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13571749 No.13571749 [Reply] [Original]

I think the hackers that stole the 7000 BTC from Binance are the same ones that hacked Bithumb a few months ago. Remember when the price of LINK on Bithumb jumped? Its because they dont let you sell as high as Binance does. LINK on Binance spiked to $9999 for a single candle during the hack. This was the hackers transferring money from one Binance wallet to another. Sell a small amount of LINK for an absurd price to get BTC at a rate of 2 per LINK. Bithumb doesnt let you sell that far above market price, so the hackers had to do it over a longer period of time with smaller transactions, but the principle is the same. They used LINK in both hacks for this purpose which means they may want to make LINK look less credible as well. Find wallets involved in both hacks linked to the same person/location/government entities and you have likely found your hackers, especially if they have something to gain by LINK failing. Not even sure how you would go about doing this, or if its even possible. Thoughts?

>> No.13571763

cool story bro

>> No.13571813

Thanks fren

>> No.13572236

they phished retards' accounts. they hacked nothing.
just like last year

>> No.13572812

Hacking doesnt mean being some L33T programmer who finds vulnerabilities in the code of security systems, especially when it comes to blockchain which makes that almost impossible. Hacking is just obtaining information or access to things that you otherwise shouldnt have. Its what they did. Get off your fedora wearing high horse.

>> No.13573721
File: 151 KB, 584x875, binance hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

