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13594312 No.13594312 [Reply] [Original]

I CHALLENGE YOU to make an account on seekingarrangement and look up the local girls in your area. You will find an astonishing amount of women whoring themselves out. There are just as much women on there as there are on the biggest dating website, match.com, and you'll find many women with duplicate profiles.

The amount of sheer whoring of modern women is just incredible. What a business. I wonder how many "single" women are secret whores on the side? Man, unbelievable. And its not just college students paying for school, you'll find plenty 30+ women too.

>> No.13594332

its amazing you've had to live this long to come to this realization

>> No.13594346

isn't it the oldest profession?

>> No.13594363
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Newsflash: every woman expects to receive something in exchange for sex.

>> No.13594373

I opened an account during the bull run. My portfolio was worth 500k. I'm a 6'5 good looking aryan as well, just autistic as fuck.

Most of the profiles were fake. The good looking college girls were flaky and didn't have good response rates. There was a girl who I had prostituted through an app several months prior. An 18 year old self proclaimed "model". I paid her 900$ of bitcoin for a few hours of sex. Would you believe that. I did end up meeting a middle aged estonian women who was annoying as fuck. It was basically soft prostitution as well, $300 per meeting. I had to pay for the hotel, and a rental car, because I'm a NEET and can't drive. So north of $500. We only had sex in one position. And she didn't like giving blow jobs. After that I ghosted her and she kept sending me nudes asking to meet up again for many months. But she did validate me very hard by saying I looked like a model and it made me question why I was paying at all.

I never went back on the site. The market tanked and I lost just about everything. Ended up going to college in the city. Made a tinder and ended up slaying much hotter girls like nobody's business every week, for nothing more than the cost of an uber ride. I can't believe I used to pay for sex.

>> No.13594460


>> No.13594477

This is a pill you don't want to swallow else you can never go back.

>> No.13594527

I have and it was shocking. I live in a small college town and saw several girls I know, which was pretty funny considering how prude most of them pretend to be. Also, I recognized several more from okcupid and match - of course on there, they want a nice, respectable guy for a long term, serious relationship. Shit's fucked, but at least I know when I make it I can forever bang younger hotties if I buy their textbooks.

>> No.13594540

This is a load of shit bro. Why? Because I recognize alot of the girls on seeking arrangement... I see many I went to school with and just seen around my town and area. This is just wishful thinking man... They are absolutely real and there are alot of hot girls on there willing to prostitute themselves for cash. I've known this shit for awhile looks like OP and others have been living under a rock. It's a fucking epidemic

>> No.13594562

Yes exactly. Alot of the girls I recognize too act prude and want a respectable man for a ltr, but then will whore themselves out and post NSA. Madness... Madness and stupidity.

>> No.13594573

I'm not saying they weren't. It's been a while desu. I know logistics was a limiting factor for me, because I live with parents. Hard to successfully LARP around that.

And you're right, I was amazed at how many seemingly normal girls were registered there. High school girls, townies, girls home from college break. But I live in a small town and cannot say that I saw a girl I actually knew, with the exception of one beautiful 18 y/o in my brother's grade who liked my profile. Still don't know if she told him

>> No.13594770

This. Why would you bring these feels back OP?

>tfw now you think twice about every cute pure looking girl you meet

>> No.13594826

Jesus christ kid do you not understand how targeted advertising works? Facebook sold your data and between that and your IP address I can find pictures of women you would probably know or recognize. Lol fucking pathetic

>> No.13594827

Is there a way /biz/ can profit off of this similar to the thot audit?

>> No.13594854

Learn to drive faggot

>> No.13594914

>he doesn't have a database of local whores to match his new date's face against

>> No.13594957

Dude every girl is a whore. Every Sunday a middle age dude drives to my apartment block in a Silverado to fuck a college girl upstairs

All illusions of love and romance have been destroyed by the sexual revolution

>> No.13595102


Fucking hell anons. I went on there and had this black pill hit me. Seeing girls I went to high school with offering themselves for money for textbooks of all things made me black pilled as fuck. And yes I question every good looking girl I see now. Slut probably has had old man cock in her mouth far too many times. It's gotten to the point where it's actually cucked to kiss a woman on the lips, unless she was a virgin. But LOL @ any anon who thinks they will snag themselves a virgin. The white picket fence dream is over, women killed it. Going forward I will simply avoid all females.

>> No.13595114

>sexual revolution

The perpetrators of it got nothing anyway lmao, that's the fucked up part. No one is banging those ugly fucking feminists or their ugly ass-with-glasses jew masters for free. What a bunch retards.

>> No.13595139

Numales will be

>> No.13595209
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I don't think the sexual revolution single-handedly killed the social bonds in communities though, which is literally what tradcons believe.
Sometimes I see these girls on Twitter whoring themselves out and going to raves getting pumped and dumped by Chads, and they also talk incessantly about how anxious and depressed they are, but somehow it is inconceivable to them that their degenerate lifestyle might be the cause of their depression and anxiety.
Can you imagine being a woman and not developing any trust with a strange man (who is always much bigger and stronger than You) and just giving up your pussy to him anyway? It sounds downright frightening to me. I don't understand how they bring themselves to do it.

>> No.13595468

Oh nose guise, let me guess it was "da joos"

Women like having sex and here's the kicker: they're smart enough to capitalize off of you shmucks. Give credit where credit is due, women are better hustlers than /biz/ incels

>> No.13595484


>> No.13595834

The reason the jews are behind the sexual revolution is because the outcome is less white people in existence... nothing else. The eternal jew hates whites with a passion.

>> No.13595888

smart enough to have a vagina and internet access what a time to be alive

>> No.13596284

This is the Only black Pill Biz won't swallow.
Im not a woman.

>> No.13597202
