13695571

In Italy compared to the average wage, yes.

But with "200 mila lire" (the equivalent before euro's introduction) you could've bought like 3-4x what you can actually buy with 100€.

>> No.13695664

Not true. I am a German born Serbian and I go regularly to Belgrade for vacation. I love the girls there. Been on several dates, been even invited on someone elses wedding. You are just an incel, that is why you seek reasons why it doesn't work out for you.

>> No.13695674

You know euro is stronger than the dollar right?

>> No.13695710

Car, around $20/hour off the books. I live in what you would call an economically diverse area. Rich people tip very well. People in the hood tip like garbage which is awful since I'm going into very dangerous neighborhoods for a $1 tip. I'm scheduled for 10hrs/week usually but I've been picking uparound 3 extra shifts a week lately for crypto accumulation. Overall it's a good job plus I get free pizza.

>> No.13695737

>not making delicious nutritious meals so youre not a skinny nerd

>> No.13695777

I'll add that I'm a skinny white boy but not a pussy and I know how to carry myself. I haven't had any problems but I have been sent to some fucked up blocks at 10-11pm. I prefer deliveries in the white areas. If the delivery radius was shortened by like half a mile I wouldn't ever be in those situations.

>> No.13696119

Based, planning on doing the same too. Any destination/plan in mind, anon?

>> No.13696251

Husty. Ses Stinky Linkie?

>> No.13696336

/biz/ reposts the front page
go figure

>> No.13696379

Lol wtf how are people this shitty with cash? I buy a week's worth of meals for $40, vegetables, chicken, turkey, and usually have extra food left over. $160 a month is right on the money for frugal spenders not buying overpriced processed and packaged glyphosate sponges.

>> No.13696392

Já jo

>> No.13696402


>> No.13696438

Tak to je libec, necekal jsem ze nas tu bude tolik.

>> No.13696577
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100€ it’s a lot, it can buy a lot of food (2 weeks of groceries for me) unless you are a Norwegian. In that case you can only afford a family pizza with it.

If you talk about investments, then it’s peanuts. But that should always be the kind of money you don’t need to pay your bills and feed your family, so you can keep them floating in the market.

>> No.13696699


>Doing something socially alone (going to the movies for example) is fucking abstract, going solo to clubs is INSANE.
It's true that it's not common to do this, but I'm from Belgrade and sometimes go out alone. I even went alone to a festival last year(and had a blast).

>Hookups in clubs rarely happen

last week I hooked up with a girl in Novi Sad when I went to a rave there.

My 29yo female rave companion at least makes out with some guy almost every time we go out, and she surprised me three weeks ago when she fucked two guys in the bathroom of the party we were attending (not at the same time though) after a bit of booze and high quality amphetamines...

>and most dating apps here can't even get you out on a coffee

In the last couple of months, my 20yo female friend fucked 3 guys from Tinder. I "got lucky" using dating apps here before, but compared to raves It's a chore...

>go solo in clubs and find other people that also went there alone

Going out only because of hooking up is low tier. If you open your higher clubbing chakras (: you will see that Belgrade has a lot to offer.

It is true that this is a more sexually conservative environment compared to the big american and german cities, but 13693354 is exaggerating.

>> No.13696729

You and your buddies are all degenerates. Enjoy your STDs.

>> No.13696792

You know GBP is substantially stronger than the Euro right?

>> No.13696878
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kys hedonist-seeking garbage

>> No.13697049

It's not much but it buys a decent pair of shoes. Italy.

>> No.13697825

My female friend mentioned above probably did, but I never had a proper STD in my life (and frankly didn't have sex with many rave girls, just a lot of making out and heavy petting, I don't even feel like having sex while on my drugs of choice). Also, I doubt that you would perceive us as "degenerates" if you saw us, or talked to us face to face while we are sober(which is around 5 days of the week).

Lately I have probably been doing that... hopefully slowly, wouldn't like to expire before I turn 60, but why are you so resentful? I struggle to feel anything other then pity for a typical materialistic /biz/tard who wants to "make it" just to buy their way into "love" and contact(because that's what they really want, not things/success), and a little less of the same for the redpilled "muh family values" aggro-conservative nerd.
Which one are you?

>> No.13697875

Live in South England not far from London UK
Poor af cause I spend all my money on drugs
Self medicating past trauma
50% of the week I wake up wanting to die
Not sure why I'm venting here like it's going to help me lol

>> No.13697928
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>> No.13698016

What are you using exactly, and how often?

>> No.13698061

>I doubt that you would perceive us as "degenerates" if you saw us, or talked to us face to face while we are sober
Hahaha delusional. I can spot an 1000 cock stare from across the room

>> No.13698128

Cocaine, probably like 3 times a week atm but at my peak before a three month sobriety I was doing it essentially every other day.

>> No.13698170

no. I literally just go to appsumo and spend 150 euro on software like it's nothing

>> No.13698339

Maybe you should try Kratom, it helps me when I experience a heavy comedown. Also, It's very useful for recovering addicts.

>> No.13698348


>> No.13698378

Fuck no. Even living rent-free it would barely last you two weeks living frugally.
t. Toronto

>> No.13698870

Congrats anon but if 1000€ is your SWR at 3% and you have half your NW in crypto then you certainly are not a millionaire but rather a hundredthousandaire

>> No.13698893

Also, where are you living if 1000€ is more than enough?

>> No.13699046

Tell me about the Novi Sad night life and cost of living.

>> No.13699109


>> No.13699418

Yes Netherlands

>> No.13699432

Slovakia, it's 1/4 of the average pay. 1/9 of mine