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File: 76 KB, 460x460, 36060731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13561661 No.13561661 [Reply] [Original]

It's cool as fuck someone created Bitcoin on Ethereum. It's a sound store of value for the same reasons Bitcoin is, because it's literally Satoshi's vision. It might take a while to get going, but wasn't that also true of Bitcoin?

Vitalik has said Ethereum needs a store of value for God's sake. 0xBTC will get more exposure, it's certain. It can only go up from here.

>> No.13561672

jesus people are still shilling this shit?
I sold years ago

>> No.13561673
File: 668 KB, 1000x563, koonsDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really give a flying fuck about proof of work issuance and I don't think it's particularly important for Ether to lose store of value status.

That being said, if you on think that 0xBTC will go entirely under the radar, you're not really grasping how it fits into the overarching ideological discussion surrounding major protocol changes in BTC and Ethereum. It's actually kind of a big deal to have a deflationary, pure mined asset reside on top of Ethereum instead of on its own chain. It challenges many long held beliefs inherent to the BTC dominant era of crypto (which we have lived in but might not live in 5-10 years down the line).

0xBTC is to crypto what postmodernism is to art. It deconstructs the Bitcoin idea (in Satoshi's whitepaper) into smaller pieces. It intentionally separates network security from issuance, and makes the claim that whatever vision Satoshi had for a global currency can exist within a localized environment (Ethereum), even an environment that explicitly rejected the core tenets of Satoshi's whitepaper upon creation. 0xBTC brings something new to the table that has merit for real ideological discussion, which is a level beyond discussions on novel solutions to technical challenges (oracle problem, fair gambling, distributed computing/rendering, etc).

You don't have to think 0xBitcoin is useful. You don't have to like it, or use it, or even think about it. But don't brush it off just because you don't see the need. You can think something like postmodern art is stupid (pic related) but it's actually quite revolutionary for an artist to make something so unbelievably kitschy that it causes the word "kitsch" to lose all meaning. At the end of the day Jeff Koonz makes balloon animals that sell for orders of magnitude higher than traditional "high art" precisely because his art is significant in the centuries long debate on the purpose of art. 0xBitcoin will be seen, in time, as just as significant in crypto.

>> No.13561678
File: 2.76 MB, 1500x936, 2978345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue shilling this until I die of poverty

>> No.13561689

And you will die in poverty. Why are you still holding this shit in 2019?

>> No.13561700

then good luck waiting for 3.5 years until its halving
using 4-year halving period like bitcoin is just stupid

>> No.13561708

2 weeks?

>> No.13561741
File: 434 KB, 1010x1422, Elon_Vitalik_0xBTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because a store of value on ETH is one of Vitalik's highest priorities in his own words


It's bad for short term profits, but the project's long term strength is that it's Satoshi's vision, exactly implemented as a ERC token.

>> No.13561763

I probably have 4-5 years

>> No.13561789

Are there more minable ERC20 tokens already? Is there a way to see how many there already are?

>> No.13561809

there are like 10

>> No.13561818

Is there a list of all of them? I would actually be interested on creating my own and use it as a form of game commodity.

>> No.13561940

How many to make it? 10k or 21k?

>> No.13562193

10k is good

>> No.13562361

21000 puts you into top 1000 holders for as long as you keep them. Think about it son.

>> No.13562470

Why not use 0xBitcoin already?

>> No.13562563

Speaking about the recent binance bullshit with thoughts of rollback, a pure mined trustless 51% attackproof store of value with the possibility of endless upgrades through smart contracts (zk-0xBTC, Lava and nametag compability etc) on top of the leading world computer Ethereum doesn't sound too bad...

>> No.13562564

I don't know if this coin will ever manage to even break $1, but if you think it's a bad thing that it has this or that property that Bitcoin has because there isn't any point to having that feature in the context of an ERC20 token, you're missing something really important. Having economics identical to Bitcoin IS a feature. Obviously by itself that's a useless feature to have, but if it offers something different (Ethereum features, the LAVA stuff, etc), the value of having NOTHING to explain wrt its economics to a normie crypto speculator is massive. If you have to spend all your time thinking "well that's all well and good but it's not Bitcoin so it won't turn out the same way", you're already coming from a starting point of comparing it to Bitcoin. You can't do that with just about any other coin, because it's an even more absurd comparison the more differences you add. But with 0xbtc, the comparison is actually there, because any question wrt tokenomics is immediately answered "should work the same as Bitcoin". Someone is going to trigger a run of people fomoing into this sooner or later.