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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13609348 No.13609348 [Reply] [Original]

Did vechain turn out to be a scam or not? I remember lots of shilling on /biz/ about some partnerships with BYD and what not. Was any of it true?

>> No.13609355

It's a scam

>> No.13609370

Nah, there was a youtube video of some rude obese sweaty dude barging into the headquarters and demanding a full tour as if he was a 50% owner of the company just because he owned a little bit of VET. The receptionist was terrified by his demeanor, and likely his body odor based on the amount he was profusely sweating, and asked him to leave, so he made a 20 minute video about it being a scam.

>> No.13609380

sounds pretty funny

>> No.13609387

Of course it's a scam. This has been obvious for at least a year now.
Kys Ranjeet. You should be ashamed that you're defending this chink garbage. Go back to your safe space on reddit.

>> No.13609390

Until you see transactions on their blockchain, they can announce all the bullshit they want and it doesn’t mean shit

>> No.13609403

Has big players behind the project, my guess is it will moon plenty and give better ROI than many other top projects.

>> No.13609407

here, enjoy the laughs bruv lmao https://youtu.be/aZORnNo1HRY
Skip to 9:00 to see him barge into HQ and note the terrified look of the receptionist trying to get him to leave

>> No.13609660

Retard crypto fags think companies like Vechain, QNT, Own, should be the size and have the budgets of Microsoft and Apple when they ate just baby startups kek.

>> No.13609736

ambrouses invest 5k now you get 2k/per month bundle return on node !!

>> No.13609879


how is this a scam genuinely curious? seems to be one of the few projects actually delivering a functioning product and has big partnerships

>> No.13609885

shut the fuck up chink, only white men create real things, chinks only copy

>> No.13609920
File: 101 KB, 600x675, buying opp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a china hustle
nothing else
watch the documentary on Netflix to see how China actually does its business, its nothing but a piece of shit chink scam.

A CEO who actively told his investors to buy those "whale walls" aka the walls set by him and his devs, gullible retards actually bought this shitcoin.

>> No.13609925

Very legitimate project. But the use cases and tokenomics are limited. I think we're at least 3 years away from seeing real adoption.

>> No.13609929
File: 177 KB, 699x768, lottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they even did the lottery shit when it was exposed and started tanking badly.

That's how scammy this is.

>> No.13609930


Pepsi adult

>> No.13609937
File: 248 KB, 1498x716, Vefam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wuz nordic and shiettt

>> No.13609964


Mainnet has been live for a long time and none of those partnerships seem to be creating tx's or usage. Nothing that is using VTHO or creating value for VET. Price will continue to sink. The formula requires one hell of a lot of usage to make this a viable hold. Overhyped and under delivered. Fuck Sunny Lu.

>> No.13610906

da fuck.. how can you compare small caps like QNT and OWN with Vechain?