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File: 216 KB, 1200x667, 10-overwater-bungalows---sandals-royal-caribbeanjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13618979 No.13618979 [Reply] [Original]

How long till next bull run?
Can't fucking stop dreaming about having a lambo and living on a island, laying down on the beach , having my dick sucked by a model while someone serves me a tropical drink

>> No.13619272

>Look out the window of my Manhattan skyscraper apartment wearing a silk robe
>dramatic music plays in the background
>Alexa window hologram shows me the weather and crypto prices
>My hot russian-asian wife comes next to me wearing a matching robe, we side hug and stare out the window
>we walk the dinosaur

>> No.13619290

Debt free with a paid off house and enough money to be able to pursuit some hobbies and travel without worrying. Ez life

>> No.13619316


In the absolute best-case scenario of 100k, you better have 100 BTC already if you want to "make it" on that level.

>> No.13619324

>he keep dreaming about slav wife
Good luck, retard. You obviously don't have any experience with them.

>> No.13619330

Only 98ish more to go

>> No.13619399

>comfy condo in Colorado high rise with nice window view
>massive amounts of weed and food
>good internet connection

Literally all I need

>> No.13619410


It depends. There really are two types - the selfish money-digging sluts, and the absolutely amazing girls. I only see the former in the US though.

>> No.13619428


its going to 1mil my man

>> No.13619465

enough money to stay at home with basic needs and not working and some extra money to pay some bitches to sick my dick and buy videogames

>> No.13619469

>Paid off house close enough to ride my bike to a mountain bike trail and a store to buy the needfuls
>View of a busy interstate
>Wake up early to watch the wagies scurry to work while I drink tea
>Ride my bike in the forest until I'm tired
>/biz/post the rest of the day


>Stay where I am
>Continue to design operating rooms and cancer treatment centers
>Enjoy it more, knowing I don't have to do it as an alternative to homelessness

>> No.13619551
File: 226 KB, 990x742, hoh-rain-forest-olympic-national-park_ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own wooded property in rural WA
>have at least a cuckshed for lodging sitting on it
>large, stocked workshop
>enough in the bank to survive off of for 3-5 years while I get my business off the ground and get going on my sculptures
This is where I hope to be within the next 5-10 years. Can't say "I've made it" until I can wave goodbye to wage cucking after I'm making enough from my toys and art to support myself though.

>> No.13619718
File: 1.34 MB, 1250x672, roussillon-photo-paul-palau-banyuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in the Mediterranean
>Nice classic car, like 50s Jaguar or something.
>Big vineyard, orange trees growing in my garden.
>Not having to give a fuck about finances, can dedicate my time to creating stuff.
Actually I'd like to be so loaded that I can invest into research or some other creative fields.
But really as far as I'm concerned I have made it when I live in a big house somewhere warm close to the ocean and get passive income from my investments.

Or the polar opposite and live in a busy city in some fuckexpensive apartment.
Spend mornings watching the wagies scurry around as I sip coffee in pricey restaurants.

>> No.13619731

Just enough where I don't have to work and have my own modest single family home.

>> No.13619734


When I don't have to fucking wagecuck for a living

>> No.13619876
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1557310279002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man of taste i see
very comfy

>> No.13619936

>Traveling the world with my hot gf, my best friend and his gf.
>Make food videos and get famous on Youtube.
>Become friends with my favorite Youtubers and party w them.
>Also own a fleet of Teslas that make $ for me through rideshare while I travel.

>> No.13619941

I like your vision, anons.

For myself, I'd like to have my house and car paid off, with maybe a classic 60s Mustang on the side, living on the outskirts of a coastal city. Enough money to put my kids in private school and so my wife doesn't have to work but can focus on her art. I'd still practice law, but only take cases I was interested in / public interest / environmental protection. In my spare time, I'd do astronomy, gardening and teach stoned yoga to burnt out zoomers.

>> No.13619956

a butlard

>> No.13620024

that would be enough for me right there.

I honestly dont even want enough that I stop working, I actually like having somewhere to go everyday... I just want enough that I dont really have to work full time.

>> No.13620039

I don't want a fucking lambo, I just want to own land and have passive income.

>> No.13620225

Based, Anon knows his Slavs

>> No.13620242

same here anon. I'd probably get a job at a greenhouse or something. That shit is comfy. Or maybe spend my free time as a vigilante.

>> No.13620252


$460 nice apartment in a cheap country
check my phone and see my expenses are covered for the month by profits from my online business, and its only the first week of the month

because of this definition I'll make it before 95% of you

>> No.13620267

I have done electrical work at a greenhouse for a few weeks. Too damned hot and humid for me and surrounded by mexicans. It was pretty miserable desu

>> No.13620273

When I no longer want to kill myself.

>> No.13620317

surprisingly poignant

>> No.13620433

what a loser thinking this is Luxury. Third world prefab that will collapse in next natural disaster. You got to go to Singapore, Seoul, etc if you want a luxury apartment and it will cost more than in the US.

>> No.13620483

i didnt say it was luxury i said it was nice. Have fun slaving with your 10M goal floating above your head while you die before you hit 2m in 2060

>> No.13620498


Can you tell me where this photo is Anon? Mediterranean lifestyle with a hot blond chick sucking me off as I look over my orchard vineyard sounds Chad as fuck.

>> No.13620537

first kid grown, married, and calls me weekly
married with four more
40+ acres and a 3000 sqft brick home
30 minute drive to the nearest town
neighbors introduce themselves when we move in

>> No.13620543

Why is everyone talking about buying a house?
That would be your worst investment of the century.

>> No.13620553


Not really bro. If you live on the coast of the USA you would know rents going up faster than home prices.

I would rather own my house then get cucked into paying increasing rent prices and have zero to show for it after 20 years.

>> No.13620569

>locking in your largest monthly cost

>> No.13620577


Does it really matter when you have millions?

>> No.13620634
File: 520 KB, 1208x593, Selection_034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move to Japan
In Fukuoka a brand new house like this costs only 300K
any price above that is overpriced

>> No.13620641
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically a Lambo and a mcmansion

>> No.13620730
File: 45 KB, 452x640, 06875F22-FA05-49E4-8CC8-FBE03E5D5595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>”made it”
>step one is to crush the world banking elites (especially the Rothschilds) beneath my feet.
>step two terraform the planet Mars and make it habitable to life.
>step three hire the most elite scientists to genetically engineer the master race.
>step four: profit?

>> No.13620733
File: 63 KB, 480x300, ma_eat_10_Medina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That photo is from Roussillon, Southern France.
Personally I don't much care which country it is in that region where I'll move in the future once I've made it.
Being able to eat fruit and drink wine grown in your own garden is maximum comfy. Listening to the ocean and drinking wine in the evenings on your porch, or walking to the town to visit the restaurants.

>> No.13620804

Assuming BTC dips to flat 6k and I have 1 BTC before it moons AND I swing trade altcoins to outpace BTC so that I have 5 by 100k, I would just buy 5 acres in the woods, commission and oversee the construction of a home that is actually stone and well built instead of this toothpick shit, and recycle the rest into either crypto or something that pays dividends. Oh also I would hire a private instrument tutor. It’s not enough to never work again but it is enough to only need to work for utilities while the rest is put into dividend paying stocks or other crypto. Or helol just playing around.

>> No.13620837


Enough $$ for remote log cabin
Enough $$ to live on 30k a year for 30 years so in total I need $1.2 mil

>> No.13620923

That photo isn't from Roussillon, Anon. Roussillon is a beautiful small town, but it is almost 100km from the Med. I haven't been there for about 18 months, but I can assure you that the photo is misattributed.

>> No.13621177

yeah, setting your expectations lower sure does make it easier to succeed.

>> No.13621974

Unironically based and redpill. If no larp I wish you the best of luck

>> No.13622095
File: 191 KB, 435x532, 1555451443254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have a different Asian girlfriend for each day off the week.