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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13673513 No.13673513 [Reply] [Original]

>be me 10 minutes ago
>tell my girl my Litecoin is up and I'm glad I bought a few hundred worth a few days ago
>"a few hundred"
>"Of REAL money???"
>"That's a WHOLE paycheck"
>"And I've already made a lot of money off it. If I had an extra thousand laying around where do you think it would go?"
>"Uhhhh maybe a SAVINGS account"
>"I'm saving it by investing it"
>"No that's gambling"
>"Ok well when I cash out I won't spend a fucking dime on you"
>"What the FUCK anon"

Why do women do this?

>> No.13673532

Stop speaking to your pillow

>> No.13673545 [DELETED] 

Well clearly it's important to you since you posted an entire thread about it where as my gf already knows not to bother trying to tell me what to do financially because she knows her place lol

Is she the one fucking you too, bro?

>> No.13673548

boring, unoriginal larp.

>> No.13673550


>> No.13673565

Your gf is right. You're gambling real money that she could be spending instead. You should get a boyfriend who understands crypto

>> No.13673568


>> No.13673569
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>> No.13673574

>uhhh a SAVINGS account
Never gonna make it

>> No.13673578

Women do not think in the long term and only in the now.

>> No.13673581

Women have no balls. It might not not have realized this considering the amount of tranny porn you watch

>> No.13673584

Based and rektpilled

>> No.13673592

Had almost this exact convo last week. She came around tho cause she's based.

>> No.13673604
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>Went to a starbucks (yea yea I know) to organize my thoughts for a bit and coinsider investing in alts.
>Cute girl at the counter smiles at me and asks what I'm up to
>oh you know just gonna re-structure my investments, can't focus on this at home
>forget normies don't do things like this
>she actually says "wow that's pretty smart of you!"
>y-you too

I didn't actually say that last line but I took my coffee and left after saying "something like that I guess, lol". Gains have no time for thots, to my penis I must apologize.

>> No.13673634 [DELETED] 

Fucking cringe this shit better be bai

>> No.13673640

>"how can I subtlety mention I'm an investor without bragging.. hmm.."
>"Oh, pfft, yeah, its nothing

Are you validated?

>> No.13673647
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haha yea of course it's bait, got a (you)

>> No.13673651

Op eternally BTFO fucking kek

>> No.13673661

Women desire safety. Investing in anything makes them nervous.

>> No.13673678

Didn't think that far ahead, I have a bad habit of telling the truth when people ask questions.

>> No.13673680

idk about that safety thing because white women especially love to ride that BBC and then they get assaulted afterwards

>> No.13673682

>not just showing her blockfolio with millions worth of bitcoins to make her panties fall off from the weight of a deluge

>> No.13673686 [DELETED] 

It better be bait

Why the fuck would you tell a random checkout worker at starbucks nything about your personal life let alone something like financial investments etc which should be kept to yourself and maybe someone extremely close to you or someone you are literally paying

Why would you tell a random nobody on the street that? Yes it was in starbucks but you might as well have just told a stranger

Are you retarded? She was prbably cringing too

>> No.13673693

If she were based the convo would have never occurred cuck boy.

>> No.13673694

Didn't consider this. That's a good point

>> No.13673705



>> No.13673724

>le blacked meme
Except that it's mostly only a meme, women of every race, overwhelmingly prefer White men.

>> No.13673735


Holy shit you are a beta with no idea whatsoever, you did GREAT today showing her her place, next time she will fuck you like you won't believe it

>> No.13673751

Jews can push that meme as much as they want but dating app data shows every time that black men are the least selected option for white women and in fact most or (depending on the app) even all races of women.

>> No.13673779

unironically this

>> No.13673938

Women are financially retarded. Why don't you put your money in a .0005% savings account instead of Litecoin where you can make double your investment in a month or so depending on the markets.

Interesting story btw
>be me
>in university 4 years ago
>some finance class
>3.14qt presenting on a stock project
>presents on buying stocks with low prices because it can be 100 dollars one day
>offers no analysis what's so ever on the stock's financials, growth or anything
>half of the class was trying to hold in their laughs
Even in the Finance & Accounting world they're pretty damn dumb.

>> No.13674080

they prefer white men to betabux, but only a true mandingo can satisfy a woman, not some 3 inch micro, white boi

>> No.13674092
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>> No.13674104

why are you discussing finances with a woman who doesn't believe in you?

>> No.13674126

Women are terrible with money generally. I bet in /biz/ it's men posting here and rarely women.

>> No.13674138

My gf was president of her state university's very large investing club, I don't know this feel

>> No.13674145

women dont have balls

>> No.13674155

My girl is the opposite she went balls deep on multiple coins while I'm only half of what she has

>> No.13674166

She believes in every single aspect of our relationship except this

>> No.13674260
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You gotta get you a Meltem, son.

>> No.13674273

I a woman's investment get wiped out they can just fuck someone new and survive. If the same happens to a man, they die.

>> No.13674286

>few hundred
>whole paycheck

anon I...where do you work? Sweatshop?

>> No.13674308

Why do you have a girlfriend if you haven't made it yet? They're fucking gains goblins. They get pissed when you spend too much time building skills or working and they get pissed when your money is spent on investments and not buying televisions. Women make you poor.

>> No.13674316

>I bet

Nigga it’s 99.99999% dudes here

>> No.13674326

>Women are terrible with money

So you're saying this board is 99 percent women?

>> No.13674348


You guys are some lucky bastards.

>> No.13674369

i told my wife to put down in eth and she did but shes cautious about it but shes still patrician

>> No.13674376

i wish mine would do this ffs. its already pulling teeth telling her to buy 1 fucking btc. she got a 65k windfall from her grandma and shes falling for the muh save for a house meme

>> No.13674386

What I don't understand is why she thinks it's any of her business what you spend a few hundred bucks on. Are you married, or at least engaged?

>> No.13674428

Unless you were born into that lifestyle, investing is something one does when they are sick of being a wage slave and desire to become the master of their own fate. 99% of the time women can't contemplate making such a leap, even if they do, they usually spend it on dumb shiy like travel and then go back to work some shite job.

>> No.13674429

>hooked to a woman who thinks she should be the lead
>wow my gf makes more than i do
anon, it doesn't actually work this way. never has, never will.

>> No.13674438

Not married but plan to engage soon. I'm two years deep and don't plan to bail over a minor difference.

>> No.13674449

Well at least you're not letting some random gf tell you what to do with your disposable income. Here I was ready to call you an irredeemable cuck

>> No.13674455

Part time work in college

>> No.13674459

Lol dude, get a house and pay it off. Its so easy to make it once your living situation is taken care of. Its the first major building block of making it

>> No.13674467

Lmao. We get along quite well, even if she's a financial brainlet. But I don't expect her to be good with money, that's a man's job.

>> No.13674472

youre unironically right

>> No.13674704

I've been 10 years already with my gf. If she ever dared to tell me how to spent my money I'd left her right at the moment.

>> No.13674789

LARPing incel leave my thread

>> No.13674823
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>6 years ago
>gf at the time pissed off because i spent $2500 on crypto
>gf pissed off i browse 4chan
>gf and i break up
>become crypto millionaire
>meet wife on 4chan

>> No.13674842


muh wife is the same, wont invest. keeps her savings in her bank account letting inflation eat it up

>> No.13674843

Now THAT'S what I call based

>> No.13674872

>meet wife on 4chan

Literally how

>> No.13674902

probably through pm’s

>> No.13674907
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F for OP

>> No.13674915
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Delete this.

>> No.13674917

Wtf my gf is like this too

>> No.13675206

Lol hundred is your whole paycheck stay poor

>> No.13675292

sometimes i wonder how am i getting so much pussy as a skinnyfat 30 years old boomer neet
then i recall this is our competition now
god bless zoomers

>> No.13675361

dump her and fullfill your sexual needs with prostitutes. Not joking. It's way better in all aspects. It's also CHEAPER if you account everything into the equation.
t. experienced

>> No.13675383

Tell her you sold it off. When litecoin moons and she starts asking about it again dump that bitch and get a new one who doesn't know about your gains and don't fucking tell them.

>> No.13675689

I live with my girlfriend. She gives me 50% of our bills each time she gets paid and also a few hundred to invest and she keeps the rest for herself.

How come you have so many brainlet roasties?

>> No.13675723

>Gains have no time for thots, to my penis I must apologize.
10/10, well put anon

>> No.13675847

>mfw I race mixed with a QT Asian wife who told me to buy crypto January 2017
Dump your gf, she sounds low IQ

>> No.13675877

A few boards have quite a lot females, /adv/ for example.
I literally met my first and current gf on /r9k/

>> No.13675899

Just tell her to invest as well. My gf invested 1k a year ago. She cashed out 1k yesterday and still has 1.5k link and 500 nano.

>> No.13675968

Wait some of you talk to your girlfriends about link?

>> No.13676011


Not everyone wants to be a degenerate.

>> No.13676056

No lol, I bought her 2k link and 2k rlc about a year ago. Told her to sell the rlc at the top for nano and cash out her initial investment of 1k. She has no clue what the coins are and what they do.

>> No.13676107

i share all the memes with my gf about link

even let her know that my link was being held hostage by CZ and showed her all the bizonacci funds are safu vids.

now she laughs with me at sergey meme's

she has her 10k link stack she bought with her own money

she congratuladed me when main net was announced.

i love her.

>> No.13676114


Token Sale ended
12 June 2017

fuck me

>> No.13676139


>> No.13676180

>sometimes i wonder how am i getting so much pussy as a skinnyfat 30 years old boomer neet
>then i recall this is our competition now
>god bless zoomers
Pretty much this. To be a Brad (not Chad mind you), you pretty much need to shower, dress in clothes that fit, make 20/hr...and actually have a vapid conversation

>> No.13676217
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>> No.13676248
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My gf is actually very supportive of my crypto trading. She knows we will make it if I succeed.

>> No.13676249

Even your beef sandwich knows Litecoin is shit. If you said Bitcoin however...

>> No.13676262

> light coin? tee hee is that like pepsi light?

>> No.13676290

It is a form of gambling, but what kind of retard would choose a safe 2% annually over that

>> No.13676295

Hey, Honey don't you want to spend a couple of thousand dollars for this one line of code...?

>> No.13676311

Women don't like taking risks, but this particular broad can't mind her own business.
I invested WAY MORE than hundreds knowing that my gf is pregnant, not a whine in the world. This is why I'll be spending on her as well. Yours doesn't deserve that.

>> No.13676416

We're onto you Shlomo, that's not gonna work here

>> No.13676433

>My girl
>she went balls deep
anon, we need to talk

>> No.13676470

Where i live interest rates are legit below 0.1% so yeah fuck it.

If you have nothing to lose double down bitchboi

>> No.13676650

2 years is nothing you fucking cuck. I bet you are one of these assholes who, for some fucking mystical reason, believe that it is a valid excuse to cancel something "because my girlfriend is xy"

>> No.13677061
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>> No.13677387


women are not interested in process by nature, all they want is good results regardless of how you achieved it.

>> No.13677503

Xy would make her a he

>> No.13677508

I'm married and will give you advice. Stop fucking talking to women.

>> No.13677518

>"no thats gambling"
shes not wrong tho

>> No.13677520

Because they can marry an investor

>> No.13677556


>> No.13677599

she's going to let someone else fuck her anon

>> No.13677835

IDK senpai my gf invests in crypto for me
>inb4 LARP
Nope it's all true. Funny thing is she invests better than /biz/ and has a pretty good sense of the market and can see trends.

>> No.13677892

Because womyn are content with just having a normal, average life. That's why ordinary shit that everyone does is so important to them like their wedding or other stupid shit. They can't fathom doing something outside of the norm to get ahead in life they just accept their place.

>> No.13677917

I feel you anon. I am also fucking autistic, and 90% of the time I talk about shit nobody cares about or understands

>> No.13677945

>"No that's gambling"
She's not wrong. 99.99% of you niggers are just gambling based on memes and shitposts

>> No.13677952

women dont hate investing, they dont give a shit about it in general.
what they hate is that you arent spending the money on them right now. if you had invested before and had the money now to spend, she'd be happy as fuck.

>> No.13677981
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t. (((pic related)))

>> No.13678025
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My girl knows I am a master jew and let's me manage her investments.

She won't take her money out of her shitty corporate retirement account so the best I could do for her is reallocate it to treasuries.

>TFW I leave for the weekend and she buys a 5 year CD

>> No.13678053



>> No.13678159

>met wife on 4chan

>> No.13678363

My wife says shit like her
>I want to buy something (haircut, boots, clothes etc)
>You're always spending money on fucking Chainlink
>But that's not spending though, that's investing
>Yeah, but you like doing it!
What the fuck?