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13592365 No.13592365 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you faggots are most all in on link?
Not taking total dollars, I mean life- how badly do you need it?
Need that thrill of risk and rush of the unknown to get my shriveled old peenor half hard

t. Oldfag with wife kids and 700k NW/200k in link

>> No.13592427

350k link here.

>> No.13592457

Not what im looking for

Tell me you have 350k link, no home and are all in on loans to buy link

>> No.13592463

>700k NW/200k in link
You fucking retard. All you need to do is buy 21 BTC and you'll make it with no risk. Instead you're a low IQ degenerate gambler. The absolute state of this board, Jesus Christ.

>> No.13592485

Because how else do you expect us to fund the 4th Reich?

>> No.13592496

Idiot I have a house worth $500k and two rentals worth $600k. My salary is $150k + options bringing total comp to $480k.

>> No.13592506

about a year ago my entire life was dependent on the success of link. Was filled with anxiety.
Now im back at school and learning about running a node as a hobbyist and feeling much better about it all.

>> No.13592534

i'd get a loan but no credit, i live with my parents and help them when i can, i wont disclose exact amount but im in the top 1k. if LINK does not moon then that means we are going to eventually lose our house, and probably have to move out of state.

>> No.13592563

I'm chronically depressed from a long time. I hold link because I know it's a winner and it's the most rational thing to do, but frankly I don't give a fuck if I will end rich or broke because my depression is here to stay

>> No.13592572

i quit drinking and going out to most social gatherings to put all my money into LINK, im in my early 20's, so it is tempting for me to go and enjoy things. but easy for me to make the needful sacrifices to be able to life my family out of poverty.

>> No.13592573

You understand investing is intrinsic value versus market sentiment right?
Prepare to die you genetic leftover.
All hat no cattle
You deserve to be cleansed like those you hate
So you're exactly who shouldn't reply to this thread
Now we're getting somewhere
Go on anon

>> No.13592584

The only reason I'm able to wageslave is because I have link. I cope with waging by knowing the possibility exists that someday I have enough money to ghost everyone.

>> No.13592585

>All hat no cattle

>> No.13592589

i still enjoy some things, but mostly have to wear the same old underwear, shorts, shoes, and shirts for months on end, until those things are literally falling apart and i have to go to the store in ripped shorts to buy more.

>> No.13592593

You're a contender. What percent of your total net work exists as an erc677 right now?
You exist in a state of equipose which is powerful
Have you done the requisite drugs for your situation eg lsd/mdma?

>> No.13592604

i have a rotting tooth, which i have been ignoring for over a year and a half. chunks of it fall off sometimes, but it does not cause any pain so far. i figure once link moons i could get all fuckin solid gold teeth implanted if i desired. *Laughs in american*

>> No.13592605
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>> No.13592611

Just remember I fucking a toad-a-so when Daddy Bitcoin rapes your altcoin's asshole and proceeds to become the world's reserve currency. You could have made it but instead you were busy gambling.

>> No.13592616

Good start. More details.
Love you too nigger

>> No.13592619
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100%. I've been shown things by an invisible force, to keep it blunt.

>> No.13592626

>Have you done the requisite drugs for your situation eg lsd/mdma?
I did everything, nothing worked. Sorry but I'm not looking for solutions anymore

>> No.13592634
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>> No.13592657

Not link but I'm 24 with nothing to my name besides 25k book value on small cap weed stocks.

Down 41% as of today's market close.

My hands are steel though. I will not sell. I will DCA in perpetuity until I receive my gains or every single one of my positions goes to zero.

>> No.13592662

30 yo boomer, live with mommy. I have a full body autoimmune condition that also gives me schizophrenic episodes when it flares up. It leaves me inflamed, exhausted and stupid for days at a time. Because I'm a burger and insurance/traditional doctors don't know how to fix my problem, I have to pay out of pocket for all treatments and testing (has averaged out to ~$1100 a month for the past year) for which I pay with credit cards. When I'm not sick, I scrap together odd jobs doing construction, IT work, yard care, tree removal etc. for cash. Besides food, gas and the minimum payments on my debt, I exclusively buy link. I recently sold my truck, and instead of clearing out my debt with the proceeds, I've bought more Link. I'm about to sell my motorcylce, you know where that money's going to go. My family knows something is wrong but I ignore their calls and in person I misdirect them by sharing nothing about my life besides the illness and then asking about their lives. I can probably keep it up for another year or two but my long distance girlfriend will break up with me if I do that so I don't know what I'm gonna do. Just gonna keep buying link and declare bankruptcy or KMS when it doesn't work, I suppose. How's that for all in?

>> No.13592663

You sound like a non American.
Are you?
You nazi larpfags could not be more retarded
Pick one:
>Live as genetic kings among a society where your children are guaranteed success
>Muh reich where every opportunity in life is fought over by tall, good looking high IQ chads

You unbelievable mouthbreathing wastes of life

>> No.13592669
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Christ... you might want to at least get a suicide stack of 1k anon.

>> No.13592676

Same here fren, I'm close to making it already and it makes no difference

>> No.13592689

i took on a second job, sold 90% of my personal belongings and traded my commuter for a work van that i currently live in so that i could maximize my accumulation. i already run a testnet node and my solidity improves every day. 75% LINK 25% LP. i love the taste of rice and beans. you faggots will never know how it feel to be in this deep.

>> No.13592692

i am all in. every dollar that comes goes into link. i have no interest in getting a job. my life is counting on link.

>> No.13592696
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I am ashamed to admit i am a burger. yes. :(

>> No.13592698

Thank you for sharing your wisdom in early stage tech investing. I can't wait to hear more from the thousands of 110IQ losers who think they get it
Dont keep it blunt, tell the truth coward
I will guess you smoke every day and will end up a waste of life like all those who do
Lewy body? AS? This sounds like a neurotic faggot self diagnosing. What objective lab tests do you have to justify this?

>> No.13592700


>> No.13592710

>my entire understanding of the world comes through Jewish media
You have no concept of how civilizations last through time.

>> No.13592720

You know what it sucks the most? That I'm not suicidal, never was. So I just keep going in this hell. Now I'm at the point where I don't leave my bed at all except for rarely eating and to take a shit, waiting to go full vegetative

>> No.13592733

How much do you have?

>> No.13592760
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Tell me, young lady, how sweet is the ketchup you drizzle on your beans?

>> No.13592778

Im wealthy already. Crypto has that scammy feel.
that being said I decided to puchase $50k of LINK . Im sitting on 2 wallets with 226K LINK.
I never think about crypto. Only learned of Biz 2 weeks ago. this is such a loser pit. Im grateful not to be apart of the stigma.
Ill check back in a few months losers

>> No.13592790

more than most, less than some, and entirely not enough

>> No.13592810

At such a young age no matter what happens I'm structurally short on the market. I can lose 90% of my position value and all it means is I'm getting a better deal than yesterday. Obviously quick gains would be nice but I actually done lose any sleep over it.

>> No.13592816

I live in 3rd world shithole and all i had in life was a 2011 ford fiesta which i sold for 5k$ and went all in link, if link fails ill just kms

>> No.13592874

Ironically interesting. Link is $10000 tomorrow, what is your plan?
Explain your thought processes more. It is illogical to want to make it with no upside.
Explain then
My people have been ruling the world since time immemorial
Teach me how we can better crush you
Why not go full bore eg life ending stuff like heroin or meth? That is more logical than wallowing in sorrow.

>> No.13592881

I have no single diagnosis, all I know are the symptoms and the things I have done to treat it which have worked. It started out with active epstein barr, a chronic MRSA infection in my sinuses (both diagnosed by an MD), and these 'manic schizo' episodes that would flare up with high physical stress or certain foods. MD treated the MRSA and got the EBV under control but the chronic inflammatory condition remained and he told me that it was likely I had an AI disorder that wasn't detectable with ANA tests, so he referred me to another doc who specializes in treating AI issues via gut health and diet. This doc gave me stool dna tests, piss organic acids tests and saliva cortisol tests, found that I had a few parasites and high numbers of problem causing bacteria in my stool (c. diff, h. pylori, morganella) and my organic acids and hormone levels were drastically low (especially cortisol. at midday my cort). He called this leaky gut and adrenal fatigue. And prescribed a variety of supplements and herbs to help eradicate the parasites as well as support normal hormone production, both of which have helped - test results are clear, i have fewer reactions to food and have more energy in general, but stress and slipups in diet still lay me out for a few days.

>> No.13592884

What I perceive as God has been trying to tell me and my family about crypto since BTC was around 1$. I was around 14-15 years old at the time, and had just been learning about how the federal reserve controls the supply of USD that is created, and pretty much was red pilled about all sorts of financial conspiracies against the people of the United states, and ultimately the world, I knew a lot of different things in regards to how our money sucked, even bought silver, but never read the bitcoin white paper and made the connection between BTC and a valuable, scarce cryptographic asset. I continued to look more into BTC when it was around 100$ but it was because of my interest at the time with the darknet market place, i never bought any BTC but I watched the market and was planning to buy some, and literally watched it go from 100$ to 1k$ over night. that was insasne and i pretty much left crypto alone after that, i wish i had not but it is what it is, for a while after i fucked around with growing mushrooms, and realizing my connection with God. I went through a long transformation as a human being, traveling homeless on the streets, being a witness to the true nature of humanity, which is neither inherently good or bad, just what you manifest i suppose. I learned that my family is the most important thing in the entire world to me, my blood family. I went back home and tried to manifest wealth, I have always wanted to be wealthy since i was a child, so i knew this was it, i realized I wasnt a helpless child and that somehow someway i was going to make sure my family was going to be okay, this was in 2016-2017. i got seriously into crypto in july '17, i kept running into 2 people i knew from my childhood for some reason and eventually learned they were both in crypto and making a good amount of money from it. so i asked about it and learned along the way, about one month in i made a rookie mistake and cleared my browsing history with Etherdelta..

>> No.13592910

>Link is $10000 tomorrow, what is your plan?
Holding till someone finds the final cure for depression, than pay whichever price there's to pay to get that treatment

>> No.13592914

Yeah, how much
Free speech canary confirmed
You bought a competitive ICO on a whim? None of this is true.
Too cowardly to post facts on an anonymous Albertian fish tickling forum. Kill yourself and spare us the suffering of your offspring.
Brains and balls. Godspeed anon.

>> No.13592922

Edgelord, kys.

>> No.13592930

So you're normal.
Welcome to humanity faggot.
A loving God is looking out for you
Might wanna, you know, participate and stuff

>> No.13592934

You realize you have nowhere to go this time unless we let you keep your desert home? The Internet is archiving everything in HD, awareness is spreading rapidly globally, we won't forget again.

>> No.13592949

Next and probably last thing to try, if I will manage to get out of bed, no plan to do so for the foreseeable future. Probably I'm done

>> No.13592960

Kek, yes, everyone swells up, gets a bloody nose and has a coughing fit followed by days of schizophrenic delusions when they eat a chocolate bar. It happens all the time, how could I have missed that.

>> No.13592968

Greetings fellow leafistani.

>> No.13592976

on my tabs, i did not back up my private key like i thought i had, so that cost me 500$ worth of DICE (lmao) and i almost gave up on crypto, i told one of my friend what i did and he helped me out with .15 BTC at the time which was the equivalent of what i lost. from there i got a ledger and continued to put money into crypto and pretty much lose it through shit trades. i really sucked at it, i barelyhit over 10K$ ath in the bull run and i had put in over 3K$ in the market a few months before hand. my trading as definitely affect by my drinking, which i was pretty much always drunk. around Jan. 2018 i fucked up really bad and almost got sent to prison for 10 years for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, i had did this while on a drinking binge. by some miracle those charges got dropped, and i only got stuck with a misdemeanor, so i still struggled with drinking for a while, but i started to do some LSD that id get from people i ran into in the crowds i hang around in, these trips eventually led to me quitting alcohol, but right before i did, on one important trip i was desiring the answer to which crypto would eventually have the highest ROI and a cube shape kept appearing in different ways, i knew this was meant to be the LINK cube, i had not really understood LINK at the time, so i wrote it off as another trip, just seeing what i wanted to see.
over the next few months after that, after i quit drinking, the signs, the symbolism all made sense, these things are like a calling card to other people who understand these symbols. BTC represents the Sun. Eth. the moon. LINK saturn. these will be the holy 3 of crypto. so when i realized all of this i started to heavily accumulate LINK and started to read up anything i could find on it until i ended up on this crazy ass mexican commando sign language board. im obviously no author, i only ever got a GED and im high as fuck right now.

>> No.13592981

Hey fellow /biz/raelis,

right now I really need chainlink because when I got kicked out (18)by my parents I was a retard and thought I could keep on partying and live off the easy, but good paying job I had at the time.

I lost that job around the time I was turning 19. After that I worked some garbage jobs like domino's or at the local supermarket. But they pay extremely low minimum wage (like 5 euros/hr at that age). The Netherlands by the way.

I have lost my apartment 2 times now and I live in a student room that's very cheap.

Im holding 2k chainlink and I hope it will be enough to get me out of this shit a and start over.

Wish me luck frens.

>> No.13593008

>world reserve currency
lmao the most delusional thing I've ever read here, 1000x worse than xrp nigger delusion

>> No.13593011

theres a lot of details im leaving out but basically over the years ive been observan of all types of symbolism mixed with knowledge of the worlds monetary history, and it is some sort of expression for them. among many other forms of (((theyre))) expression.

>> No.13593022


>> No.13593043

whatever you do don't sell those tokens, eat shit for 2$ an hour if you have to, just dont sell your tickets to freedom!!

>> No.13593049
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You do know if they legalize it people can just grow the weed themselves right? It's a weed ffs...weed stocks never pay off. Go Link, Tezos, Ark, XRP and BSV. You're welcome.

>> No.13593057

I am, top 1k stink marine here. all by the sweat and labor of my own hands, blessed with a job that pays well.

>> No.13593078

You think "My people have always ruled" is a reference to me being a Jew? Are you completely retarded? Jews haven't even really existed on the world stage for most of history.
Look at the nations that have ruled the world. I am their child.
Why would you hesitate? Your story doesn't make sense
You have a thousand generations of ancestors looking down on you. Do you think your sniffles are the worst thing any of them went through?
Die coward.
Fuck Canadians. You're the faggots too pussy to get freedom after we earned it
Seriously, fuck you
Again, a loving God is protecting you
You're too good to work the jobs I did when I was 19. Fuck you
He is literate and read a book. Let him feel special.
How did people start fearing Jews?
I understand being annoyed by them, but fearing is utterly retarded

>> No.13593084

im a mover, it really sucks as a job, but i figure if i can just do the work i can stop if i have enough LINKS when it takes off, which i do, which i wont blow like a fool. been doing this shitty ass job for 2.5 years now, by shitty i just mean the acutal labor, my boss and my coworker are okay most of the time. i just have to do it. i really do stink in real life.. :(

>> No.13593107

maybe its not the Jews, but the ones that call ((themselves)) of the house of Israel but are of some other mysterious nomadic tribe.

>> No.13593110

You're at the very least spiritually kike

>> No.13593141

"I will cause some belonging to Satan's synagogue who say that they themselves are Jews, and are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall at your feet and know for certain that I have loved you."

>> No.13593156

>Why would you hesitate? Your story doesn't make sense
Because that's how true depression works. It's not crying/being sad all day, it's the lack of emotions, energy, willing, everything. Frankly I don't remember what being 'normal' feels like, so I'm unable to desire it as much as a blind from birth wants to see the color red

>> No.13593188

should try some mushrooms with someone who is experienced and will look out for you, could change your life around. those things help you be more open minded to realizing your connection with a higher power.

>> No.13593192

People can grow their own tobacco too but Phillip Morris gets the charge 50 cents a smoke still. As long as the sector isn't immediately commoditized (which it would have been by now, spot price us stable at $2/g) I see a lot more potential reward than potential risk.

>> No.13593216

yea, but LINK is going to eventually affect almost every transaction that happens from day to day for hundreds of millions of people. 1K$ EOY is not a meme, it is fud.

>> No.13593223

Got 28k link
I need to have the hope that things might get better some day. With out that I wouldn't get out of bed to wagecuck another day. No point

>> No.13593231

>realizing your connection with a higher power
I tried to fall for this hippie bullshit but truth is that I want to shit and cum blood for the lulz on your 'higher power', being that god, the universe, mother nature, you name it

>> No.13593232

I'm literally all in with 14k link
but I live in third world so you could say I basically have 42k link in theoretical "make it" measurement

>> No.13593265

thats your choice fren, with an attitude like that you will never make it. some were never meant to and its not their choice, you go do that, I hope its the most satisfying shit of your entire life that you have an epiphany. you just never know.

>> No.13593294

>he thinks his ancestors don't look down on him for berating people over the internet
Lad, wew.

>> No.13593308

when i started off doing mushrooms i thought the ideas of God and Christ were wrong, but eventually you come around, there are many expressions of the divine. enjoy your stay and come again!!!!

>> No.13593309

I've been living off credit cards for the last year while looking for a job. I put any liquid cash that I could into LINK. My net worth is negative and my LINK stack is pretty sad. Finally looks like a got a real job coming up, and now it's too expensive to meaningfully accumulate.......I'm moving back in with my dad next month (job is 100% travel time so I'll rarely be there) and will dump everything except my minimum CC payment into LINK. Hoping for a big dip so I can stack 100K before it takes off. I just want to run a node for 5-10 years.

>> No.13593314

what are you sitting around now?

>> No.13593361

>thats your choice fren
>some were never meant to and its not their choice
You clearly don't understand depression, you have to go through it to fully know how it is. Believe it or not it's like your telling to a cripple that if he doesn't win the Olympics it's only a choice of him. Now call me bullshit all you want, but still lack of choice is a thing
Sadly I get paranoid with weed already, and I mean clinically paranoid, so I suspect that shrooms are a no go for me. I can't even have a beer without getting a panic attack from a very long time, and I used to get shamefully wasted

>> No.13593380

believe it or not, it's pretty tought ot get a real job. And if I sign up for some bullshit job that won't allow me to pay my bills, I won't have time to look for another job with risking getting fired. New job looks to be fine though.

>> No.13593421

I'm too autistic to have a normal life, I tried self employment and it didn't work out, I'll never have a normal social life and the depression anxiety combo is too strong, I was ready to kill myself a year ago but then I decided to give investing a chance and went all in link after doing some research. It at least gave me a reason to wake up in the morning, something to look forward to in the future and follow the evolution of. It's all really obvious to me but maybe I'm wrong. I just want to make it modestly so I can neet peacefully without distressing about being a failure. If it doesn't work out within the next 5 years then I've already made my peace with my exit plan.

>> No.13593423

well, im sorry you are going through that, you are right, i probably don't truly understand what you are going through. If you don't believe in a higher power is there for you that is okay, im here for you if that matters to you at all. im a real being, and i hope you can truly figure out a way out of your rut. try some mdma maybe? :P

>> No.13593430

no, im sorry, i meant LINK stack size, what amount are you sitting around on?

>> No.13593436

>im here for you if that matters to you at all. im a real being, and i hope you can truly figure out a way out of your rut
Nice try but nothing, thanks anyway. Godspeed

>> No.13593447

how old are you?

>> No.13593468

low five figures

>> No.13593482
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it will be enough, just hold on and don't blow your money like a moron, you are going to make it.

>> No.13593496

30 yo boomer

>> No.13593510
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just don't kill yourself, you have made it this far, you found LINK, hold on, enjoy the show as much as you can.

>> No.13593581

Literally what I planned, to not kill myself and to not fucking sell, because I can't do anything else

>> No.13593620
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Good luck bros

>> No.13593631

you might be depressed, but you are at least smarter than 99% of the retards here by default with plans like that. good luck fren.

>> No.13593645
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you too fren!

>> No.13593648

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

>> No.13593653

>you are at least smarter than 99% of the retards here
Probably it's part of the problem but whatever, nothing that I can change

>> No.13593735

it does if you believe enough.