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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 600x300, gold_american_eagles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13672729 No.13672729 [Reply] [Original]

So, while all these weirdos throw away their money on internet money, can we ask ourselves why the fuck China and Russia are hoarding gold? China is basically raping Africa for the umpteenth time with mining operations.

The dollar is about to shit itself and I don't think BTC is gonna save us. Should we just buy PM's and move to Panama?

>> No.13672813
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Please just go, Peter.

>> No.13672818
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if you already have $2 million and you're worried about the apocalypse, go ahead and all-in on gold

if you have less than that, you're better off buying BTC or stocks so your money can grow

>> No.13672837
File: 920 KB, 3255x1555, 9euvwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stuff. Had to stop buying to stack link.

>> No.13672857

Kek looks like copper

>> No.13672866

Amazing to see what the human body can sustain

>> No.13672890

5 oz gold, 500 oz silver, $50k in crypto. i am gonna make it

>> No.13672919

Lead is best precious metal. Buy guns and ammo faggots.

>> No.13672921
File: 125 KB, 637x960, pooit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sirs, is time for shiny pil. there is vishnu living in under the ground. peter shif is unironically shiny avatar of vishnu. shiny rock is what vishnu need to survive so if u control 51% of all shiny rocks u own the universe. yellow shiny rock is just first step. then there will be all kinds of shiny rock from under ground that give you the power of even greater shine. this is why the evil Indian demon vindajoo wants to steal ur shiny rock because he wants to take all shine of the universe away and make the universe dark without any shine. we must stop evil plan of vindajoo and buy shine rock now and help vishnu defeat evil demon

>> No.13672942
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>> No.13672963
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>> No.13672965
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Fuck off you subhumans, this isn't a mad Max fetish thread

>> No.13672978

Guns and ammo hold their value better then gold.

>> No.13673015

Shut the fuck up moron before I break your fucking legs you ruin every metal thread with your stupid fallout shit

>> No.13673228
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When will silver go up bros? This ratio is retarded.

>> No.13673269

I'm not sure but this reminds me I need to hoard some silver while it's still this cheap.

>> No.13673316
File: 61 KB, 778x600, 1515382674423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we due for another recession? When will the Jews stop fucking us over with fake paper money? I blame Nixon for planting the Chinese seed. Fuck this gay ass earth.

>> No.13673455

So that’s about $100k of gold? Pretty nice insurance you have there anon.

>> No.13673482

I only have about 20oz silver, 1oz gold, a sterling silver ring and a 10k ring :(

>> No.13673697
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>> No.13673720
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Missing something...

>> No.13673749

Yeah. I bought about $2k of silver ten years ago for funsies and it’s still worth about $2k. Not a solid investment.

>> No.13673836

b-but the 2011 silver rush Anon? $40 an ounce?

>> No.13673842

>why the fuck China and Russia are hoarding gold?
they are being ran by the ghost of JP Morgan

>> No.13674185
File: 167 KB, 1500x833, silver-bar-updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out Texas has its own fucking mint and bullion depository. Recently opened and makes gems like pic related.

>> No.13674215

Silver and gold arent investments they are real money dipshit.

A gold ounce is savings and real money. It just sits there and isnt supposed to go up in price like a stock you moron. The literal reason you buy gold is so you have money and wealth for when fiat implodes....THAT'S when you MAKE IT with gold and silver.

>> No.13674235

China and Russia are hoarding gold so when they let go of the dollar they are in great position.

>> No.13674251

I think it will be an even reset JP morgan and the govt hoarding silver, gooks and russians hoarding gold.

You have an overnight gold revaluation to 50k/oz or whatever AND in return the silver to gold ratio gets to go back to its historical 16-1 ratio instead of the ridiculous 80-1 ratio right now.

>> No.13674258

Best thing to buy imho is gold royalties. I've been hoarding RGLD & FNV and beating the S&P 500 substantially over the past Bull market, while knowing that the exposure to gold & negative beta commodities will make it perform even better in a bear market.

>> No.13674291

BUT you need to own physical too. Fiat gains in gold and silver stocks mean nothing when the currency is worthless. It is amazing that very few people on this board understand gold is money and wealth.

The dollar value of silver and gold means nothing. It was gold that gave the dollar its value to begin with, so why in the fuck would you people be measuring a gold ounce in terms of worthless dollars?

>> No.13674313

Everyone should be putting 5% of their stock gains into gold and silver to protect that wealth. Stocks arent wealth, fiat isnt wealth. Gold is wealth.

>> No.13674361

Wealth to me means being able to live off it. You can't hoard a dead asset in a vault and live off its dividends.

You can however live off the proceeds of a gold mine. Or in this case, owning the rights to anything that comes out of that mine.

>> No.13674476

Buy Gold and Bitcoin

Its all

>> No.13674484

Do you think people didnt make a living on a gold standard???

Of course people are forced to make fiat gains, but when fiat implodes and you dont own gold or silver you will be absolutely fucked just like people in veneuzuela got fucked with their wealth in paper.

Nobody is saying dont invest in the stock market, nobody is saying put all your fiat into gold....all i am saying is if you dont have real money when fiat implodes you will be fucked.

And it isnt even like you have to have a lot of silver or gold either. If you have as little as 10-15 ounces of gold and 500 ounces of silver when fiat implodes youll be able to buy an entire fucking town.

A silver piece the size of a silver dime used to be a days wage throughouth history, and even in deveping nations today some rice paddy workers days wage is 2$ a day or so....which is right in line with economic historical reality since 2$ in fiat will buy you a silver dime at a coin shop.

So 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver....so for every ounce of silver you buy today you are locking up 2 weeks worth of wages historicaly for when fiat collapses. So a measly 500 ounces of silver will equal roughly 20 years worth of days wages, and itll probably be 2x-3x that because there is much less silver available now and billions more people on the planet.

>> No.13674513


>Wealth to me means being able to live off it.

which is the exact same thing a venezuelan spic though before their currency imploded.

You dont know what wealth is. You dont know what real money is. You dont know what savings is

"In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value." - Alan Greenspan (1966)

>> No.13674562
File: 17 KB, 327x173, 1547413643965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is possibly the most based poster on this board. Are you a Boomer or incredible self aware of the economic situation? How fast should we be stacking silver? I personally think silver should be a priority since its more accessible and "distributable" I guess since it isn't valued as high as gold right now. I also like the noises it makes when I stack my humble 10 ounce collection because autism.

>> No.13674686

I'm 35. and I'm really not even really intelligent but its all just basic common sense and logic.

I mean its really as simple as it isnt like gold and silver all of a sudden became valuable when America was born and the dollar was created, so why would one be valuing gold in dollar terms. Gold doesnt rely on the dollar for its value.

>> No.13674714

>I guess since it isn't valued as high as gold right now.

Silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth. Gold is undervalued but silver is in another category. Of course it is smart to have some gold, but i'd go 80/20 silver to gold.

I dont know how fast really, this shit can go on longer than we think, but I think as long as you have 100-200 ounces of silver and shit hits fast youll be more than safe with that amount which isnt that much. and not even that hard to accumulate for someone who doesnt have a lot or makes a lot.

>> No.13674717
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>assuming anyone has common sense these days
We are on /biz/arro world after all.

>> No.13674734
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Thanks, fren. I really appreciate the advice. I'm really new to stacking and I really like it. I try not to shill /biz/ like weirdos with all the digital meme money. I always get good responses, and that itself is worth its weight in gold <3

>> No.13674819

I'm up 150% in crypto, 20% in stocks and PMs are on a long term down trend. If the system collapses no one will give a fuck about your speculative shiny shit. It's a 5% hedge for a millionaire, it's not going to mean a damn thing other than a come rob me sign if shit hits the fan
>implying it hasn't already and you aren't to comfy/pussy to do something other than buy gold from a huckster kike
>inb4 muh lead, just let them try, etc, etc
your grandpa said the same shit and here we are

>> No.13674855
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but what do when shit hits the fan and the internet goes out?

>> No.13674873

Even the jews are spooped by the ruskies
Why would Putin do this?

>> No.13674874

>Speculative shiny shits
Ano...anon. I am confused. What do you think other financial assets are then, especially crypto?

>> No.13675043

Gold and silver is literal savings, not speculative at all. Gold is literally the polar opposite of specualtive you fucking faggot monkey nigger.

>> No.13675084
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We can have a revaluation without the whole system collapsing. I know boomer austrians have been calling it for decades but at some point the debt must be purged. If anyone is going to do it, it will be Trump. He's going to slay the Fed.

>> No.13675231

What is the best place to buy gold?
I don't wanna get scammed

>> No.13675236
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Trump could get the Kennedy treatment if he fucks with the money tho. Let's be honest, the fiat money system benefitted him and his buddies. Why would he go against what got him there in the first place? Why would anyone that has been bought?

>> No.13675309
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How do you kill someone that is protected by both God and future technology? Not only that, but how do you deal with the fallout that ensues? If he's gone then the West goes nuclear, metaphorically speaking. It's over for civilized society. Even worse outcome than the economic meltdown anon described. As it stands now we're already dangerously close to losing faith in our republic.

>> No.13675375

coin shop?

>> No.13675445

>talking to people
No thanks. Any other suggestions?

>> No.13675618
File: 38 KB, 283x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to buy silver souvenir wares and coins? Price for ozt is higher, but u get nice looking wares instead of just bars. F.e. pic related is of 4 ozt, costs 140 dollars.

>> No.13675680

>can we ask ourselves why the fuck China and Russia are hoarding gold?
given their track record about sensible economics in the past century i would say holding gold is going full retard

>> No.13676106

Honestly this. JPM is hoarding massive amounts of silver, and most silver is produced in Mexico, within the US govs control

If the US adopted a silver standard, overnight all the banks hoarding gold would get absolutely screwed, namely Russia and China. US wins again

>> No.13676167
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>> No.13676182

You dumbfuck, trump keeps demanding the fed print more money and lower interest rates. If he slayed the fed the economy would reset instantly and everyone would hate him. Not a fucking CHANCE he does that

>> No.13676247

I prefer silver right now due to the current GSR but otherwise agree. Why is their such a grudge between precious metals and cryptocurrency enthusiasts? Especially when you can buy silver and gold with BTC or BCH.

>> No.13676266

I hear this stuff all the time. I am a silver stacker and I want to believe but what is the evidence for these claims?

>> No.13676298

So what you are saying is he could carry it out if he is reelected?

>> No.13676300


>> No.13676475
File: 252 KB, 983x493, Screenshot_2019-05-16-04-39-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now is the time to go in on Silver...TA Explained

Gold to Silver Ratio are at their highs.


Trade War initiated.

Only thing The Fed needs to do is Cut Rates.

Fed will cut due to tarrifs hikes. IMO

Economy slowing down. Bond Yeild Inverting.

Rate Cuts will punish the US Dollar and is Bullish for PM. why? Because PMs are Priced in DOLLARS!

Silver.... BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.13676491

She's kinda hot in a really weird way
Like, her face looks very beautiful but the body not so much
Why isn't her face like a pig?