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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13609063 No.13609063 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's really easy to dismiss everything as a "pajeet" pump and dump on biz, but this project genuinely has some substance to it and is the most exciting new coin of 2019 imho. Alot of it boils down to things you've already read or heard. Ethereum is a behemoth. Good luck to anything out there trying to ouster it. Yes there is a lot of work that needs to be done by Vitalik and company, but the ecosystem that has developed is way too far ahead of anything out there that isn't BTC. The real winners are going to be the projects trying to compliment it. This is sweet spot Matic falls in. What is built on ETH, can be routed via Matic for cheaper and faster through it's plasma implementation. It adds to the ETH ecosystem by providing scalability and tech implementations, while simultaneously piggy backing on ETH giant community and resources. Decentraland has committed to using Matic mainnet to wire its operations through it. They are also close with DAI (MakerDAO) for the same purposes. To me, the narrative of this is clear: Engine for DeFi. How realistic this is? Well, you just need to be in bed with ETH projects or have huge backing (cough, Coinbase, cough) - and then just make them all wire transactions through Matic. Done. So the buz dev story is clear: first get all popular ETH projects who lack scalability - to use Plasma. And then start building more yourself.

Ok so just to sum up, what gets me hard:
1) They are dev focused, have nice docs and innovations, so it's sexy.
2) They have a clear biz dev / community acquisition strategy. Check all the ethhub and etc. updates about them. Waiting for Vitalik to tweet next LOL.
3) They explain what the token is for (to make plasma implementation permissionless)

Here's some additional material on the project.



>> No.13609076

I'm getting vechain vibes, but I'll ride this pump

>> No.13609087

Such a sexy project. It's a shame the fucking chainlink retards gotta fag up every damn biz thread

>> No.13609091

>Ok, so just to sum up,: what gets me to think you are a pajeet
1) You are a copy paste fag
2) You are spamming Matic threads all over biz
3) I have never seen an evidence on muh coinbase backing

>> No.13609104

I'm a skeptic too, but they're on coinbase venture website.

Educate yourself my dude

>> No.13609118

If you need to shill it, it’s not great.

>> No.13609120

Thank you for shilling this biz, actually considering holding this long term

>> No.13609122

Read it and weep faggot.


How so? From the pumpability angle. They're really nothing alike outside of that.

>> No.13609126

>coinbase venture
>implying that this means anything
Btfo Ranjeesh

>> No.13609127

This is the third account of OP. He consistently keeps spamming this every hour and is almost definitely paid.

>> No.13609130

Yeah, BTC, ETH or anything ever related to making money has never been shilled. Fuck off.

>> No.13609231
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>> No.13609247

Even if you're right, I legitimately think this is a promising project. It's also been shilled at the absolute bottom so shill campaign or not it's not hurting biz anons (so far at least)

>> No.13609252

When moon

>> No.13609280
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>> No.13609329


Yeah I really don't get what these faggots want. Shilled low and excellent fundamentals. What else can you ask for? Unless these dipshits are aiming for an BTC, Chainlink maximalist biz?

>> No.13609437

Coinbase listing is inevitable. They are not the only major backers btw. DEFI is going to be huge and one of crypto's few legitimate usecases

>> No.13609610
File: 62 KB, 478x720, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am the ghost of Brigadier General, Abraj Nanjeet. I died yesterday from fucking too many women, the pajeet marine way. I am here to guide you all through this moon mission and bless you with gains. This is what Vishnu has ordained.

>> No.13609640

Bullish af on Matic. Fundamentals are so much better than the other Binance IEOs, but Matic's market cap is still way lower.
It would need to 2x to have the same valuation as Celer and 3x to match FET.
Also, reading the teams medium articles and watching a couple of their videos I genuinely believe these Indians are not just out for the quick cash grab, but are trying to get their second layer solution to work.

>> No.13609799
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"quite a few plans"

The other IEOs launched on several other major exchanges quickly. Could we be seeing something like that soon once Binance starts allowing withdrawals again?

>> No.13610109

Damn, wondering what those could be? I know Kucoin just set up something for India recently.

>> No.13610177
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>> No.13610207

Ok this is starting to enter filthy pump territory.

>> No.13610381

Finally got in earlier today and I'm already up heavy. Can't wait to ride this into the top 100

>> No.13610471

I usually avoid the biz pump of the week but this one is just too easy

>> No.13610575

Yeah it's honestly the biggest no brainer to come out in awhile. All the other biz shills this year had some glaring chinks in the armor. FTM's scamming CMO, Quant's useless token, LTO's lack of big backers, but this is honestly as sound of a low cap as you will ever see. Even the exchange it's on is the best.

>> No.13610825

So filthy

>> No.13610829

>I'm getting vechain vibes, but I'll ride this pump
Closer than you think fren. Trust me, you will get dumped on if you don't bail soon.

>> No.13610875

This isn't some random idex, Kucoin, Bitmax shitcoin. This is on Binance and eventually Coinbase from the looks of things. Vechain can only dream about the latter.

>> No.13610934

Makes no difference what exchange its on. When the top holders all sell at the same time, the result is the same.

>> No.13610969

Sell point?

>> No.13611221

like everything in crypto ever and just like any top tier project it will recover again. are you a fucking retard or being intentionally dense? in either scenario youre still a giant faggot.

>> No.13611248
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>> No.13611263
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FUCK YOU chink nigger dick sucker fucker

>> No.13611322
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You deserve Chainlink you inbred honkys

>> No.13611662

Exchanges mean everything you fucking imbecile.

>> No.13611942

Any ideas on when additional exchanges come?