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13655971 No.13655971 [Reply] [Original]

How much is needed to start a hobby farm?

>> No.13655978

Who are you kidding? You're not going to come out of that second smaller building, that grass is going to get overgrown and the horse will keel over dead. Hobby farm my ass. Get a chia pet.

>> No.13655981

Farm is a big step. Start with vegetables in raised beds.

>> No.13655988

>that grass is going to get overgrown

What is livestock for?

>> No.13655989


>> No.13656050

I was only kidding. A hobby farm would be nice. Like the other dude said, starting out with raised bed gardens or container gardens is cool.

>> No.13656074
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I always thought I wanted a ranch or hobby farm but you just redpilled me. but then I thought I can just pay mexicans to do the work until I can afford robots to replace the mexicans

>> No.13656103

Depends what you wanna do on it and where you live

>> No.13656156

Go volunteer on a farm. There's this organization, I forgot the name of it. "Willing Workers on Organic Farms" or some BS like that pairs farmers with volunteers. In exchange for free room and board, they ask you to do shit on their farm. Anyway you'll get to know if it's something you like to do.

>> No.13656165


>> No.13656185

Hobby farm would need to consist of less live stock and more plant life. Id suggest a small plot of land with no neighborhood restrictions or anything. a small green house for less tolerant plants and then main staples on the land : Tomatoes, Garlic, Onions, peppers, cabbage, spinache, and lettuce. And whatever various ones you want. Also you could start rooting saplings and sell tree saplings for almost 100% profits once you get all stages going at once. For your animal choices, i would do quail before attemtping chickens because they need minimal space and effort but still provide meat and eggs.

Make sure you have constant compost going as well. Eventually you can open up a small farmers market if youre into that, maybe accept crypto.

Eventually try to work towards solar panels and a water collection system so you dont have to rely on the grid so much.

Goodluck anon.

>> No.13656199

Depends how long you intend to live. Because it'll never be profitable. Net loss every year from startup til death.

>> No.13656229

>Because it'll never be profitable
why wouldn't it be
I understand if anon is lazy and doesn't have local connections he will lose money, but it's not impossible for a skilled farmer to make money

>> No.13656241

Grow some veggies and get some chickens. Chickens are probably the lowest maintenance animals you can get from all other farm animals.

If you want a proper farm like your picture. That requires a lot of work. Are you prepared to get up early in the morning and work for most of your day ? Becuase that's the farm life, especially if you don't have people to help you.

>> No.13656303

I want to farm for macadamia nuts. It looks fairly straight forward from the videos I watched on YouTube. Buying an established farm for a few million with home and business sounds pretty good provided the rainfall is there and there's some cash flow behind you.

>> No.13656334

I've had some experience with an aquaponics system that I built before so I think I would be able to learn quickly. I don't like being idle but don't really like interacting with people.

>> No.13656342

lol this sounds like it applies to me
or any other biztard

>> No.13656356

aquaponics are sweet when I volunteered at a local garden there was a aquaponics expert there who ran a class a local college and he was explaining everything
what I learned after 100 hours volunteering there for conditions of a marijuana possession arrest is that gardening is awesome watering fertilizing harvesting is awesome
but you need to work, turning compost, pulling weeds, and there are setbacks with pests and rodents you can't control

I want to do it someday, I'm really good at growing mushrooms but my gardening skills are mediocre

>> No.13656364
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I want to have an orchid, apples maybe. Olives might be cool, but I don't think they grow well in colder regions where I'd like to live. I'd also raise pigs and bake some bread on the side. Going to a market every month to sell apples by the bag, salted pork and sourdough bread would hopefully sustain me so I don't have to draw out from my crypto reserves. Just need a tall, flat-chested blonde wife to give me 3 daughters and a son on top of that and I'd be in Elysium.

This is my standard for making it, anything less than this is cope.

>> No.13656411
File: 177 KB, 1000x749, 09395d40111ab43713da847fc3b3ef8fl-m34xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying this when bitcoin hits 100k

>> No.13656468
File: 327 KB, 1000x749, 09395d40111ab43713da847fc3b3ef8fl-m36xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going run my bitcoin miners from this water wheel

>> No.13656478

Checked and based. I want to build a log home on some land.

>> No.13656528

Stop responding to the jew.

>> No.13656574

if we're going to do with we need to build a wall so no niggers or jews can ruin our paradise
the bitcoin citadels will become a reality

>> No.13656648
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> People don't eat food
Why are the Jews like this?

>> No.13656731

DO NOT buy chickens unless you on keeping them in a completely enclosed box, they are completely defenseless and easily killed by all kinds of predators (raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc.) They are also completely suicidal/braindead and will try to escape their pen (They CAN fly, and will whenever they feel like it) and if you don't pay attention all you will find left of them will be a few feathers on the ground.

Oh, and don't ever expect to make a profit unless you have at least a hundred of them as
they are completely unreliable at laying eggs.

>> No.13656799
File: 1.33 MB, 1294x790, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should build a biz crypto castle with homestead farms and waifus
also no niggers kikes or jannies

>> No.13656812

>buy two regular house plants
>kill both within 3 weeks