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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13652504 No.13652504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we discuss the rampant use of the n word on /biz/? I know there are some anons who like to be edgy. But at the end of the day we are here to discuss making money and crypto. I know many POC would like to post here but do not due to anons using the n word. It creates a toxic environment that, as anyone knows, creates a lower quality discussion. POC have a unique - and much needed - vantage point that we would all benefit from hearing.

>do not use the n word
>report threads using the n word
>encourage POC you know to post here

>> No.13652517


>> No.13652536


>> No.13652540


>> No.13652543

The word in question: >>13652517
There was no need for it, and no one made any money from it. Why add that?

>> No.13652554

people dont like other people telling them what to do

please fuck off to reddit

>> No.13652567

Good bait. But I am still yet to be explained what 'different perspective' non-whites have. They shouldn't have any perspective since we invented practically everyone not counting the chinese. They don't even have a high enough iq to have a perspective

>> No.13652568
File: 75 KB, 480x480, i hate niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13652583

invented practically everything*

>> No.13652589

But niggers are to stupid to be into crypto. Have u ever seen a gorilla buying Bitcoin? Why would nigger buy it? It's just another type of monkey, maybe little more developed than gorilla, but stupider than chimpanze.

>> No.13652603

I am simply trying to ensure a high quality discussion where all viewpoints are welcome as we discuss crypto.
POC have a unique viewpoint from their lens on the world, and in these economically troubled times smart anons know to look for new ideas to profit.

>> No.13652840

it's fine to have low iq posters on the board, they will buy what we tell them

>> No.13652861 [DELETED] 

All blacks should be fucking hung like the coons they are.
There I didn't use "muh n wurd"

>> No.13652887

i love niggers

>> No.13652896

If they didn't want to be called nocoiners they should have bought some coins

>> No.13652908
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LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.13652946


>> No.13653001

By n word you mean niggers or nuggets?

>> No.13653023

Last nigger I saw in crypto was the poor guy who put 30k his life saving in fucking bit connect and got wrecked.
There is a video too.

>> No.13653037

I am what you call a poc
But no we don’t have a unique lens when it comes to economic

>> No.13653056

>unique viewpoint
No thanks. Vanilla scented Nikes with a little pocket for $1 wine nips don't speak to me

>> No.13653072


>> No.13653105

This is a fake bait, but what would prevent a poc to post here? Nothing, they post here already.

The word nigger is only scary to white swj twinks

>> No.13653139

>bringing racial politics into finance
This is why niggers always get just'd. Why do you think Jamie Dimon hasnt been replaced by a minority

>> No.13653140

1/7th of the worlds population is practically everyone

>> No.13653166


What fucking bullshit vantage point are you talking about?

And thank God this place is "toxic",
You think I want more competition fucking your white sister?

I like this place because it's real.
I've learned more from people who can honestly say "black people make uncomfortable" opposed to people who will never say anything to your face and you'll never get real feedback because of all the taboos that surround the black experience.

I am a better business man because of this place. I can now see peoples behavior over a long period of time and really know what they don't like about me.
I'm a better business man because I don't have to make excuses or make-believe-memes to make me feel better about my existence. I'm not wasting time doing that. I'm spending all my time dealing with real pieces on the board.

How much time do men waste coping with being short or having a small dick?

I knew in 3rd grade that the prettiest white girl in class wouldn't want to date a black guy. Spent a life time of coping... fucking waste.

Thank you biz

>> No.13653178
File: 29 KB, 720x442, the n word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13653202

Using the n word and including anti-semetic slurs doesn't make it better anon.
The n word should be scary to anyone who cares about succeeding as a whole.
I am trying to remove racial politics by allowing everyone's voice. Inclusion isn't political, it's fair.
Who hurt you?

>> No.13653278
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>> No.13653282

Unironically, faggots like you burrying me alive in a cope casket

>> No.13653293


based n-word

a lot of people's only experience with black people looks like years of this: https://youtu.be/HkwsOOo3H-I so a lot of people might seem like they're uncomfortable by default unless they get to know you. Its just one of the fun social dynamics of a cosmopolitan society.

>> No.13653339

You cant include everyone in everything though. Its just reality, not everyone is capable of the same things at this point of time. Thats what communists mean when they say communism is not working as intended despite what the low IQ libtards tell you, get people doing what they are good at and realize everyone has inherit value. Cultural Marxism is the radicalized philosophy that says everyone will be able to accomplish anything on a large enough and inclusive enough timescale which is what most people mistake. Capitalism solves this problem by going even deeper and saying not everything that someone is good at is valuable in order to stratify societys values, which means including everyone in the discussion is infact hurtful to the system and most people should stay away from most discussions. That is why this is a racial politics post you made, if your good at shitposting about cryptocurrency on a finance board your skin color largely wont matter anyway and bringing it into the discussion is hurtful to your goals in the long run.

>> No.13653341

I agree but there's so many racist incel neets on this board that it can't be stopped