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File: 71 KB, 1280x720, acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13649003 No.13649003 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw you missed the biggest opportunity in 2009-2011 instead of buying and mining Bitcoin you were buying and playing FUCKING video games.
> tfw you missed every opportunity of interacting with every girl you’ve met in high-school/college
> tfw you are now 24 yo Kissless Virgin trying to cope in front of everyone around you that you didn’t succeed of having any relationship with any girl and you don’t know how to talk to them.
> tfw Bitcoin is your last resort in this life
I’m Anon and I’m the Kissless Virgin who will never sell until I make it and have a waifu either I die buying or bobo die selling.

>> No.13649018

I have $23.5k I need to know should I buy 3 BTC right now or should I DCA?

>> No.13649074

Just buy a fraction of BTC.

>> No.13649087

Bitcoin mining costs just has much money has actual mining.

>> No.13649091

Maybe the real gainz was the games we played.

>> No.13649123

I already bought at 3K I have 2 BTC I WONT SELL EVER

>> No.13649142
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you don't even know pain
i have 00000000000000000000000000000 crypto after all of this, 7 years of grinding for nothinggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i could have been set for life but instead i'm a fucking wagie for life

fuck this gay earth im gonna sudoku next year if still poor

>> No.13649165
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>> No.13649171

You forgot
>tfw when you missed the 2019 bullrun

>> No.13649174

>I met a gypsy and she hipped me to some life game
>To stimulate then activate the left and right brain
>Said, "Baby boy, you only funky as your last cut
>You focus on the past, your ass'll be a 'has-what'"
>That's one to live by or either that's one to die to
>I try to just throw it at you, determine your own adventure [Anon]
You can't judge your past self with present knowledge. It'll never be fair and more importantly it'll never improve your current lot in life. Look forward, Anon. The Golden Bull Run is sprawled before us like a concubine. Get yours now; the past will never return the effort you put into it, but the future will.

>> No.13649179

The absolute state of millenials..
Life is more than money.

>> No.13649184

How many times are you gonna post this fucken thread?

>> No.13649200

Jesus Christ.....

>> No.13649201
File: 304 KB, 770x775, F22B7B25-585C-4477-B74E-A6685B9B7090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won’t buy fuck you

>> No.13649230
File: 76 KB, 552x524, 1553551014209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about that, wojak. just always keep in mind all that shit you feel like missing out on isn't half as good as you imagine it to be. i've fucked 8/10 and 9/10 whores in highschool and thought it was boring because i didn't get the 10/10s. everyone is always unsatisfied with what he has. also sex isn't that nice most of the time, when you're unlucky and get the chicks that put no effort in it. whatever happens you'll always feel like missing out

>> No.13649246

life isn't about money if you have money
life is about money if you don't have money

anyway i know where crypto is going which is why i'm so pissed now desu, i'm just on the sidelines watching aka the ultimate crpyto cuck lol

clown world desu, maybe i was an asshole in a past life

>> No.13649253

Lmao wait until you're 30 and any girl you grew up with is already out of the equation because they all hit the wall. At least you can pick yourself up and meet those girls again with shared history (I did. Banged 2 high school friends years after high school, a year of fun with 1 other). Once you hit 29/30 all your old connections mean nothing

>> No.13649260

How are you supposed to mine or buy bitcoins at 14 tho? You couldn't even buy a pack of candy unless you ask daddy, how are you going to convince him to spend 100 bucks on 100 mysterious coins that may become a huge thing 8 years later, let alone a energy draining PC full of high end gpus?

>> No.13649278

what kind of grinding? this looks like an old wallet you used to buy drugs with, i've had that too

>> No.13649286

DCA is a meme, there are much better strategies.

>> No.13649295


why don't you just buy now? the bull market hasn't even take off in full force yet

>> No.13649299


Go all in if you honestly think bitcoin will NEVER be cheaper than it is now. Otherwise DCA.

>> No.13649329

just grinding for crypto since i cant really afford it now but back then i could. my job didn't change but the price of crypto has obviously
i never bought drugs i'm just a fucking retard and had unexpected things come up like emergencies and had to cash out for various reasons

too expensive for me, i'm priced out of the market
whats the point of buying $200 a month now? ship has sailed

>> No.13649330

Why didn't you just hold. I don't understand

>> No.13649334

Not him but how long does it take Coinbase to process a new account? I'm pretty sure I lost my old account and have a different bank and everything now anyway? Same question about Paxos really, since I'm expecting a slight dump tonight and want to be able to but in tomorrow.

>> No.13649381

>hold your digital coin that could very well go to 0 tomorrow or pay rent
desu, if i was already financially stable back then and didn't live so close to the edge metaphorically speaking then i'd have been unironically a millionaire by now probably 20 times over, but things come up

2011 was fucking early all things considered

>> No.13649382

what do you mean by "grinding for crypto"? mining?
sorry about that fren, you're right, it's too late to get filthy rich with those amounts. but if you're lucky and btc stays cheap for another 1-2 years you could use those 22 every month and get a nice car in a few years or a down payment if you're in debt like americucks

>> No.13649398


>> No.13649460

i wasnt mining i was just buying crypto because i thought it was cool and still do think that
but only now the price has drastically changed where as my wage hasn't kek
i'm not mad though, shit happens
at least i was a part of it i suppose

>> No.13649467
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lol this is retarded

200 a month into crypto is more than enough to absolutely make it

>> No.13649681

This post is the biggest sell signal

>> No.13649700
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont remind me

>> No.13649711

How many times are you going to make these threads

>> No.13649807

Holy shit anon, a OutKast reference I like you already!!! That’s is to true. Rosa parks!