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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1363497 No.1363497 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like there are two kinds of people who dream of getting rich: positive and negative.

+The Positives
+Want to do a particular thing that will make them rich
+Could be anything like writing a best selling novel, being a rock star, inventing a new drug that cures a common illness, or even being an entrepreneur
+Pursue a particular goal which is ancillary to becoming rich, though the money is secondary
+Typically have an interesting, if rocky, road
+Only a tiny portion of them make it

-The Negatives
-Just want to be rich and don't care about the specifics
-They typically shoot for a job doing mid-high level paperwork of some sort and hope that timely investing will carry them to money
-Wealth is its own goal to them
-Have a long, boring road in life
-They are slightly more likely to make it, but aren't likely to be happy

Which are you?

>> No.1363574

Also, I'm personally the former. I have a net positive end-goal that is ancillary to becoming rich.

>> No.1363630

I'm the one that wants a worry free life, and the best way to remove most worries is having a huge capital.

>> No.1363668


So you're a Negative then. Maybe a better way to term it would be Hot and Cold.

>> No.1363695


I want the wealth and financial independence so I can make my own super-pac and start a career in politics

I guess I'm the latter till I get my wealth, then the former

>> No.1363701

Did you make this shit up yourself?

>> No.1363719

tbf i'm a mixture of the two. I don't really think you can make it hot or cold like that.

>> No.1363757

I'm inbetween.

On one hand I take pride in my work and pour my literal heart and soul into something to the point where I've been hospitalized and go for months on little sleep, and come to genuinely appreciate people who take interest in what I do. I want to reach all sorts of audience and for people to fully invest themselves in the worlds and characters I develop.

However, wealth is also an equally high value with what I do because I'm fascinated with the idea of being rich and high valued for those works, especially when looking at them as products that will in some light sell themselves. I admit I tend to impulsively put my earnings more toward my own salary then my actual business as a result of this.

>> No.1364135

Definitely the first, and getting rich is just a bonus, I do enjoy the journey itself.

Don't think it's that simple, once you obtained it, you will start to worry about losing it, worry more about your own life and all the jazz.

>> No.1364190

>-Wealth is its own goal to them
it's true for me but i don't see how this is negative

my dreams won't make me any money because i want to write really useful free opensource software for everyone.
i must get rich if i want out of the treadmill.
even if i don't get rich if i can have additional income from investments it will help work more sporadically more to my liking.

>> No.1364205

This is complete bullshit.

If you want money enough, you'll get it, irrespective of the 'road' taken.

This whole thing about multi billionaires claiming that 'it was never about the money xD' is just a way to cover their asses and make them out to be something more than the raging sociopaths they are.

>> No.1364339

What kind of buzzfeed, social media, facebook n' reddit bullshit is this.

I could easily see this with the title

>"Only TWO types of people MAKE IT BIG! which one are YOU?"

Go back to your hugbox feel-good over-identifying bullshit forum where you came from

>> No.1364758

Look up Diogenes, it's more your style than wealth.

>> No.1365048
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>+The Positives
Hollywood fantasy designed to keep consumers consuming, perpetuated by teenagers and NEETs who will never mke it, ideal for both consumption and mlm pyramid schemes.
-The Negatives
An overly pessimistic view of savers and rational people perpetuated by the same undisciplined failures mentioned above.

both dont exist you fucking peasant