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File: 316 KB, 852x666, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13658736 No.13658736 [Reply] [Original]

Calvin will release proof that Craig is Satoshi next week. Strap on guys, it's happening. Core coiners will get it STIFF

>> No.13658744

What happens today?

>> No.13658745


calvin can't even wipe his ass without his carers help, let alone prove an australian conman is satoshi.

>> No.13659010

So what kind of proof do you think he will release?

>> No.13659028

yeah hope harder, bottom bitch

>> No.13659035

So? Who cares? What you fucking retards don't get is this: If Vitalik dies, Ethereum tanks to sub $50. It fucking sucks.

If Craig dies, Bitcoin either soars higher or stays where it is because nobody gives a shit. Only retarded BSV holders actually care about this man being Satoshi or not. The rest of us don't care. Bitcoin is BTC and will stay that way REGARDLESS of what "the real Satoshi" says. This is the truth of the matter.

>> No.13659044

It's just craig telling calvin "it will happen any moment"

>> No.13659074

I realized that BSV holders actually, unironically believe that he's Satoshi, kek. I guess they'll have to switch to believing it ironically in a few weeks.

>> No.13659136

>Bitcoin is BTC
You should probably read the whitepaper because that statement is so far off it's not even funny

>> No.13659140

we change it to 17th
ohnos, sorry, thats the 21st
in fact, make it tomorrow
>Tomorrow, tomorrow
>We'll prove it, tomorrow
>Its always
>a day

>> No.13659230

"Muh whitepaper" is a marketing slogan used to promote nChain's patents to schmucks. I can't belive BSV bagholders are so gullible. Do you realize that literally every single crypto project is derived from the original whitepaper in one way or another? Besides, it's not just the whitepaper alone, the original Satoshi (not CSW) solved many problems like Byzantine Fault Tolerance which laid the foundation for the blockchain tech for years ahead.

>> No.13659333

There's never been a set date, concern troll.

>> No.13659347
File: 41 KB, 630x320, Ayre_bsv_already_won.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO meanwhile he's a billionaire and you are a nobody street shitter working minimum wage to shit up the board with your paid low IQ comments.

>> No.13659346

Yeah, cuz the masses don't care about authority or authority figures.

Prepare to face your own retardation.

>> No.13659349

they are full of shit, Creg as a rule, Calvin increasingly so. Put up or shut up - and the former isn't really an option anyway. Is it

>> No.13659361

Significant proof? Ummm, sign a fucking message or transaction

>> No.13659366
File: 53 KB, 798x436, May15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said May 15.
they said

>> No.13659379

Yep, and CSW is on his paycheck. Which is kinda weird considering that CSW is preaching lawfulness all the time yet his benefactor is basically indicted.

>> No.13659393 [DELETED] 

calvin cant put his feet on US soil without getting arrested by the FBI. why do any of you take this guy seriously?

>> No.13659394

wind and piss anon.
yet more wind and piss

>> No.13659445
File: 26 KB, 250x281, sphincter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the obliteration of your sphincter be proof enough?

>> No.13659447

absolute state of core cucks forgetting why he is so rich today

>> No.13659475

Who exactly? CSW is in debt to the Australian government, he's definitely not rich.

>> No.13659508

LOL, where did you get that from? If you are talking about the case the ATO had against him, I can inform you that Craig won the case and the Australian Tax Office ended up owing Craig money. Please ask Greg Maxwell to make better fud next time

>> No.13659560

What case did he win?

>> No.13659587

I will grant that Ayre better do something upon this tweet. But really all others claims about "this date will be the deadline" are nonsense. CSW only recently started sueing for the Satoshi identity and lawsuits can take a long time. The Ira Kleiman lawsuit, which has been running for some time, isn't about Satoshi proof, it's about key ownership.

>> No.13659621

Please dyor. It's so tiresome to spoon feed you in every single thread

>> No.13659639

So, he's still under investigation. There was a mention in the court documents.

>> No.13659720

>CSW only recently started sueing for the Satoshi identity and lawsuits can take a long time.
And nChain is planning to sell "intellectual property" on behalf of Satoshi. Coincidence? I don't think so. Always look up the supply chain.

>> No.13659742

did u know michael cranston, the lead investigator in csw's tax case, was later jailed for tax fraud? he was found not guilty but still

>> No.13659765

>And nChain is planning to sell "intellectual property" on behalf of Satoshi
You must be pretty dense. nChain is founded buy Craig

>> No.13659785

Could be a completely separate occasion, the mention of the ATO investigation is fresh

>> No.13659794

Not really, mate, nChain is founded and funded by Calvin Ayre, just like Craig's "outing" as Satoshi. DYR

>> No.13659833

I'll sell all my LINK and buy BSV if Calvin actually proves CSW is Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin. And no I don't want some mental gymnastics proof, I want concrete evidence.

>> No.13659839

>nChain is founded and funded by Calvin Ayre
I find it hard to believe you are this stupid. nChain was founded by Craig and that information is public. Just google it.

>> No.13659861

hes not satoshi. no one cares.
and even if he was, BSV is still a shitcoin.

>> No.13659873
File: 68 KB, 711x292, founder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nChain was founded by CSW. The bsv conspiracy theories are weak.

>> No.13659922

Oh yeah, me bad. It still receives funding from Antilles offshore funds that belong to you know who.

>> No.13659984
File: 103 KB, 846x726, ATO_CRIMINAL_INVESTIGATION_INTO_CRAIG_WRIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can inform you that Craig won the case and the Australian Tax Office ended up owing Craig money.
Pic related lulz
rare sensible comment (from presumably BSV side) - maybe, you'd done a bit more of that, and a bit less BS'ing previous, tings be different. But Cregs claim to be Satoshi (and presumably use of Bitcoin name, etc) rests on two things, evidence, and credibility. Having demonstrated neither to date, be better just STFU'ing now, won't happen tho.

>> No.13659996 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers fuck jannies and fuck faketoshi

>> No.13660079


>> No.13660119

you won't get any because the judge isn't even asking for proof. he literally just wants a list of addresses that craig owns. which proves nothing. i could print out a list of addresses and run around saying i own them. only way to prove is to sign. if he wants to be taken seriously he needs to sign or just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13660172

>i could print out a list of addresses and run around saying i own them
But why would you? Then you would have to pay taxes on the coins in the adresses you claim are yours

>> No.13660224

As proof of solvency, for marketing purposes - there are several options, not necessarily contradicting each other

>> No.13660265

If you claim to have 1 mill in BTC you will have to pay taxes on those. Why would anyone do that if they don't actually own said coins?

>> No.13660292

You realize the ATO agent in charge of the investigation against Craig, who raided his house was himself indicted for fraud right?


>> No.13660315 [DELETED] 

Fucking filters

Replace baka with "s m h" without the space sidney morning herald

>> No.13660365
File: 63 KB, 1180x584, michael_cranston_ATO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking filters

Replace baka with "s m h" (without the space) domain is Sydney Morning Herald

>> No.13660369

There must be a caveat, like special taxable events. An idle asset is perhaps not taxable (like a gold bar)

That clearly happened before the filling of the complaint, most likely a different occasion for different reasons

>> No.13660372
File: 16 KB, 460x276, dpb6xH9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that fact helped Pic Related greatly in his case as well. Still gonna die in prison tho. Unfortunately ATO also does have MOAR officers and can open MOAR investigations, this whenever they please. Creg seems to be something of a hobby for them. Such a shame he doesn't get to spend more time back home nowadays. isn't it ?

>> No.13660406

so the court scam isn't working? what a fucking surprise.

>> No.13660442

holy shit this bsv drama is cringe, get the fuck out from my /biz/

>> No.13660482


>> No.13660599

Yeah, it's cringe, but addictive as fuck and pretty lulzy if you're not a nervous bagholder