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13625669 No.13625669 [Reply] [Original]

You've probably heard it in the news. Spanish unemployment rate is crazy and what not. Well, in reality, there are jobs, the catch is the conditions of them.

Spain is a weird country. Everything works, you can get goods and services from both private and public sector on par with the best european countries. Crime is really low, people are civilized and so on. But man, this job market is not typical of a developed country.

I've always been a happy dude but lately since I've finished college and started working I've been hating life so much. I don't know what to do desu.

You may think I may be working some menial job, but I'm actually working in a fucking private equity boutique. Position is associate, with progression to operations manager making 30k in 2-3 years (now I'm at 15k). If you are from out of Spain, you will be laghing at this point. Guess how much a KPMG manager with about 7years exp makes? Yes, about 30k. My job also is very very stressful, since lately I've been assuming most of the manager functions.

The situation is ridiculous, now on passive income thanks to what I've made with Bitcoin and other projects during university, I'm making more than a week of work per month without putting a single hour.

COL doesn't compensate for this, since a lot of goods are imported (think fuel, cars, electronics...) You can eat outside for 4€ or go to a bar, which is what most people do to spend their time.

DESU, I want a way out, but don't know what or how to do it. I'm working on FIRE, saving 80% of what I make. But I guess best option would be to leave the country. What do you guys think?

>> No.13625725

you say there are jobs but youth unemployment is super high?
so are the neetbux in spain at minimum wage levels or what is up?

>> No.13625758

Disfruta lo votado.

>> No.13625773

For a normal person, we are talking about minimun wage 800€ per month full time and having to relocate, with a temporal contract.

We are talking about 500€ per month for "part time" which is in reality full time. Temporal contract.

Or 800€ per month doing contracting work for only one company (this is called false contracting).

A lot of people in this situation choose not to work and live off of welfare, smalls gigs or family money.

>> No.13625810

>A lot of people in this situation choose not to work and live off of welfare, smalls gigs or family money.

Well, some of us try to make a living by not being a wagecuck, guess what i cant hire anyone because yeah, muh 900€ minimal, fuck that i have to pay 1600 to hire someone for 900.

Im hiring pajets/south americans online and never going to pay this scam.

>> No.13625828

yes that is the outcome of structural reforms according to the washington consensus through the imf and the eu, same here, but with no jobs.

>> No.13625834

I left the country 11 years ago and not a single time I have regret it OP. Get out and grow, Spain is for going on holidays and importing food, that's about it.

>> No.13625881

This is what I believe is the best option. But don't know how to do it. Lived in Ireland for a year while studying, but work is another animal.

What have you done to go out? What have you studied?

>> No.13625928

Si a alguien le interesa, estoy desarrollando un bot, llevo 4 años tradeando y otro programador me vendria bien.

>> No.13625969

I haven't talked about working hours either. The standard 9-5 turns to a 9-7 in Spain, and that's in jobs where you don't do overtime. 2hrs in the middle "to eat".

Give me a fucking break.

>> No.13625973

Compra Chain Link, socio

>> No.13625987

Vente al sector de la construcción, 7-7 media hora para comer, y es legal.

>> No.13625989


>> No.13626004

I went Erasmus in my 4th year of Uni. Ended Eramus and found a job, and keep my gf from that time. She became my wife couple of years after. Software Engineer. Now with two kids, apartment already paid, debt free and stacking crypto like a motherfucker. Go to Berlin, or Amsterdam, even 2nd tier countries and cities. Gain experience, work hard and learn useful stuff in your free time. Good luck.

>> No.13626100

Kek pantallazo, espero que tengas algo de Chain link o prepárate para disfrutar del mercado laboral español mucho tiempo. VIVA VOX

>> No.13626123

Come to Burgerland. I work in PE as well, back office corporate finance shit work (lowest managerial level) but pull in about $150k if you include 401k match. This is in Dallas Texas too. Positives are it is mostly is 9-5 and I don’t have to think much.

>> No.13626135

I should have done the same when I had the opportunity, now I'm stuck and will be harder.

Fuck man.

>> No.13626211

Damn, in Dallas that is great. I don't mind backoffice work either, it's more relaxing that constantly fighting with business partners and meeting tight deadlines.

>> No.13626252

vas a estar en la calle bastante pronto. pero por ahora hay bastante trabajo.

>> No.13626283

Yeah. About as stress free as you can get. You could easily transfer into back/mid office work if you wanted to as you have legit PE experience. Just cite that you want new opportunities etc. I also plan to retire very early so I’m saving like crazy too. Good luck.

>> No.13626305

I can't even invest on real estate. I have 150k now stuck on a savings account because my area is dying. I need to decide what to do with that money, thinking of going to another city to invest or tryharding to find a good property. I will look at investing in shellfish stuff as well.

>> No.13626319

get a remote job faggot. If I was a spainfag I would just make money online and take full advantage of low COL and being in my homeland around comfy fellow spainfags.

>> No.13626334

That is easy if your area is IT, mine is finance/management and don't know how to implement something like that.

Something marketing related might be a good idea.

>> No.13626346

Well, I'll get back to work, today is a very very easy day after the crazy last week but there are a few things I want to do.

>> No.13626361

Costa sol, costa calida, costa blanca

Donde hay giris, hay oportunidad.

Puedes ir a lo seguro y pillar un piso, o puedes especular y comprar terreno, en cuando pedrito destruya el país, llegue vox y liberalice el suelo puedes hacer un killing.

>> No.13626385

Not related but -- what is the best parts of Spain to visit? I want to visit one days. Babes and history are the most important to me.

>> No.13626420

yeah get into online marketing. there is nothing better than being a second/third world fag and making money online at a western level. you get the best of both worlds. Im unfortunately from the first world and reuse to live in some shithole. so even though I make monies online I cant take advantage by lifestyle-arbitraging. you can. so sack up and get it moving. fuck you could pump out content articles on upwork and make 30k a year. you honestly have no idea how good you have it.

>> No.13626425

Very interesting post. I need analyze those posibilities. Iwas thinking of just buying an apartment to rent to students in Santiago de Compostela.

>> No.13626439

>passive income thanks to what I've made with Bitcoin

what did you invest in?

>> No.13626445

living in costa del sol, if you need something

>> No.13626450

Spain is very different region to region. Just get out of Madrid, Barcelona and touristry areas, you'll find interesting stuff. Visit at least a few places in the south, east and north.

>> No.13626468

also I got a friend who buys weed/hash in andalucia, ships it to north/west europe and sells it there for a huge markup. might wanna look into that. from what he tells me nobody in andalucia is working. they all just grow weed and live off government handouts lol

>> No.13626469

Made decent money with Bitcoin back in the last spike and trading shitcoins. Now invested in bitfinex lending with usd and btc.

>> No.13626486

fuck off you catalan leftist shit

>> No.13626493

fuck I just saw this. you have 150 grand saved up? jesus thats enough to take five years off and figure out how to start an online business. how hard is it to pull in 30k a year and match your shit salary? very doable. stop being a whining faggot and get cracking cocksuckah

>> No.13626499

hahahah that is illegal, although I may be down to it if it is worth it.

Actually, I'm from galicia and a distant family member was one of the big dogs back in the day.

>> No.13626508

lul Im not even from spain but my friend is indeed a huge leftist how did you know.

>> No.13626523
File: 285 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20180609-175003__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek here,

Hi fellow Mediterranean bros

Same shit here too. Part time for 460€, full time for 680€. I get 950€ as a computational geometry programmer and I'm expected to say thank you.

In stockholm compgeom programmers earn 2500 starting, 5000 after 3 years of exp

>> No.13626546

The guy spent 10 years in prision, had literally a castle as a house but lost it. Still kept most of his fortune.

IMHO it was worth it.

>> No.13626561
File: 28 KB, 750x422, el-descenso-a-los-infiernos-de-simon-perez-y-silvia-charro-esto-no-acabara-bien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holandeses, alemanes, y británicos suelen retirarse en españa, un par de abuelos británicos te van a dar 1000 veces menos problemas, van a pagar siempre y en general en verano se va de vacaciones (dices que los meses de verano los cobras al doble) y ya decides si quieres disfrutar tú de tú piso o seguir alquilandolo.

Opciones mas rentables son bajos comerciales, pero son mas inestables (los negocios suelen fallar en sus inicios) pero son mejores en grandes ciudades, necesitas más capital.

Y la opción con mas riesgo es la que te comento de jugar a la carta de Vox.

Valora todo, y no solo pensando en la rentabilidad.

Dos que controlan del tema

>Unironicaly pic related

Mandales un mail y 50 euritos para farlo y que te pasen estudios profesionales del bum

>> No.13626560

because its typical for leftists to tell you lies, didnt you know that?

>> No.13626571

I think my buddy at lleast quadruples his money on every shipment. does a couple of runs a year and then fucks off to bali.

isnt spain corrupt as shit anyway? might just be able to bribe your way out of it lol. not that I personally would fuck with illegal business but its an idea. or you always got the online hustle. shit I should be a consultant and sell this advice instead of giving it out for free.

>> No.13626577

>this job market is not typical of a developed country.
You live in Spain, you only recently & barely got 1st world status...

Why not move to an established 1st world country? you can move anywhere in the EU!

>> No.13626576

I do, + 33k already invested.

I will seriously look into that. I'm not whining, thing is, I truly hate my life right now, feel like a slave and want to see other ideas.

I don't have much to do at work today, might be the first day in months where I can look some things on the internet.

>> No.13626583

>bitfinex lending
Massive fucking YIKES.

>> No.13626587

>I get 950€
You should be thankful your masters give you anything!

>> No.13626606
File: 325 KB, 1379x1004, 1556998067946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to joke a lot about europoors but I thought it was just a meme... I make $35K no experience and no college education...

My condolences OP

>> No.13626618

nigga Im gonna level with you here. people call me larper but Im in online marketing and make 70k (USD) working from home plus a commission on every sale I make. Im lazy as shit and half-retarded. know plenty of guys who pull that kinda money per month. If I can do it you can too. would look into affiliate marketing, copywriting, infomarketing or such sorts. not easy but very doable. heck I started out writing content on upwork and made like 20 grand a year. a braindead monkey could do that. with low wages like in spain, if you speak english, you got it made son.

>> No.13626622

wtf, how do people in Europe even live off of like $1k a month? That's less than you would make here in the US from welfare and the US has much lower cost of living if you aren't in a city.

Hell, I made $1k a month back when I was in high school doing part time work at a call center.

>> No.13626637

No, it's not corrupt or at least not more than other top european countries. Rule of law is strong and money alone won't get you out if it, maybe maybe if you knew the president, the king or some stuff like that and even in those cases someone will end up in jail.

>> No.13626650

>US has much lower cost of living if you aren't in a city
burger detected. USA has insane cost of living compared to europe, especially second tier countries like spain.

>> No.13626653

Most common salary in Spain is 16k per year. PRE TAX. If you come here to visit it everything looks and works as 1st world.

>> No.13626663

Rent 400
Food 300
Bills 300

This is living on a cheap city, you cant literaly live here.

>> No.13626697

Damn I will look into it. To put things into perspective, 70k in Spain is sucessfull business owner level or really really good top 0.1% professional with a lot of experience.

>> No.13626728


Tendre que ver el tema pues, aunque tener inmuebles estando en la otra punta del país punta del país puede disparar los costes bien.

Tendré que ver también como estaría el mercado para estudiantes en Santiago o Vigo tmb.

>> No.13626738

Kek we are actually the pajets of europe arent we

>> No.13626753

Well guys, I definetely need to get some work done, wageslave for a bit. Will get back to the thread in an hour or so, don't have that much work actually.

>> No.13626786

So you are telling me Greece and Spain are even worse than Slovenia? ahahaha
i get 1000€/mo working in a warehouse 3 shifts 40hours/week sometimes 48. Fuck this gay earth, good thing my parents won't kick me out so i can at least save 800€ or so. and buy crypto.

>gets 950€ for a programmer
ahahahahahaah i'd kms

>> No.13626811

I'm close

>> No.13626832

check out work from home like lionbridge or appen.you could make money on the side if you have some time left. also try flipping things, buy cheap and sell with profit.

>> No.13626835

yeah but i do braindead labor so a shitty pay is expected but this...

>> No.13626933

No I mean I'm close to kms