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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13645146 No.13645146 [Reply] [Original]

The fun has begun. Tell me, are you going to run a node?

>> No.13645177

I saddens me deeply that I'm too lazy to dive deep enough into the literature to be feel secure running a node. I'm not tech savvy compared to many -- maybe even most -- in the community, and I'm just too worried I'm going to fuck it up and lose my precious linkies

>> No.13645212

this. I won't bother. Risk my link and waste time to earn AT MOST 10% on my stack? I'd rather throw it in a pool desu, I think a lot of those will be poppin up in the next weeks.

>> No.13645704

when derivatives soft launch ?

>> No.13646504

Is there a step by step on how to run a node? I am not that tech savvy, but I am smart enough to follow good instructions. I see and understand the potential and I really want to have a node up and running on MN launch.

>> No.13646521

check official telegram good tutorials there

>> No.13646532

Yup. But I'm gonna wait till the brainlet walkthroughs are out.

>> No.13646562

Coinbase custody will do LINK staking soon

>> No.13646564

I'll use Linkpool

>> No.13646575

I think I'm a couple steps beyond you at this point, but still a dozen steps from running a profitable node.

Beyond actually getting a node up and running, there's the issue of choosing what data your node will provide. If you use data that's free, you'll be competing with every other node operator on price alone and your node won't make nearly anything. But if you subscribe to an API, you're running the risk of overestimating demand for that info and end up running a deficit after factoring in API costs.

I'm leaning towards LP. That way I'm not making *nothing*, even though it will be only just more than that.

>> No.13646579


God I hope this is true, my hype boner would feel much more secure with my LINK secure in a FDIC backed American exchange.

>> No.13646585

hope burgers can participate

>> No.13646621
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**burgers that aren't accredited investors

>> No.13646639

I mean, CLC's honeycomb sounds like a good idea, but again, everyone's gonna be pointed at it and the API providers will control 99% of the cost to smart contract users. Node operators will charge just barely over the API cost, again netting almost nothing because they're competing with every other node operator who's privy to the same honeycomb service

>> No.13646659

Nice try kike

>> No.13646687

Then Sergey turned to the Marines as said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings desires to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it...”

>> No.13646801

it's not hard desu, all steps are basically copy and pasting commands into terminal

no harm in learning it if you actually find it cool, otherwise just use Naas/LP. The hardest is actually figure out what APIs you want to serve and how best to price them - over-subscribe to an API plan and your node will be underwater, but subscribe too little and your node's API cost will be a multiple of your competitors (potentially pricing you out of the business)

I suggest to look into that instead, running a node is the easiest part and can be easily handled by NaaS

>> No.13646985

what happens if something wrong happens with a pool and the node produces faulty data? will all stake links from all users get rekt?

>> No.13647027

Do you get link as payment with a pool or just cash?

>> No.13647072

HOW ARE ANY OF YOU NUTJOBS PLANNING GO RUN A NIDE GKING TO GET THE DATA??? It's going to cost to run a node, even neet nodes

>> No.13647096

No because I have 1.4 linkpool shares and get priority staking on nodes with way better API data access than I could achieve on my own

>> No.13647112
File: 251 KB, 398x613, 1529863487365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear faggot scammer,

Bigmacs, this never works out. Why have you forsaken us? Shilling, niggers, ass - I'll suck your dick for mainnet.

Linkies get all the gets. Cool wine aunt anus smoke smartcontracts.com.

Fuck my feminine boypussy softly.

Mr. Pajeet Memes

>> No.13647142

Thanks. DESU, I am more comfortable with API pricing than the technical node operation.

Will most people be using AWS or dedicated hardware in house?

>> No.13647153

I want to run a node but don't want to fuck up. I'm going through the official writeup just to understand, and can see that if anything breaks I'd br fucked. Will probably wait for things to become more clear and standardized. There is no need to rush, SC data requirements will only increase exponentially with time.

>> No.13647165

Absolutely. this is a wonderful day

>> No.13647196

I think your wrong on this point. The reason I want to hit the ground running is partially for reputation purposes. I figure reputation will be increasingly important as time goes on and harder to get. Also I think rewards will be more generous early on, so I can increase my stack faster.

I have a full time job that pays pretty well, I just need a boomer-tier tutorial to educate me on setting up and maintaining a node.

>> No.13647304

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 3Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. 4Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road. 5Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ 6And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you. 7And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house. 8Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you. 9Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, 11‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near.’ 12I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that tow

>> No.13647317

aws instance costs about 20USD each month
another 20USD for fiews

not sure desu but a typical subscription would be around $50(capped) to $200+(unlimited). Even more expensive if you're considering unique APIs. Excited to see what sergey have planned. clc's honeycomb also looks interesting but not sure if they can even achieve sc

oath. LP will be the only way for us to compete against god tier corporate nodes.

>> No.13647341

no because they are nowhere close to getting the full nodes done

>> No.13647355

Isn't that theft? Reselling data?

>> No.13647402

None of the crypto is fdic insured just the usd.

>> No.13647482

running a node isn't a static experience where you can subscribe and forget. An API in demand this year may not be so for the next. A marketplace would simplify access but you'd still need the skill - it's really quite the same as swingtrading on exchanges

I'll say it again:
>your main source of profit comes from your ability to predict trends.

>> No.13647492

AWS or another service for sure. Whatever you use, make sure it comes with uptime guarantees

>> No.13647521

is all the API data public since its on the blockchain? so if i dont want to pay i can just look at someone else whose paying for it

>> No.13647562

from w
you're getting it. We need third-parties or sergey himself to get as much providers on-board as possible lest we miss out months of reputation farming for the niche of our choice.

from what i've seen most just use aws. Only whales set up their own local operations

im using both aws and LP but also considering setting up a hobby node on my old laptop with <30 links staked. Would consider NaaS if it turns out to be excellent