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1357698 No.1357698 [Reply] [Original]

"Attention Trump Fans

Many Trumpcoin holders and directors believe Trumpcoin is being seriously damaged by the chaotic management of pajeet dev.

His moderated thread is anti free speech and doesn't accurately reflect the community behind the Trumpcoin Project. He is currently holding the Trump Fund hostage and talking to himself on 6 different accounts. Sad!

He doesn't understand that this project is about the community and about Trump, not just one person. That's why it's time for the honest Trump holders to wrest control away from the current dev through a hostile takeover.

Primary objectives:

1. Bring Trump holders onto the Trump Team
2. Find someone reliable to hold the new Trump Fund, they will need to be at minimum a public figure whose honesty and devotion to Trump is without question and some experience with crypto (e.g. Milo)
3. Build up the Trump Fund / try to take control of the existing Trump Fund

All the links you need are here, minus the lightweight .rocks site:

If we pull together we truly can Make Crypto Great Again despite the corruption and the special interests!!"

>TrumpCoin finished 8th out of 50 coins and is being considered for the beta!
Be sure to email the exchange frequently to consider Trumpcoin for the beta admin@rawx.io


>What is TrumpCoin?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A0KzoFuOLQ [Embed]

>Introducing: TrumpCoin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMM-X0mDonI [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbM6WbUw7Bs [Embed]

>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin

>> No.1357705

Who cares if he's holding the Trump Fund, just make a SIMPLE DONATE BUTTON! To donate USD, not fucking TrumpCoin. Let the DEVs buy BTC>TRUMP with the USD. Get a real time converter to tell the donator "You donated xxx amount of Trumps with your USD."

Also just because some cuck is holding 200k trumps doesn't mean shit, he doesn't run the project anymore no one gives a shit about him. Collectively we have more trumps than he does all we need to do is recover the market once he dumps. Fuck him and his trumps.

>> No.1357711
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Bitinator here. Im holding you guys do your thing ill keep tradeing and holding and see how this plays out l!

>> No.1357713
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This, make sure you have that real time convertor and actually start using just one official website for TrumpCoin so it looks more professional and we can get more investing into this

But Pajeet has got to go

>> No.1357722

Donating with usd probably going to be difficult to get started almost certain require legal work? Yea, better be USA or UK lawyers none o that Nigeria.

>> No.1357723

We are this coin now. Power has switched hands.
Looking forward to getting back to the high energy posts we had throughout the last week and the videos.

>> No.1357725

>Power has switched hands
Not yet.

>> No.1357726

Where does one buy Trumpcoin with BTC?


>> No.1357728

c-cex or yobit

>> No.1357729

buy some for the trumpfund while its cheap brother

we can save this coin and your small contribution now will raise the value of your potential investment a hundredfold

>> No.1357733


OH fuck that, not registering on yet another exchange.

And I see the price plummeted once again. Man these shitcoins are just not worth the time.

>> No.1357735
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There needs to be serious talks about the new fund IMO, and a coordination group needs to be made to take over TRUMPcoin

People will know that TRUMP is back when there's a new fund set up, this needs to be done quickly, otherwise people will lose faith in the coup. People trust actions over words.

This can't wait. We can't let chicken and his tantrums run the memewaves

>> No.1357737

>I see the price plummeted once again
You must be new.

Personally, at this point I don't even care about losing money.
This whole shitstorm is way too entertaining to ignore but I would have no interest in following it if I had no money in it.

>> No.1357739

"Chicken consistently sockpuppets himself on both his current thread and the previous, using the same formatting and syntax for every account he uses to agree with himself. He's clearly slipped away from pursuing a future for the coin and is more concerned with reactionary bullshit and narcissistic assertions.

CantStump is an entirely different person and I can say that as someone who has seen the two of them interact outside of the context of these threads. They live on different sides of the world and have very different ideas for the coin, with CantStump's clearly focussing on more realistic promotion strategies as well as an overall more transparent promulgation of information. His "disappearance" was him off a computer for a few days with his family which he's been perfectly fine with admitting and if not for chicken's ridiculous rant the coin would've rocketed then stabilised at 15 stats as opposed to the dwindling amount it is now. Every time chicken makes an emotionally heated comment the price lowers and the mere mention of his removal is raising the price as we speak. He made CantStump the dev and needs to live with the decisions he makes.

His constant question dodging, deletion of dissent and overall scattered demeanour bode poorly for the coin and do not reflect an image representative of a Trump-tied currency. This coin is about the community and Trump, not the solipsistic desires and beliefs of a dev who has consistently acted unprofessionally and downright ridiculously. The marketing team have been very active on /biz/ and any comments they've attempted to make have been deleted or scorned by chicken's irrationality.

Notice how this thread isnt moderated? Why might that be?

Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise"

Chicken is welcome to remain a participant of the community, but his attention seeking and drama need to go."

interesting stuff comin from the new thread

>> No.1357743


The big content guys are sleeping atm i think but when they wake up we must take action asap and start expanding on the meme infrastructure.

>> No.1357744
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Also if anyone has some hard evidence in favor of cantstump and his character, it would be a good idea to go over to the bitcointalk thread and give the guy legitimacy. He will be the frontman of the new project, we can't afford to have him tainted by the pajeeti stench. People need to know he's a separate person to trust TRUMPcoin again

>> No.1357745

Fuck off r/cryptowolves, everybody playing in your game knows its a pump and dump and is trying to play themselves. There are no soccer moms dumping money into your shitcoin.

>> No.1357747


Isn't it obvious that the altcoin/shitcoin business model is ALWAYS to seize a few thousand Bitcoins from naive morons and then cash them out in fiat?

It's a low risk business, that's why there's so many shitcoins. You need to know a bit of code, use Bitcoin sourcecode, modify it, shill it and then if you're lucky, you can steal a few hundred thousand in Bitcoin.

>> No.1357750

>He made CantStump the dev
You know that those are just words?

There's various people holding various assets right now but the problem is that pajeet is holding the fund. Although that may or may not even matter.
The marketing guys can definitely drive the coin up a bit without any involvement from the pajeet.

I'd argue that most people here are well aware of that but decide to keep their mouth shut.

>> No.1357752

The price is still at 6k at the moment, 200 000 coins for a new fund would be nothing for a whale, let alone several whales

>> No.1357756

The very thing about trumpcoin is that it has potential to be bought by "soccer moms" and normies in general.

>> No.1357764


Why would anyone bother?

>> No.1357765

Because trump is a huge meme and most people are idiots.

>> No.1357766

y'all need to get into the new thread, if it generates more traffic than pajeet's it legitimises the movement to oust him

>> No.1357770

Here is my proposal to ensure that Trumpcoin continues to live. We can bring it back, but under very precise conditions.

1. The new fund must be divided by different trusted holders. The new devteam must be willing to split a four/three way of the fund.

2. These new devs must prove that they are all different people. Chicken is confirmed to be british, so I suggest a photo of themselves, and a vocaroo of them saying something. I can tell if you're scottish or not.

3. Most likely, if pajeet holds his fund, it doesn't matter what he does. If he sells, we have more money to soften the blow. If he actually donates it to Trump, then more the merrier, so there's really no concern. We need to forget about him, though monitor what he does.

We can do this. We are many people, and Pajeet is only one person. We have the power, one person. For Trump, for prosperity, for America. We the PEOPLE.

>> No.1357773

tensai really wants this to end

>> No.1357776

I have a simple question here.

What actual proof do we have that Pajeet is the one that fucked us all over? I know the original BitTalk thread is propaganda, but I don't know how I can trust CantStump.

Where's the crumb trail?

>> No.1357779

His marketing ideas were kind of shit, people called him out, he got buttmad and the whole drama in the thread made a lot of people dump their coins.

That's about it. I don't think the accusations of him dumping the fund are true.

>> No.1357780

There's no proof that he is Pajeet either, it maybe possible that Pajeet's accounts are spreading this rumor to kill our coup.

>> No.1357784

he just wants groundfloor on a new coin everyone else will do the work for
this is the plan as i can tell, the intention with all the devs is to accept skype calls as to show they are different people
his reactions and deletions of thread comments as well as repeated samefagging on his own thread isnt a good sign

all my experiences with cantstump have been solid and even if you dont like him, responsibility would likely be shared with him, the marketing guy, the video guy and potentially signal 7 (who got his comments deleted by pajeet)

>> No.1357786
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Let's give TrumpCoin ownership to the folks at TrumpGeneral over in/pol/. They will happily remove kebabs, tacos and pajeet from the project and put it on the right track. Also, it's known that Trump campaign employees camp out in there so we'd be closer to an endorsement.

>> No.1357787


People are idiots, people can leave their responsibility in time of need and be gone for 48 hours when a person is singlehandedly crashing the coin. It can happen, not plausibe, but can definitely happen.

People do not leave their investments unattended though during a 75% price crash. Can'tstump was there and he was trading, he chose not to answer questions because that benefitted him. he's obviously working with chicken open your fucking eyes.

they are sitting on a ton of coins now and they are happy to run game on the community for their own profit. move on to new things, this is over. next step for them is phasing chicken out for good and escrowing the fund trying to create a new pump.

I and many more will personally work hard for the facts to be on the table so that never happens

>> No.1357789

No, /pol/ is too densed, and too unorganized.

>> No.1357790

>Trump campaign employees camp out in there

>bringing a scam coin closer to the actual trump campaign
If you actually think this is a good idea you need to get out before you start losing large amounts of money.

>> No.1357793

Cantstump was here though, that's the guy who has been making rumors to crash Trumpcoin for hours.

It is however true that the fair way to settle this is with a public announcement by cantstump, to bury this "cantstump is chicken" meme once and for all

>> No.1357794

>implying that everyone visits the trump general
>implying that the people who do aren't dedicated as fuck.

>> No.1357797


They weren't "kind of" shit, they were just shit. Utter diarrhea shit.

His grand scheme to get the endorsement was to spam twitter with a poorly photoshopped picture of a bag, with some increadibly creepy text added below.

>> No.1357800

if you need proof pajeet =/= cantstump

he just deleted two posts referencing the new fund on his orwellian thread

pajeet is such a renegade dipshit who's bombing the coin and we're luckily at an early enough stage to still jettison him

>> No.1357801

There's no confirmation that pajeet even scammed anything, just a strong suspicion. But even if he didn't scam, it's obvious he is a retard. In fact even if he did scam he's a retard, because he popped his own bubble. He's in general just a guy who cucks himself due to his ego and stupidity.

TRUMPcoin can rise, the coup just needs to be legitimized, the memes need to get running. Wait a week, then start building ties to the media again once the coup team are firmly in charge

>> No.1357805

they do not have to be the same fucking person to be working together you fucking idiots lmao

they worked together to crash this coin to accumulate coins

stop caring about the fucking charades where they disagree in public, do you think they're gonna sit there and suck eachothers dicks? it's important for their plan that the public thinks they are unaffiliated

>> No.1357808

If they're such brilliant scammers why did they pop their own bubble? The behavior of chicken isn't explainable even assuming that he is scamming, unless he is pretending to be a retard for no discernible reason.

>> No.1357810

he's genuinely a retard m8

if you've been watching, people in the thread basically act as his wranglers and he turns on someone new every third week

>> No.1357814


To buy up more coins to sell off after things start to get better once chicken gets "removed" and things start going up again?

Sell out, make a ton of cash, buy up the remains, pump it back up again and sell out again.

>> No.1357822

Why do that with a coin which has the potential to repeat the success of Ron Paul coin then? Even if he's just in it for the money, shouldn't he play out his scam for bigger gains?

>> No.1357826
File: 25 KB, 1075x383, RPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the success of Ron Paul coin then

What success? RPC only peaked at 450k USD and collapsed afterwards. TRUMP has already double the impact

>> No.1357829

i'm a newb but my opinion is this.

the takeover is being rushed, or it may not even be needed.

i dont understand much, but it feels like Chicken is too involved in this for us to actually be able to overthrow him.

say we do it and we manage to bring in more fresh blood. anyone with half a brain will do his research before investing in this, and will eventually find the whole drama and be turned off. most of all, we cannot stop Chicken from talking, we cannot delete all the posts and threads, and there's no way to hide the fact that he is the creator of the project. the whole thing isn't as "transparent" anymore as it was originally marketed to be.

finally, i think everyone is giving Chicken way too much shit and is being led by their emotions. let him run the show for a little bit, see what he does in a week or two. there's plenty of time until november, which i believe will be the true turning point for the coin.

if within two weeks we see he isn't doing shit and only brings the coin down then we can proceed with the take over

>> No.1357831
File: 86 KB, 604x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related its an idea i have to secure the trumpfund out of everyones hands i would be willing to help uf chicken65 is willing to cooperate and put the 200,000 coins in a safe cold storage wallet with a passphrase that wont be lifted until a specific date.

>> No.1357834

In two weeks this will be a distant old meme, all the hype that has been built will have been disappeared, and chicken knows jack shit about increasing the profile of TRUMPcoin

Also the people who were running the Trump meme wave were people too, do you really think they want to work for a project which is run by a guy who is either a total retard, a scammer or both?

>> No.1357836

>the true turning point for the coin
It sure will be a turning point.
And when I say "turning point", I mean "if-you-didn't-cash-out-already-you're-fucked turning point"

>> No.1357837
File: 98 KB, 1484x438, sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.1357842

this is genius

>> No.1357844

If you are good friends with chicken, bitinator, you need to tell him to go. People have faith in TRUMP but not him, and he's not getting back the trust people had in him.

Nobody is telling him to leave his investments, just his control on the TRUMPcoin project.

Also a safe wallet would be a good idea, but if it were possible the fund should be watched over by more than one person, including preferrably someone who is a Trump supporter but not a trumpcoin insider

>> No.1357846

CantStump is currently asleep

He will be online likely in the next 12-24 hours but remember the guy has a job and a family

Prior to then, chill out but something's gotta go down with this chicken sitch

>> No.1357857


i think powerblock was right all along

>> No.1357873

right about what?

>> No.1357875

Chicken pm'ed me and I replied with this

I have been a fan of this project since day one, and with all the stuff that has been going on lately, I understand a lot of people are mad at each other right now. I may not be a die hard trump supporter, but I definitely do not want any of the other candidates besides him to win. I do care about my monetary investment, but I also care about this community as well. If I only cared about money I would have sold my whole 150k stack at the peak, but I didn't. I sold 2 or 3 thousand. I don't doubt you as being honest anymore, as the recent events have shown the truth. However, many of the people want the trump fund to be moved somewhere safe, not because you are untrustworthy, but because it adds a bigger sense of legitimacy to our project. If you do this, I am sure a lot of the hatred and FUD will begin to dissipate. I am willing to donate more to the trump fund, I am willing to stay by the project, and I am willing to support our community. I am hoping we can stay on good terms from now on. If you are willing them so am I.
Just hear me out. Thanks.

Regards, Depredation

>> No.1357880

Stop talking with him, let him die in his shit, Dep.

Help us take him down.

>> No.1357888

YCC: Young Conservative Coin

>> No.1357895

did you see his post in the coup thread

he's getting arrogant and openly antagonistic towards people who suggest alternatives to his control and is doing his best to "schill" other people as the reason for the current pricing (as though it hasnt dropped 1k sats every time he opens his retarded fucking mouth)

>> No.1357900

Let him kill his reputation.

>> No.1357902

He's lost the trust of the TRUMPcoin community, that is all that counts. He isn't getting it back with empty promises.

That's all there is to it.

He isn't even on /biz/, why would anyone trust him?

>> No.1357909


his 5k buy orders he said would get filled in a few days B)

>> No.1357912

You guys need to call him the fuck out in the thread he can neither close nor delete people in aka cantstumps

>> No.1357914

Well if I can get the fund moved then that's a start.
If not, I don't know what I will do.

>> No.1357916

we make another one

at these prices it wouldnt be too hard

>> No.1357918


This is perfect.

As to how to wrest control from Chicken65:

We simply ignore Chicken. It's that simple. His "Trumpfund" and whatever coins he has, he may do with as he likes. It's his "payment" for creating the coin.

The true devs that have been doing the hard work for the coin can organize and advertise the real website, the real threads, etc. THe threads and crap that Chicken65 does can be disavowed, and simply cast out as a rogue "Trumpcoin fan".

This way, Chicken65 can feel as if he is part of the project in his twisted little mind, when he is not.

Also, Leadership of the project needs to be moved from CantStump if we can confirm that CantStump is indeed Chicken65.

>> No.1357920

i feel like selling it all get my 12 dollars back and investing in monero or some other shit that actually goes up

>> No.1357923

guys who is Sebastion?

>> No.1357928

>12 dollars

Just keep those in case this somehow takes off again.

>> No.1357929

thats exactly it suddenly he's open to an unlitigated escrow from one of the "trusted guys around here" but not a public figure like fucking milo

he's pulling shit again

>> No.1357931

The greedy Trumpshills will stop at nothing to get a few bucks of "easy money", even if that means getting their meme Fuhrer's name smeared in another shitcoin fraud scheme. When this shitcoin tanks and the story leaks to the MSM Trump will get his ass served to him by Hillary in the debates. You don't even realize that you're giving her the ammo, do you?
I hope all the Conservacucks will enjoy 8 years of Madam President, she will finally finish what Barack started. That is what you all deserve. You are literally ready to sell your Le MAGA Great Leader for a handful of shekels.

>> No.1357933

Believe me, CantStump has been working hard

Him and chicken are about as different a set of people as you could find.

>> No.1357937

well you seem objective

>> No.1357938

>he think people are in this because of politics

>> No.1357940
File: 179 KB, 2434x626, Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 3.00.14 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to track down and murder this retard, literally everything he says seems to get worse and worse

jesus fucking christ

>> No.1357946

He made fun of a handicapped reporter on stage and didnt get stumped, some stupid memecoin isn't gonna take him down. Trump is bulletproof tbqh

>> No.1357948

Can't stump is most likely not Chicken.
WHen he come son, I'm sure he will prove it.

Right now, you're right. We can entirely ignore Chicken. Let him keep his fund. If he cares so much, he can donate

>> No.1357949

Sebastian is a very well trusted escrow on the site, he does transactions, holds funds, and does swaps for many different coins, so he is trustworthy; however, I don't know how that would look from the outside world; he's still an anonymous person on a forum.

As for Cantstump, he is a real person, who is now being silenced by chicken on the moderated thread.

>> No.1357952

So should I buy back in or not?

>> No.1357954
File: 600 KB, 2432x1380, Screen Shot 2016-07-04 at 3.02.43 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ this bitbobb shit hes pulling is fucking retarded

he's basically setting up the escrow thing as an "option" so that the "investors" in the thread and discourage it

that way when he elects to keep it it seems like hes operating based on majority concensus

this is so fucking retarded man, can this cunt at least pretend to type like a different person

>> No.1357956

>.rocks is cool

fucking kill me

>> No.1357957


>he thinks some 3rd party internet yahoos playing fuckfuck games with a thing with Trumps name unofficially slapped on it, will beat her being investigated by the FBI for MASSIVE breaches of security

>> No.1357958

fuck no

>> No.1357960


>> No.1357961

Why not just donate the whole supply to trump /s

>> No.1357962

which should tell you basically everything you need to know about chicken right there

cantstump is getting set up as a patsy because chicken made an ass out of himself and panicked like a bitch

apparently he called cantstump in a fit over a surge and correction

>> No.1357963

you have to be a mentally ill masochist to buy in

>> No.1357964
File: 1.53 MB, 1143x650, maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powerblock here, reminding you that if you want to make it rich, you have to buy the dips

>> No.1357968

Oh shit, unmoderated thread started by signal7

>> No.1357972

[3:15:48 AM] CantStump: hey signal, shit seems to be going down, ive been with family cant keep up
[3:16:02 AM] CantStump: reading through everything now
[3:16:28 AM] CantStump: didnt really have a computer most of the weekend
[3:19:25 AM] Signal Seven: It's good to hear from you. Please take your time and catch up. I wont be awake too much longer. It is very late here. If you have questions, please feel free to ask me. If I don't respond immediately, I will tomorrow.
[7:42:59 AM] CantStump: Just had an hour long chat with chicken. The guy is stone cold nuts. He's mentally ill.
[7:43:26 AM] CantStump: Locked me out of the thread, started his own moderated thread. I tried to post he deleted it instantly.
[7:44:23 AM] CantStump: I still have a lot of trumps but I think I'm done. No point trying to help anyway since chicken is on his paranoid warpath and decided i'm a pnder
[7:44:45 AM] CantStump: When I'm not btw
[7:46:03 AM] CantStump: Guess you're asleep, if you're up for a chat tomorrow that's fine with me.
[1:30:32 PM] Signal Seven: You do realize if the coin is allowed to survive then chicken will be ousted right?
[1:32:31 PM] Signal Seven: I have heard on good things in regards to you from the people that matter
[1:35:24 PM] Signal Seven: I don't know if I'm still in or not. All of my coins are sitting in exchange ready to dump. If chicken continues to run it then I'm out. I'll exit after I know everyone else has. I'm in the black so I won't ruin it for everyone else who has money tied into it.
[1:39:43 PM] Signal Seven: I'm sorry I dropped the bomb. I felt it necessary. I'm very convinced that the trump fund was on exchange when I started taking action. People were being swindled.

>> No.1357973


I'm going back in, we can take over and it's very easy to move this buy wall back up now that we have a new team being assembled

>> No.1357974

YES this is exactly what we needed signal to do, this feels good right now.

>> No.1357976

How much fucking time have you guys wasted on this shit? I'm gonna give you a tip that I hope whoever reads this takes to heart:

>if you are caught in what you suspect is a pump and dump, you have already caught a good amount of profit, and a rumor begins to circulate with a SPECIFIC DATE at which a catalyst will turn everyone into trillionaires, sell as late as you can the day before the "event"

In this case it was the Alex Jones mention. In biotech it's usually a leak that the company will drop some world-changing news at an irrelevant medical conference.

I'm not going to repeat this tip again, so if you read this now, take it to heart. It will make you a lot of money and save you from losing your ass one day

>> No.1357979

yeah you should, there's good chance that the coin will moon due to dev team and pajeet efforts

>> No.1357982

This does have potential, even though you may not see it. We just need the right people to take control and lead the coin. That's my opinion.

>> No.1357986


>How important is the bot for a site thet keeps deleting Trump Coin threads?

When that website is the 9th most popular website in the US and the 26th most popular in the world? PRETTY FUCKING IMPORTANT!

Christ this has been amatuer hour from start to finish.

>> No.1357996

(ex?) marketing guy here.
Trying to monitor this thread while driving 10 hours back from visiting family.
>inb4 car crash from texting
I've been mentioned as potentially holding some of the new fund, I'd have no issue splitting that responsibility with videoguy, stump or Signal
Also I have no issue letting people hear my voice on Skype or what have you.
It looks like a possible takeover is being considered where we just do our own thing with our sites and threads and kind of just disregard that idiot chicken...
if that goes thru, I'd be honored to be the marketing guy again for the non pajeet, takeover.
I'll even donate a few thousand trumps to the new fund if needed.

I'm American, from US and don't have an issue posting a pic or whatever.
I just want to see the coin succeed but I will not use my efforts for chicken, I'm okay if he makes money as a by product of our work, but I'll only work for a new project where we ignore him.

I have seo tools and such, I've explained that before, I can do my best to rank our domains and not chickens "above the fold" on Google which tb,h is all that matters.

last thing I have to say is, stump is not chickens alt or even his friend, iv spent many late nights on Skype with stump and he thinks chicken has brain damage, but always maintained we had to be sensitive with him.Well I think that's done now and we just ignore that dips hit.
Most of the crew outside me is on aussie time, so let's see what they have to say upon waking.

I'll check back in a bit, but if it does go thru, you have my sword if you want it lads

>> No.1358002

its just chicken

even the video dude is jumping in and he says nothing about shit that doesnt revolve around content

>> No.1358008

You typed that whole fucking thing while driving. Someone call the cops

>> No.1358010

Alright cunts fuck it I'm staying awake for another night

I'm the video guy
Here is my skype: trumpcoincontent

Voice call me now if you need any assurance that I'm legit

>> No.1358013

How do you time it though?
That's the gamble within the gamble

>> No.1358015

Dep here, so did anyone pay you for the videos you made?

>> No.1358019

>the day before the "event"
cmon anon did you even read the post

>> No.1358025

Redpill me on forking.
What happens after the fork? Do we get a new coin with the same mining code, or do we keep using TRUMP? Will we have to get back on exchanges? Will coins be lost?

>> No.1358028

he paid me for the first introducing one (10k)
then (25k) for What Is TrumpCoin

And as it stands I'm still yet to receive the second 25k which comes when the How To is released but given how he reacted to me in the thread I'm not looking optimistic on that front

>> No.1358029

You're still awake aussiebrah?

>> No.1358034

i never sleep m8

4am tho atm, someone call so i can confirm myself as an actual person and then die because ive been up for like 48 hours

>> No.1358037
File: 18 KB, 400x400, NuclearPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap...just let it all burn

>> No.1358040

"Theu" here.

Calling to confirm, though I don't have any recording software.

>> No.1358043

Audacity, choose stereomix as input, press the bix red button.

>> No.1358048

Talking with him now, he's an aussie, doesn't sound scottish, someone else call him and record him.

He's an alright guy.

>> No.1358056

Call him. Record him.

>> No.1358058

Sorry, I'm too autistic to make a conversation.

>> No.1358060

Type him, and record his reactions then.

He is very determined to make sure that everybody knows he is not Chicken.

>> No.1358061

they choose a shit exchange cause they are scammers. if only i knew c-cex was shit

>> No.1358064

Why did signal remove the post?

>> No.1358071

interested in this being answered as well

>> No.1358073


>> No.1358091

Well in this case, the AJ plug, "the day before" would have yielded the same profit as selling two, or three, days before. Whereas selling they day of yields 2x/3x the profit.

>> No.1358096

What exactly do you do?
I've seen you on the bread and you seem to have very few posts.

>> No.1358098

He is no one important. I would know, I know him.

>> No.1358099

It's back

>> No.1358101

It means the community would decide to use a new blockchain. Chicken and anyone else could continue using PooChain everyone else would use the new one. I'm hazy on the specifics of a switchover though. I think that whoever runs the current server for the wallet would have to deploy a new chain, or if that didn't happen a new server would need to be deployed and everyone would have to switch to it. In theory you could lose coins if you made transactions on the old chain AFTER the fork. It would also be possible afaik to manually remove pieces of the old chain, ie. the trump fund. May be mistaken on some technical details, but that's the gist of it. Bitcoin has been forked before by the community and it's a transparent process. You could go and create your own bitcoin fork where you hold the satoshi stash and try to convince people to use it, they won't of course, but it's possible.

It doesn't sound like the direction things are going to go anyways. Signal7 said there was some funny business going on with the chain, but nobody has said they lost coins so who knows. Although in his now deleted post he said there was impossible math somewhere in the chain.

>> No.1358104

It's not video guy that is supposedly scottish, its pajeet. And the claim is that cantstump is really chicken.

>> No.1358110

Jesus christ how many red flags do you faghots need before you see a scam for what it is

>> No.1358115


got this from video guy (now asleep)

>> No.1358116


>> No.1358119

What's the username and pass that signal just posted? wtf? Is that a mistake

>> No.1358120
File: 10 KB, 461x213, 1464333835808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain yourselves.

>> No.1358122

What a hivemind.

>> No.1358124

coincidence i assume m8

i've posted like 19 comments ITT

>> No.1358126


What username? Which thread did he post it in?

>> No.1358128
File: 19 KB, 367x114, ss+(2016-07-03+at+02.22.46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You being paranoid.

We both contacted him, just noticed his message just now.

>> No.1358129

fuck, lol at that timing

>> No.1358130

why do they have to be the same person. Do you think chicken was completely alone on this project and has no friends involved? fucking retards. i'm talking about cantstump, not videoguy btw.

they are obviously working together and they've accumulated a massive amount of coins during their controlled crash.

keep working for this coin to grow so pajeet can become rich. the more this grows from this point the harder people will work to expose and put light on the scam. the coin is doomed to a couple small pumps to 10k at most sometime in the future and will never reach what its potential was or new highs.

>> No.1358131
File: 24 KB, 1242x967, ss+(2016-07-03+at+02.25.14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just a coincidence.

>> No.1358133

again cunt ahahahaahhaha

>> No.1358135

Oh, it's you videoguy.
Thought another anon contacted you.

>> No.1358139

It may be a good idea for any of the new team who are posting here, to actually include their username in the Name box. Just to make it 100% obvious who is saying what, to who, when.

>> No.1358149

signals own thread. he deleted the post and came back with the trumpcoin.com user and pass, for ftp probably

Hopefully he doesn't reuse passwords.

>> No.1358153

Old thread reopened

>> No.1358159
File: 90 KB, 420x493, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw BLRY is more trustworthy and promising than trump coin. Get in while you can boys; I already covered my trump losses and have a nice profit.

>> No.1358162

I got so caught up in the hype and disappointment from last night's insanity, that I made a video to demonstrate my feelings on the matter.

Make Trump Coin Great Again!

>> No.1358167

Nominate Milo or Alex Jones to hold the fund guys.

>> No.1358169

kek as someone who is only in it for the money I'm getting in too.

So is it like siacoin but for email servers?

They are 100% guaranteed not to get involved in this drama. Do a multisig between several trusted community members.

>> No.1358175

Holy fuck. I'm high as fuck and this is bliss, bro.

>> No.1358182


>> No.1358186


10/10 laughed my ass off.

still a dead coin though

>> No.1358189

Fuck. Is it me or trumpcoin is trying to stabilize around 5-6k?

>> No.1358192

Someones been gobbling them up at 5.8

>> No.1358195


>> No.1358197

Im holding on tightly 1000 Trumps until I hear any new news. Might unload a few at the next pump

>> No.1358200

>they're not gobbling up the coins at 6k
>they havent realized there's a planned pump/recovery scheduled by whales

stay poor lads

>> No.1358201

The signal guy is now temporarily holding the trump fund until they find someone trustworthy. He also listed the address so we can see.

>> No.1358202

this. as soon as it dropped under 7k, there all of a sudden was someone on c-cex and yobit buying cheap by the thousands.

>> No.1358206

Paj - I should also add a number of people wish to see me move on. If there is consensus , no problem I will step down.

>> No.1358208
File: 3 KB, 125x121, HappyPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, thanks senpai

>> No.1358212


>> No.1358214

How do exchanges tell the difference between old blockchain coins and new blockchain coins, if both blockchains operate at the same time?

>> No.1358215


still has accumulated a ton of coins with his team during this controlled crash :)

Depending on how big their balls are 500k - 1mill is my estimation. but go ahead, try to pump it for him, make pajeet some money

the coin is dead, too many people ready to expose the scam at any point and work to see it fail.

>> No.1358221

I don't fucking care if Pajeet makes money, all I care about is pumping the coin just enough to get my own money back.
I'm not about to sustain a loss just to fuck over Pajeet.

>> No.1358223

fucking this

>> No.1358226

you're looking at a ~10k pump at most

>> No.1358232

Dead cat or a solid 10k?

>> No.1358234

Hi chicken here guys

dont let these schillarys fool you...trust me this coin is going to work. I am working to get it back to where it was guys! If you really feel that i haev let the coin down and I am doing more harm than good, I will leave it to a vote. If people want me to leave, I will leave. Please trust me! This coin is working!

>> No.1358237


good luck but it's not gonna happen lol. all the big holders secretly wants out. Bitinator, dep etc.

at the same time i'm sure chickenshit and his cronies are pissing themselves because they realize it's basically impossible to pump this coin again. and they used all their profits from selling to buy the dip they created. uh oh. they'll be cashing out a shit ton real fast at the first moment it gets a small pump i can assure you.

add this up you have over a million coins that wants out rather quickly from a coin that is tainted with the fact that the dev scammed everyone running it into the ground to buy up cheap coins.

i'm not gonna ask you to sell at 5k because i wouldn't do that either, but consider your money lost

why the fuck would a scam coin stabilize on 10k?

>> No.1358240


>only one typo

Imposter, the real chicken would have at-least four in a post of that length.

>> No.1358242

I dont want out, there's till hope for this coin if we get this mess figured out, although there still may be a bad rep for the coin

>> No.1358244

It's just what server is used to fetch the chain. In your wallet it's handled automatically, but you can manually pick which one is used. If you know someone is serving a bad chain, you just don't use it. You can't tell which one is bad and which one is good, those are human concepts, but you could inspect the transactions and pick the on to use.

Some anon here posted a video about the dreaded 51% attack and it stated that even if it was successfully pulled off the community would essentially cut that person off (quit using the specific servers) and continue to use the "good" chain.

Again I only have a laymans understanding so take this with a grain of salt.

>> No.1358245

it for sure won't correct overnight, but it definitely can recover. I'm still holding too.

>> No.1358246

>being this delusional
/biz/ is shit for crypto what is a better site to discuss this site?

>> No.1358253


You're either in a private group thinking you are a wolf, here with the other sheep, or experienced enough to get out early and collect profits. Anyone using logic is ridiculed by sheep and wolves, so it's hard to find anywhere to have a good conversation about shitcoins.

>> No.1358257

buy *TBG* tpg daily *SCAN* , ponz2, ponzi, scam T all tbp mooning, everybody enjoying trollpayment and download wallet coinswapdotbiz ask TILLKOELN

>> No.1358262

so there are no good sites that sucks.

seeing as how it lost money i will probably sell half and use it to buy eth or some other memecoin

>> No.1358275

Just get BLRY

>> No.1358279

Back in at the promise of the new devs coming back.

>> No.1358280

These fucks planned this crush didn't they?

"I have sent 100k Trumps from the fund to Signal7. Tomorrow we will both be sending 100k to Escrow.
That is how its going to be."

>> No.1358284


>> No.1358290

First time the coin self fudded (coin swap fiasco) we hit 10 cents

Second time the coin self fudded (2 week notice coke binge posting)
we hit 20 cents

>not understanding this is all part of the plan and it's your last chance to get cheap coins

once real devs genuinely are in charge, we moon now.

act accordingly or stay poor wagies

>> No.1358297

who sell it?
what method do guys use for crypto?
fiat to btc via circle to a polo to usdt to usd?

>> No.1358304

God help me, I'm giving this a second chance and going back in...

>> No.1358306

Its really hard to say where this coin is going.

>> No.1358307

Circle isn't working for me for transferring BTC rn, just as heads up

>> No.1358311

circle works fine for me
i want to know who is the best to convert usdt to normal usd.I hear circle does not like it when you get other btc not from them and try to sell to them.hear people get banned

>> No.1358312

It's on yobit BLRY/BTC no different than any other coin. Doesn't appear to be on polo.

>> No.1358315 [DELETED] 

reminder that chicken is possibly in here, so try not to piss him off more than he already is. Let's try to get over this obstacle.

>> No.1358317

god damn this coin is memetic as fuck
it's already made some pajeet lose his mind

>> No.1358322

>These fucks planned this crush didn't they?
Certainly seems like it.
>fund coins get dumped before pump
>throw bitch fit
>crash price
>constant buy orders all yesterday
>begin to cooperate again
>perfectly reasonable
>people who are still vested want a recovery

Good luck and all to everyone, but I'm not getting back in after this.

>> No.1358330

It is very interesting.

I think it's just a bad case of autism mixed with shitty shit flinging. We'll see. I wouldn't invest at this point, just monitor price.

>> No.1358332


>> No.1358334

He'd probably go on and on about how the votes are "schills" and proxy posters.

>> No.1358336

This is I am seeing it so far
>pumping going on
>more pump
>crashes again

I am officially out now and keeping my .7 btc profit for another meme coin.

>> No.1358350
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>> No.1358353



>tfw you make $100 drunk trading in under ten minutes


>> No.1358363
File: 460 KB, 800x551, tumblr_o9kxjrA1qj1uzmqbyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really can't understand how someone with the intelligence necessary to create a new crypto could be soooo retarded when it comes to management. It really does seem intentional.

>> No.1358366

Now chicken is saying the coin is going to Escrow no matter what happens. That we shouldn't worry escrow is safe. Yet he didn't want it in escrow before.

>> No.1358369

buy trump guys, 1.5mill coins looking to sell and no prospects of a future mainstream success since it's been labeled a scam coin.

you know what this coin was worth before a serious effort to reach mainstream with the donation idea was? 4-5k, sometimes pumping to 8-10k.

that's where we are and will stay

>> No.1358374

It seems the majority of the drama is gone now. The storm is over.
Waiting game begins now for the devs to dome back/ wake up. We can bring it back.

>> No.1358378

>I really can't understand how someone with the intelligence necessary to create a new crypto

It's extremely simple to modify the basic parameters of an altcoin while following instructions. Compile the source afterwards and viola, a brand new shitcoin was born

>> No.1358381

when it comes to it chicken/can'tstump will eat shit off the ground if it means they can get a last pump out of this. because they bought a mill coins on this dump.

don't be the guys buying a scammers bags, his team will lie cheat and steal to get rid of these coins i can assure you, 0.0001% chance they'll be succesful.

>> No.1358383
File: 23 KB, 480x720, 339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so too. I'd be happy to buy back at ~4k, since it'll certainly hit 10k at least once more before the election.

Really? Then I should look into that myself. I have a couple of decent crytpo ideas, they just need realization.

>> No.1358391

Yep, but you should know to use a linux terminal

>> No.1358392

is blry the next pump and dump created by chicken?

>> No.1358393

Can't stump isn't chicken.
They're two different people. Where are you getting this shit from?

>> No.1358403


It does have a .rocks website.

A domain I had not heard of until stumbling across Trumpcoin...

>> No.1358404


holy fucking shit how can you be this stupid, fucking unreal

>> No.1358408

Well, things were looking up for a second, but Chicken keeps posting stupid shit and BANG, the price plummets instantly.

Seriously guys, he needs to be gone and quick. He's already altering the deal. The coup should go ahead full speed.

>> No.1358409

it one those newer domains tho like .club etc

>> No.1358410

I dumped at 900. Made a small profit, but it had nosedive written all over it.

Banking on CHESS at the moment and holding ECCHI for keks

>> No.1358412

If you think chicken and stump are working together then (you) may be the real pajeet.

last chance at cheap coins, no traders or normies even check the btctalk threads it's just the 1% withe narrow views, it'll moon and nobody will even know who the devs are.

lasthe chance at cheap coins tb,hfam, I'm grabbing a few btc more today

>> No.1358414

Bought them at 70,sold for 50 goddamn should I rebuy or has this ship sunk

>> No.1358417

this is inspirational

>> No.1358424

THere's not proof that they are being together.

You've got the same autism that pajeet has, go get yourself checked.

>> No.1358427

keep monitor. If you see chicken/pajeet relinquish hold of the funds and he has no power, start buying immediately.

>> No.1358433

stopped reading there

>> No.1358437

Fuck it, I'm back out. Arguing with this guy will just make him post more rambling doggerel that will only harm the coin further. He's clearly back in control (was he ever not?) and doing whatever the fuck he likes.

>> No.1358438

i'm sorry, you are right, fuck. Chicken created a crypto currency and worked on it for months all alone. He has noone but shill acounts, he's completely alone in all of this.

you are a moron dude. sucks that you weren't able to dump your coins before the crash. i assume you are not honest with your posts here and just working to get some value out of your coins.

you are fucking retarded lmao.

it's already confirmed that pajeet will give up the fund, because it's required to give this coin 0.0001% chance of another pump and this was a controlled crash for his team to buy up 1/xth of total supply of trump coins on the cheap.

Again, you are buying into a million coin dump when this starts pumping again.

>> No.1358442

Barbie is old news, cant buy bread when 51% was mined by some goonie Mafias

Seriously..... You dumbasses should have launched a pretty out of the box mining app before doing this shit.

51%? Seriously? Are You retarded?

Sorry.... I had to get that off of my chest.

>> No.1358446

If Trump coin is so scammy and filthy, and filled with shill accounts, then why are you even here? This is the Trumpcoin general, not Paranoia Autist Anonymous.

>> No.1358447

you have ass burgers if you think the pajeet and stump are in kahootz.

hey let's work together secretly to go on a Coke binge and undo everything you put in place.

He wanted to let someone do all the work then got impatient and thought in his brain damaged head he had a better way (a twitter campaign from a non English speaker LOL)

the white dev team could easily $1 dollar this coin, everyone knows it, pajeet is on his own and his multiple alt accounts.

let the new devs do their thing or just delete the coin.

>> No.1358450


i'm pretty sure everyone just want to pump and dump. no one really gives a fuck about trump, we just want to make a quick buck. if you don't admit this you're just a liar.

>> No.1358452

No, I actually cashed out when it began to dump.
Do not be so quick to assumption.

>> No.1358455

From the forum:

You know what Tensai. You're correct. We've been had, and there are at most 2 people in on this thing.

The whole Trumpcoin "team" are in on it and in reality are just 2 people, and purposefully crashed the coin to buy it up cheap.

Not only that, but they are all using sockpuppet accounts. There are so many shady "yes men" and "empty rhetoric" accounts (with the same syntax errors) that they are all Chicken65, Guy#1. Guy#2 is CantStump/Signal7 and handles the more technical side of things. I suspect he is the one that purchased the .com domain. Look at how I called out the guy who purchased it and he never showed up. You think that for someone that spent $5k on the domain that they would show up during a storm like this.

Chicken65 handles the sockpuppets. These accounts are like Newwordorder, Bitinator. Look at how young these accounts are. They are also all created within the same time span. Big red flag here folks. They usually spout a paragraph of nonsense. Look into their post histories and you'll see suspicious patterns. Chicken65 has been working the sockpuppets, the other guy has been doing more technical stuff and he seems a bit more intelligent than Chicken due to his English. I'm convinced that there are at least 4 or 5 sockpuppets, but probably more, almost all are handled by Chicken65. All of these threads are infested with sockpuppets.

All of this stuff is way too perfectly timed, sorry. So you have the piece of "news" (Alex Jones) to pump the coin, and then after the pump you release the information about how the coin's blockchain doesnt work, and that the dev team has issues. And then guy #1 comes back on and makes a total sh*t show of the coin to crash and burn, so they can buy it up on the cheap.

>> No.1358456

Chicken65 becomes the patsy (scapegoat), and passes the coins off to his buddy Signal7, meanwhile the core team of scammers maintains total control, free to PUMP the coin again and DUMP later. They're doing this because for one reason or another, the coin had a small premine. I'm not sure why they decided on such a small premine, but I think since Chicken65 started the thread it was simply due to ineptitude. Notice how the Trumpfund came on once Cant Stump/Signal7 hopped on board. I suspect that Cant Stump probably told Chicken that the premine was too small, and to make a "gimmick" that will guarantee them a payout. Hence the Trumpfund.

Sadly, it looks like the naysayers were correct.

The only dev that seems to be innocent is the video guy, he was an unexpected bonus that they paid on the cheap to make videos that helped the coin garner tons of publicity. I suspect that there was some real panic involved, I doubt they ever intended the project to go past $1M marketcap because they fear of getting sued (even though they cant get sued because Trump is a political figure).

>> No.1358458

I have my multiple btc buy orders ready if the new dev team is able to get control or don't he take over.I have faith in them and the coins ability to hit $1

I also have a mini whale level sell order ready if chicken stays. I'll probably 1 Satoshi the coin with the dump.just a headsup

I'll be monitoring

>> No.1358464


so that's why you want to work on pumping this coin when chicken's team has accumulated probably around 1mill coins? sure buddy

if you're not sitting on coins there is no logical reason to try and instill confidence in this scamcoin, i suggest you just stop replying to me

okay mr 1poster! working hard to instill some confidence here!

>> No.1358468

Nice question dodge. I'll stop replying. Autism has no bounds.

>> No.1358469

My friends and I are going to raise this shit. Stay tuned on twitter to watch trumpcoin activity. Some big names might come through for us.

>> No.1358470

You could probably host Alex Jones show if you think this.

List of tip top blokes:
>marketing guy
>video guy

list of pajeets
>chickens alts

>> No.1358471
File: 100 KB, 720x720, 1453088353885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also have a mini whale level sell order ready if chicken stays. I'll probably 1 Satoshi the coin with the dump.just a headsup

Please do it. I want to see it all burn.

I've got 2.5btc worth I was thinking of unloading that I could still make a slight profit off of.

>> No.1358476


question dodge? on why i'm still here?

probably answered that earlier in this thread a couple times. the answer is i don't want to see chicken's scam attempt be successful

you are here to make a profit if some people are willing to buy the bags of a scam dev and his team

>> No.1358484

Poor video guy, I hope he sold high

>> No.1358485

If Pajeet still shits do it for keks.

>> No.1358486

I have a legitimate question. Why doesn't /biz/ have a pump and dump thread where we just choose a shit coin to pump up and dump? I mean sure it's scammy and ethically wrong but we're really just trying to make money. Why not just accept that we are scum and start coordinating pump and dump schemes?

>> No.1358487

because most of these faggots only have 20$ in funds received from their mom by spending good boy points.

>> No.1358492

I really tried a few months ago. If we could get a group of even 15 people, we could manipulate the fuck out of the less popular coins.

Only problem is you fuckers aren't trustworthy

>> No.1358493


Someones upset they've been found out.

Whole coin is a scam, mate.

>> No.1358494

do you actually believe that's an honest post and not a shill you responded to? it's already been confirmed that chicken is out and the fund is going into escrow.

if he was serious he would already be buying. buy the rumour sell the fact.

but he's not, he's just here to instill confidence that the coin will pump when chicken leaves, so they can unload coins.

are you the pajeet bag buyer they're looking for?

>> No.1358495

my pajeet locator is off the charts!

>> No.1358497


Honestly you really should consider getting out. There doesn't seem to be anything good progressing from all of this. Pajeet is still shitposting like a mad man and no one wants to deal with that, the takeover is slower than shit. CantStump is slower than shit when it comes to posting.

You think someone who spent $5000 on a domain name would be all over that thread. Either he cashed out or that was another lie as well

I feel that this ship is getting closer to the waterfall and you're only going to have so much time left to break even let alone get a profit

Just my 2 cents right now

>> No.1358498


Yea I guess that's a problem.

>> No.1358502

Bc it's illegal

>> No.1358504


scratch that, got even more drunk and lost it to 'prove a point' on yobit chat that 5k can crash the market

>> No.1358505


He's slower than shit because he doesnt care, because hes in on it.

There are 2 guys working this operation. It's very simple. There is no "coup" they are working together.

>> No.1358509

Form a private chat group or something where people remain anonymous. I'm pretty sure after the first successful pump and dump, people will be more encouraged to work together. Illegal? Sure. Lucrative? Yea.

>> No.1358510
File: 232 KB, 1064x1600, brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he had the choice to pick trumpcoin.com and he deliberately chose trumpcoin.rocks




>> No.1358512

I only believe things I know for sure.

Tell me the proof the can'tstump is working for chicken. "Being slow" ism't a good reason, considering it's fourth of july weekend.

>> No.1358514


Exactly and that's why people should probably get out while they still can

There is nothing else going on with this coin that can go up in value as of now besides a rapid departure of Pajeet and the new team being instated but that's clearly not happening

>> No.1358518

No it's not illegal to advertise a commodity, but explicitly state that it's a p&d and it is a conspiracy

>> No.1358523


Bud you're not going to get actual proof for anything that's happened these past days until the shitshow has truly ended and by that point you'll be empty handed

There are red flags everywhere for all of this

I'm saying that if cantstump really spent $5000 on a domain you would think he'd be more active in the thread. Sure it's the 4th of July but this event has been going on since Friday

There are just way too many red flags all over the place and for that reason IM OUT

>> No.1358525

I agree. People should get themselves out of Trumpcoin for the time being. It is too dramatic, too explosive in terms of market right now. It is better to wait for the weekend to be over and see what will happen from there.

>> No.1358528

I'm down if you are. Qtox is a good anonymous chat program.

>> No.1358529

No I have 0 TRUMPS now I do not care if it moons or it cores to 0. Really no point of buying it now but besides we all have a greed tendency and don't give any fucks to others that realized too late it is now branded a scamcoin.

>> No.1358531

I'm already out, but I'm hanging around to see if I can make a few extra dollars from another pump. It has been said that can'tstump is with his family and without internet right now. I've talked with the marketing guy, repeated this information. Obviously I don't trust anybody, regardless of proof. It's best to leave things chill for now.

>> No.1358532

I'm down of course, but I'm not going to lie, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to actually pump a coin. There would need to be someone who knows how to generate buzz.

>> No.1358538


You dont have to believe anything. Go believe that the coin is legit for all I care.

CantStump's posting is slow probably because hes too busy on another sockpuppet account. Who knows.

What I do know is that the whole thing is way too shady and mismanaged and that even someone like me who gave them the benefit of the doubt is seeing that the whole thing is questionable.

If you cant see that then you're a fool and deserve to lose every penny you can.

>> No.1358539


I don't think this coin could last another week if this behavior keeps up from anyone with a main involvement in the project. This whole thing is a huge shitshow and there's a point where you can't climb yourself out of the hole you've dug.

As of now the only marketing plan in place - which still isn't even being done - was by Pajeet stating that they need to spam and retweet Twitter. People seem to have forgotten about that now that Pajeet is saying he'll put half the fund in an escrow

In order to really save this coin people needed to act fast but I'm guessing that those guys got out because they don't seem to be panicking at all over the price. It's been in free fall the past days and has no reason to go up, Pajeet still isn't out and this whole fund wallet thing is getting more confusing and shady by the hour

>> No.1358545
File: 1.12 MB, 4128x2322, zoiMecG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I really can't tell who's shilling who anymore. Fake accounts, fake endorsements, and nobody taking responsibility for anything.

case in point.

>> No.1358546

anyone who ever has invested in anything in crypto know you never leave your investments unattended.

while im posting in this thread i have 10+ alarms running on bitcoin checker etc to alert me of price variations and i've got btc, ltc charts infront of me at all times. even if i'm sleeping i'll wake up to handle my investments. because it's not something you do for fun, it's to make money.

it is for sure, 100% certain, that cantstump is in on this. if you had any power over this coin and was invested, wouldn't you be trying to calm the masses like crazy? of course you would, but not cantstump

>> No.1358549

There is definitely something going on.

>> No.1358553

Let's see what the Australianfags do upon awakening, it better be fucking good.

I know marketing guy said he'd be on board if the Australians put a road map together.

The thing that I keep reminding myself is that this coin is still at the price it was at last week, so what it had a huge pump, it's not like it's crashed to pre last week territory.

It's such an odd spot for me to be in, I'm literally either going to cash my elite holding out or buy more based on the next 12 hours or so...normally I don't actively refresh threads and shit..

>> No.1358562

I'm interested too, we need to set up some sort of communication. Should be the first thing.

>> No.1358563

I just can't believe something that had so much promise was ruined so quickly. The idiots should have kept their scam going for awhile longer and really pumped it up.

Like holding up a convenience store instead of a bank.

>> No.1358568


Honestly what value do you see that's left in the coin? It's going to be hard to get the community we had going in this thread to rally behind the coin again unless a very huge change happened to the project (not happening).

There could've been a lot of work being done by biz but a lot of us got out when Pajeet started opening his mouth. You can see the incompetency and the shady behavior and know that this project can't make it to to November with him steering the ship or any of the higher ups for that matter. There are just way too many red flags

>> No.1358570

Cool, I think we should try using Qtox like the other anon suggested. I'll try setting it up now.

>> No.1358572

Kinda odd that there was only one dev member to post a little about himself and specifics of his ideas.

Truly hope it doesnt turn out he was the only not "in on it".

>> No.1358575


Okay the program is called uTox. It's pretty easy to setup, took me less than a minute.

My ID is


I'll set up a group chat once you guys make an ID.

>> No.1358576

to play contrarian; one the price starts to rise, people will start to get involved again

>> No.1358577


Yes Absolutely 100% agree.

CantStump is IN ON IT, its a 2 man operation.

>> No.1358579

>utox a program that isn't even developed that frequent.

I would suggest discord or even irc.

>> No.1358580

Dude the pump is on now, people are loving this and volume is way up, the market is trying to find the value which currently I believe to be around 10k satoshis

>> No.1358583


We can change it once we get in communication. Utox seems really barebone. Might be good as a starting point. I think we should try to keep it as simple as possible first.

>> No.1358589

using proprietary shit

what setup?

>> No.1358593


How do you know that? We just went up from 6k to 8k and now the price is back down to 5.5k-6k

Pajeet pissed off a lot of people. Most of us are spectating right now but like I said you need a huge chance in the organization to get people back, do you really think that'll happen?

Also people will have to work on doing damage control for everything Pajeet has done, every online community is going to be reluctant now when someone posts about trumpcoin. Pajeet really shat on any credibility

>> No.1358595


What pump? Did you not just see the coin go up to 8k and drop back down to 6k? People are clearly trying to get out. Any pump is another opportunity for people to get out while they can and you're going to see a lot of that

>> No.1358596

>I just want one more 10k sat pump to get off this train and I might not even get that

>> No.1358601

How do you plan to generate enough buzz for everyone to be able to dump after the deal is done?

>> No.1358602

I'm in.

My ID is


>> No.1358611


We'll have to discuss that in the group. I'm not pretending to know anything. I just want to actually get a group going so we can at least talk about possibilities.

>> No.1358613




>> No.1358616
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, oHM3bhj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just want to say how happy it makes me to see panic and negativity from everyone who bought this shitcoin. I feel like celebrating.

You faggots have spammed /biz/ for months, openly contributing nothing to blockchain tech except a bad reputation. I honestly hope you doubled up during the pump, and have lost a good chunk of your savings.

I don't know the pajeet that did this but I hope he uses your hard earned money to buy a loo made of solid gold.

Get fucked.

>> No.1358617


holy fuck captchas got 100x harder

i can barely drunkpost

>> No.1358618

Trumpcoin is in a unique position that really no online communities even know about it, outside /biz/ which is fickle and will return as soon as the price does (I don't mean temporary spike, but like actually gains to 10 cents).

No marketing had even started yet, marketing guys post mentioned he hadn't even "turned the key" yet on his campaigns.

What you have is the early adopters of a coin arguing, fudding and shilling amongst themselves.

>> No.1358619



this is like any new coin

growing pains

also, vote out chickun

and arise coin

>> No.1358620



my nigga

>> No.1358622
File: 162 KB, 720x845, 1467318499209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good drunk bantz

>> No.1358623

This exactly. As soon as this speedbump can get fixed and marketing really started, it's a go.

>still waiting on a captchas that asks to select all the chickins

>> No.1358624
File: 163 KB, 750x1334, 0falz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i look fucking insane in this picture





>> No.1358628

Can someone make a poll of whether chicken should step down or not and post it on the bct thread? I'm too lazy to

>> No.1358630

So it's a vote for pajeet, potentially pajeets mate or both of them?

>> No.1358632

>buy trump guys
You're retarded the movers of this coin have shown their true colors. While many people associated posted here and where quality and respectable people the project is kill.

I am now shillary for billary.

>It does have a .rocks website.
Yeah this is probably the long con.
Crash trump so that blry thrives. Call everyone pissed about trump shills.
Might as well get in on the ground floor though this hasn't been tainted yet.

>> No.1358633

never mind it seems it's already been done

>> No.1358634

I made it and posted it in the thread.

Signal7, CantStump, Marketing Guy, and Video guy are all verified different people.

If you were in here for more than one thread, you'd know that. Video guy posted a vocaroo today.

>> No.1358642

yeah it's in a unique position:

the first ever crypto scam where the scam dev team loses fucking money

that's a pajeet operation for you everyone

still remember telling you what a fucking retard you was selling at 11k before the pump. now you're back in fucking kek. there's never been a bigger sign to get out of this scamcoin than this guy getting back in.

you are dumb as a brick, i suggest you stop investing. idk what was dumber, selling at 11k or getting back in now. probably selling at 11k, as you can always find a retard to unload on around 5k no matter what

>> No.1358645

pretty much this

>> No.1358654

kek this
>dup account: pls halp my wallet no sync
>paj: *generic advice*

>> No.1358664


>> No.1358675

Volume is still near ATH the interest is there

>> No.1358677

Price floor is also higher than pre pump

>> No.1358754

Can't figure how to add you guys to the group chat

>> No.1358762

don't bother it's dead

>> No.1358822


35 on my ACT, nerd


plus i'm pretty

>> No.1358840


>> No.1358851

I'd like to get in on this

>> No.1358862

What University you going to? I got equivalent of a 36 ACT, so don't think you're a hotshot

>> No.1358871

>the "i am trying to hide my receding hairline" haircut

>> No.1358887

I didn't know how to add people group chat. Looks like the other two are not interested.

I made a discord

>> No.1358900

So is it a good time to buy or a bad one...kek

>> No.1358911

both, depends on who you ask. price is pretty low if you think it will go up longterm. might tank to zero if the drama doesn't settle down

>> No.1358928


that's much better nice

>> No.1358975
File: 654 KB, 1743x647, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way guys. knew i remember talk about transparency earlier in the coins lifespan, else i probably never would've invested in the first place

but it was unthinkable when the coin was crashing, of course

have you bought any of chicken and team's bags today /biz/? except for the 35ACT retard of course?

>> No.1358983
File: 24 KB, 867x278, asdasdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this even mean


boston college



>> No.1358986

What is this?

>> No.1358993


Yobit PMs

>> No.1359130

Cheap coins. Fuck it I'll roll the dice.
What times the gangbagng, I mean takeover

>> No.1359171
File: 876 KB, 1280x4184, tmp_16467_1463345940104_1299832873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1359180

So what's happening? Are we going to fork? Are we going to salvage Trumpcoin? Are we going to create a new memecoin for Trump?

>> No.1359191

>tfw aussies never showed

>> No.1359197

>450k coins

Why/when did the fund shrink to only 200k?

>> No.1359262

gg no re

>> No.1359292
File: 11 KB, 435x303, 1463908419524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they know?

>> No.1359307

I'll buy 40k trumps for .6btc if anyone wants to dump their bag

>> No.1359310

same thing on yobit but .8

>> No.1359345

moved from v1 to v2 and decreased the coin supply alot down to only 6.5mill coins

anyone with a brain that isnt trying to destroy the coin on principle would buy under 4.5k with the intentions of flipping it at ~5-6k for a profit.

i'd have buyorders up myself if I hadn't already decided that i will do nothing to help chicken unload his bags. I'll continue spreading the truth until this coin gives up.

>> No.1359395

Also in m8s will create id later

>> No.1359523

I'm in. Will make and post ID in the morning.

>> No.1359536

Looks like some anons made a Hillary coin.

Do you guys think it's worth jumping onto? It doesn't have the same amount of meme magic Trump does, but it's also free of Pajeet's taint.

>> No.1359538

How do you know it's not made by the same people? Website looks like a copy of the Trumpcoin one.

>> No.1359543

Someone in the BLRY thread said they checked the whois and the whoisguard information wasn't the same, meaning the sites were at least registered under different registrars.

Even still, it's dirt cheap right now. There's possibility for serious gains if it makes it to the same place TC did before it plummeted.

>> No.1359669

chicken back online, just posted in org thread

>> No.1359684

I put what's left of my Trump into Yocoin. At least it's rising instead of just hovering around 6k like TC is.

I hope when I wake up tomorrow that things will have gotten better.

>> No.1359787
File: 83 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol bitinator here i dont care if i get out ir not im just going to hold i dont let my emotions get in the way i know better snd trade mire fiat than the entire marketcap of trumpcoin

>> No.1359811

Will they try to pump again?

>> No.1359865
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, trrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, assuming that the dev team will get their shit together, the fund will be moved to an ESCROW, pajeet will step down or w/e, what are the chances that this will actually moon? Im still holding 21k trumps and goddamn i want to become chad.

Fucking hell.

>> No.1359867

chances of mooning will be back to where they were a week ago

this drama will be over soon

>> No.1359874
File: 21 KB, 480x360, donald-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what about that six gorillion trumps that pajeet allegedly hoarded after the crash? Is it true? Will that fuck us all in the ass in the long run?

>> No.1359877

nothing proven yet and other holders have far more than he does

in the long run its an alleged pittance

>> No.1359909
File: 124 KB, 3000x1626, 150826_donald_trump_2_gty_629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what can we do about this whole project being branded as a scam(besides deporting pajeet to pooland for good)? Seems like a major issue to me.

Are you the video guy?

>> No.1359921

>And what about that six gorillion trumps that pajeet allegedly hoarded after the crash? Is it true? Will that fuck us all in the ass in the long run?

No he's definitely not planning on dumping those as soon as he sees some semblance of profit. Nothing like last time goy.

>> No.1359933
File: 50 KB, 717x450, fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he could step down for real and just hold then cash out when this thing actually blows up all the way to the moon, but Ive heard that he really has some serious brain damage.

BUT, even if there will be another pump, arent all those whales that >>1359877
is talking about just waiting to unload their coins to just get out after witnessing this shitstorm that just happened?

>> No.1359976
File: 113 KB, 1100x619, cxcxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

From bitcointalk forum:



>> No.1359977

>Well, he could step down for real and just hold then cash out when this thing actually blows up all the way to the moon, but Ive heard that he really has some serious brain damage.
He jerked everyone around acting like an asshole and now is being polite and normal. He may for real be bipolar or just trying to play people.

>just waiting to unload their coins to just get out after witnessing this shitstorm that just happened?
That's why I'm staying out

>> No.1360068

>Pajeet is out
>Fund going into escrow

Buy the dip

>> No.1360073


pajeet and his team have accumulated 1mill/6.5mill coins during this orchestrated dip. go buy his bags as they begin to comply to all your requests and spread fake news to get the coin pumping

a mill plus of coins wants out, gl with pumping this garbage lmao

>> No.1360119

Remember it's not too late to shillary for billary

>> No.1360148

[citation needed]

>> No.1360172

Fuck off Pumpeet.

>> No.1360323
File: 769 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This HAS to be a joke kekekek

> I could even back these coins with actual mineral wealth from my land. It is got enough to pay the national debt a few times by some people's estimate.

>> No.1360332

...wow...I don't know what to say

Is Trump Coin kill?

>> No.1360351

There were huge buy orders all day at the rock bottom. Then right after chicken starts behaving like a normal person.

Just send donations to chickens alt accounts, what could go wrong?

>> No.1360499

Fuck. I go camping for 4th of July weekend and come back to this SHIT.

>> No.1360508

ifkr. You gonna bail or hold? I've got 8k and I'm retarded so I'm holding until it hits 10k sat again, which it won't.

>> No.1360588

I'm in about the same place as you, also holding till I get to the point where I can at least make my money back or maybe just a slight profit.

>> No.1360605

Does anyone think signal is chicken?

>> No.1360640

lol not at this point

>> No.1360677
File: 95 KB, 783x974, asdavc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i deal with pajeets

>> No.1360684

Thread closed again. Is there another thread people are using?