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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 145 KB, 334x506, 1557932647550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13666037 No.13666037 [Reply] [Original]


>link, a specialized oracle coin, was beaten to the punch by a decentralized computation marketcoin

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13666062

>can't even stake RLC

have fun convincing people to do high value smart contracts with rlc

>> No.13666084
File: 419 KB, 828x956, 1554741099480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staking RLC is quite literally the core of iExec and the PoCo algorithm
Retard spotted. Cope harder!

>> No.13666095
File: 251 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-15-22-05-32-092_com.Slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine anyone trusting their data to a non secure enviroment on some beta virgin faggots machine

>> No.13666119
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>> No.13666120

Spoon-feed then pls. I have not heard about this

>> No.13666215
File: 1.49 MB, 500x567, vertsergey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that they released this after Chainlink's mainnet announcement shows how absolutely terrified they are. The fact that they fucking MENTIONED Chainlink and put those red crosses and everything shows how fucking DESPERATE they are. It's literally "LOOK LOOK WE HAVE DECENTRALISED ORACLES!! THEY ARE MUCH BETTER THAN CHAINSTINK!!!!"

But ok I'll bite. How can I run a node? Can I stake RLC? Are there any pools where I can just "lend" my RLC to the node operators and get stake rewards minus fee back?

>> No.13666221
File: 302 KB, 780x438, iexecbladerunner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iExec tasks gets verified using PoCo consensus algorithm. Each worker needs to stake X quantity of RLC to execute a task, if task isn't validated, it loses the stake. This way it prevents malicious workers from cheating. Yes, it has a staking mechanism.

>> No.13666248

Is this in production right now? Thank you btw anon

>> No.13666269

Fundamentally this is inferior to link.

>> No.13666279

you can literally join the pool now and you will need to stake RLC and you will lose it if you temper with calculations

>> No.13666296
File: 216 KB, 800x800, iexec-pepe-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes with V3 is in production for computing tasks, I dont know about the state of the Doracle since it's news from today.

>> No.13666301

Fundamentally iexec is superior to link

>> No.13666420

you can join public pool right now, insturctions: https://docs.iex.ec/worker.html
you stake RLC and do some tasks. but you are not getting ROI just because you stake, you are getting money for providing your machines power. no you can't lend RLC and there is no need to do it. but you can start your own worker pool and schedule tasks, for effective scheduling you can earn a fee from all the workers

>> No.13666524

>60% of LINK is centralized
>most of RLC is in circulation
Watch sergey dump all his centrally owned coins on your faces and buys RLC with the profits LOL

>> No.13666599

How can I run a node that offers data?

>> No.13666603

This is so feminine and insecure. It is the equivalent of a girl writing on her facebook:

"Stacey, despite what you may have heard, has a MUCH looser pussy than me."

Ya, like I'm gonna trust these sluts on what they write on their own website about their competitors. What other coin has had so many people "call them out"? Didn't ENG have a shrieking meltdown in the chainlink telegram?

>> No.13666632

It's glorious watching linkies scramble

>> No.13666646

iexec doesn't support multiple blockchains, defeats the purpose of a descentralized oracle if you can just apply it on one blockchain

>> No.13666672

It doesn't need to support multiple blockchains for the oracle, ETH is the only blockchain that matters outside of BTC.

>> No.13666696


This is exactly what was OP saying

>> No.13666706

lol no

>> No.13666713


>> No.13666727

Look up hyperledger

>> No.13666730

hyperledger, corda, plus more private/distributed networks

>> No.13666741

lol yes. Getting outside world info into RLC/ETH is all that matters. You can do literally anything from that point.

>> No.13666754

meanwhile chainlink is and has consistently been called the industry standard by nearly everyone in the space.

oh well, good luck.

>> No.13666755


>> No.13666757

Like I'm gonna read some shitty ass projects documentation. Either explain it to us or stfu.

>> No.13666766
File: 245 KB, 532x405, 1548840745904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link - $291M
iExec - $58M

redpill me on why link is 5x iexec

>> No.13666775



>> No.13666789

> doesn't realize the majority of high value smart contracts will occur on enterprise chains

oh anon...

>> No.13666798

No you dumb fuck.
New DLT tech is taking over as we speak and ETH (2.0 or whatever the fuck they will be running) will be obsolete

>> No.13666818

you can fuck off and hold link retard

>> No.13666830
File: 94 KB, 953x596, ballersergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They have all these red crosses on even SGX, meanwhile Chainlink owns Towncrier. It's so pathetic and desperate.

Another thing that is such a big red flag and a sign of desperation is the constant flooding of marketing bs on their Twitter. Literally 10 posts a day full of marketing jargon.

>> No.13666847

It is a scam that is being PUMPED by McDonalds to increase the awareness of big mac combos.

>> No.13666852

see >>13666095

you precious link can't prove it onchain

>> No.13666860

SGX is not exclusive to towncrier

>> No.13666905
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, 1518998927279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink literally owns towncrier.
what else needs to be said?

>> No.13666909
File: 38 KB, 800x451, linkiexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live on ethereum mainnet
so will link on may 30th
>support for TEE enclaves
what is town crier?
>supports multiple blockchains
link is blockchain agnostic

>> No.13666954

so? the RLC site says chainlink isn't using SGX, even though they own towncrier. what does this tell you? it's false advertising and it's scummy. chainlink doesn't need to partake in these scammy practices because they're widely regarded as the industry standard and they let their work do the talking. OP's post is a joke.

>> No.13666959
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1517092672252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towncrier is literally the main project for SGX.

Also who the fuck are you guys? It doesn't feel like linkmarine fud. It's kinda like genuine, but then again skewed. You guys aren't the RLC team members right? Right?! Lmao. Oh and btw just by looking at RLC chart I can say this shittoken is dead.

>> No.13666970

jesus christ. how fucking stupid are you.

>is on eth mainnet?
>support TEE
but cant prove it onchain
>support multiple blockchains
on paper but not in reality

Iexec is also blockchain agnostic, but they did not check themselves green because they cannot do it yet likewise link

>> No.13666982

>Towncrier is literally the main project for SGX
What do you mean? Intel developed SGX just for Towncrier? I find this hard to believe

>> No.13667080

town crier helped develop SGX

>> No.13667124

>doesn't realize iExec v3 is literally the Enterprise edition
>thinks ETH will be obsolete
absolute retard


>> No.13667188

>Owning town crier
>Grasping at straws
I don't think linkies are the ones grasping at straws, it's the rlc team

>> No.13667362

It's the bsv is the real bitcoin all over again, fuck me. Fucking stop sucking other projects cock to gain a little visibility before succumbing, just fucking die already!

>> No.13667364

you solution is not onchain. basically it is a single point of failure

>> No.13667472

Except they are going live with a decentralised oracle service at the end of the month. Sgx will just be an additional layer of security if wanted on the chainlink network

>> No.13667484

The attestation service can be distributed away from intel, intel made this possible recently (but I haven't seen chainlink mention this)

>> No.13667489

decentralised oracle for some shitty yahoo finance api. what about sensitive data retard

>> No.13667504

There will be "compute" nodes listed on the Chainlink Marketplace that will eat their breakfast, lunch, and supper.

>> No.13667554

I used to think RLC might have some kind of future, be a network to run some LINK contracts on.

This is absolute desperation and should be a red flag to anyone holding RLC.

Your team had no real vision for their project, reeks of a scam.

>> No.13667585
File: 373 KB, 2558x1440, 89587CA9-8BA3-4E78-8B50-ADE074FE10E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will bend the knee.

>> No.13667880

>>support TEE
>but cant prove it onchain
That doesn't make any sense. The whole point of TEE is to be offchain.

>> No.13667934


>> No.13667945


The fact they mentioned Chainlink by name is very childish and unprofessional, and makes me believe their attempt at making a decentralized oracle is worthless. They are just trying to stay relevant.

>> No.13667995

I mean, the last E stands for "enclave", which implies separation.

>> No.13668223

>t. butthurt retard

>> No.13668372

Competition is good. Although I don't agree with some of the points on the website, some of them are left for interpretation.

> t. 20k link and 20k rlc holder

>> No.13668411

You're rationalizing. This is a massive street shitter move.

>> No.13668883

says the butthurt retard buying a coin with no working product and no partnerships


>> No.13668924

good we are gonna make it with our iexec frens how about iexec yacht party same time near our LINK yacht ?

>> No.13668937

lol noone can refute

>> No.13668966

sorry mate iexec holders are never having a yacht party, you're not the standard, oh well

>> No.13669005
File: 265 KB, 2000x1372, 1553673212019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no working product and no partnerships

>> No.13669092


>> No.13669225


>> No.13669400

Ctrl f "chainlink"
No results

>> No.13669430

Nothing wrong in updating the chart

>> No.13669534
