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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 616x478, BAT is shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13597862 No.13597862 [Reply] [Original]

7 days
63 ads clicked
3.15 BAT
3.15 Bat *0.36USD
1.13 USD over 7 days
4.52 USD per month

This token is going nowhere

this coin is going fucking no where

>> No.13597951

found the google jew

>> No.13598039

But what if BAT goes to 5 bucks each, thats like 3 coffees. Moms and kids will go crazy for that especially youtubers.

>> No.13598045

It wont

>> No.13598120

>7 days
>only 63 ads clicked
He doesn't know...

>> No.13598133

Which is worth like eight whole meals in fucking Asia

>> No.13598138

You click a ad which takes 2 seconds get paid and still complain. Humanity don’t deserve crypto

>> No.13598154

from your perspective its nothing, but imagine what 4,52 USD per month in poor countries of Africa, South America or Asia can buy.

>> No.13598171

which is why this coin is shit

>> No.13598174

they can’t afford the internet bill or the data on their phone to take advantage dumb fuck. you think impoverished niggers got that wifi high speed?

>> No.13598184

Has anyone built a bot to click on ads for us?

>> No.13598186

But how to cash the lil batties out anons?

>> No.13598187

Why would people use this over, for example, chrome?

I use chrome with adblock. Why should I use Brave browser?

>> No.13598255

>clicking adds
That's what jews would love to make you do, and you fell for it

>> No.13598301


>> No.13598348
File: 251 KB, 398x613, 1529863487365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically chrome, but better.

Built-in addblocker and tor, also doesn't absorb so much ram imo.

Brave is arguably the best browser. You don't even have to care about bat

>> No.13598358

>they can’t afford the internet bill or the data on their phone to take advantage dumb fuck. you think impoverished niggers got that wifi high speed?

"dumb fuck" , "niggers". sounds very intelligent haha

>> No.13598386

they'll adjust BAT payout for poorer countries.
Shit poor countries will have shit for money to pay for things, which is the whole point of advertising

>> No.13598422

Maybe you could make your own content on the internet that other people would find interesting and valuable, and you could be rewarded for their attention somehow.

>> No.13598466

You don't have to click them.

>> No.13598472

If it does then I can be a NEET for 1 more year.

>> No.13598474

i would pay 5 usd a month to never see an ad anywhere online or in real life.

>> No.13598476

Is a shit experience on the internet really worth pennies?

>> No.13598499

I wrote an AutoHotKey script that scrolls a bit, moves the mouse, and clicks in the "close ad" location every now and then. I only have a basic knowledge of programming. Not posting so the same movement doesn't get abused and picked up by Brave. But you can easily make your own and leave the computer on/ walk away from it.
The only problem is sometimes it stops showing ads for a while and you're just wasting electricity.

>> No.13598836

Then bat revenues will be halved, that's why we have decimals in crypto you know?

>> No.13598945

in india or some other low cost countries that would be a nice side profit, sitting by the street, shitting and selling chai latte and naan bread while clicking ads

>> No.13598958

Protip: use inkognito mode and just put the main window on a second screen oder alt+tab after opening the ad.
I didnt even see any of these adds pop up lel

>> No.13598984

i'm not gonna switch from google chrome (who is close to be an absolute perfected browser by now), for a fucking 5,- USD /month. Get lost

>> No.13599006

you do understand that advertiser rates vary by country? from my days selling and buying traffic: you get good money for developed countries, and close to nothing for shitholes like india/pakistan.
1 unique visitor from EU or US is equal to like 800-900 shitholer visits in monetary terms.

>> No.13599027

implying there will be any advertisers advertising in nigger country.

>> No.13599030

dude just use an adblocker....i always cum when i turn it on and visit a "news" website and that thing is showing how much of those journalist assholes profits it has avoided.

>> No.13599036

whats advertised in racist country?

>> No.13599049

What did you fucking expect, being able to rake in hundreds of dollars per month just by clicking on colorful pictures in your webbrowser while not even buying any product they advertise for?

>> No.13599052

it's not there for you to make a full time wage idiot
now go fucking tip some content creators

>> No.13599121
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1509851258404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now go fucking tip some content creators

i think this is the best way to make money off of brave. it's like a twitch model of supporting people.

lets just say that brave becomes popular and in 5 years its $1 per token as per the white paper and you're a small to mid size content creator and you have 10,000 of your fans contributing 0.1 BAT tokens to your blog/website/twitch/youtube/whatever per month, thats $1000 a month which for the average person would be a nice bonus to content you'd be making anyway. getting a shitload of people to zerg your account with a chunk of what they make from using brave

>> No.13599241

That's exactly what he expected. It's this mentality that leads to a lot of the idiots on /biz/ being poorfags.

>> No.13599269


you act like an early bitcoin miner that thought BTC will not be above 36 cents ever?

>> No.13599284

I like the idea of bypassing the current ad based system but I still refuse to deal with ads even to support sites I enjoy

>> No.13599305

Is BAT the crypto equivalent of shitty pay to click browser bars that were trending 10 years ago?

>> No.13599314

are you fcking serious??
can someone confirm?

>> No.13599326

if you don't click them they don't go away

>> No.13599365

so if i simply close the corner pop-up ad, instead of clicking it to open the ad up in a new tab, i will still be credited wit the same amount of BAT??

>> No.13599381

idunno, what's the difference if you have to do something to close it?

>> No.13599397

As you've been told many times, Fuds Mackenzie, you don't have to click them. You are credited for exposure

>> No.13599405

go back fuckwad

>> No.13599426

Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region.

God damnit Brendan i want muh free cones

>> No.13599450

It's not meant to be a primary, secondary or tertiary source of income you dumb neet.

>> No.13599478

1 click closing the corner pop-up ad
1 click opening the corner pop-up ad + 1 click closing the subsequent full tab ad

>> No.13599500

brave is built on chromium you retard

>> No.13599570

Ads pay less in African countries, sometimes they pay nothing.

Also I am from Morocco, you guys are overstating what $5 can do.

>> No.13599580

when people say Africa they don't mean North Africa

>> No.13599848
File: 143 KB, 359x209, Grants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u Fokin wot m8. This is how much I have in free grants.

It's Free money, FREEEE.

>> No.13599860
File: 8 KB, 556x206, Grants2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still pending, so more to come.

I also have another 3.05 BAT right now in my browser from ads.


You have fucking neets sat doing surveys and stupid shit for cents, with this you get free shit for doing what you're already doing! Shitposting on 4chan or fapping.

It will easy double in future too.

>> No.13599865

I know, but I am exposed to Subsaharan Africa more as a result.

The price of basic necessities is kind of universal, the price of an egg or a chicken is kind of the same everywhere.

>> No.13599970

4.52/0.69 = 6,55 LINK => 65500$

>> No.13600068

It goes away on Mac if you set notifications to Banners instead of Alerts but not on Windows, hence the AutoHotKey script.

>> No.13600119

i couldnt agree more. BAT is fucking retarded.

>> No.13600357

Anybody else have the broken Claim button issue? I've seen the problem reported by a fair few people on the BAT forum, but no solution has been provided.

>> No.13600628

you dont get paid though...you get "bat tokens" which you can only give away to content creators lmfao who fell for this?

>> No.13600668

External wallets are an upcoming feature.

>> No.13600720

t. Brainlet who's not done the 2 mins of research to learn how to sign up as a Brave publisher.

I have a single fucking video on my Youtube account. 1.

I simply tip myself, how hard is it? How else do you think I got the £80+ of BAT in >>13599848

That's in my Uphold wallet btw, not the browser one. I own it. I can send it to an exchange and sell it for dollars, or buy BTC with it. For now I'll just wait for it to double.

Either way even if it was twenty pence, it's still free. FREE.

>> No.13600740

>Wanting to make a living wage by browsing the fucking internet

Get a job you delusional NEET.

>> No.13601550

dont click on them retard

>> No.13601679

You utter retard

>> No.13601702
File: 4 KB, 294x171, blown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
Venezuelans can make more than minimum wage by browsing the internet with brave browser

>> No.13601734

>thinks anything is free
The absolute state of batlets.

>> No.13601746

You still get the bat for just x'ing out.

Criticizing this is stupid. No one is doing this for a side job, just browse the internet as you usually would and make some free money. You could support content creators, put the money to some streaming subscription, or even just save it to withdraw. $50-$100 a year for just doing what I'm gonna do anyway without getting paid is awesome. Though I've heard withdraws will require some kyc stuff, don't really want to hand that over to some browser.

>> No.13601888

Blocks ads and you are getting pennies.

>> No.13602642

Have the devs spoke about adding Patreon support yet? Seems like it should be quite an early step to take.

>> No.13603203

What's the point of BAT when people already contribute to the creators they want to support already, and in cash?

>> No.13603641

if bat goes to $5 the reward for the same work will be <0.3 BAT. Do you even crypto? Useless shitcoin

>> No.13603662

Twitch has subs
subs use cash without 10% buying-in-to-crypto-fee

Youtubers have patreon
patreon supporters use cash without a 10% buying-in-to-crypto-fee

this is a useless fucking token

>> No.13603671

>buying something that is literally given out for free

>> No.13603684


>> No.13603772

Without BAT i wouldnt have made a single donation to these content producers. Im not going to create an account and pull out my wallet and spend my money. I rather spend the money i get for almost zero work with just a couple button clicks.

You BAT fudders are insufferable. Must be google jews

>> No.13604198

I might try it when withdrawing becomes a feature, creating my own "content creator" thing, even with a single video, it's too much work

>> No.13604358 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 1621x542, were_gonna_make_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to take some time to tell you about pi network.

All you need is a phone number or facebook account to sign up, after downloading the pi network app. This shit is so simple, normies will be all over it. You just hit a button, get your Pi from a faucet every 24 hours and you're done.

There are no exchanges yet because the project is still in alpha, test net is under development. If you join now you are early as fuck.

Download the pi network app, after that You need a referral code from an existing member to join, feel free to use mine.


>> No.13604403

you dont have to click he ads stupid faggot

>> No.13604691

you only get 15% of the BAT if you don't click the ads

you get 70% of the BAT if you click

Brave gets the remaining 30% because they're jewy fucks despite keeping 1/3 of BAT to themselves at the start

>> No.13604706


>> No.13604777

another pajeet thinking he's gonna get rich from viewing ads. Instead you can't focus on the fact that it's 3 BAT you did not have before. All for doing nothing you weren't already doing for free.

>> No.13604780

i think i remember reading it in the white paper
give me like 20 minutes to dig that up

>> No.13604791

this isn't for you faggot. your input/attention is literally worth nothing at all. a literal drain on resources with nothing to show for it.

>> No.13604879

I can find the 70% for the viewer with 30% going to brave

Can't find source for the 15% for not clicked ads (regular ads yous see on a website; not the ones that pop up in the corner that you click on for the 70%)

from what i remember, the non-clicked ads (aka on-site ads, like normal ads now) gets 15% for the user, like 15% to Brave (the fuckers) and the rest going to the site owner.

>> No.13604891

How do I withdraw BAT that I earned?

Oh wait, I can't. Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.13604935

found it:


" In the future, publishers will also be able to opt in and display indirect BAT Ads on their content for which they will receive 70% of ad revenue, and the user an additional 15%."

>> No.13605267
File: 1.01 MB, 1152x720, sammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey atleast you get bat in Australia they dont pay out.

>> No.13605364


>> No.13605671

>paying 5 dollars a month to never see ads when adblockers are literally free

>> No.13605711

They need to make it where the advertiser pays more BAT the longer you're on the webpage (and more if you interact/sign up for the service).

Instead of 0.05 BAT for clicking the link and closing, imagine getting 0.5 BAT for engaging with the ad

>> No.13605834

also, fuck Brave taking 30% of the cut for viewing adds. They're holding like 1/3 of all existing BAT, they have more than fucking enough.

Their cut should be closer to 5-10%

>> No.13605996

They need to redistribute it/have it available for companies to purchase though

>> No.13606082

The companies will purchase it on exchanges for a fair price, giving BAT users, holders, and content makers higher prices for the BAT they held.

Not buying from Brave by the millions so they make all the money off of it.

>> No.13606204

This cryptocurrency thing is scary, do you think marketing departments are going to use shady or even 'reputable' exchanges to buy BAT. Until crypto is mainstream and 'safe' they'll want to buy from Brave, safe with assurance.

>> No.13606342

They'll buy from coinbase, and get a bulk discount.