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13650842 No.13650842 [Reply] [Original]

Guilty pleasures thread

What do you spend money on even though you're well aware it's a complete waste, but you just don't care anyway?
I spend 130 bucks a month on a rock climbing gym membership and only go once, maybe twice a month. I also have a car which I pay 3k a year insurance and drive maybe once a week.

>> No.13650861

Alcohol. Between 50-100 euros a month.

>> No.13650880

> I also have a car which I pay 3k a year insurance and drive maybe once a week.
you're literally retarded

>> No.13650886

i dont spend any money frivolously
i spend everything i earn from my wagie job on crypto. i even stopped smoking to put more in. i spend 7 hours a day browsing biz and reading about cryptos and checking telegram and twitter. the last nice thing i bought was a new laptop 2 years ago. i will make it or die

>> No.13650896


Prostitutes.I live by very little right now, but if I have that extra 100 euros a month to spear, I go to a thaimassage parlor. Its something that money can buy and Ifucking like it.

I have a girlfriend and Idon't seeanything bad about this.

>> No.13650898

Unironically sip everyday sugar free sips. There's nothing in them, I could easily drink tap water but I'm legit addicted.

>> No.13650906


>> No.13650930

I know someone who did this after a rough divorce.
He made it, so will you.

>> No.13650948

based, japanese whisky in my case

>> No.13650982

Subscription to The Economist magazine which is delivered to my apartment every Saturday. I convince myself it's to keep up to date with world and business events but I have a pile of them still in the plastic and get more up to date non bias info from here.

>> No.13650981

Make sure there’s not artificial sugar, Anon. Bubly is free of them, I think.

>> No.13650998

Have this problem with Red Bull sug free. What do you mean nothing in them? Caffeine + b + taurine...?

>> No.13651213

Coffee is cheaper and way more effective at providing this. By nothing I mean it's: water, acids and tiny amounts of uppity meme substances

>> No.13651330

Christ cuck alert we got an imbecile here typing the most cringe worthy words in existence. Who the fuck says "godspeed" in this day and age..
Thinking Christianity is even relevant in this day and age.

>> No.13651335

Rick climbing sounds like good exercise
You should do it more often

>> No.13651688

I hope you find him someday, anon. He’ll still be there for you.

>> No.13651965

2.5oz cannabis a month from dispensary - $800-$1000
2oz cannabis a month from weed dealer - $500
Cannabis concentrates from dispensary - $800+
Restaurants & food - $1200+

>> No.13651974

You have a problem

>> No.13651982

Fucking hot college aged korean chicks at an asian massage parlor for $200

>> No.13651994

Well yeah Ive got several health problems
Thats why Im prescribed cannabis in the first place

>> No.13652010

I quit my job and quit drinking and smoking pot and started exercising. Figured I'd learn to day trade instead. It hasn't been going well. I gave up a $150k salary for this.

>> No.13652046

Xanax. Anywhere between $200-$500 a month. It's feeding an addiction I rather not have but being sober is boring. I'm able to do my 100k a year job high off my tits on benzos.

>> No.13652050

I pay for tinder plus and buy boosts 10 at a time. I then set my location for countries like the Philippines where older men go to find wives and watch the matches roll in. Sometimes I talk to a girl and i am either brutally honest or I tell only lies. I even had one tell me she loved me, I know it wasnt true because I told her I was a multi millionaire from bitcoin. It fills a hole somewhere inside me.

>> No.13652082

I hate to break it to you my friend, but unless you're living in the US southwest and get them fresh they're probably lying to you about their age.

>> No.13652090
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i have three boa constrictors growing up for breeding in a few years. The first litter will more than cover the initial monetary costs I'm incurring, but I have no plans to expand it beyond a hobby and don't really care if it turns a profit, I just love the goofy fuckers.

also a bottle of knob creek single barrel monthly and a bottle of talisker every 3 months or so.

>> No.13652092

3k a year isn’t a lot for car insurance desu

>> No.13652115

Lol stfu "health problems" cunt your just dirty addict with a bud problem no one needs $2,300 worth of bud per month. Atleast admit to yourself you have a problem....every cunt in the States thinks because they have a sore back or mentally unstable they can justify spending heaps of weed and it be "OK".

Weed fucks u up like any other drug when used in excess.

>> No.13652133

>not driving a beater nissan versa into the ground when you absolutely need to
>not just not owning a car at all

Anyway what I'm really trying to say here is I have a shitload of vices I've been trying to tackle piece by piece during my state of unemployment and self-education and I hate every minute of it. Discipline is overrated and fucking sucks, and I'm actually glad all you guys have that one thing you all take pleasure in that you give yourself. Especially >>13652090
Hope your snake fren grow big.

>> No.13652164

Why would i waste money.
All luxuries are free on the internet.

>> No.13652215

thanks! But I hope they don't, I'm gonna be selectively breeding for small size. Keep em 6 feet and under so ball python normies don't get scared off by best snek size.

hmm. My most wasteful vice is laziness when doing dishes (aside from rinsing to prevent grossness), which means I have to wash before cooking, which leads me to go out or order in way too much.

>> No.13652282

I do have health problems and cannabis is expensive here
I only use 4-5 grams of flower and half gram of concentrate each day

>> No.13652374

I don't spend money on anything, just the essentials very rarely on new clothing but its because my old clothing gets holes and ripped.

>> No.13652445

>Only? 4-5 Gram a day
>Half a g of concentrate
Please what health problems do you have that you need 5 grams of flower a day? Considering medical weed is quite strong you shouldn't need 5grams a day..... Your just smoking for the sake of smoking.

I've seen my mate who has regular seizures take about 6 drops of oil a day and be fine. There is no sickness which requires 5grams and half a g of concentrate a day you aspie cunt. Seen a family friend have terminal cancer be on much less than that too.

Your just a hopeless stoner who uses their "health problems" as a way to be baked 24/7. B-BUT MY DEPRESSION, MUH SORE BACK, MUH ANEXITY HUURRR DURRRRR.

>> No.13652467

What does God have to do with christianity faggot
I believe in God but not organised religion

>> No.13652522
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Why not streamline the process and save money by just buying all your weed from your dealer, save the cannabis concentrates?

>> No.13652534

Will fuck your memory, anon. When you do stop, and you should, because 100k is not worth Alzheimer’s in your 40s, wean slowly. Stupid slow. It took me almost a year. Worth it.

>> No.13652539

Unironically have sex, you're getting worked up over someone smoking weed on the internet

>> No.13652605


>> No.13652708

Its more consistent, lab tested with reports available, you know exactly what strain and what cannibinoids and terpenes are in it from the dispensary
Id buy it all from the dispensary if they let me but Im limited to 2.5oz

>> No.13652720

I've stopped many times in the past and you're right my memory has gone to shit. At this point I'm doing 20mg daily the last year and a half has just been 1 big blackout. I've been sober on and off and I honestly don't understand how anyone can enjoy being sober. Inb4 get a hobby, I work all day, gym after work, run my side hussle, play tennis on the weekends all under the influence of xanax and its just much more enjoyable to do it high. I don't party or go out clubbing because I see no point in doing so since I partner I rather go out for a nice dinner.

I need a root been too busy lately havent had the chance to fap or fuck in the last 3 weeks. I have 0 problem with weed and I smoke it time to time and was a major stoner a few years back smoking 7g a day but its people who use in excess then try to pass it off as health problems which pisses me off. If your on weed for medical purposes you shouldn't need to do doses like what this bloke is doing it's overkill.

>> No.13652760

Natural wine: 100bucks a month
Pure oud oil: 200bucks every month or so
Other fragrances: 50bucks a month
Incense: 20 bucks a month
Imported coffee: 30 bucks a month

I make about 1500 a month, but I'm not in debt. Still, could be saving up, but also want to enjoy shit now and my overhead costs are very low.

>> No.13652777

I smoke every day and 3 grams of flower lasts me like 4 months. How in the world do you get through 5g a day?

>> No.13652806
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I eat out 3 meals a day. Probably spend between $50-$70 daily on food. I'm /fit/ also have 25 BTC.
I'm also 21.

>> No.13652820

$1k a month subscription for a dominantrix

>> No.13652842

>3 grams of flower lasts me like 4 month
How?! That sounds insane
4 grams is only 4 joints or 2 blunts or 3 skinny blunts
Bowl packs are pretty useless with my tolerance
Ill probably buy a vaporizer this year and give it a shot

Shit is xanax really why I have no memory??
I always thought it was from traumatic brain injuries and concussions or something
Ive also been on xanax for a decade
I literally cant remember much of anything
I often watch a movie and not realize Ive seen it before until half way through
Its pretty bad
I stopped xanax once and my memory didnt get any better
Ive been told Ill be on xanax for life

>> No.13652869

was gonna say the same thing. I smoke a few times a week, pay $70 for 10g (if i can find the guy again now WSM is down) and that lasts most of a year.

>> No.13652873

I don't think you know what gram means, that's impossible.

>> No.13653146

I can't buy the one thing I really want. More sleep. Drugs and alcohol won't fix it. I need sleep.

>> No.13653226


>> No.13653234

I married a 19 year old korean girl. I know what it feels like.

>> No.13653884

Eating out all the time instead of buying groceries

>> No.13653903

I just figure my time is worth more than the money I would save

>> No.13653924

DIbs deddora

>> No.13653940

Guns ammo gear for the happenings that will never come

>> No.13653962
File: 59 KB, 720x482, 24AFC110-7B8E-4E89-87A5-FD9BAA8798BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your picture. Also, your mom

>> No.13653974

i want to buy fanless pc

>> No.13654043

I won a Talisker comp a few years ago - it was one of those write 25 words or so to describe your first taste of Talisker etc. Won $10,000.00 worth of it. Drank a bottle a week for a year (the 25yo etc I held on to for special occ). The only thing that I have ever won in my life! Luck with the snakes

>> No.13654335

this, we havent had a despair moment yet. Fags havent been offing themselves yet.

>> No.13654411

Soon brother, soon

>> No.13654441

You're all wrong, the first sell off hasn't happened. We'll see a dip to 6-7k then the bull run begins.

>> No.13654551

Anon, 20mg daily is going to destroy you. Daily benzos equal lost years, and less years when you’re older, as your memory will go. I get that it blunts the constant hum of anxiety, but the price isnt worth the trade. If you do cut down, do it so, so slowly. >>13652842
Memory is a big part of how you see yourself. Benzos will black hole your life. Dont stop if you’re prescribed, but talk to your doc about alternatives if you want your memory to improve.

>> No.13654969

this was december. you know, the time it dropped back to 2017 prices. you are unironically in a bull run.

>> No.13654978

I just kicked a 5 year, 3 RB a day habit. Im otherwise healthy but that shit was litterally inducing diabetes which was ruining my sleep and eating routines. 1 week later I feel leauges better. Simple hydration is the key

>> No.13655207

You're a dumbass. I lost all my.momey day trading and even more. I can't sleep at night and lurk biz from my parent basement now crippled by 200k I'm debts.

>> No.13655452

Why aren't you buying some string and closing the holes with it ?
Even a big hole takes like 5-19min to close, and you can do it during downtime/while you listen to something.

>> No.13655475

THC oil

>> No.13656098

Summer's here already, huh?