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File: 21 KB, 300x180, proudtobeapajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13625593 No.13625593 [Reply] [Original]

All the superlatives. The Ethereum of India is here. Being a Pajeet has never felt so comfy.

>> No.13625608

This will dump soon, huh?

>> No.13625648

Marketcap is still way too low for what this is. Also the marketcap is starved for its first proper alt moonshot of the golden bull. This is it! People have been going nuts on crypto twitter, biz and telegram because they can't buy

>> No.13625699

>Marketcap is still way too low for what this is
hearing this about every shitcoin...
>what this is
isn't this just hype and speculation at this moment? do they really have great tech out and reputable developers in their team? are they ahead of their roadmap delivering revolutionairy development on scalability issues? did i miss something?
>rest of your post
yeah, exactly the kind of mainstream euphoria people experience before they all collectively get rich.
keep dreaming anon, or please show some actual proof that this is not just another shitcoin.

>> No.13625715
File: 58 KB, 739x960, 1557705974659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matic enables scalability not by making its own entire new public blockchain, but this with Plasma, on ETH. It's an upgrade to Ethereum, it's not a competitor. It adds to the ETH ecosystem by providing scalability and tech implementations, while simultaneously piggy backing on ETH giant community and resources. This is the potential. What is built on ETH, can be routed via Matic. Why: cheaper and faster. You are still essentually using ETH, just via Plasma implementation of Matic.

For example, Decentraland has committed to using Matic mainnet to wire its operations through it. They are also close with DAI (MakerDAO) for the same purposes. To me, the narrative of this is clear: Engine for DeFi. How realistic this is? Well, you just need to be in bed with ETH projects or have huge backing (cough, Coinbase, cough) - and then just make them all wire transactions through Matic. Done. So the buz dev story is clear: first get all popular ETH projects who lack scalability - to use Plasma. And then start building more yourself.

Ok so just to sum up, what gets me hard:
1) They are dev focused, have nice docs and innovations, so it's sexy.
2) They have a clear biz dev / community acquisition strategy. Check all the ethhub and etc. updates about them. Waiting for Vitalik to tweet next LOL.
3) They explain what the token is for (to make plasma implementation permissionless)

>> No.13625742

Sandeep /ourguy/

>> No.13625775

that's pretty much the same pasta you (or i guess some other tranny of your discord p&d group?) answered me with yesterday... so yeah
guess i'll pass on this one

>> No.13625806


>> No.13625866

enjoy your currybags. btw Coinbase Ventures supports projects in third world countries to help diversity, like they do with that mexican exchange. it's not because MATIC is anything special, besides being something from india that's not a complete scam. this project has nothing going for it besides those little bits of hype...

>> No.13625898


lmao keep coping faggot. it's literally backed by the two biggest exchanges in the world. sorry your honky brain couldnt process how major this is gonna be fast enough you greedy fuck.

>> No.13625922

? there is already DApps on matic... what are you even talking
there is also 2 games being made

stay poor you pajeet faggot

>> No.13625998

they were the first "lottery" winners of Binance IEO Launchpad. that's all. they're not backing it you delusional newfag. coinbase ventures also backs AirTM, some mexican exchange, so that's the next big exchange? it's just to help third world country projects.
wow yeah, the next crypto kitties running on the next ethereum (but on top of ethereum, sirs). yeah, to the moon....

>> No.13626028

"Lottery winners"? The fuck are you talking you lying fuck. KYS

>> No.13626092

wow, you know nothing do you? https://launchpad.binance.com/en/lottery/50e5b04707b44d4aa4478739477d8a57
it's their launchpad system they call lottery. can't wait for you newfags to be back sweeping the streets soon again with your once dreams of becoming rich through shit like this.

>> No.13626142
File: 57 KB, 645x729, pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lottery winners were the plebs participating in the launchpad itself you dumbfuck. Holy shit.

>> No.13626173

i might've phrased it wrong but my point remains the same, while yours was merely bullshit. binance doesn't back them! they might've tweeted about it since it was their first IEO on their launchpad, but that's completely it. but hey, keep dreaming anon.

>> No.13626183

what a retard you are hahahahahahahahahaha

delete life

>> No.13626467

Dumbest biz fuck of the week goes to...

>> No.13626569
File: 150 KB, 1600x900, biz-indian-poo-loo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13627314
File: 35 KB, 700x350, 20170923135738-Sanjay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
