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13695267 No.13695267 [Reply] [Original]

>be people that control fed reserve from the top
>issuing debt based currency
>know it will go bust like all other fiat currencies have in history
>decide fuck it, might as well get it while the going is hot
>print the living shit out of the currency
>run up debts
>massively over inflate value of everything cause fuck it
>fuck with the rest of the world to the tune of trillions of dollars
>cause fuck it
>give it away for cheap to with low interest rates, get the plebs in on it, cause fuck it
>when the music stops, leave the rest of the world holding the bag
>use massive US military to keep the world in line while proper exit plan is crafted
>get some other country to hold the bag, maybe canada or europe
>simply transition US money to something new, potentially silver backed or different
>reissue currency, "here you goyim, go back to football and mcdonalds"

Why wouldn't you blow the fuck out of the USD when you know it's going to go tits up? It actually seems logical. It's been this way since 1913 and surely Trump knows this?

>> No.13695291

congrats. youre based and redpilled. its exactly what theyre doing. these jews are fucking everyone.

>> No.13695583

Because people are too awake now. The fact that many people understand that the Fed is a giant jewish ponzi slave system means that it can't continue for long. Trump has been given a chance to fix it, and if he fails, which he might, all hell breaks loose. At this point it can only end badly for the people who fucked everyone over for their own gain, the only question is: is it going to be done the easy way or the hard way.

>> No.13695715

Welcome to /biz/ you’ll fit right in. 10 years too late for btc but just in time for mainnet

>> No.13695834

Things your post didn't mention:
- General increase in the wealth level over that period (Fed Reserve started in 1913... 1923 was the year that the first self-contained home refrigerator was invented, the average wealth level of someone on welfare today vastly exceeds that of even a middle class person at that time)
- The occurrence of two world wars and the spoils of those wars
- The implementation of the FDIC as a socially funded put on private depositor liquidity
- Removal of the US from the gold standard
- Every other central bank also in a race to the bottom with no hard backing of their currency
- Massive global population growth, necessitating growth in the monetary base to sustain nominal values of goods and services
- Nominal values of goods and services not being the same as real values of goods and services

Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's not as if there is a major economy doing something that's obviously better, or any reason why it has to stop any time soon.

>> No.13695842

Except for the parts where you don't understand how the Fed or sovereign debt works, sure, seems logical.

>> No.13695862

yes what the fuck do you think crypto is for? they made it for this purpose

>> No.13695866

>be USA
>issue new USD notes
>declare that all the USD held by other other countries like china are not USD anymore and are therefore worthless
>watch china and eurocucks seethe
>420d chess

>> No.13696778

You don't live in a vacuum retard. A move like this would be economical and political suicide.

>> No.13696892

>it's not as if there is a major economy doing something that's obviously better
because every other country that tries to get on the gold standard, or just off fiat, gets mysteriously overthrown by a US-backed coalition (i wonder why)

>[no] reason why it has to stop any time soon
If you were born after 1990, chances are you will live to see it. Eventually the hyperinflation will be so much in the 2050s and 60s (if course doesnt change) that you wont even be able to tell what the price of an apple will be the next day, all you know is that there will be at least four zeroes.

>> No.13696982

>General increase in the wealth level over that period
left by the vestiges of free economy. The wealth increase had been happening since the Enlightenment and began to slow down as government took over institutions beginning with education and the money supply
>The occurrence of two world wars and the spoils of those wars
this is one of the most astoundingly stupid things I hear people say, as its widely taught in high school and college that WAR creates economic growth... how totally opposite of the truth. WW1 spent almost every dime that came from the prior decades of the economic growth from the industrial revolution. WW2 was the most expensive thing in human history. there are still debts from these wars being paid today. just cause it "gave people jobs" and "grew the economy" artificially does not mean anything other than money got printed and given to people, while the actual taxes that were supposed to fund those peoples salaries just got put into debt.

>> No.13697064

Economic growth didn't imply everyone benefits.

>> No.13697090

drumpf hire this man

>> No.13697150

Still my favourite quote in history (0:11)

>> No.13697234

what happens when payments on national debt are more than total tax theft

>> No.13697238
File: 48 KB, 763x651, Trump Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and surely Trump knows this?
of course he does

>> No.13697410

what are you even referring to in my post