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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13598994 No.13598994 [Reply] [Original]

>being forced to pay taxes because I made a smarter investment than everyone else in crypto

>> No.13599000

>paying income taxes

>> No.13599002
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> you live in a society

>> No.13599005

Don't use roads then idiot

>> No.13599010

I know that feel bro. I owed 16k in 2018 taxes from being smarter than most of you biz fucks. Fuck paying for nigger welfare, military industrial complex, and other absolute bullshit

>> No.13599016
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>> No.13599029
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>> No.13599031

>smarter investor
>paying income taxes.

Pick one.

>> No.13599048
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can someone actually give me a no bs rundown on dodging income taxes on my crypto? is there some sort of a /biz/ guide? is it even worth it? i live in canada btw

>> No.13599058

If you cashed out a significant sum via coinbase, you’re fucked. If you somehow sold bitcoin without using coinbase, maybe you can get away with it.

>> No.13599060

military is fine, but no money for niggers and shitskins please

>> No.13599074
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>If you somehow sold bitcoin without using coinbase
so.... localbitcoin...?

>> No.13599112

You're paying taxes because high society let you to make money by trading you pleb scum.

>> No.13599149

What do you consider a significant amount?

>> No.13599154

pay your fair share goy

>> No.13599173

military is the biggestjew in the US

>> No.13599296

Taxes aren't about being smart or stupid, it's about INCOME and capital gains. If these increase, then yes you have to pay more in the absolute sense. But you will pay the same percentage as you did before untill you get bumped up into a higher tax bracket. And you only pay that higher percent for that bracket on the income in your higher bracket. It's a privilege to pay more taxes. You should be proud, OP.

>> No.13599318


>> No.13599321

>It's a privilege to pay more taxes. You should be proud, OP.
Sounds like Jewish double speak.

>> No.13599331

Also not for useless old sacks of shit, especially women.

>> No.13599342

Haha stupid boy

>> No.13599346

Coinbase reports anything over $25,000/yr to the IRS. If you stay under that, you could get away with it.

>> No.13599375

Not Jewish, just a patriot. April 15th is my proudest day; the day when get to support my great country and give back for all it's given me.

>> No.13599394

Tyrone needs his paycheck anon, what do you expect him to do otherwise? Work?

>> No.13599401

>cash out $25k/yr for years
>go to prison for structuring

>> No.13599425

I was about to pity you but then you added
>in crypto
So much for "muh gubmint can't track me!" huh?

>> No.13599433

I didnt say you would get away with it. I said you could. Any amount over that and the IRS already knows, before you even attempt to hide it.

>> No.13599446

yeah picking shitcoin x over shitcoin y is a really smart decision
>paying taxes
you are retarded

>> No.13599454
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>taxashion is thuft

>> No.13599457

this is bad advice, the banks do lots of secret jewish shit behind your back telling the IRS how much money is coming into your account

banks are forced to by a lot of different laws

>> No.13599477

Give your country what? Endless money to fight wars in the middle East and subsidize Laquisha's sixth baby born out of wedlock? Do you honestly think the money you pay in taxes is going to "your country"?

>> No.13599479

For banks it's 10k though? Why would they be less strict with crypto?

>> No.13599492

The US military is basically a giant welfare program for niggers, beaners and women coupled with a way to buy overpriced crap like the last F35 from (((Lockheed)))

>> No.13599494

>calls himself a patriot
>is ok with being taxes
>in the USA - a country founded because people didnt want to pay tax anymore
cuck-a-doodle-doo. the US didnt even have income tax until 1913.

>> No.13599495

imagine being such a cucked bootlicker lmao

>> No.13599527

>he owns a house instead of renting

>> No.13599530

>not living on a yacht with satellite Internet

>> No.13600044

Even if you withdraw 25k per year you won't be able to spend it other than buying food or gadgets. You can't buy a house or a car without registration. So if you try to do that IRS will ask where did you get the money?

>> No.13600453
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Tax-free in the USA and it preserves your profits so that you can cash out and buy low.

>> No.13600521
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>twf living in 2nd world shithole, where no one pay cryptotaxes

>> No.13601081

>cashing out

Doing it wrong.

>> No.13601128

ale bym ci zajebal plombe xD

>> No.13601238
File: 6 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create fake IDs, passports and other means of identification
>open up a bank in Europe or Asia using said fake IDs
>Use VPN and open account in Bittrex
>connect foreign bank account with Bittrex and allow fiat withdrawals and deposits
>when the time comes, finally cash out and the government is none the wiser
Why aren't you people seriously doing this? It's fucking easy. Just buy fake IDs from the darkweb and you're good to go.

>> No.13601489

>when you don't live in Somalia so you don't have to worry about warlords

>> No.13601656

Nice larp

>> No.13601681

Precious metals are taxed the same as crpyots in the USA dumbass

>> No.13601703

How is that larp? I'm giving good advice if you want to bypass US crypto tax regulations.

>> No.13601704

>unironically thinks that an economy that doesn't harshly punish speculative asset gambling with taxes will function for more than a couple decades tops
>thinks he's entitled to fiat money from a government entity without paying a nominal fee for access to their single market

those gains were wasted on you

>> No.13601706

yes. also dont live too flashy, the taxman doesnt like it when hes not paid in full. keep that cash for a rainy day.

>> No.13601726

yes, just make fake ID, great advice brainlet. I am sure nobody else thought of that before, banks won't even see that coming!

>> No.13601763

>thinks foreign banks bother to check IDs especially in 3rd world countries
You don't know how easy it is to open bank accounts in some 3rd world shithole you fucking brainlet.

>> No.13601779

the infrastructure that let you execute that trade was partly made with other people's tax money
pay up faggot, no free riders allowed

>> No.13601829

but then how do I withdraw?

>> No.13601856

third world shitholes are cucked to western countries dumbass. All it takes is 1 phone call and your funds will be frozen.

>> No.13601877

>All it takes is 1 phone call and your funds will be frozen.
Nobody is stupid enough to think America or some random cucked European country will snoop out any random bank account outside its jurisdiction. Then again, this is /biz/ so you might be the exception.

>> No.13601919

sure brainlet, just try it and tell us how it goes. I am sure you never actually tried any of these and you are just larping and imagining what will you do when you actually have enough money that are taxable

>> No.13601940



buy gold with btc, sell gold otc for cash

>> No.13601963

I already live in one dumbass. Muslims here literally have two IDs, one which is their real name and the other fake one to bypass some legal barriers due to regulations. Banks are required to do KYC but they hardly double check and verify if IDs are genuine or fake. They need depositors and want to grow as much as possible. You overestimate institutional oversight brainlet.

>> No.13601971

If you are not a total NEET loser then buy a plane ticket or use some 3rd world bank that allows online transactions and transfer funds to real bank. Just don't withdraw in one fell swoop so you don't attract the government's eyes.

>> No.13602013

yikes. have fun getting raped and bombed buddy

also, no bank in eu or usa would ever allow you to transfer money to a third world shithole unregulated bank, especially muslim country. So, unless you are already born and are a third worlder you can never do that

>> No.13602048

I didn't say I lived in a muslim shithole. It's a Christian 3rd world country but muslims here are typically the one who do illegal stuff and mostly law breakers.

>> No.13602062


>> No.13602086

Yeah like anybody here in any higher than the 24 percent tax bracket lmao

>> No.13602090

your little plan might work if you never return back to first world country. Have fun living in a third world shithole forever I guess

>> No.13602095

Portugal you fucking dunce

>> No.13602213

>paying taxes
Just trade it for silver

>> No.13602501

meanwhile, our infrastructure is literally crumbling and bridges collapse every year

>> No.13602545

No thier not

You sell them online for cash