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File: 7 KB, 259x194, SaschaAPARTMENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13634460 No.13634460 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all the CHX threads keep getting bumped down? More people need to be warned.

I believed the bullshit Sascha was spewing about tokenizing debt. Really he has a good idea but it isn't new. Too many lies about Taco Bell and big contracts with significant partners. They don't even have an office and all the devs are being paid in CHX. Meanwhile, us bagholders are trying to make some gains while they dump on us. If the devs aren't even HODLing why should we?

Incoming dump after main net released and everyone figures out that Hamersely partners are some pajeet syndicate fabricated to tokenize shitcoin companies that no one will want equity in. Let's not even mention the next AMA is broadcasting live from Sascha's kitchen, (no office wtf?).

This guy is a modern day Rhet Creighton shilling BTCP. I sold my bags for ETH - See you at $300 anon.

>> No.13634579

>us bagholders
so you're trying to say that you're holding CHX too?
why do you fud your own coin dude? Maybe wanna get some more for your 100$ investment next more?

>> No.13634589

does anyone else always read CHX as chinks? please respond this is important

>> No.13634612

I dont

>> No.13634775

I was describing how I felt when I WAS a bagholder and the devs would sell. I'm no longer a bag holder.

>> No.13634788

It's very confusing. They changed the name from CHX to OWN so that people may forget. Same scam company.

>> No.13634800

>Let's not even mention the next AMA is broadcasting live from Sascha's kitchen
LOL. Every OWN thread has gold like this. Project Crowd is so low on funds, they couldn’t even keep the lights on for the interview. Still cracks me up.

>> No.13634858
File: 32 KB, 1172x675, 1519326040105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh the bitter shitlands holder from earlier returns. Better get your asshole ready for more punishment fag boy.

Less than 14 days from now this is going to the moon. Cap this.

>> No.13634885

Nice moon Ramesh, here's a lesson in crypto for your poor Pajeet ass.

NEWSFLASH: Whole point of the binance hack and consensus was so vitalik and frens could pump up crypto to exit scam. ETH is going to $16 like Tone Vays said. EXIT ALL CRYPTO MARKETS ASAP

>> No.13634906

Just like how it pumped for FAST, the DSR, mainnet, etc. right?

>> No.13634939

This will continue to dump until their "mainnet" launch. It's so illiquid - what do you think happens when everyone wants to sell their shitcoins? CHX team has been laddering out for a few months now. Wait until they REVEAL their huge partners... it's already price in pajeet

>> No.13634969

chx are criminals

>> No.13634974

Astroturfed by discord and telegram trannys


>> No.13635024

Wait telegram trannys? I must've missed this. Btw what does astroturfed mean? thanks anon

>> No.13635467

Astoturfing means fake interest/buzz in a product. One OWN thread every few hours even though no one is buying or interested. Shilling in other words.

>> No.13635483

It's gonna be fucking amazing, all the Shitlands street pajeets completely BTFO

>> No.13635499

Every chx thread is made by fudders lol. The shitlanders try and make a thread that gets 10 replies until we start a conversation about chx.

>> No.13635545

>Replying to the discord tranny

>> No.13636522

best exchange to buy on?

>> No.13636960


>> No.13636994

Idex is a shitcoin exchange with low volume. It's hard to really accumulate anything more than 10-20k without significantly mooning or dumping the price. Bitmax apparently has more liquidity, but I could be wrong. Sascha mentioned in the AMA that CHX would be listed on a top 10 exchange. Wtf is BitMax anyway? NOT BINANCE.

>> No.13637028

Everything about chx says scam.
You rarely see a coin with dozens of red flags .

If you are gambling with this coin prepare to lose all your money.
This will just make the team rich.
Hint: you pay

>> No.13637040


>> No.13637068

Thanks man, buddy over at Goldman told me about this.

>> No.13637116

>idex is a shitcoin exchange

You sir, are a giant faggot for spreading lies.

>> No.13637129

chx are criminals

>> No.13637164

Imagine still holding this
You Shillers have no heart

>> No.13637167

You can't deny that there are a lot of shitcoins on that exchange. I trust IDEX, it's just low volume

>> No.13637187

What's up with all the negativity? My bud told me Goldman is working with them on making a stablecoin.

>> No.13637224


Your buddy at GS told you to buy this shitcoin?I bet that jew told you to buy LINK too...
Go eat some bagels, bitch.

>> No.13637238

I heard some people say chx are criminals. Is this true?

>> No.13637290


This is just FUD. They are however over-hyping their coin. Bunch of 16yr olds baghodlers with $500 bags of Christmas money.

>> No.13637343


goldman sachs already has USDC. Why the intentional FOMO? This isn't the place for your shills

>> No.13637452

I had Sasha was a janitor and he somehow built this elaborate scam from a hut in Bosnia and is scamming the former prime minister of LICHTENSTEIN. Is this true?

>> No.13637539

Can't confirm or deny. Sascha lists the PM of Lichtenstein as an adviser on weown.com. He has not commented on any involvement.

>> No.13637561

LMFAO this is the pleb who posted on the reddit an hour ago whining that this was a scam. Don't say we didn't warn you when the first billion dollar STO drops

>> No.13637569

Its scam.

>> No.13637605

YUP the server room is in Sascha's basement. Please forward you complaints to Sascha's kitchen - customer service.

>> No.13637610

Is a scam, buy matic the ethereum of India and fund our elephant rides this summer, plz

>> No.13637624
File: 283 KB, 1441x930, 1446328165067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs please buy sirs.
Very stiff investment.
Much moon.
Please buy. India not rich. Thank you sirs

>> No.13637712

Great pic, but no its not a scam unironically

>> No.13637717
File: 9 KB, 223x226, pajeetpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do y'all take CHX?

>> No.13637806
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1543312048123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats exactly what a scammer would say.

Why does hw run thia scam from his kitchen?
Why does he pay his friends with chx to dump on investors?
Why is all he does in the tg group spam the same paid articles?
Why do ppl get banned from tg when they just ask about details to the stos?
How can he announce 9 stos when they arent even close to
a) a working product
b) final the legal framework

How many red flags do you need?

>> No.13637832

fucking kek, you guys are making my night with your level of pajeetery. I'm sorry but OWN is objectively better than smartlands in every way. There's just no comparison, sorry

>> No.13637851

Based and pajeet-pilled

>> No.13637880
File: 120 KB, 500x298, im-doing-my-part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone is talking about smartlands.
This is about chx and they will exit scam.
Happy to see chx idiots lose thwir money

>> No.13637902

This thread was started by a shitlands holder. You know who you are, lol

>> No.13637938

Honestly, what is shitlands? I'm trying to warn CHX hodlers before we have to start posting the suicide hotline.

>> No.13637949

No one gives a shit about either.

Buy Omatic and fund my meeting with the Sultan, plz.

>> No.13637963


Omatic is up a shit ton. That new Aladdin movie is about to come out. Related or not?

>> No.13638000

I think hes talking about smartlands.
He is very insecure about his bad 'investment' and fears to lose his money.
Now he tries to discredit smartlands out of insecurity.
Smartlands will release their first sto tomorrow which means they arent even in the same league as chx.

Go back to your wagecucking at mcdonalds. You fucked it up this time.
Work hard and do research before you gamble with coins next time. Best luck for not buying a scam again.

Reminder: chx is scam

>> No.13638089
File: 88 KB, 431x423, Unicorn Vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy's little trader

>> No.13638158

They are at Consensus right now conning crypto boomers with “ideas” and a “vision” to get in on the scam. Need a million bucks? Hand Sascha $10,000 so he can remodel his kitchen and you’re in.


>> No.13638192
File: 20 KB, 600x450, baby-elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your unicorn - raise you a baby elon.

>> No.13638199

The official Telegram is about being professional, while Sascha calls other STO blockchain projects shitty and how they’re playing catch up without knowing anything about their competition or what kind of partners they might have in the pipeline. The CEO of OWN called other projects “shitty”. What is Project Crowd then?

>> No.13638214

>The CEO of OWN called other projects “shitty”. What is Project Crowd then?
OWN'd & redpilled

>> No.13638375

It's called being an alpha chad and asserting dominance. You wouldn't know since ur a shitlands street pajeet.

>> No.13638394

Chx is ran by discord and telegram trannys. Scam.

>> No.13638447

Can't wait until Slt price flatlines on the 15th. Maybe the brainwashed idiots in your telegram will start to see what your future holds. Except for Bill, hope he goes down with the ship.

>> No.13638458
File: 21 KB, 490x196, 68977152-8A55-4A1C-BBFC-CA6964252DB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.13638462


>> No.13638477

>loses composure as soon as someone dares to critique their website or ask if they’re profitable
>alpha chad
In that case, CHX owners are the cucks in the corner as their wallet gets fucked and dumped on.

>> No.13638478

Telegram and discord trannys dispatched right on time

>> No.13638536

Just so you know, fudding Chx isn't gonna prevent the inevitable. Shitlands launches their sto tomorrow and price will go nowhere. No one gives a shit about you pajeet scam coin that has no use. 7 days until all stos are revealed for chx. Will show you what pump looks like. I'm done arguing with you idiots. The numbers will speak for themselves.

>> No.13638792
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, sasha-bilzerian-chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Biz

Get in or stay poor faggets.

t. Sasha