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1359973 No.1359973 [Reply] [Original]

Any updates for us that haven't kept up with the drama? Today the price went up, can we expect it to hit the moon?

>> No.1359980

I wouldn't count on it. It seems tainted now.

>> No.1359981

To the moon my Trumpcoin brother I just put in another .5 BTC this morning. I'm not just a believer I'm an invester!

>> No.1359986

Price is so low that even if this thing hits $0 it wouldn't hurt to lose it all, really considering on buying some

>> No.1359993

Looks like shitskin dev is going to put the trump fund in escrow.

He also turned back on the unmoderated forum and said he will step down if thats what people want.

If anyone has trumps, please go to the BTC talk page and politely ask for him to step down.

>> No.1360002
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Care to explain this shit?



vote to remove pajeet

>> No.1360113

Trumpcoins plummeted and are not going to go above.
But hey I'm here to help you guys. You can send your unnecessary trumps to this address or I could buy them for say... 0.01$ each.


>> No.1360114

Send me trumps you dont want


>> No.1360130
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All aboard the Trumptrain, we're leaving the station lads!

>> No.1360139

If anyone got a few Trumpcoins to spare. I've been holding it and any amount would help to increase my stash! MAGA


>> No.1360145

>controlled crash by pajeet and his team
>bought up 1/xth of total coinsupply during it
>now wants to comply to everything to dump their coins again

are you pajeets bag buyer? or do you want to see worlds first crypto scam attempt where the paki dev actually loses money trying to scam people?

stay away from this or flip it buy 5k sell 6k. there's probably million+ coins that want out fast and the coin can never become big again or get media attention because it's tainted by scammer holding a large supply.

it's bound to be a forum coin in a place where everyone fucking hates trump(the cryptocommunity)

>> No.1360154
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>> No.1360164


>> No.1360169
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>he didn't sell when it became obvious the dev team were scamming and running game
>tries to trick people into buying his bags
>actually still believes


picrelated, it's my profits dumping at 16k after news broke. the coins i had were basically free too since i cashed out a couple btc profit a month ago when it pumped to 8k

let the coin die now, let pajeet rot with his bags

>> No.1360170

>controlled crash by pajeet and his team
>bought up 1/xth of total coinsupply during it
>now wants to comply to everything to dump their coins again
and you are the one calling others crazy?

it is still moonbound. hold and don't sell it. 3 weeks until Convention. big bump then, ignition time at the end of the Convention.

>> No.1360174


Just loaded up on a bunch of trump for cheap.

>> No.1360195

what did the pajeet actually do? I've skimmed the bitcointalk forums and don't see any real accusations. It looks like the bubble just popped and people are mad at the pajeet.

I mean of course he want to figure out a way to walk away with the fund. Him saying he's walking away and looking for someone to take over is so obviously so he can pass it off to a fake persona. Just let him do whatever he wants, it's a pump and dump memecoin anyway. Who gives a fuck if trump gets donation money. He doesn't need it. He might as well light it on fire.

>> No.1360223


Well, chicken/cantstump deliberately crashed the coin after cashing out so he could buy "cheap" trumps and repeat the process. He hasn't realized that no one wants to buy trump ever again until the persona "chickens65" is gone. So when he leaves, it would be a good time to buy because there will be an artificial pump later.

>> No.1360224

started with dissapearance of trumpfund and the block explorer stops working. it gets pointed out and noone in charge in the new dev team wants to even say they're looking into the matter, complete silence.

pajeet who holds the fund comes into the thread blaming and insulting everybody after a while like a coked up retard giving no answers and ignoring every legitimate question.

coin crashes, new dev still nowhere to be seen, chicken continues on his obvious intentional crash course for days and the person in charge keeps silent

meanwhile someone is buying up trumpcoin on c-cex after it drops to 7-8-9k like it's christmas. constant 7k buy pops up, if someone puts up a decent sized sell it's gobbled up instantly. I assume sorta same thing was happening at yobit at the same time but harder to monitor. this happened while the coin was crashing and chicken said he was never giving up the trumpfund and everyone could see it was a scam. "someone" was buying hundreds of thousands of coins on c-cex at 7-8-9k.

You would assume the amount this person bought on yobit is 2-3x that because of volume difference.

and that is the story of how pajeet and his team are sitting at close to a mill coins they've now lost at least 30% value on. soon to go down in history as the dumbest scam in crypto, where the devs throw away their profits chasing more. you can find more indepth posts about each point on btctalk and older threads here

>> No.1360227

as of today chicken has officially stated he's leaving and giving up the fund

old team should be back to get to work on marketing infrastructure

as for what chicken did in terms of scamming, nothings been proven he's just been ultra irrational in the threads (which now doesnt matter) and likely panicked himself as a holder

this "drama" will resolve soon and the coin should recover to where it was previously, but overall all of this means nothing between now and november

>> No.1360229

new dev did post multiple times, as did signal and were literally deleted by the old dev who hijacked the thread and created his own

you can refer to the thread the new dev started where he specifically laid out his opposition to what was happening as well as his posts in the general here

he's honestly just annoyed and disheartened from what i can tell about the whole scenario and will likely post when he knows everything is 100% secure

>> No.1360242


>this "drama" will resolve soon and the coin should recover to where it was previously, but overall all of this means nothing between now and november

the coin was 3-5k when it was trumpcoin, before it changed over to the donation angle. that angle is now dead forever because it's tainted by a scammer holding the majority of the coins and any article or show the coin could be featured on would have to do their due dilligence and find this out. publicity is dead and donation angle is dead because giving scam funds over to Trump would be a shit show.

sorry you're sitting on bags dude


no posts from june 29th to july 3rd. b4I7/xA8 is just lying to you like every other bagholder trying to get a pump. lmao if you think you know anything about this situation better than me you are very wrong, if you think there's a single post i havent read you are very wrong.

cantstump is on pajeets team, it's already proven within reasonable doubt, if you deny it you've basically got to be a bagholder trying to unload

>> No.1360248

>the price of something once means it will remain there perpetually

please m8

there has been no proof presented of anything at all just yet...only speculation and emotionally driven panic

>> No.1360250


The new thread and the bannings didnt happen until well into the middle of it all, with the new team nowhere to be seen while it was tanking.

Meanwhile pajeet was singlehandedly destroying all confidence in the coin, launching a counter coup to the coup he imagined happening and was telling everyone about the book deal he has arranged, while it all collapses arround him.

>> No.1360253

>1/xth of coin supply

Why does everyone keep parroting this? What does 1/xth mean?

>> No.1360257
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x Because they have no idea what they're talking about and it makes it seem more believable. Don't listen to these P&D shills. They want quick, easy money, /biz/ should know better.

>> No.1360259

devs are not omniscient man, assuming cantstump is a machiavellian pump and dumper based on a one day absence is not exactly firm or concrete evidence

the new team deal with marketing and were either posting here, in the thread or regularly silenced

given how they were framed by a guy (who seemed utterly unaware of the negative impact he was having on the coin) as some kind of scamming wonderteam i'm not shocked members of them have gone quiet until their roles are once again relevant (aka promoting the coin which is impossible to do before the fund is relinquished)

>> No.1360261

it's crypto you will never get definite proof. it's proven beyond reasonable doubt by anyone who can view the situation unbiased. you're delusional because you're sitting on bags or just a shill. sfyl

just so you know, ~5k is a great price for trumpcoin from the coin meme angle. I bought at 3k lows and sold at 8k highs back then. it was a legitimate coin that people were interested in but would never pump >12-13k no matter what because it had nothing to keep people from profit taking, there was no point to it, no angle to keep demand coming in.

i've bought and sold more cryptos than you ever will, and i can tell you straight away you're never hitting >12k on that angle.

1/xth means somewhere between 1/1 and 1/9th of total supply. 1/xxth would mean some where between 1/10th and 1/99th. It basically means that is team has 650k coins at the least since that is 1/10th of total supply, probably double that.

>> No.1360263


You dont need to be omniscient to know that the thing you are allegedly in charge of is going down the shitter at a catastrophic rate.

>> No.1360295

Is it good or bad news that the escrow guy is now involved? He says he has received the first 50k

>> No.1360298

It should be good news, a lot of people here don't trust pajeet dev so that's atleast one tiny victory.

>> No.1360313

I've been involved with Trump since the first day it was posted about on biz. I bought a shit ton for very little money. (Not going to dump, didn't during the pump)

The thing that really pissed me off about Pajeet is that if he scammed (I doubt it, I think he's mostly just retarded) he didn't even do a good job of it. Without his tantrum there would be millions instead of 100k's to make.

He's such an autistic shit fuck skin that I'm not going to even read BTC talk until I can confirm through BIZ that his ass is gone from the project.

When he does, the coin will turn around. Its a fantastic meme. Even the story about how it was saved from the hands of a sand nigger will add to its momentum. All this drama will be buried under hundreds of BTC talk pages.

As for Pajeet, let him forever be refereed to as:


>> No.1360325
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Kekatron has arrived

> I could even back these coins with actual mineral wealth from my land. It is got enough to pay the national debt a few times by some people's estimate.

>> No.1360335

fuckin lol, pajeets back at it again

Poo - Sebastion - please send multiple payments etc etc blah blah. Whats the fuck coin do you think this is man. Its NOT ETH

STFU you screaming amateur!
take your suggestions and your anti Trump agenda and shove it.!

>> No.1360353


let me ask you one question. do you think chicken started a fucking crypto currency alone. do you know how much work it is to start a crypto currency?

In that thread he has 0 people openly admitting to be affiliated with him. do you know how many people work on crypto projects?

the retard is not alone. 100% confirmed is cantstump for being with him. signal7 might or might not be with him. newworldorder probably is, bitinator honestly might be considering how everyone of the above accounts keep saying he's some bigshot forex trader without any proof of it.

I might be wrong on the last one i'll admit, but his story does not add up at all. he's a bigshot forex trader, but refuses to sell his bags in this shit that is only causing stress. if you trade forex successfully you would never involve yourself in a shitcoin for any other reason to make money.

the guy has like $400 invested or something, i think he has 300k coins bought at 300sat back in march when btc was worth like 400-500 or something. but mr bigshot forextrader is still shilling around on the forums. makes sense

>> No.1360355

Trumpcoin is like a soap opera its so entertaining

>> No.1360371

So it could be possible that AtheismHasNoReligion is really Signal7 or Pajeet or one of their mates who is pretending to push really hard to get the coins to Signal7. But in reality this is all a facade to make it look like fund is being transferred into safer hands.

>> No.1360374

>Today the price went up,

In what universe did that happen? Are you sure we are living on the same goddamn planet?

>> No.1360380


When I voted and chicken was probably asleep it was unanimous 17 votes for him to step down.

Fucking sockpuppets

>> No.1360382


C'mon bro. Trumps are useless.

>> No.1360388

No, I don't believe chicken shitskin did it alone.

The fucker posts constantly. (Along with that other faggot with the lil wayn nigger head pic.) Even if he has the ability, he can't possibly have the time.

But.....Why would anyone let that retard be the public face of any serious effort behind the scenes. Why would they let him keep his gay .rocks site up? Like I said, you have to be pretty smart to orchestrate some thing like this, but then you also have to be dumb enough to step on you own dick half way through, and then continue to wasting time jumping up and down on it instead of just moving onto the next scam.

>> No.1360394

Chicken shit skins also PM'd me a bunch of times with really weird shit.

-Why would a smart dude waste his time?
-Why would smart dude's let him fuck everything up?

Chicken shitskin is actually fucking up his own cash.

>> No.1360395

Fuck you it's summer and I have all the free time in the world

>> No.1360396

It has to be deliberate.

It fucking has to.

They're going to scoop up half the coins, pump it to doge levels and then dump.

That's the only reason I can see someone wasting this much time.

>> No.1360398

having seen him, heard accounts of people speaking to him and his ideas for what the direction of the coin should be its just as likely he's just an irrational dingus who lucked out with a brilliant concept

the success of the coin and his diminished involvement were directly correlated and thats not a coincidence

if he's on his way out as it appears, the coin is still on the launchpad

>> No.1360401

hahahh lil wayne nigger...

I cant believe how much time you waste on that forum sucking chicken shit skins dick. You post more than he does.

How many Trumps do you even have for all the time you waste on your stupid posts?

>> No.1360405

lmao im not even black I just have wayne as my profile pic,
Im pretty sure chicken is just mentally handicapped, and I've held 150k trump since the beginning

>> No.1360407

How will you ever know if he's really out if he's half the people on the team as people are saying?

(Aside from his poo loo grammer..)

>> No.1360409

When he's out the value skyrockets, when he's in it plummets.

>> No.1360410

because I'm the video guy and the guy just decided to cut off my payment for the remaining videos because I slightly critiqued him

i trust signal7 from what i've seen and i havent sold a coin

>> No.1360411

Well.. you've always been nice to him. I'm not reading that shit anymore but last I checked he likes you.

If you want your coins to be worth a fuck again tell him to leave. Maybe he'll listen if a fellow shit skin tells him.

>> No.1360412

he doesnt like any of us anymore m8

>> No.1360413

**the guy in this being chicken

i think the coin's potential goes well beyond however he wants to emotionally register criticism and dealing with him has ranged from inconsistent to now completely unprofessional

i havent sold and despite potentially losing out on basically 50% of my presumed total I'm still in support of the coin as what I am still holding can still moon under new leadership

>> No.1360417



>> No.1360418

maybe he's watching an Indian version of Frasier

>> No.1360420

I think your right about the handicapped thing.

Every time I posted he'd pm me some rambling shit about how he knows I'm lord or some shit.

>> No.1360422


Anyone working to turn the coin around now has a ton of work ahead of them

The volume is dropping like a rock even though the prices are holding barely above 5k and it's getting worse everyday

To the people with 100k+ coins you're not going to have anyway to get out soon, just saying

>> No.1360423


>> No.1360428

if you've read most of the bitcointalk thread you can't help but wonder at some of the mental states of some of the people. i get that crypto is a touch out of the norm and attracts more alternative people, but there seems to be a lot of people who speak as if they've been to one to many burning mans.

>> No.1360429

Honestly I would never sell under 20k sats

But i pm'ed the escrow
Quote from: Depredation on Today at 10:19:01 AM
The community is still trying to get things figured out, many people do not agree with Chicken65, and he will be stepping down from his position soon. I apologize in advance if you get bombarded by pm's about trumpcoin; there is a lot of drama right now. Trying to get things to settle down.

I noticed... lot of pm's and the topic moves fast it seems. At least it seems to be a good step of chicken to put the coins in escrow.

>> No.1360431

was glad someone got that ahah
he does it constantly and it hasnt only been during this pump so him being a mastermind at feigning retardation has either been from the start or more likely he's actually just incompetent at management
im not looking to get out soon, im looking to help the people who invested when it was doing well get what they pay for and not lose money to the selfish outbursts of certain people

>> No.1360434

Quote from: Signal7 on Today at 06:50:19 PM
This is going nowhere fast.

I have a proposal.

If there are folks out there who genuinely want to support Trump with a coordinated project like this one (or this one) then there needs to be a real board with real guidelines, real people running it and real accountability.

I am willing to fully vet myself to anyone willing to do the same for me. I have already setup a private SharePoint in the Microsoft cloud for this. You are all invited to apply for membership. We can come together legitimately to re-launch this thing legitimately in whatever form we agree on. We can hold votes that are impossible to spam or otherwise tamper with. We can create a real board of serious members that know and are able to trust one another and ultimately decide which of us are will to be public spokespeople.

If interested, email me: help@trumpcoin Please let me know in your email what your BTCT handle is for now. If enough people sign up, we'll begin vetting and moving forward.

Or not. Just an idea.
End quote.

Looks like signal7 might try to turn this thing around. I'm sure him and a few other competent folks could think of some solution. Add the dot com after the info@.

>> No.1360438


Alt coin forums are like talking to homeless people.

Half the people in trump are so fucking weird I feel gross letting them have any of my time.

Probe will be the last alt I fuck with. Just going to add to my BTC stash and forget about them.

>> No.1360442

Definitely some weird fucking people. We're you around for that "lord D" guy? About on par with chicken.

>> No.1360444


i completely agree with you, but considering you're still holding this scam i'd say you're a part of the problem

fucking kek

>> No.1360451

I cant step away. These freaks are too entertaining.

Its like watching making a murderer or something.

>> No.1360456

[2:45:52 PM] [Chicken65]: Send the funds to Sebastian - contact him
[3:02:25 PM] Signal Seven: No
[3:05:07 PM] Signal Seven: I will no longer be negotiating directly with you. That was yesterday. Today the re-org begins. My advice to you is to calm the hell down, close all your shady deals as best you can, comply with community demands and stay on board.
[3:40:33 PM] [Chicken65]: TNQEBXWJBQ3U15kXxUik1dDvWkttcBoDXa
[3:40:54 PM] [Chicken65]: Escrow address - please send so I can get the hell out of that thread

This is fun to watch unfold

>> No.1360457

I'll actually be very surprised if trumpcoin can recover from this

>> No.1360458

We'll if you ask chicken I am lord.

Just in a form that can string together a coherent sentence all of a sudden.

>> No.1360460

signal baited chicken like a champ

this is good

>> No.1360461

the charade going on between signal7 and fucking chicken right now where they argue in public to make it more certain they're not working together. this is the most fucking kek shit i've ever seen

just conartist shit going on in hopes of instilling confidence in the new team, nothing to see here guys.

and it's so fucking badly orchestrated fucking hell

>> No.1360462

i reckon it'll be fine

clearer heads prevailing and all that

>> No.1360464

this "everyone in the same person narrative" is getting harder and harder to push huh?

>> No.1360466

No such thing as bad publicity right?

RrrIght guys? guys...?

Nah, everyone loves a comeback story. I'm not saying were better off with this drama, but it could be spun positively. Especially if he is proven to be gone gone fucking gone from the project.

>> No.1360468

kek, that's fair enough. (trips confirm too)
i still think that it does have potential though to get a big boost and get Litecoin like status for a while as a decent coin, mainly due to the election association.

>> No.1360469

calm down tensai

>> No.1360471


The grand scheme to get Trump to notice the coin and like it so much he gives his official endorsement, was to spam twitter with dank maymays that refer to Trump as "daddy".

Its leaning heavily towards "retard who got lucky.

Allegedly of course. That may have been deliberately designed to start off the dump

>> No.1360472

Meh, fuck all this shit.

I'm going to go get drunk and light off fireworks.

>> No.1360476

Or maybe you are seige. You realise you don't start a new paragraph after every sentence right?

>> No.1360478

does anyone use the Mac wallet? i can't get my wallet to sync so have tried to delete it, but when i reinstall it (or unzip a new one) it loads with the same data.
I'd like to make sure the old one is totally gone and then open a new one and use my backup wallet .dat to download the blockchain again.

how can i do this?

>> No.1360491


Holy shit is this a coup? An actual coup? Got the fund out of Chickens hands so now he's just another guy?

>> No.1360495

[4:16:30 PM] [Chicken65]: I'm not going to do anything
[4:16:33 PM] [Chicken65]: keep the damn coins
[4:16:41 PM] [Chicken65]: Im out

>> No.1360496


"[4:16:30 PM] [Chicken65]: I'm not going to do anything
[4:16:33 PM] [Chicken65]: keep the damn coins
[4:16:41 PM] [Chicken65]: Im out

So at least that much is settled."

pajeet is out

>> No.1360497

as of now chicken65 is just an investor like anyone else

coin moon course correction confirmed

>> No.1360502

...that seems too easy...I feel uneasy about that

>> No.1360506


From all of the events that occurred I thought Pajeet was the biggest idiot out of all of this

But Bitbob is a close second behind him. I don't read all his walls of text but even skimming the first couple of lines I just can't believe this guy at all. He posts the most random blocks of text that no one even reads and he keeps going on an on. Very rarely is he ever addressed but he keeps going

I thought he was Pajeet's side kick/puppet account but now I'm thinking he's a delusional foreigner that claims to be someone important from New York

He's also the highest energy by far, it seems he replies to everyone's posts (despite no one reading his shit) and just keeps going

>> No.1360509

>im gonna lie and say i am out
>im really still in kek
>now the fags will pump the price up for me because i was a retarded and pumped to low
>i will now play the long game

>> No.1360511

I like it how he almost set up the super pac without anyone saying anything about it.

>> No.1360514

i think he just assumed people were hanging on his every word

gettin some surreal vibes off that fella

>> No.1360515

i'ts just your standard conartist shit. out with thes scapegoat now that we've scammed more coins into our hands, i with someone new to instill confidence so we can dump all our coins.

although i'd say enough people have been warned and know the truth for there ever to be a real pump where they profit. If they want to pump it to 11-12 they have to do most of the buying themselves, and people will be looking to sell all over the place. coin is doomed.

stopped reading his blocks long ago, what a fucking tool that guy is. Like was said yesterday, he's a fucking guatemalan 18 year old who is pretending to be an old american businessman. He even posted links to some guatemalan twitter account last night.

>> No.1360516


All of those poorly formatted paragraphs about how he was a proud American willing to "unmask" himself to set up a superpac

The guy's hilarious but another reason anyone reading that forum thread will run for the hills. 80% of the posts there are from foreigners with the worst grammar possible and they are beyond stubborn to realize the more they post the less valuable their coins become by the second

>> No.1360518

"[4:16:30 PM] [Chicken65]: I'm not going to do anything
[4:16:33 PM] [Chicken65]: keep the damn coins
[4:16:41 PM] [Chicken65]: Im out

So at least that much is settled."

"not quite thief." (chicken)

jesus christ i think this guy is just desperate for attention at this point

what happened to all those pressing client jobs he had

>> No.1360521

i remember him insisting on being the new dev and voting for himself but demanding 8% of trumpholdings for the job

>> No.1360525
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The plot thickens... (it's supposedly chicken)

>> No.1360527


And for anyone else interested - more of his hilarious posts:


"Depredation has been in full damage control mode fighting CIA shills. Simple end of story. He is holding Trumps and may have mixed feelings now. And he may have been duped by Chickens65 the not to bright not to charismatic ex- leader. But let's be honest for a second. The trump coin is or at least was a good idea. It fills a need. But those things can be filled in other ways. Beating up on someone who I believe has a good heart, brain, and intentions is low, so I say shame on your sir. Refocus your expert opinion where it can do some good. And let Depredation be. I will personally rescue the people here who I think are innocent. This will not end this way. I think you are better than this. So what if he has 200k trumps. He has been here since the day 1 so it makes sense. He posts on lots of other threads. And I am happy to work with him and I hope he will accept my personal invitation to work with me in the future.
His lesson learned may be more valuable than the trumps. Some days knowledge is priceless but not because it was free."


Is this more evidence of Signal7s' moral courage? I am saying yes.
Dear Mr. Trump please consider this man for a position. We are seeing moral courage here in real time with real consequences. At least that is how it looks. We should be rewarding this type of behavior.


My personal favorite that I can't find was when he said

"Now you are using name calling that is a attorneys third special trick"

>> No.1360528
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>> No.1360529

>[Chicken65]: Im out

>> No.1360531

Chicken is seriously retarded if he thinks a non-timestamped photo of a music producer is lending credibility.

>> No.1360535

I like bob, but he does say some weird ass shit

>> No.1360537


Lol forgot about that gem. He's entertaining at least

>> No.1360540

this shit is like reality tv holy fuck

bob's dialogue is like a david lynch movie

>> No.1360542


they got called out on their confidence building handover being bullshit, so now they do another lap around the field trying again to make the handover happen and build confidence. kek

>> No.1360545

So this dude waited until he allegedly transferred the trump fund over to Signal 7, BEFORE trying to instill trust in the community. Even if Chicken is honest, he's incapable of making rational decisions. I'd rather trust a scammer that would effectively pump the currency, so I could break even and GTFO - than Chicken.

>> No.1360548
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>> No.1360555

Chris Cowie is a music producer from Scotland, i know that much. i have some remixes he done years ago.
i think that much is true given all he has said.

>> No.1360559

does this guy still strike you as a genius scammer?

he just pissed off a league of investors, a good portion of whom are from fucking 4chan, did the opposite of everything he said he'd do and freaked out at the idea of losing control of something that was supposed to be anonymous, decentralised and unregulated and then posted personal info under the guise of an official announcement.

Either he doesnt know what doxxing is, doesnt realised just how angry folks are at his last two days of conduct or has posted a fake account and has obliterated what little remaining credibility he has

>> No.1360562

Some call pajeet on skype and check if he sounds like this https://youtu.be/0RTYhqfPVhM?t=96

>> No.1360564

So Chicken was a music producer from Scotland...he gets called Pajeet at least 80 times and doesn't even acknowledge or verify his identity until after he's handed off the Trump fund to Signal 7? Sure, sounds like a manufactured coup and a dumb one at that. If he would have shut his fucking mouth for a month, the Trump fund would have been doubled.

Here are my conclusions:
1. Chicken is a scammer and dumped too early - then tried to rebuy to gain a significant marketshare. Might have two sockpuppet accounts - Signal 7 being one of them.
2. Chicken is a Scottish Music Producer with a learning disability.

>> No.1360572

looking like the latter atm

>> No.1360574

He just locked the thread so noone can respond to his shit

>> No.1360575


He has a Wikipedia guys, he's legit!!11!!

>> No.1360576

my assumption is that this makes signal7 look like he didnt meet his "challenge" (why the fuck would anyone do that) and reclaim "credibility"

this is some unreal shit

>> No.1360579

why the fuck would you believe him when he says he's chris cowie what the fuck is wrong with you people?

I'm the pope btw, dont believe me? i'll post a picture i swear

>> No.1360584

This is some of the most confusing shit I've ever seen.

>> No.1360586

how many coins do i need to be a whale?

>> No.1360589

he also locked both threads

>> No.1360592

I'd say 10k+ coins as a baseline.

>> No.1360598

Ok, I'm a scotlandfag, I hold about 10k trump.

following this has been delightful, I already cashed out my original investement when it hit 24k, so I'm in it for the lols and moon.

Anything I can do to help verify anything I will, personally never heard of the guy but I'm in glasgow and don't mind checking shit out.

>> No.1360601

Just call him on skype and record his voice.

>> No.1360608
File: 26 KB, 484x550, scotcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I did a little digging on facebook. This doesn't CONFIRM ANYTHING, but I found the real Chris Cowie has been involved in Cryptocurrency known as ScotCoin. Seriously....we might be dealing with an angry scotsman DJ that was calling everyone dipshits and tanked the currency.

>> No.1360612

He just wants us to hear his sick tunes

>> No.1360615

I hold some scotcoin, found it on bittrex last week and done some research, its based minutes fron my house.


>> No.1360616

BLRY is going to pump up soon.

You heard it here first folks.

>> No.1360617

signal=/=chicken could not be more confirmed right now

as long as this take-over does well i'm pretty sure this'll all be fine

i dont even think he managed to rack up coins on the spike, hes just very pissed he didnt

if thats the case he's not worth much and the coin's potential is completely intact (escrow is probably going to release to signal)

i think at this point there probably should be a book about this shit jesus christ

>> No.1360622

*he being chicken not signal

>> No.1360623


All the poor bastards fleeing Trump?

>> No.1360624
File: 300 KB, 1499x726, ss+(2016-07-04+at+11.16.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1360627
File: 3 KB, 508x310, Pump-and-Dump-Char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, I'm just making a prediction based on the trend line. Seems like it's in promotion phase.

>> No.1360629

>yfw he created and tanked trumpcoin to gain more listeners
>he even pretends to be retarded to generate discussion about him

>> No.1360643
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 20160126_LAUGHINGimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking do it, this whole thing is fucking comedy gold i swear

>> No.1360644

This shit checks out. I'm leaning on the side of Chris Cowie actually being chicken.

Chris Cowie voted "exit". He might be anti-pajeet.

>tfw we kicked out the one true scotsman.


>> No.1360645

LOL dead

>> No.1360647

Time to build some suspense by locking the thread :o
I just want to offer him billary for his discography

>> No.1360649

i have never been this entertained by crypto in my life

what is this nigga doin

>> No.1360651


Where is that chart from?

>> No.1360654
File: 36 KB, 659x441, donald-trump-money-worth_2015-11-16_19-44-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, so im a whale? ive got about 21k trumps

>> No.1360655

Or you know, Pajeet could actually be a real pajeet who listens to scottish trance music while binging on cocaine.

>> No.1360658

He's one of us. He's always been just a scottish NEET that wanted to make music and support trump.

I feel so fucking ashamed right now.

>> No.1360659



Just as I suspected Signal7 isnt prepared to send the coins in to Escrow. That mans sole objective when he sneaked his way in to this project was to sell of his coins totalling more than 2 million
which he mined using the computers in the data centre he works at.
Everything he has done has been about that, nothing more. Of course it was in his interest to do some things, but on the whole hes done almost nothing of value for this project.
Me and my partner had 500k between us and still have around 230k between us. You can bet Signal7 has sold most, if not all of his Trump coins. This is why he wanted
the Trump Fund. Hes effectively stealing it.

I value honesty and integrity and would never have done anything to damage this project or Trump himself. I am Scottish, but Im a huge supporter of Trump.

I will always stand and fight when I see injustice - and that is whats going on here right now. I value honesty , integrity and I do beleive I have a code of honor

My name is Chris Cowie - Google me.

Some of those photos are rather old (yes im the music producer) hes a more recent one.

>> No.1360660
File: 20 KB, 460x259, pajeet-my-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coin price rides on bipolar curry dev's spelling error riddled rants on a bitcoin forum

It's actually fucking hilarious.

>> No.1360661

Autism isn't liked.

>> No.1360662
File: 33 KB, 523x476, 1467419752457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick tunes pajeet sick tunes

>> No.1360665

i can jam to this.

that isn't chicken though.

>> No.1360670

>My sides
Holy shit I hope this checks out. Not holding my breath though.

>> No.1360671

This has got to be one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. I'm not sure who is jewing who anymore.

>> No.1360672


signal posting in here

>> No.1360673

Just sit down, buy some trumps and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1360675

coin is worth it for this shit alone right now

>> No.1360676
File: 86 KB, 1261x440, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not concrete, because chicken was too retarded to use a timestamp, but I couldn't find a reverse image here or on google.

>> No.1360680

he's basically confirmed for not being signal and being actually developmentally retarded

thank christ he doesnt have the fund anymore and hes absolutely not bright enough to have played the market enough to accumulate the amount of coins people are suggesting hes got

>> No.1360681


Could he have pulled a still from the guys youtube videos or something?

>> No.1360685

Comon whales! Dump the trump! Let it burn

>> No.1360688

@ChrisCowie1 on Twitter has both poor grammar and tweets about TrumpCoin

>> No.1360691

I am so glad I got out of this mess

>> No.1360692

kill me now, please get me off of this wild ride

>> No.1360694


Signal's thread

Ignore Chicken's regardless of whether he reopens, he's clearly an overly emotional attention seeker and is now irrelevant

>> No.1360695

I scrubbed through every video on Chris Cowie and couldn't find anything that would match a screen grab.

What we know:
1. Cowie had been involved in Crypto known as Scot Coin.
2. Cowie was "exit" party and is very conservative.
3. Cowie's official twitter has Trump coin retweets and similar writing to Chicken.

That's enough for me to be convinced. Chicken was a trance artist on a mission to help trump. I truly think the coin tanked because everyone thought he was a different nationality due to his spelling errors. God damn, we killed the coin and now all we have left are sick tunes.

>> No.1360697

you can't deny that he creates some sick as tunes though

lets tell him if he creates a trumpcoin song to prove his identitiy we will allow him to take charge of the project again

>> No.1360698

So... What happens now?

>> No.1360700


>> No.1360702

sick tunes aren't even up for discussion, they're clearly 10/10 bangers

that said hes too emotional, irrational and misdirected to keep leading things

>> No.1360705

it'll go back up once reorganisation moves into place

>> No.1360706

Chicken is the hero TrumpCoin deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.

>> No.1360707


>we killed it

Not really, he could very easily have put a stop to all this by posting what he has posted today, then, as soon as it started. But he didnt. He just played fuckfuck games and dragged the whole project into the dirt.

He's an incompetant liability anyway, with a idiotic memes scheme to get the most powerful man in the world to pay attention to twitter spam. Him refering to Trump as "daddy" has just become waaaaay creepier too.

>> No.1360708


Lads, you wanna save Trumpcoin?

https://twitter.com/Nero accepts DM's from anyone.

Everyone message him to hold the Campaign Fund.

>> No.1360713

the only strategy I can think of is to scorch the earth when it comes to the forum threads on bitcointalk. I know it seems shady, but if the goal is to get mainstream attention, then we don't want the chicken stuff in circulation. The leadership is now in Signal7's hands, whom doesn't seem to be in cahoots with Chicken.

Basically, rebrand and push for mainstream attention. Shit...we were looking for a public figure to endorse this coin and I bet Chicken probably had a connection to someone who could've catapulted it. He strikes me as the type of business man that is dumb in many areas, but knows people to become successful. I don't know what Signal 7 has in mind, but the Super Pac shit might be the saving grace.

>> No.1360715

I wasn't on here since Saturday night, can someone bring me up to speed?

>> No.1360716

good idea but not yet

he wouldn't touch this till shit's organised and first impressions are important

>> No.1360717


that is how the bookdeal he's got in place about trumpcoin will end

>> No.1360719


Yes now.

>> No.1360720

It seems now like he truly believed though. Couldnt we spin this to make trumpcoin look good? It's not chickens fault he made this mess, it was just his retardation fueled by passion for trumpcoin! If a man can have that much passion to crash a coin, the we can harness those same levels of passion to go to the moon!

>> No.1360723

Do you Lads still need a marketing guy? :^)

or are we movin on

>> No.1360725

We all know it's you Chicken :^)

>> No.1360726


Yeah it'd put you in the top 30 wallet holders I believe


Welcome to the 21st century

>> No.1360727

signal is doing applications for restructuring here bro, chuck him an email

>> No.1360731
File: 9 KB, 225x225, chicken_scratch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Chris Cowie could hold a live TrumpCoin fundraiser set and it would be awesome

>> No.1360732

these are the kind of things he could've suggested before sperging the fuck out on the ANN and blocking it twice

>> No.1360738

the interesting part in all of this. lets assume chicken = mr. DJ:

There have been bought shill accounts commenting on this project. The one who sticks out the most to me is HarHarHar9965


He was there being the most shill motherfucker on planet earth right after Chicken made the new thread. After never having had any involvement with trumpcoin and having been inactive for a period of time.

An account of that stature isn't cheap. Pretty sure you have to pay like 0.4-0.5btc for something like that. do you think chris cowe is spending that money on a shill account of this type? someone did, that's for certain. More likely someone owned this acc from before.

someone is making moves, and it's not chicken. if he's truthful about being chris cove

>> No.1360745
File: 156 KB, 600x1000, 1466573934179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn Trumpcoin is resilient.

>> No.1360758

Signal7 is planting the seed of doubt bigtime. He's not even moving the fund to escrow to appear heroic in the eyes of holders. Somethings off about him, big time. As dumb as Chicken's challenge was, Signal7 hasn't been transparent at all.

I'm holding my trumpcoins tightly, but I'm not buying any more until shit becomes verified.

Chicken owns the trumpcoin.rocks site, which was planned to secure a .com domain BECAUSE .ROCKS WAS SUCH A RETARDED IDEA FOR A DOMAIN NAME THAT ONLY A DJ WOULD THINK IT WAS COOL.

Regardless, the site itself is very user-friendly and a great way to inform newbies.

The YouTuber marketer bailed and I think he was key to driving hype big time. Need a serious replacement or get him back, because he had TWO substantial releases that would've helped the coin.

I'm at a loss here. This shit has been the biggest fuck-up in crypto currency history, yet I'm still holding, because there is still potential to revive this shit.

>> No.1360759
File: 64 KB, 1180x842, news_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah do this: >>1360727

I know, I know, Its in my personal interest to see trumpcoin go up again, Im not denying that, BUT, MAYBE, just MAYBE now this whole thing might get on the right track again and actualy do something good in the long run.


>> No.1360761

what do you mean bailed m8 i'm right here

>> No.1360766

when i said i would moon this coin if it meant killing someone and shilling trumpcoin at my sentencing hearing that was barely hyperbole

>> No.1360769 [DELETED] 


>> No.1360772

a bot is happening

>> No.1360778

I think most of us knew you were still with us. We appreciate your work. You got stiffed on the latter half of your payment right?

>> No.1360779

Do I have to keep my wallet open in order to confirm received trump coins?

>> No.1360783 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone buy right now? Tons of 100 trump orders

>> No.1360785

yeah unfortunately, sort of left in limbo with about 50k owed to me (that chicken has told me he now won't be paying despite work having already started on at least two vids) but i'm still trying to help the coin in whatever ways i can

>> No.1360787

can we get a repost of the trumpcoin to the moon video posted yesterday

>> No.1360788
File: 45 KB, 618x340, Donald-Trump-Laughing-Reuters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear to god, this whole thing is comedy gold.

>The YouTuber marketer bailed and I think he was key to driving hype big time.

I thought that this guy >>1360723 was the video guy?

>I'm at a loss here. This shit has been the biggest fuck-up in crypto currency history, yet I'm still holding, because there is still potential to revive this shit.

Well, lets hope so, for presidential campaign, as well as for our personal gain, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.1360791

also thanks mate appreciate it

>> No.1360792

>tfw your the only dev not "in on it"
although I'd bet my trumpcoins video guy is legit

>> No.1360795

Are you on yobit? All I can see is 0.1 trump buys being spammed

>> No.1360797

nah thats dreadlord, he does marketing

i do media content (videos) and handle the facebook

>> No.1360798

My bad. I thought video dude was out after being fucked by chicken. Speaking of being fucked by a chicken - here's a repost

>> No.1360799

ahah i'm not in on much man, just been keeping track of everything i can

hit signal up with an email, a lot of your ideas for marketing stuff could and should still be implemented

thanks for the vote of confidence dude, i still see a lot of potential here and this speedbump will be a distant memory soon enough

>> No.1360802 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, pretty shit photo

>> No.1360804

>what is printscreen
are you serious mang

>> No.1360806

I'm retarded, anyways why is this .1 buying thing happening ?

>> No.1360811

As it stands right now Signal7 has not send the other half of his coins in to Escrow. Hes given me various excuses on skype as to why he wont, none of them valid in anyway.
There is only one conclusion - Theft. He still has an oppurtunity to do the right thing and send those coins to Escrow. That is all I ask because regardless of the fud the last
few days that fund is still very important for the main goal which can be achieved. However teh Fud has to stop. Those who have been against me from the start I would appreciate
you dont respond on the thread. If you have an issue with me or the project you can contact me via PM and I will give you my Skype details.
If this all goes pear shaped I can at least walk away knowing I didnt scam, lie, cheat, hype or do anything to hurt this project or Trump. Thsi cannot be said for some who got
invoved for all the wrong ideas. This really was about helping Trump in to the White House. For me it wasn’t an enrichment scheme, far from it actually. I know i have principles, I
m not perfect but I can say with full gravtas I am not a rat and would never hve done anytyhing to ontentionally harm this project or anyone in involved in t.
Signal do the right thing and return the 100k Trump Coins. If not you become a thief. Where is the honor in that.

He always writes teh. Has the retard added it to his autocorrect, does he actually spell it like that or is he doing it on purpose. What reason is there to intentionally portray yourself as thick?

>> No.1360814


To manipulate the price on yobit and keep it in the 5000 range.

>> No.1360815

To make the candlestick green, in hopes of luring in more buyers

>> No.1360816

Didn't Signal7 start his account back in February? What collateral did he present to trust him other than being not-chicken?

>> No.1360819
File: 88 KB, 885x590, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see, sorry for that, and thanks for your support, as well as yours >>1360723

Seems like were finally getting back on track.

>> No.1360820

kek notice how both parties jump in and out of different states of "quitting" the project.
I suspect that they are simply trying to confuse everyone over who is the bad guy
>chicken: *bitchfit*
>community: lets send the coins to signal
>chicken: sure why not, he can hold them before we do the escrow service which is going to ready in only a few hours
>oh no the funds are stolen again!

And why oh why didn't a multi sig wallet happen?

>> No.1360821

"If this all goes pear shaped I can at least walk away knowing I didnt scam, lie, cheat, hype or do anything to hurt this project or Trump."

Chicken is utterly un-self aware

>> No.1360830

Hahaha what a bunch of fools.

You guys know how stupid you look right now? I'm really curious to know if you're aware of that in any way.

>> No.1360840

DM Milo Yiannopoulos https://twitter.com/Nero

Get him to hold the Campaign Fund.

>> No.1360842

This is really heartbreaking.

SO do you think he might have just been on drugs when he was posting like a moron? I really want to help out this Chris Cowie guy, seems like a chill bro and no pajeet thats for sure

-jman2015 (Currently on 24 hr. ban on Yobit for verticalposting)

>> No.1360846


I'm banned too.

>> No.1360852

Pereweze there you are.

>> No.1360862

I'm banned too, simply for advising I live in scotland and offering to help chicken any way I could, lol.


>> No.1360865
File: 1.55 MB, 640x480, 1467673140783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you know how much work it is to start a crypto currency?

It's really fucking easy actually. All you really gotta do is set the variables for mining/difficulty, make a bootstrap site, and do some posting on forums to get accepted onto exchanges. Did it about four times myself. The hardest thing I remember was compiling the wallets lel

>> No.1360875

I think Chicken was warning about the artificial pump. He was the first to speak out about the Alex Jones shit being unsubstantiated and told everyone to stay the course. Then someone pissed him off and accused him of dumping massive amounts of TRUMP. I can see him not being a little on edge after transferring shit over to the new team. He tried to take control of the project when people were highly suspicious of him. Instead of revealing his identity when the community was dumping and threatening a fork / hostile take over, he waited for the volume of TRUMP to tank from 30.00BTC to 7BTC. He wasn't a scammer, but a guy not prepared for a leadership role.

>> No.1360882

i got banned a year cause i said yobit is shit

>> No.1360890

Chicken got so mad and wanted out quick he basically chose a random to handle the fund than escrow lol
Retards I say, all of em. But it doesn't matter. Entertainment 100%

>> No.1360916

His madness hasn't ended yet. He's locked the open thread, gone back to the moderated one and assumed control again.

>> No.1360929



>> No.1360937

I'm glad I made my profits off this shitcoin.

>> No.1360942
File: 16 KB, 801x211, arise chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even give a fuck about losing over $1000 on this coin. These memes are just too dank.

>> No.1360945


Chicken poos in the loo!

>> No.1360950
File: 390 KB, 940x998, 875679686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw did exactly this

>> No.1360962

Chickens tunes.


>> No.1360979

Damn, he could engineer some sick beats for Trumpcoin. Why doesn't he do this instead of going nuclear on bitcointalk?

>> No.1360988

Trump, Could you believe it? its really something people... its really something. A group of honest citizens band together to support me on brand new technology and i tell you what they are amazing people. Then theres one person like lying hillary at the head of it and you know what these amazing people do to lying hillary they cut her out and take back control of it all, just like our forefathers i tell you, its really something quite amazing and they did this all for me, these people love me so much they did this all for me so they could donate their hard earned money so that i could to beat a lying hillary, Trump gonna love dis

>> No.1360989

what site is that?

>> No.1360996

Agreed and honestly video guy is the only guy id trust to hold the trustintrumpfund every other major name is sketch

>> No.1361011
File: 903 KB, 977x1475, 1465946427023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Milo brings us pol, the alt-right, and normies. Which brings us reddit, msm, and Trump.

>> No.1361020

Yea i trust milo too, just wasnt mentioning outsiders. Would be ideal to get milo or AJ but wed have to clear up the shitstorm first before they hop aboard imo

>> No.1361022

Agreed. I listened to a few of his songs and they're bretty good. Legit DJ.

>> No.1361045

We need to settle this campaign fund now so people can start trading again.

>> No.1361049


I trust Chicken. I don't trust Signal.

>> No.1361058

>Chicken is from the UK which practically makes him British
>Chicken creates an altcoin which is practically like making a colony of bitcoin which makes trumpcoin just like America
>Chicken tries to steal our money just like the British tried to do to Americans with tea tax
>The colony revolts and fights for its freedom from chicken
>They win

My God, it's just like 1776 all over again. And if America was able to become the greatest nation of all time, then that means Trumpcoin will become the greatest altcoin of all time!

Buy trump, people! Before it's too late.

>> No.1361074

i've done a 180 and I now officially trust chicken as well. a guy that makes tunes like that has got to be a decent person irl.

dj's within that genre are generally always awesome and chill people as well.

what say you we rise up and create a /biz/ trumpcoin thread on btctalk asking for chicken to again be appointed leader?

>> No.1361081

It doesn't matter who's in charge or who you trust.
What matters is that people leave the drama behind and start shilling the coin again.

>> No.1361085

People have been arguing since the morning who should hold it, and they've gotten nowhere

>> No.1361088

I agree. Be productive, drama kills shit.

>> No.1361090

>Verbally abuse a man, spread lies about, try to turn all his friends against him and break up with him
>Not even a day later trying to get back together

Stop being the crazy abusive girlfriend, /biz/. You got what you all wanted now at this point the best thing to do would be to leave the man alone

>> No.1361103


I think I regret everything I have said about chicken in the last few days, calling him pajeet and all and the theories about conspiracies (remember that the block explorer was down which caused much of this) and multiple accounts. I think that we all need to just get along and Kepp shilling. Chris Cowie really means the best guys, hes just maybe was inebriated celebrating British independance. Remember, he is a brit who looks up to us and looks up to Trump. He is our brother who is helping to make the Trump movement a worldwide revolution!

>> No.1361109

Really faggot
Better apologize
Good thing this whole thing happened maybe they can get public attention now creator has been labeled.

>> No.1361112

this place was better before everyone actively participated in the bitcoin talk threads.

>> No.1361113

It's playing in my head like a love track

I wanna feel again like its maaaagic

It's playing in my head like a love track

I wanna feel again like its maaaagic

You said - I know you spin it again

You said - I know you spin it again

You said - I know you spin it again

Started again - Started again

Learn from you - Something I can do

Oh how you - Needed a friend (needed a friend)

>> No.1361122
File: 233 KB, 305x360, anime-dancing-girl-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361137

looks like yobit

>> No.1361154

Tumpcoin playing in my head like a love track

I wanna feel again the meme magic

Trumpcoin playing in my head like a love track

I wanna feel again the meme magic

You said - I know you buy it again

You said - I know you buy it again

You said - I know you buy it again

Buy it again - Buy it again

Buy the dip - Something I can do

Oh how you - Needed a pump (needed a pump)

>> No.1361163

You can't trust anyone in crypto..
A shake up was needed because the situation with this coin was just bizarre. People like video guy are the ones who instilled confidence in the coin and should be at the forefront again.

>> No.1361178

I'm going to sleep. Trump better be 8k at least when I wake up.

>> No.1361197

Seems like someone is keeping the price at 5000, any upward momentum is stopped by a dump to a floor of 5000

>> No.1361274
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, dwight-schrute-the-office-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of dumping 62,107 Trumps at the market buys.
C-cex or yobit?

>> No.1361280

yobit i reckon

>> No.1361297

Just give em to me


>> No.1361299

thought that said buying

i'd recommend holding man, honestly theres no real telling whats gonna happen atm and theres not much to gain from dumping here

>> No.1361313


Fuck up c-cex lmao

>> No.1361314

Donate to the trump fund feggit

>> No.1361317

I hate this fuckint pajeet. You worthless scum. Sand nigger. Abo

>> No.1361319

Round that off to a nice 60k give me the extras to cushin the loss im bout to take from your dump

>> No.1361322

If your not buying thousands of trump right now at this low low discount price when you see trumps at 10$ you can cry here

>> No.1361325

Someone somewhere is pulling strings. This is definitely 100% orchestrated. Also getting hardcore dejavu this shit is weeeiird.

>> No.1361327

Price is eerily stable

>> No.1361331

This, anytime we see a push it falls instantly from someone dumping.

>> No.1361337
File: 7 KB, 266x249, paj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361339

very odd, its controlled chaos indeed; I like it.
The feeling is common upon cryptos about to moon.

look up ascending triangle and look at the low timeframe yobit. Looks like its that.

Which normally means moon , but it could go either way. However ascending's usually break up.

>> No.1361341

What is happening exactly? Is Pajeet just ruining the price on purpose? Is there some big plan up their sleeve to skyrocket the price? Do they just want to buy all of the trumps that people are dumping to collect them?

>> No.1361345

It's impossible to say imo

>> No.1361346

I got 50k for $300 long time ago, and due to a user error on my part on a buy order I left up over the 3 day weekend while on vacation, I """""accidentally"""" spent $600 just to pick up 12k more I'm nerd raging and may dump and move on. I've been optimistic about this thru thick and thin and have done my best to send newbs a few trumps here and there, answer tech questions, post memes, etc

Gonna sleep on it tho lads - update ya tomorrow

>> No.1361349

Honestly I dumped mine at 5.5k sat. It's too hard to tell if the price is swinging up or down. I should have sold at 28k sat and got my initial investment at the very least. Or sold all and collected all the trumps

>> No.1361350
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>> No.1361358

>tfw dumped at the beginning of the shenanigans and wasted the whole weekend following this

>> No.1361367


Biz right now


>> No.1361388

This is actually exactly how i feel
About this place

>> No.1361396

Whatever, the dude ran shit horribly.

Shit website, shit spelling.

He needs to go.

>> No.1361399

i was gonna post earlier that if btc dropped below 670 on finex before i fall asleep i'll be throwing 0.5btc back into the ring. Pajeets tunes have made me lighten up and turn the other cheek to all this.

just read btctalk though and looks like everyones asleep/given up. oh well

>> No.1361403

Trump went from 300sat to 20ksat. Moon already happened dumbasses it's already on orbit back to Earth

>> No.1361406


If BTC talk threads can be deleted, they need to be.

>> No.1361409

Chicken sucked at running things.

I don't care if he's a good guy.

>> No.1361412

i think thats shortsighted
asleep is the majority, this all still pretty salvageable. All thats actually happened is that the old dev freaked out, clearly isnt capable of running the scheme hes been accused of and owns less than other fairly trusted holders of the coin.

As it stands its still a viable project, the apocalyptic shit has died down from even the worst shillers on the thread since chicken posted himself.

>> No.1361423


Chicken fell through on me directly and just decided to not pay me for work I'd already started and I still don't dislike the guy honestly. Regardless of the bullshit he's been pulling he got the ball rolling and there's a value to that, a value that he seems bent on diminishing.

He doesn't seem to be a particularly objective guy and made the mistake of personalising an anonymous currency that will obviously attract people looking to tear down him, the coin and the person its based on.

I don't want him involved at all any further and he's annoyed the shit out of me the last few days (the thread stuff being worse to me than not paying me) but I don't wish him any ill will as long as he can recognise that his presence is now a negative to the coin's potential.

I think the coin will be back on track very soon, those looking to sell are more than free to but I think it may be a hasty decision.

>> No.1361425

And that's why I keep coming here

>> No.1361427

Nope, doubling down.

>> No.1361438

so is this shit gonna go back up or what?

what's da plan men?

>> No.1361449

Meh I'm holding 4700

>> No.1361450

Holding onto my 5200

>> No.1361452 [DELETED] 
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Sold everything at peak.

>> No.1361455

$0.0350 current price

>> No.1361462


I guess I'm a little burnt out because I bought a fair amount when it was literally 3k sats. Was staring at a roughly $1800 profit when it hit 27k, but bought into the hype of $1 coin minimum and held. Eventually cashed out at like 6k after the Chicken Fit.

Can't complain since I ended up with a profit, but man, I really just don't know what's going to happen at this point lol

>> No.1361468

im actually considering buying in soon, the currency may not be dead yet

>> No.1361472


YUGE things. Can't dump the Trump!

>> No.1361478

look if it wasnt for the hype thing and the chicken fit the current price would be considered perfectly stable and solid right now

5k sats is holding well atm and there seems to be a lot of resilient support

Bear in mind this madcunt coin went to the price of a fucking quarter in a day because of the potential hype of it maybe possibly appearing on an alt right conspiracy radio show

trumpsingles.com got two days of MSM coverage (as in CNN, New York Times) and thats just a fucking dating site attached to his name, this is a potential crypto currency donation project

potential here is far from gone

>> No.1361480


>> No.1361481

anyone else bothered by the fact that trump coins logo is a snake eye, aka eye of lucifer?

>> No.1361482

That's a 'T' with trump hair. No sneks here.

>> No.1361483

even with pajeet smashing up the place it still has heaps of potential and its still holding ground. i say give it a few more days or so and we could see it slowly gaining ground again

>> No.1361490

It's impossible when someone is dumping to lower the price

>> No.1361492

Why would anyone do this?

>> No.1361497

mabye they waiting for that yummo tax refund

>> No.1361512

"TrumpCoin is dead f-for sure t-this time" will be engraved on the headstones of everyone who kills themselves once this moons

if i had to make a prediction, hold what you've got and buy while its cheap. Times are uncertain but no less so than a week ago

>> No.1361518
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>> No.1361522
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Yep, and still plenty of time until the election.

Hodl tight, fags. And stock up.

>> No.1361523
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>> No.1361524

yall obviously just havent heard the term 'buy the dip'

>> No.1361525
File: 107 KB, 500x447, 1465660187630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double down lads.

>> No.1361539

holding 3133, i'm already at a loss since i didn't sell during the pump, might as well just wait till november and see what happens

>> No.1361548

Hell yeah this coin can moon and the price couldnt be better for stocking up

>> No.1361589

I've got 1600 dollars doing nothing here, should i convert all of this into TRUMPCOIN or BITCOIN?

>> No.1361592

split it, but only if your going long term on bitcoin

>> No.1361596

Long term you mean 2-3 years or more?
And what about Trumps, long term too?

>> No.1361601


Depends on your definition. Trumpcoins have a few hurdles for the long term:

- This stupid 'trump fund' will have to be cashed out at some point, that means 5% of the coins (or more if people donate to it) will be sold off all at once. Presumably the date this happens will be known, which will cause the price to diminish ahead of time (further adding to how stupid the trump fund idea is)

Furthermore, we don't have a plan after the fund is cashed out.

Presuming the coin can somehow live after the fund cashout:

- In the unlikely event Trump loses in November, then people will likely stop caring about the coin and lose interest

- Even if Trump wins in November, it's unknown if people will be interested in the coin. Possible that it becomes more popular ("Lol, crypto based on the prez!! xD") But it could also plummet instead - hard to determine.

>> No.1361603
File: 987 KB, 1600x1330, a2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trumps are low atm. Buy the dip and either hold until November or sell between 15-30k next pump.

I'd hold off on BTC for now. Miner rewards are getting reduced (by 50%) on 7/9. Consensus on whether the price will go up or down after the halvening is mixed.

>> No.1361616



Maybe wait until tomorrow to see what happens with the campaign fund, but don't wait too long.

>> No.1361633

someone do something with this, i don't have the skills


>> No.1361635


I just don't get it men. Why couldn't this guy calm the fuck down? Why did he throw that shit fit? All he had to do was chill the fuck out and hodl and he could've made it.

>> No.1361638

Drugs and weak personality maybe.
He just wasn't fit for a Leader role

>> No.1361643


Unfortunately this is true, as chill of a guy he appears to be now. I hope he remains involved with the project as a sound designer and general collaborator.

>> No.1361656

If any of you guys are looking to recover funds, Yocoin seems to be sailing pretty high right now.
I bought 0.2 BTC worth yesterday and sold it for 0.5 BTC today. I've almost made back everything I lost on Trumpcoin.

>> No.1361676
File: 377 KB, 439x439, 1467578462216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else working tirelessly to make crypto great again? Don't give up, double down.

>> No.1361680

Thats exactly how you do it mate,
Lets make crypto great again!

>> No.1361703

Sweet Kek Trumpcoin has a fantastic history.


>> No.1361717
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You bet, Im in.

>> No.1361728

Let me know when Chicken has been severed from the project.
Until then I'm keeping my distance.

>> No.1361733


Fuck em all. The community's gonna take control and govern ourselves.

I'll let you know when it's go time.

>> No.1361742

When I say severed, I mean actually functionally incapable of affecting the project.
Fork it or make a new coin or do whatever you have to, but remove the fund from Chicken's control.

>> No.1361754


I don't care who we make rich. The Campaign Fund is now half in escrow with Sebastian, and half with Signal7. Functionally, Chicken has been removed. If we have to create our own fund so be it, with certain endorsements and spending outlets none of their shit matters.

Fuck forks and new coins.

>> No.1361759

I'm currently collating all info, producing a decentralized community structure, developing communication networks, and outlining our climate and future. Trumpcoin isn't a shitcoin, it doesn't have the market behaviors of a shitcoin, it's even more than a memecoin. The community needs to take control of it because these losers are incompetent.

>> No.1361762

I've reached out to Milo, and I'm catering a summary and proposal to his personal interest. This is how he coup.

>> No.1361770

Damn this is really moving tbqh the Community taking control is almost a Revolution haha

>> No.1361771
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Chris Cowie is my soundtrack for this revolution.

>> No.1361777

solid work lads

i'm still here and ready to work when everything's settled

t. TrumpCoinContent if thats not already clear

>> No.1361778
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rip sweet beats

>> No.1361788


Checked. You're written in lad. A kek blessed gift to the movement.

We do love you. email me at triggerwarning @ tuta.io

>> No.1361806


or 8 ch dot net /trumpcoin.

I'll be dumping this shit there.

>> No.1361812
File: 3.43 MB, 4928x3280, GOP_2016_Trump_Mass_Deportations-0d003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, keep us informed please. Also, what about chicken? in his new thread on bitcointlak he said he is running the whole project again. And also he said hes ok with the main site for the project to be .com instead of .rocks

I dont know what to think anymore

>> No.1361815


He's legit and he doesn't trust signal7, so he's making a bold move. When we step in and demand the campaign funds transferred to a public figure outside of trumpcoin he'll concede happily, ignal7 most likely will not. Regardless of the outcome we're fine. He can atleast provide half the fund from Sebastians escrow.

>> No.1361817
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I'm a bit OCD, so I'm compiling all the information possible for trumpcoin, it's taking a while, but I'm committed, legit, and capable.

>> No.1361836
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, youre doing gods work


>> No.1361844


Thank yobit mods for banning me so I couldn't shitpost in trollbox all day.

>> No.1361851

All Cryptocurrency is developed from Satoshi Nakamoto's Blockchain infrastructure as a decentralized information management algorithm. This is the technology that will replace the 1%, rendering them obsolete.

>> No.1361852

Reply with comments and additions please, let's develop this introduction together. But if you're low energy, don't fret, I've got it all handled, but it's better with your input.

>> No.1361854
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Oh you didn't know this is the beginning of Humanity's revolution against the elite?

>> No.1361876
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mwf when big guy from youtube doesn't email me

>> No.1361886
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you mean the video guy? thi was his last post here today >>1361777 maybe hes just offline for a moment, he was here all the time.

>> No.1361900
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>>1361886 ye this dick >>1361777

>> No.1361906
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well then, i suggest patience, he has shown his dedication already, no one can be online 24/7

>> No.1361922
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But I need to talk to him. Sleep is for the weak.

>> No.1361933
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Those us who've trolled Yobit's trollbox have noticed an interesting aspect of Crypto, these are the Indian shill wage-slaves wasting away in a warehouse, shitting on the floor, while pumping and dumping new altcoin stock for their overlords. Do not engage any other altcoin unless you know what you're doing. 99% of these are scams. Invest only in Trumpcoin and possibly BLRY for thosewho are advanced enough to understand why.

>> No.1361937


Godamn these trips, it's like Kek's demanding I don't sleep until Trumpcoin's saved.

Challenge accepted. I ask the community to contribute to these blurbs as I am but one shitposter in a sea of memes.

>> No.1361995

hey bro been up nearly two days now, starting to doze off ahah

shot through an email, if i dont answer for a bit it's just because i've gotten a brief bit of (probably involuntary) sleep
love ya too boys, keep the creative juices flowin

>> No.1361999


Chicken needs to delete those threads and they need to start fresh. There needs to be a comms/media guy who is dedicated in cleaning these threads up and making everything presentable

Otherwise when people google trumpcoin and they find those threads they're going to have almost no interest in the coin. Even if the forums have calmed down and everything people are not going to read 20 pages of posts and then accept the notion that everything is fine

We need an American to run the thread and someone else to hold the fund. No one is going to trust a thread with awful grammar and spelling and then be told that same person is holding the fund

>> No.1362011
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Can't argue with those trips! Noted.

Will request our beloved beatmaker to delete his bullshit and apologize publicly.

>> No.1362016


We just need him out asap. We can kiss his ass while we show him the door, don't even need an apology from him - you wouldn't even get one he's beyond stubborn to see the damage his forum posts have done to the price

>> No.1362023
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mfw receiving email from youtube's big guy.

>> No.1362028
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Agreed. I was being diplomatic, but we all understand the situation. Thaks for keeping me on point.

>> No.1362036


I've chose to stay anonymous throughout all of this but once he's fully out I believe there are others like me that are ready to jump back into this.

Appreciate the efforts, hopefully we can get through this soon

>> No.1362046
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Give us you energy.

>> No.1362048


If anything you should tell him he's a really good DJ and that he can help the project out by promoting through his music. Maybe do a live stream

I'd never have the balls to do a livestream for Trumpcoin but this guy would. It'd be a nice way to allow him to help without him royally fucking anything up

>> No.1362081
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Chicken's a Kek blessed artist. I hope he remains active as as sound engineer.

>> No.1362108

I heard that Chris Cowie would talk Eminem into the Trumpcoin and that Chumlee from Pawn Stars will be holding the Trump Fund in escrow.

To the moon, lads?

>> No.1362150

Slowly accumulated another 15k trumps over the 3 day weekend.

t. gambling man

>> No.1362190
File: 140 KB, 1840x872, bwak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update News

>> No.1362219

Sounds good

>> No.1362235
File: 78 KB, 1050x549, 28trumpbelgium-web2-facebookJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be good, now that the drama is over and people are getting organized again.

Im still holding

>> No.1362246

Problem now is if chicken, now that he revealed himself, should he handle the project once again, hire a real dev team while delivering the final say in things like CEO, or step down and hire a real dev team fully transparent and official so they can do press releases, conferences - in time before speaking at the San Fran bitcoin conerence in 2 weeks to promote trumpcoin.

>> No.1362281

if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
>if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
>if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
>if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow
>if pajeet won't go - you must overthrow

>> No.1362309
File: 67 KB, 992x558, AP_Donald_Trump_mm_150818_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, someone with bitcointalk account please repost this to him, this is a genuinely good advice.

>> No.1362448

FYI, price will never advance past 4 cents with pajeet involved in any capacity. Even pajeet posting a reply will drop the price 10% per reply

>> No.1362867


Hey All

I'm still very much interested in remaining onboard as the media content producer/director for the coin.
Throughout all of the recent drama I've been as active as possible on /biz/, here and yobit trying to offer a positive perspective on the future of the coin and do not believe I was lying when doing so. This is a minor speed-bump in the scheme of things and I've said this since this situation first cropped up.

My skill set revolves primarily around video production but I'm also a writer as well as a marketing consultant. I have a studied grasp on the fundamentals of selling a concept and will do my best to utilise these fundamentals in any way possible provided they are utilised ethically.

I've said this time and time again but I will reiterate. This coin for me has always been about Trump and those who believed in him enough to invest in his name with their hard earned money. That's why I defended chicken65 when people suggested he'd stolen the fund and run to Costa Rica (this is why you don't list to the trollbox people), why I defended CantStump when people suggested he was the same person as chicken65 and that this was all a Tyler Durden-esque masquerade and why I defended Signal when people suggested this was a cartoonish plot to steal a fund that becomes worthless the minute anyone steals it. I didn't do this to gain favour with whichever person appeared to be most prominent in the community, I did it because I believe, even in crypto, that baseless accusations are not enough to fully condemn someone.

Yes, chicken65 has made some unwise decisions over the last few days and the direction he has in mind for the coin is dissimilar from mine and many other people here but I don't hold any resentment for the guy and respect his position as founder. I see no reason why he can't still pursue his methods of obtaining attention for the coin autonomously, in fact it should be encouraged as should the methods of any other member of this community.

>> No.1362869

There should be no inalienable leader to this thing. The American Liberal Democracy (and I say liberal in the John Stuart Mill liberty sense, not the hair-dyed save-the-whales sense) encourages above all else accountability and the separation of powers and duty, principles a coin based on an American election should take very seriously. Delegating responsibilities based on certain people's aptitudes is always a wise structure for management and prevents the error of human nature when one person has to overstretch themselves to fit roles they may not be as suited to.

The leaders for this should be a fixed point for investors to anchor to when the tides of hype and panic start to carry them away from the shores of rationality. But like all leaders their roles should be limited (as Trump's will be when he is inevitably elected into the executive position).

This is a good thing. We have an amazing community here that I'm still very much an active part of whether you elect me or not, and that community is what will take this coin into the spotlight, not the actions of any one person. I've already got two of these videos under my belt and a facebook page set up I'm more than happy to continue to run so if you need evidence of my competency give those a look. Just know that each thing I do, I try to make better than the last and the same is true for the content I am attempting to produce now. I'm glad to see the apocalyptic predictions for this coin have primarily subsided and I'm glad to see that regardless of whatever happened recently everyone is still willing to work together logically and openly for the future of the project and not for the interests of any one individual.

Cheers and let's MAGA.

>> No.1362876

copied and pasted from Signal7's thread

just my thoughts expressed in a little detail as well as a reiteration of my desire to remain on board in whatever capacity you folks need me for

>> No.1362945
File: 215 KB, 1360x1020, donald-trump-i-just-spoke-to-tom-brady--he-is-so-thrilled-and-so-happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, you might want to post this in the other more active trumpcoin tread on biz right now.


>> No.1363397

Can someone link the new trump thread?