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13692112 No.13692112 [Reply] [Original]

im 81 iq tested ill never be rich or get a good biz job

>> No.13692139
File: 4 KB, 373x256, ayywtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believes the IQ lie and doesn't know about 30 day liquid fasting to reset nervous system, organs and body while doing 5g shrooms every week to rebuild proper brain nervous system

>doesn't know that body is just the remote controlled avatar for the experience in the simulation and intelligence is based on willpower and desire to focus+enough anger to get something done.

>> No.13692147

but why does no one ever bring up the 'intellectual wage gap'? why aren't they debating the intellectual wage gap and stuff? they talk about getting women into the workplace and stuff like that. they talk about needing more PoC in the workplace. but where is the diversity of intellect?

here's how it is.... i didn't choose to be stupid, it was out of my control. just like being born black skin, brown, or a woman.... i didn't choose to be born with 81 iq retard brain (though not legally retarded because im 81 or above)! but they get quotas and stuff you see but i dont!

where is the intellectually challenged quota?

no amount of reading or studying can help someone like me. i just have low iq. i'll always be stuck working a labor intensive job and it's impacting my health and i even die younger. i get paid less!

so what im saying here biz is that i think it's about time they diversified intellect and begin a scholarship program for intellectually challenged people like me. i think i deserve my seat at the table in the board room too. the whole thing is a conspiracy to discriminate against stupid people like me, it goes right to the top. it's a conspiracy. let me tell you!

>> No.13692152

This wouldn’t work on subhumans

>> No.13692166

you have to make room and then they people become useful. i think it's about time that they make room for me and my intellectual challenges as you do for other people like women and minorities. i'll have you know that colleged are fined if they don't meet a certain criteria for amount of POC folk they have studying. why not stupid folk too? no amount of reading will ever make me smarter or my brain to get bigger or my iq improve.

how is being born with 81 iq different in any way shape or form to being born a woman, black, disabled, transgender, and being discriminated against in the work place and in general with regard to life opportunity, etc?

women, transgenders, and poc have whole charities and initiatives dedicated to the gender wage gap. they get thousands of hours of airtime. they get tens of millions in funding.


when you call someone "stupid" or you mock them for being "stupid" you are basically doing the same as calling someone a "N*gger" or other bad word like that.... but its so confusing because smart people call stupid peopel stupid all the time and they even call "racist" people STUPID so they are actually doing the EXACT same thing and maybe even worse because stupid people have been historically discriminated against more than someone having black skin or being a woman or being chinese or being mexican

>> No.13692172
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>> No.13692193

Here is a story for you OP


>> No.13692194

its genetics. it was out of my control. i had no say. i didnt choose to be born with 81 iq. just the same as a black didn't ask to be born black, or a woman a woman

you can't just tell a man with no legs to stand up and walk, can you? yet i am told i need to "work hard" or "read more" but they fail to grasp that my brain is not the same brain as their own. it's an invisible thing and because we are visual beings it gets overlucked

>> No.13692204

OP isn't the only one with low IQ in this thread.

>> No.13692213

Just gotta get strong and do manual labour bruh. Also invest in the best projects you can.

>> No.13692216

thanks i have opened this tab with the intention of reading it because it sounds interesting but i will later forget to read it and then close the tab accidentally and lose it forever

>> No.13692221

Go to the military, they need 83 iqers.

Also, people on your range dont even care about intelectual, do what normies do. Youre blessed.

>> No.13692225

>diversified intellect and begin a scholarship program
But affirmative action already exists and niggers are still poor and stupid.

>> No.13692231

OP youre right its not fair. the only real answer is eugenics.

>> No.13692234

im 81 iq. im on the borderline of retarded. i am not disabled because i am 81 iq and now 80 or below. i am also not 83 iq

>> No.13692300

that was great, thanks

>> No.13692317

how does that express itself in actual
life? please elaborate. are you just slower than everyone else?

>> No.13692334
File: 23 KB, 373x256, eeeuur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent enough to know his problems

>no will to fix them

I'm proven right here.

>> No.13692368

i cant get a good job and im not good with numbers or reading
just read the words in a row but there is no connection and the underlying concept is a blur or i dont recognise it

to put in perspective: if i had 1-2 iq points less i could be legally classified as disabled due to being retard

>> No.13692376
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but you fit right in with us fren

>> No.13692378

you still seem pretty intelligent compared to the average biz poster desu

>> No.13692391

you don't write like an 81 iq person, maybe you should get tested again.

>> No.13692399

I think you should retest, you dont sound like you have an IQ below 100.

>> No.13692407
File: 35 KB, 550x422, 146224377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah poor me wah wah
get a grip you faggot

>> No.13692430

Bet he's just depressed and a Little foggy of the mind. Slow responses to the questions drops IQ drastically, if you're feeling like failure I'm sure it doesn't help.

>> No.13692437

no one speeds for like me and i'll never have a good job getting paid lots of money.

but its not my fault that i was born with less brain size and fibres
i'll never be able to work as a rocket scientist but its not my fault.

fact of the matter is: i have 81 iq and will live a unhealthy life. ill never have a good job. ill die from working backbreaking manual labor job my whole life

HOW can you speak on EQUALITY but ignore the biggest and most obvious difference like how clever you are but somehow remember to include men who are women who go by pronouns his/her/xem

its a conspiracy that goes right to the top and i'm blowing the lid off it

>> No.13692454

i am 81 iq tested three times

>> No.13692464
File: 37 KB, 655x481, IQ_Bladk_White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what OP, I'm also a retard. But still managed to get a good paying job. One where I unironical do the same work as people with university education. Since I'm likeable and social I even get shit done faster then them through my connections while they go full autist mode.

To me your just a lazy piece of shit, using your IQ score as an excuse.

If you would train on IQ tests you would score easily 10% higher next time. If you do some life style changes (sporting, eating well, continue education). I'm sure that you could reach 95 - 100.

Problem is you won't do that because you rather like to hide yourself behind a shitty excuse and blame the world for everything.

that's what a real retard does.

>> No.13692494

what? im not lazy!! i just want my seat at the table.

to tell you the truth i won't be happy until we have binmen at oxford and brick layers at cambridge teaching physics...
when i applied for it they rejected me on the basis i don't meet the minimum requirements and i have to say that this is excluding me on the basis of something which is entirely out of my control and it is bigotry

meanwhile they make tests easier or allow others in under "special circumstances" or "considerations" but they don't allow me in. why?

>> No.13692729

have to go mix some cement soon but

its not fair biz ...all for things which are 'out of their control', and my intellectual capability is out of my control. i can't just grow smart like a limbless man can't grow legs.

i've heard politicians call people stupid on live television! Imagine the outrage if they called someone a "n*gger"? what is the difference? i need answers biz
colleges are institutions built upon a colossal foundation of bigotry and exclusion of intellectually challenged people like me. i have 81 iq. i did not ask for this, i did not do anything to deserve this!

how dare they then take the position they do on other issues? when they didn't accept me when i applied with my poor grades, when they rejected me, they were, basically, in a sense, calling me a "n*gger", or "dumb broad cunt", or "transgender trap weirdo freak".. directly, and in writing!

no one did anything or cared. after many hours of being on hold i called my local politician, she just laughed at me

when i get back from my backbreaking manual labor job which will kill me 30 years before my time i need explanation

>> No.13692790

>won't be happy until we have binmen at oxford
If it makes you feel any better that's what they do after going to Oxford. And you don't seem dumb to me my man.

>> No.13692862

>81 iq
At least you managed to pull out the breathing thing

>> No.13692865


>> No.13693236

OP is a borderline retarded -soon to be- communist. Is that an oxymoron? Doubleretard?

Manual Labor is valuable, nothing would run without you, keep it up.