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13560463 No.13560463 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it. If CZ follows through with his “funds are safu” promise(which he has more than enough money to do) Binance will become the single most trusted financial institution on the planet. Most banks wont even give you $400 if someone manages to steal it from your checking account, let alone $40,000,000. Not only does he have the SAFU fund, he is personally a billionaire. He could pay out of pocket if he had to. Upon proving that funds are indeed “safu”, the price of BTC would SKYROCKET, as would traffic to Binance. He stands to make more money by fixing this than he would if he personally stole the 7k BTC. I would put money on the fact that CZ owns up and follows through with his promises.
>inb4 cope
All of my shit is in cold storage at all times. I am telling you this because now is the best time to buy crypto, dump everything you have into it. This is the event that will kick off the golden bull run. Dont say I didnt warn you.

>> No.13560476

reminder to also buy the bnb dip

>> No.13560477

I thought bank could just reverted the transfer

>> No.13560483

unironically true

>> No.13560485

can anyone else not login?

>> No.13560493

my card got hacked my bank told me it's not there problem they can't do shit

>> No.13560503

>Binance will become the single most trusted financial institution on the planet

Lmao, no.

Some Chink Ponzi casino that avoids all major regulatory jurisdictions is not even remotely trust worthy.

They're not even at the same tier as a sub-prime, tier-B mortgage lender.

>> No.13560518

>single most trusted financial institution on the planet
Funds are only SAFU until they've lost so much that they run on a fractional reserve.
You have to know that there were more hacks in 2018 which they kept secret. Their security doesn't seem to be very good so it's only a question of time when the next hack will happen.
just like with mtgox

>> No.13560532

its unbelievable that this fucktard is printing millions every month, has been hacked several times and no financial overseeir seems to have a problem with it.

>> No.13560546

Whiteoids can't stand the fact that a Chinese man is dominating the cryptosphere

>> No.13560548
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Unlock deposits and withdrawals and then we'll talk

>> No.13560554

you used debit didnt you. If you use there money they will eat the loss

>> No.13560557

Yep, not even shitposting but I agree with you 100% OP. CZ is fucking based.

>> No.13560558


>> No.13560589

Whos problem is that people buy his printed millions ? not his.

>> No.13560673

you can go back to traditional banks. This was the whole point of crypto. Stop crying when things go wrong for you

>> No.13560699


>> No.13560730

>affecting Binance to the point of fractional reserve
The SAFU fund has plenty in it to cover the loss. Even if it didnt, CZ is a billionaire himself. He obviously believes in crypto as an ideology, and likely has a lot of his personal wealth invested in BTC. If he was smart(which I dont think there is any way to debate that he isnt) he would realize that paying that $41,000,000 could make him the worlds first trillionaire with the market surge that would come afterwards. I actually bought BNB after the news broke, this is the black swan event that kicks off the golden bullrun. CZ is going to become a god among men. Dont take this information lightly, I am never wrong.

>> No.13560753


>> No.13560834
File: 16 KB, 416x416, BA81C56B-E185-46E9-A5CA-B95212583C0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own bitcoin so you should buy bitcoin despite the obvious scammyness
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.13560884

Dont listen to me then. I wouldnt keep any loaded guns within arms reach if I were you. The desire to taste lead would get the best of me if someone straight up told me the future, and I missed a chance to retire based on this information.

>> No.13560886

hes a shitty chink scammer and you are a pajeet hired by binance.

>> No.13560957

Can anyone tell me steps I need to take if I have funds on there, if any? I haven't logged in yet but I'm about to.

>> No.13560985 [DELETED] 

I wouldnt log in. There was a security breach, so just wait it out. You cant deposit or withdraw anything right now anyway. Either CZ follows through and you will be rich in like a week, or he doesn't and your crypto is gone. Either way, theres nothing you can do at the moment anyway.

>> No.13560999

I wouldnt log in. There was a security breach, so just wait it out. You cant deposit or withdraw anything right now anyway. Either CZ follows through and you will be rich in like a week, or he doesn't and your crypto is gone. Either way, theres nothing you can do at the moment.

>> No.13561106

I haven't logged in yet, but are you sure? I keep seeing people mention resetting 2FA, which sounds retarded, but if anyone can't withdraw it wouldn't matter anyway.

>> No.13561154

I havent heard anything about resetting 2FA. Might not be a bad idea, but most users were not affected. The Binance hot wallet is pretty much the only thing that got fucked. Im just waiting it out, I know how to avoid phishing scams so I am not worried personally.

>> No.13561158

>tether heat
>""hack"" your own exchange to buy finex leo
>guys we were hacked

>> No.13561159

you filthy chink apologist. kys

>> No.13561274

i love the coping bulltard mental gymnastics. let me try to explain to you
bitcoin "rollback" = planned reorg = centralized shitcoin = worth $0.
you can try to use your mental gymnastics abilities all you want but that is the truth. if the reorg happens none of you clowns can ever spew out the world "decentralized", "sound money" or "censorship resistant"

>> No.13561309

He isnt doing a rollback. Worst case scenario for CZ, he pays back the 7k BTC out of his billionaire pockets. Obviously this is not the preferred option, but its nothing compared to what Binance will net him if it’s demonstrated to be insured at over $41,000,000. I wouldnt be surprised if he planned the hack himself just so he could do this.

>> No.13561435

>Most banks wont even give you $400 if someone manages to steal it from your checking account, let alone $40,000,000.

retard. the money was stolen from binance wallet not from personal accounts. If a bank gets robbed you still get your money bank and even if the bank goes bankrupt up to 250,000 are insured by the government

>> No.13561448

It wasnt just the hot wallet that got robbed, though that was the majority. Lrn2read.

>> No.13561455

Hmm so it was data phished from people? If that is the case I should be fine as well, but I'm still having a hard time understanding what exactly happened, and I just want to make mistakes, so maybe doing nothing is best. You think this will actually blow over in a week, with SAFU used as intended, all parties reimbursed, and withdraws/deposits resumed?

>> No.13561464

fuck lol

>> No.13561466

yes it was pajeet. learn to comprehend english

>> No.13561526

It was users that were hacked because they were stupid with their info and got phished. Nobody hacked binance's servers. The malicious party phished info from people and logged into their accounts with it. The only part of it that is a failing on binance is that they didn't catch it. But this is the same as some retards who gave their WoW account information to hackers who then steal the account and sell it. It wouldn't be Blizzard that had the security flaw, it would be the users fault.

>> No.13561536


>> No.13561554

>nervousness intensifies
There there, there there

>> No.13561573
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hello chengpeng zhao.. CIAO... open withrawals nigga im tired of this shit so I can never come back on your shit tier yellow muzzle gook exchange

>> No.13561577

>it was from personal accounts
>there is no individual wallet for each account
way to contradict yourself brainlet. there are no personal wallet, there is only a binance wallet and thats where the money were stolen from. it was all in a single transaction from a single wallet

>> No.13561606

it's actually a black man that is dominating the cryptopshere, but your point stands.

>> No.13561636

his billionaire pockets? dude might be a billionaire on paper, but that doesn't mean he's liquid. desu, that billionaire status was probably given to him at the end of the last bullrun, when all his digital assets were up 90% from where they are now. this guy is all in on crypto. what do you wanna bet he's no billionaire anymore?

>> No.13561650

>there there, they're there

>> No.13561767

I think CZ stands to make much more money from continuing to run the most reputable exchange around than the $41,000,000 he would keep by exiting.

>> No.13562049

Well, you are not wrong anon

>> No.13562064
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>Think about it.

>> No.13562324


>> No.13562567

This is PR bs