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File: 341 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190515-221348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13666994 No.13666994 [Reply] [Original]

Frens please help,

I wrote my private key in a code where each number represented a letter in the alphabet but now I cant remember how to decypher the code.

What is the fastest way I can decipher it please help

Asking for a friend

>> No.13667010

post the code and i'll help you out bud.

>> No.13667014

Post it here and let us do the job ;)

>> No.13667044

Im a brainlet please don't try to scam me and help me instead

I'm sure one of you misunderstood geniuses knows exactly how to do this the fastest way

>> No.13667055

is there anything else you coded that way? that would help

>> No.13667081

No :(

>> No.13667106

My guess is you used a ceaser cypher since that was a retard would do

>> No.13667126

Sounds like a larp.

>> No.13667132
File: 96 KB, 398x400, 14C05617-69CA-407B-8233-703CD6FE111F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn’t you just write it in a journal and hide it somewhere? No one is gonna decipher your code for .002 BTC, anon.

>> No.13667141

You are fucked fren. There is no way but trying out and getting lucky

>> No.13667142

I thought I knew the code but the one I remembered doesn't work at all.

Must be an error of my memory right ? Somebody can't have hacked my computer and changed the numbers right ?

Numbers only go up to 26 so mathematically it should be relatively easy to solve for a high IQ right ?

Please don't laugh frens I am true brainlet

>> No.13667166

I watched too many movies fren

>> No.13667172

Give us a distinct list of the numbers your wrote down, like do you have numbers 1-26 or 1-10 or what

>> No.13667183

Is there any company I can trust to help with this and not steal from me ?

>> No.13667207

Numbers go up to 26 so it should be fast to solve for a high IQ right ?

I did not just lose it all right ?

>> No.13667221

did you format it so you can tell when a word begins and ends

>> No.13667223

what way was you private key originally encoded? hex, binary, decimal? Or are you talking about a seed phrase?

>> No.13667229

What is that?

>> No.13667244

if you did it expecting to recover it by memory it should be solvable. if you wrote a custom cipher down and lost it you're fucked

>> No.13667248

No :(
It was 24 words but I just wrote all the numbers down without spaces
It was 24 words fren

>> No.13667261

What is the fastest way I can solve this?

I know there must be a fast way using Excel or something but I am too much of a brainlet to figure it out

>> No.13667291
File: 2.99 MB, 853x479, 1555072113018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try hashcat

>> No.13667300

This is called a basic substitution cipher. If you find the correct mapping of numbers to letters you can try to brute force it. Things get tricky because you wrote with no spaces, but the max a letter can be represented by is two numbers (10-26). I would start by looking for repeated numbers to rebuild your map, these would be double consonants like t in little. Eventually you will be able to split it back into words because it should be obvious which words are which.

>> No.13667331

stop freaking out for a min. now pretend you want to write down a new 24 word phrase and you want to encrypt it with your brainlet movie ideas. see what you come up with

>> No.13667336

bruteforce it, not that many combinations...

>> No.13667339

can you give us an example of the first 30ish numbers?

>> No.13667359

why would you do this

>> No.13667367

This might help


>> No.13667385

Because nowadays having 24 words in a row written somewhere is too obvious

>> No.13667412

agree. give us the first 3 or so words maybe

>> No.13667421

You're a fucking retard fren

>> No.13667458


>> No.13667593

Listen to this anon, are there any numbers that happen 2x in a row

>> No.13667619

also do you have a time machine to go back and punch yourself in the dick before you did this

>> No.13667665

Yes but I don't know how to decypher with this.

There are 8 instances of repeated numbers

>> No.13667682

some more please. I asked the first 30ish because that would make it a bit easier to find patterns. With the ones you gave, there's not much to work with.

Even with half of all numbers it would still be practically impossible to guess the remaining words

>> No.13667698


>> No.13667815

This is not a Caeser cipher, that is for sure. Tried a quick python script.


>> No.13667837

Even with 29/30 words it would take us 20 years of computing time to find the last word which would be more than long enough for op to transfer to another wallet

>> No.13667886

Nah. These wallets are open source with the word lists readily available. Testing the last word would be about 1600 or so tries I believe.

>> No.13667900


Buy Modafinil online now.

Take 200mg and meditate. 100% you will drag that code out of your subconscious

>> No.13667931

how did you think you encoded it? maybe that'll help us think along the same brainlet lines

>> No.13667940

Google "substitution cypher", one of the easiest cyphers to crack. Don't post ANYTHING here

>> No.13667946

2048 tries, since that's the amount of words in the BIP39 english list which is what I assume he used

>> No.13667973


count the number of times each number appears, the high frequency numbers will be common letters.

frequency of letters in order:
e t a o i n s r h l d c u m f p g w y b v k x j q z

>> No.13667978

What is caeser cypher ? How did you do that ? Can you find in you list a combination of letters that spell a word ?

>> No.13667994

There are 10 possible numbers and 26 possible letters. So that's 260 Different possible cyphers. Write down each of the 260 different cyphers and go through it trial and error.

>> No.13668018

>c u m

>> No.13668021

Pls remember I am brainlet 82 iq fren

>> No.13668029

this, except if you know it's BIP39 you can write a script to check the frequency of letters in that list because it's probably different

>> No.13668046

Why didn't you just make A>1 B>2 C>3 and so on for the entire alphabet?

>> No.13668057

How am I going to write a script I am a litteral brainlet , I have a hard time setting up WiFi

How can I find a high IQ I can trust to solve this for me

>> No.13668070

I thought it was clever at the time no need to point it out I already know I am a brainlet

>> No.13668081

hey fren dont feel bad you'll figure it out just dont fuck up and give someone your whole phrase

>> No.13668097

Ask a cryptography professor very nicely to help you solve the for your cypher. You provably just stuck to 1-2 digit numbers to represent each letter.

>> No.13668109

by posting more numbers. It's a simple puzzle but we need more to figure it out. Not all of it of course but the first 15 you shared isn't enough to find patterns etc

>> No.13668114

do you know how to count?
list the numbers in order of frequency and compare to the list of letters. so in your sample 9 is probably a common letter, you should be able to figure out some words

>> No.13668121

You have a bunch of numbers and you are trying to convert it to letters right,

>> No.13668147

How are you so retarded. Why not just write them down and fucking hide them in a few places?

>> No.13668167

How much numbers do you need to solve it ?

Is it safe to post here.

>> No.13668194


>> No.13668203

So, you say you are a literal brainlet... how old are you, anon?

>> No.13668229

If there is an official list that the 24 words have been selected from and if you think you enciphered the message by assigning each letter the same number then I can try to help you. Send the code to my email and if I can figure it out I will take a fee then email you the plaintext password.
Almost as good a bait thread as those warped qr code ones by the way so props to you.

>> No.13668235

Pretty sure this is a substitution cipher OP this is how you solve it. First convert your numbers to letters. Like 1->a, 2->b etc... This is going to be tedious. Then plug that bitch into this site, which does frequency analysis.


If things are off, check this list for likely words and adjust the substitution cipher accordingly


then split the words up and plug it into you wallet.

>> No.13668259

Here is a shitload of cipher tools to start
one of those will do the trick

>> No.13668273
File: 7 KB, 300x168, mattmag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letter number cipher:

>> No.13668310

set it to decypher, paste your shit in and hit enter

>> No.13668312

Isn't it risky the site phishes my keys ?

What if I only enter half ? Should be ok right ?

>> No.13668338

I don't think you need to worrie about that fren. but sure, do sections if it helps

>> No.13668343

Hi OP, I'm a Machine Learning Engineer.

I could crack it for you if you give 25% of the key.

Also send me a lot of example sentences with encodings you would use. The more data the better.

I'll send you the script to use on all the letters to have it make predictions.

If it works you can send me whatever small amount as a reward.

Mail me:

>> No.13668349

I don't know, more than those 15 at least. How many are there in total? I'm guessing around 125. The first 30-40 should be 6-8 words maybe. And of those words, there should be multiple letters occuring multiple times. Using that it is possible to figure out which words could be there.

So if you post more numbers (say the first 30-40, and never more than half of your total amount to be relatively safe I guess), then I'll try to solve the puzzle. No guarantees it'll work but those puzzles are entertaining enough. If I succeed, I'll post the numbers map of what I gathered, you can then apply it to the rest of your sequence and that should be it.

Or find someone in person to do it for you, then kill them afterwards so they don't steal your link

>> No.13668352

>where each number represented a letter

Which one did you substitute from the original? Number or letter or both?

If the latter, then you just say bye bye to your funds. If only numbers you are in luck cuz you only got 1-10 to substitute it back to letter. If letter its gonna take some time to find the original number in ur private key.

>> No.13668359

once you get your key move your shit

>> No.13668380

I would be surprised if these sites detect bip39 encoded strings, especially since the result will have no spaces. If you are paranoid just transfer the coins to a new wallet after you recover the key.

>> No.13668400

this nigga finna hack yo ass op

>> No.13668432

I will try to find a high iq like you guise but in real life.

Where should I look ? Computer science student or what ?

>> No.13668491

Wtf now ure looking for outside option. Were trying to help. Some of anon here were asking for more info on ur cipher method but u didnt tell. How are u gonna trust those irl hackers if u cant trust bizbros. U are a total brainlet anon op. I dont like the way you speak to us also.

>> No.13668524

write a script or find a similar one to edit that adds one letter or number to each character, output the result to a file, load all the privkeys into a wallet with importprivkey command

>> No.13668529

You are fucked OP sorry

>> No.13668542

old grannies that likes these kinds of puzzles http://crossword.info/DePuzzelmaker/Cijfercode_1

or comp sci folk that aren't retarded pajeets

>> No.13668581

It sounds more like he found someone else's key and is trying to steal from them desu

>> No.13668588

Me again (Machine Learning Engineer, posting from PC now).

My solution to your problem actually doesn't require any trust of you towards me.

I basically create a program that gets trained on your own encryption method.

There would be no way for me to hack you in any sense. All you would need to do is run the python script that I send you (you can check every line of the code) and you'll get your coins back.

I stand nothing to gain, only from a gift IF my method works.

I know you're not too smart, but having me train a Machine Learning model that can decrypt your encryption does not mean I have the ability to steal the key.

- Send a 10-25% of the key for me to test the model with
- Send me example words with the encryption you would use to encode that word.

For example:
1, The quick brown fox jumped over the cow,1/3/7/5/6/4/12/3/6
2, Cows are nice animals,6/3/8/5/7

If you do it like that, the system I will make for you can give an output for any given input you enter into the system. There's also no way for me to steal anything this way since I won't have the full code.

I'll ask 25% of the contents of the key to do this task. People like me have Phds, work at Google/Microsoft/Apple and cost over100 dollars per hour. I'm doing you a favor.

Mail me:

>> No.13668620

this is your only chance op

>> No.13668636

lol don't flatter yourself, data scientists are the most retarded fucks in the business that have no clue what they're doing.

There's already enough information in here to deduce the encryption method, the source words list, and the first 10% of the key

>> No.13668654

can you just post this code here I wanna see it too

>> No.13668681

I'll check my inbox once more in 24 hours when you decide you want to see your money again. Upvoted for the high quality bait.