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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13661584 No.13661584 [Reply] [Original]

CIA and Multinational Contracted Analyst predicts 70% decline in American population and considers US GDP to be overvalued at 10:1
Why havent you bought any gold yet /biz/?

>> No.13661604

Like 2 huge economic market nation would ever do something as stupid as go to war with one another.

>> No.13661635

because im buying bitcoins

>> No.13661646
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You had me until "buy gold"
Also what the fuck kind of website is this lmao, and it claims that the decline of the population will be mostly from ebola and in the fine print smugly says that the data "doesn't include nuclear war" lmao

got my response

>> No.13661654

Well the premise of this next war is peak resource extraction across the spectrum and peak production being reached which will force a war. We are already gearing up for a war I can tell you that, there is no good reason to have tariffs on products unless you want product manufacturing independence in case of war.

>> No.13661669
File: 62 KB, 992x409, fiery-cross-before-after-gty-hb-180911_hpEmbed_17x7_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more than just a war... it's about leading the future by being the superpower... why do you think has been china creating islands out of nowhere and creating military bases on it?

>> No.13661670

Space mining and manufacturing. Let's hope it happens sooner than later.

In the meantime, get as wealthy as possible and secure a spot in the citadel

>> No.13661705

that would be the easiest bullshit job. they literally can't prove you wrong. who do you think gets more hype the person who says what the contractor does in the OP pic who gets everyone all scared or some other contractor you'll neve hear about who just draws all the lines going straight up?

>> No.13661736

Considering the Multinationals I Mentioned are largely banks and insurance companies we can assume they would be more hyped for straight lines going up.

>> No.13661762

Those islands would be useless about 10 minutes after war broke out. Seriously, a bad storm could probably wipe them out. The world is just about done with Chinas shit. Turns out they are just a bunch of lying thieves.

>> No.13661799

Those islands only need to be alive for 10 minutes if a hot war breaks out that would threaten them anon. They arent just going to let us slowly steamroll them into defeat without using the nuclear option.

>> No.13661801

continue thinking that... or you could also inform yourself about it.

>> No.13661869

Imagine unironically thinking that fucking ant people will ever be able to enslave Whites forever. Go ahead chinkies, enslave the urban Whites, they're fucking worthless to us anyway. Cletus and I will be waiting for you in the swamps

>> No.13661890
File: 149 KB, 430x430, CalPERS 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures of the reality to come for your viewing pleasure

>> No.13661891

Because I'll be dead before 2070

>> No.13661920
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>> No.13661993
File: 33 KB, 430x310, MIS002[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you live in America gold will be a valuable holding long before 2070. If you want to believe the talking heads however and think the US dollar will stay the reserve currency for another 50 years on top of the current 95 years, then do as you will.

>> No.13662036
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>> No.13662065

This. People realized Soviets were in the 70s. It collapsed a decade later. People realized America is during the 10s. America is currently collapsing, and in the 20s, people will realize China is also just as evil and collapse within the 30s.

>> No.13662069
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>> No.13662106
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We don't care what it thinks.
It's a done deal earthling.

>> No.13662145

to pocket tax money trough military spending and subisidies?

>> No.13662146

Ask people around you who are <30 yo if they think gold is a good investment. Chances are you will get more people saying Bitcoin is a good investment than people saying gold is a good investment. And Bitcoin is an extremely risky/speculative investment with a much much smaller market cap. That should tell you a lot about gold as a long term investment. If you want something safe just buy government bonds.

>> No.13662194

ebola is a third world disease. It's being blown up out of proportion because nobody knows about it. It is part sensation and part fear mongering.

>> No.13662225

what are (((they))) planning over there?

>> No.13662236
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x2005, FD63156A-7E1F-4730-8890-B295BE297D05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is fake. It's just elites making their chess pieces fight each other while you dumb goyim happily kill yourselves. You dumb fucks deserve to get killed by Jews.

>> No.13662269

China owns bitcoin, its not a bad bet. However, gold is a good investment because of its intrisic link to bitcoin through industrial application coupled with its market value being suppressed by most countries and banks right now. When the US financial system implodes gold will be the defacto winner over every other asset.

>> No.13662278

Pollution currently around 0? What kind of retard created this shit graph?

>> No.13662298

if you expect pollution to rise a hundredfold then it is technically closer to 0.

>> No.13662313

"So, Norway’s sovereign wealth fund is the world’s largest. It is managed by a unit of the central bank, called Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM). It answers to the board of the central bank and the Norwegian parliament. It can invest in stocks, bonds and real estate abroad only. It owns on average 1.3 percent of global equities. However, NBIM has failed to learn how to make economic growth more inclusive and how to reconcile growing identity nationalism with diverse societies. Sure, this is something Sol-3 has failed to learn for a long time now, but in the case of Norway it seems interesting for us to perturb the system. We need a disrupted Norway if we wish to put in place the Artic Exploitation Strategy."

>> No.13662337

Ask people around you who are <30 yo if they think white people are a good investment. Chances are you will get more people saying diversity is a good investment than people saying white people are a good investment. And diversity is an extremely crime riddled investment with a lot of wage suppression. That should tell you a lot about white people as a long term investment. If you want somewhere safe just ban immigration.

>> No.13662341

"You mean they infiltrated both CalPERS and the Norges Bank Investment Management to initiate a massive disinvestment from all oil, carbon, and gas holdings? And how so? Just because Giselians visited their top managers in dreams, dressed in purple lights, and warned them about global warming, civilization collapse, new agey promises and the usual shit? What's next? A warning about how evil nuclear weapons are? I recall The Idiot first wanted to shut down all of our nuclear missile programs because he reasoned if we cannot use our missiles, better for us to forget about them and save money. Tell me, how much did it take for us to convince him that was a very bad idea? It seems to us CalPERS and NBIM need to learn the hard way how the world works."

Also these are for you >>13662225

>> No.13662358

"The Orderly Shutdown requires both CalPERS and NBIM to get back to their usual business. In the case of Norway, we plan to teach them the lesson that economic growth does not suffice to escape collapse. We've taken the necessary steps to seed Norway with the anti-establishment populism virus in the belief that xenophobia is the only way to keep rich men killing themselves. Our proposal is to fund populist parties and generate social unrest. While the destabilization program for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was based on exploiting tribal differences and destabilizing both her Northern and Southern borders, the strategy for Norway is totally different. This will require one or two car bombs in Oslo, as usual."

>> No.13662390

Yes, that should tell you a lot about where society and investments into diversity are heading. It doesn't matter if you think diversity is wrong or if you think Bitcoin is bad. If society wants diversity or Bitcoin, they will invest in it.

>> No.13662404

>Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!!

You've got to be kek'ing me

>> No.13662472

You got China and US mixed up

>> No.13662689
File: 111 KB, 430x397, 62-Figure 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]