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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.80 MB, 641x360, KotH TrumpCoin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1353824 No.1353824 [Reply] [Original]


During Donald Trump’s campaign towards becoming the next President of the United States, Trumpcoin has been set up as a campaign donation project. 200,000 Trumpcoins ( the so-called Trump Fund) have been set aside for this specific purpose.

Trumpcoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of Trumpcoin is dictated by the supply and demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a Trumpcoin becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes.



>TrumpCoin finished 8th out of 50 coins and is being considered for the beta!
Be sure to email the exchange frequently to consider Trumpcoin for the beta admin@rawx.io


>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


>> No.1353842
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I got a feeling it's going to skyrocket tonight

>> No.1353845

I'll eat my shoe if Trump isn't going to skyrocket again. It's crazy high energy.

>> No.1353846
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>> No.1353851
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posting anons webm, ill leave his wallet at the end in case anyone appreciates his high energy memes

he made the webm in OP too

>> No.1353854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1353856
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Far from over lads. Keep this Trump-Train a rollin'!

>> No.1353857
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just a reminder for holders

>> No.1353864

stop same fagging this scam

>> No.1353865


Buy-in while you can.

>> No.1353869

>0.00012 BTC


>> No.1353870
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...meanwhile in the real world.

>> No.1353871

>I have to wait 1.5 to 2 years for an ultra pump
>then another 6 months for a second one

The day of mooning can't come seen enough, holy crap.

>> No.1353876
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some shakey hands holders sold off because TrumpCoin wasn't mentioned on Alex Jones today because our guys segment got delayed

no fear anon, there will be plenty of opportunities for media exposure

>> No.1353881

Pretty much this. The people who aren't selling now are the ones who will be most deserving of future gains.

>> No.1353886

Maybe towards the election. I personally brought about 15k trumps when it was about 3-5k, sold 5k trumps for a little profit and holding 10k now. Might as well forget about it now.

>> No.1353890

At the end of the day, we're still up 40%+ over the past 48 hours. That scary negative sign you see on coinmarketcap only reflects 24 hours.

You can't expect 150% gains every 24 hours lads. Investments arent a sprint.

Buy now and join me in this moon mission.

>> No.1353896

For such a new coin that was handled so poorly in the beginning, +40% the last couple days is pretty respectable.

>> No.1353908


>> No.1353912

this anon back again

exited everything i had at an average about 16.5k. Put a small buy in at 5k and will stay out until escrow situation etc for trump fund is securely in place. felt it was the right move on what already has been a successful trade.

i dont need the risk as the money means less for me than it does for a lot of people here. there's still a lot of money to be made and the train can easily get right back on track for >$1/trump when the dev team gets a scam proof system in for trumpfund allocation.

peaceing out of trump threads for a while, probably going margin long on btc sometime the next few days, were doing 740 or 520 within a week. will reach the first on or before the 4th of july, else were going down to 520.

>> No.1353915

looks like that anon is gonna get to buy his cheap trumps after all

im not worried

>> No.1353921

Looks like all those people whining about not getting in earlier finally have their chance to get in.

I wonder if they'll actually do it though.

>> No.1353925

they wont

"its the end of TrumpCoin!" they'll say

and they'll be right back to cry during the next rally

>> No.1353931

>still literally double my worth from last week

>> No.1353936

My thoughts exactly.

>price drops to $0.05
>"I told you guys it was a scam!!!"
>price rises to $0.20 shortly thereafter

They never learn.

>> No.1353943

I'm feeling comfy settling in for the long haul. O you of little faith will see soon enough

>> No.1353944
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More like

>price drops to $0.05
>price drops to $0.02
>price drops to $ -0.99

fucking trump rumps actually believe this shit coin will do anything. BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.1353946

>no coiner

>> No.1353949

>This much salt

>> No.1353960
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e memebus unum

>> No.1353965

O shit nigger

>> No.1353970

I got in at 10 and buyin is still at 17 cents on c-cex. Away from home to buy this dip.

>> No.1353972

I feel ya. I wish I had known it would dip this much. Had I known, I would have waited and not bought again at $0.13. Oh well, I bought most of mine around $0.04.

>> No.1353974

The temptation to buy in even more is getting to me. I'm just going to stay cool and calm though, watching these charts is too stressful, I'm gonna check in maybe just once a day

>> No.1353976

just wait. over the weekend it'll dump back down to around 5k maybe even lower, i'd buy in then. that's what i'm going to do.

>> No.1353980

It's funny. I'm only stressed when price sky-rockets and I'm relieved(?) whenever it plummets. You'd think it be the opposite since I'm a coin-holder.

>> No.1353986

calling it a night to enjoy the start of the holiday weekend, like most folks involved with this.

big buy orders set for 7-8k, sell orders ready to drop once we hit 20k in the next 48-60 hours.

we're all gonna make it.

>> No.1353993

you honestly think there's enough pent up negative energy for the market to continue down that far? just wondering how you're figuring that is all.

>> No.1353998

Can you mine trumpcoin or something?

this one looks interesting but i wouldn't pay real money for it

>> No.1353999
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It followed the pattern of a bubble pretty closely

>> No.1354004


>> No.1354006

...so... bear trap?

>> No.1354019

Yeah fuck I almost started regretting putting a couple hundred in, now I'm ready to sink another bitcoin.

>> No.1354026

No media attention yet, I would think this is the first sell off / bear trap.

>> No.1354032


This no coiner again

>> No.1354033

Depending on how far you zoom out and how bullish you are for Trumpcoins, this is either a bear trap or the pop of a first bubble.

Let me tell you something, it's normal to feel fucked. It's normal to wish you'd sold more at 28k only to get back in now and double down at a lower price point for bigger holdings. But that's not how this market works. The volume we deal with makes it impossible for all of us to jump in and out orderly at a peak. Indeed, doing so would cause an epic bubble to pop in seconds. If you're a holder, a big holder or a whale, don't let emotions control your dumping here. Are your Trumpcoins worth only 10k to you? When people were absolute frothing at the mouth to buy them for 25k this morning??

I can tell you that I see great things for Trumpcoin. The moon is out there, don't let your memes be dreams.

>> No.1354035

Trumps going up, beartrap over

>> No.1354040

don't jinx it

>> No.1354065

higher highs, higher lows.
Stop f5ing the price and you'll be fine.
90 days from now you'll LOL at anything even near this price.

Time to increase le position

>> No.1354067

That's lower lows senpai.
How big are you going to make your Trumpcoins fund tonight?

>> No.1354068

Trump whale here.

Not even thinking about dumping.

50K + coins personally, over 200k in my group.

Dumped my waves and rise holdings yesterday to buy more Trump just to fuck around with. (Sold this morning, going to buy back in soon)

Trump has literally no exposure beyond this board yet. No media mentions, no articles, no new exchanges, nothing. And it made it this far.

Best gamble in crytpo for the next 3 months.

>> No.1354071

I'm new too trading terminology but everytime trumpcoin goes up then stabilizes a correction, the low floor is now higher- this is a sign of sustainable growth.

isn't the term higher low?

and I'll be tossing another .4 btc today

>> No.1354074

Oh, right, my bad there. I thought you referred to the saying about highs and lows. You're correct.

>> No.1354075

Your group will be fucking millionaires in november, how do you trust eachother?
but ya, agreeed, the price is rising nicely even with corrections and it's with 1% exposure. Looooong path to the Hill

>> No.1354076
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cheers senp, here have a waifu

>> No.1354086
File: 367 KB, 441x680, 1448884923032-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you haven't fapped in 8 days and deleted your 10 gig fap folder

>> No.1354089

Who here /buyin/ dip?

>> No.1354091
File: 83 KB, 600x486, 1456458896228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold out at 16k, went and martingaled on a dice site and doubled my btc, came back in at 16k and double my trump.

>> No.1354094

i just hope the devs or whoever's in control of this train doesn't get off. kinda worried since they havent said anything in the thread since their "alex jones media plug" bullshit fell through. as long as someone is steering the ship and doing media outreach i feel like there's nowhere to go but up.

>> No.1354103

They probably should have just let it happen if it was going to. I don't think they were lying though. Cunt Loretta Lynch news took over. I bet there dude will be on eventually and mention the coin, probably better in the long run because the website and marketing will bet more tuned.

>> No.1354106

I also have about 50k, and couldn't agree more. Shitcoin or not, this coin has some very high potential and anyone who doesn't buy in now would be very foolish. I see this coin hitting at the very least $1 in the next few months, possibly even more.

>> No.1354118

We don't trust each other.

Coins are in escrow and we vote on what moves we make. Anyone can leave anytime and take their stash. Once they're gone they can never come back though. We also vote on membership. If people think someones making moves outside the group all it takes is 3 members to vote them out. No one has ever left or been voted out.

Last vote none of the ≈13 guys voted to sell a single trump. 3+ month hold.

(Groups split on BTC post halving and consensus is ETH around 5-6 post hack fund lock fuckup FWIW.)

>> No.1354120


They are very busy with a lot of projects along with the 4th coming up and likely family plans. They're working hard on the new website, video promotion and while AJ didn't work out today there are still plenty of opportunities.

It's only the 4th day since this coin took off from 3 cents, people have to realize that we're still very early in this project. The AJ show doesn't always stick to the agenda and people need to realize there's plenty of promotion potential elsewhere.

>> No.1354122


That's very interesting. How did you guys meet? Friends?

I'm about to to chip away the buy wall on c-cex with .5 btc. I could use a hand if anyone wants to help me blast through this

>> No.1354124

I always caution everyone, if your putting an amount in thats really going to sting if it goes to 0$, the only crypto you should even think about messing with is BTC. Risk reward though blah blah....



>> No.1354126

pls wait for me anon, i have .07 im transferring to c-cex right now

>> No.1354132

Meager amount coming along for the ride as soon as it proccesses.

>> No.1354136


I'll hold for another half hour, let's get a trump rally going

>> No.1354137

Yes, friends mostly.

The goal is to maintain 10-15% annually. Anything better than stock market.

We also dig Trump though and aren't going to purposefully manipulate TrumpCoin. It seems like all the big wallet holders are sitting tight. Trumps a very top heavy coin. Any one of them could have demolished the price today if they wanted to.

Trump is the meme of the century. Best gamble in Crypto. I would start calling it an investment if Trump wins

>> No.1354140
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thanks anon

>> No.1354141

I bought it very early on, very cheap and the amount I'd lose even if it were to hit 0 isn't much, but yes I agree with you.

>> No.1354143


Yeah the fund raising aspect makes it encouraging to hold.

A lot of people have suggested that if people sell that they only sell off enough to cover their initial investment so they can ride out the rest. I'm personally holding right now though

>> No.1354144

I think TrumpCoins biggest threat honestly is that Hillary gets indited and cant run.

Will Daddy even need to raise money at that point?

Will Burn coin come back?

>> No.1354146

Let's say I'm a euro, have money to waste and want to join your pump.
Is coinbase a reasonable way to acquire bitcoins to convert to trumps?

Where do I get my trumps? I see cryptopia and c-cex mentioned.

>> No.1354148

ill wait to save a little btc to make a good dent

>> No.1354151

c-cex is the exchange you would convert BTC to Trump on (yobit being the other)

Coinbase is where you would convert Fiat to BTC. Not sure how coinbase works in EU or if it does at all. Its the easiest way in the US though.

>> No.1354155

Being around crypto for some time now, the last thing I saw posted about this much on Biz was ETH. Back when it was under a $1.

Just saying.

>> No.1354158

BIZ is a slow board, you can tell somethings hot when a threads reply rate is like /b/.

>> No.1354160


Those videos are great by the way, please keep doing more

Post your wallet so people can donate for your efforts

>> No.1354163

Going to feel it out with 1btc on yobit, same deal I guess.

>> No.1354169


About 20 minutes to go

If we get about 1.15 btc in we can break through 20k and bring things back to stabilization

Get ready to ride the train

>> No.1354172


>> No.1354176

If you create an order and then cancel it, do you lose any money? Or does the fee only apply once the trade completes?

>> No.1354178

Is there any chance a noob like me can buy with only usd??

>> No.1354182

Google "How to buy Bitcoin."

>> No.1354183

It's a percentage of the completed order. A single buy order might get split into several orders even without you creating and cancelling.

>> No.1354186

But "completed" meaning coins change hands, right?
If I create an order and then cancel it before anyone buys the coins, do I still pay a fee to c-cex?

>> No.1354188



>> No.1354190

>mfw 2.4 btc but was waiting for 6-8k sat tonight
>mfw trump is on the rise again
guess i'll just keep my btc for the halving

>> No.1354191
File: 384 KB, 1021x668, dck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on friends, the trump dream is over. It's time to move on over to the newest top crypto, DCK coin. Show that your daddy taught you not to be ashamed of your DCKs

>> No.1354195

are you spending all on c-cex? yobit seems to be cheaper at the moment

>> No.1354196
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Starting the engines at 23:35:00

>> No.1354197
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>> No.1354200



>> No.1354201

>thinking you have even 1% of TrumpCoins meme energy

>> No.1354204

it'll go back down dont worry

>> No.1354205


>> No.1354206
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>> No.1354207

Yes, I'm 99% certain, I never considered it happening any other way.

>> No.1354209
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It'll get bigger when people buy on it

>> No.1354212




>> No.1354216


>> No.1354217
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>> No.1354218

im going to buy a bunch rn lol get ready folks

>> No.1354223


>> No.1354226


>> No.1354227


~.2 btc away from 20k ho boy

>> No.1354231
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>> No.1354236

that was awesome, that should bring us back to yesterdays highs

>> No.1354242

Seeing that wall of buy orders was beautiful.

>> No.1354248

We should coordinate buys more.

>> No.1354251

god damn it who fucking dumped

>> No.1354255
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Unoriginal meme coming through

>> No.1354259

good shit, lets get another candle stick

>> No.1354260


There are spiteful margin traders who lurk /tcg/, you know.

>> No.1354263

Fuck, whoever dumped just killed my buzz.

>> No.1354264

yobit or ccex? what do you guys recommend i acquired bitcoin

>> No.1354267

Yobit seems similar.

We hit 20k off an impromptu spam buy. Next time we can agree on a sell point

>> No.1354272

How do you sell without dumping?

>> No.1354276

that was me sorry fellas

>> No.1354278

slowly adding to sell wall as the price is increasing

>> No.1354280

>slowly adding to sell wall
Explain this phrase as if I have very little experience trading crypto.

>> No.1354283

So who are the people you guys are planning to take money away from?

>> No.1354285

do you guys think we're gonna be bullish again?

thinking about buying a small amount but I don't want to wake up to another dip when I can wait to buy

>> No.1354288

You can always take the safe route and buy now and hold for months instead of trying to ride the waves.

>> No.1354289

I already have a solid amount

>> No.1354294

Then ride like a madman
Literally just sell small and slow while continually buying.

>> No.1354296

I've seen enough

When I get home from the cheesecake factory (no bully) I'll be buying at market and gobbling up whatever sell walls are there.

If you wanna join, join, if you wanna dump to me that's fine too.

But just a heads up to my biz bros, I'll be pumping us up shortly

>> No.1354297

>cheesecake factory
that's good shit lad, don't be ashamed

>> No.1354298


Don't sell 10000 at once; sell 200 at once.

>> No.1354299

I see it rising going forward. It definitely dumped extra hard after the alex jones thing didn't pan out.

Will try to spam this on twitter and social media.

>> No.1354300


How are coins getting mined? I don't get this concept yet.

>> No.1354303

It's a Proof of Stake coin, meaning that you "mine" coins by having coins in your wallet and leaving your computer running.
You will, on average, earn roughly 2% of the coins you started with after a full year passes.

Mining is not the way to make money with Proof of Stake coins, speculation is.

>> No.1354304

What are you looking to buy at and post again before you do please. I'm trying to get a feel for how the rest of the traders react to our movements.

>> No.1354307

Who even ARE the other traders? What publicity has this gotten outside 4chan?

>> No.1354312

You know this is important when I sacrifice sleep for it. Just gotta be patient.

>> No.1354315

>another dump
when will they learn

>> No.1354318

Btctalk or whatever has a huge thread about it. It was highly upvoted on the reddit sub as a scam which got a ton of page views but in bad light. It's high on the exchange so anyone who trades has to see it by now.

>> No.1354326


I just followed these steps and I'm stuck at the Circle part. I added money but I don't see any way to buy bitcoin from here.

Any clues?

>> No.1354329

download a bitcoin wallet (my favorite is electrum)
it will have to download the blockchain, then generate a receive address and send your money to it from circle

then move money from wallet to exchange and buy trumps. after that you can move the trumps into a trump wallet or leave them on the exchange.

>> No.1354330

it says dollars but its actually btc just go to send money and enter the address for your wallet you wanna send to.

I use blockchain.info because it is secure and cloud based. But your circle is also a bitcoin wallet so you can send from circle to exchange if you wanna

>> No.1354331


>> No.1354332

Literally deposit like 50 bucks in there and then in your settings you change it to bitcoin
Click your account name at the top right
Click settings then the currency tab
Then just choose

>> No.1354338

>1BTC dump

>> No.1354341

what do you guys mean by 12k or 20k

>> No.1354344

satoshi, its a measurement for bitcoin

.0002 btc = 20k satoshi

>> No.1354345

got it. Thanks

>> No.1354351

I fucked up big time. Sold all of my 1047 trumps at 11304. Hoping to buy the dip. Shot up 15mins later. Without anyone selling.

>> No.1354354

anon... 11k WAS the dip

>> No.1354360
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>tfw Jesse Ventura endorses TrumpCoin

>> No.1354361

thats nothing, I sold 11,000 trump at 7.9k sat when i bought it all for 3.4k three days ago.

>> No.1354363

ETH is a mess

>> No.1354367

rough time for eth, it will get through it and rise like always though. will buy more after this trump ride.

>> No.1354369

lol, selling the bottom happens buy the next dip, just gotta suck it up, luckily its been 60+% moving all the time, always another chance.

>> No.1354375

First time trading, I thought if I pulled it off I'd have couple hundred more coins. Shouldn't have rushed.

>> No.1354382

where the hell are you?

>> No.1354385

>decide to buy a small amount of memes to join in on the fun
>missed a zero
>didn't check

There's no turning back now.

>> No.1354386

Give him another 20 before worrying. Waiter and traffic could hold him up.

>> No.1354411
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>> No.1354424

Cheescake is kill

>> No.1354431

Was so heavenly that he died. Rip sir Cheesecake

>> No.1354433

Seriously we need to coordinate better. We can make trump go to 50k easy

>> No.1354435

if god is real cheese cake guy will deliver

>> No.1354440

Do the same thing tomorow then. Saturday should have more volitaility naturally so it will play with us better.

>> No.1354443

Plot twist. Cheesecake owns the factory and lives in the attic. He'll never leave.

>> No.1354461
File: 23 KB, 363x232, zea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck if i had know about this earlier

>> No.1354462

i need some help with my wallet. i send 4000 coins to yobit from wallet,and it says it has been confirmed but doesn't show on the blockchain and hasn't appeared on yobit. even though my wallet said it was up to date and synced, it wasn't, i was a few thousand blocks behind the blockchain.

it is syncing now, its 6000 blocks out of sync. it isn't doing it quickly.

will these coins eventually turn up on yobit and the transaction turn up on the blockchain, or are the coins lost? once it properly gets syned, will it all be fine?

i'm on a mac, which makes finding wallet editing info more difficult, most things are for the windows version. i have added the new nodes to the config though.

>> No.1354489


Coinbase works fine in the UK at least. Daily limit is set at £100, presumably a similar set up and amount in € too.

>> No.1354490

It will be there once it syncs

>> No.1354496

Shameless fags trying to find suckers to sell to.

Every digital currency ever.

>> No.1354512

Shill better so that I can get cheaper Trump.

>> No.1354526

For those of you who are speculating, how do you decide when to sell?
I'd hate to sell at 25k only to see it reach 30k before it dips, for example.

How do you tell when a spike is about to stop?

>> No.1354539

The election

>> No.1354558
File: 49 KB, 476x382, MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another garbage cryptocurrency with even shittier value. no hope of contending with the one and only BTC. all you other meme coins fuck outta here

>> No.1354559

If you're trading short term then buy at crashes, and sell at bubbles. Don't be too greedy, or you'll get fucked in the ass by smarter people. However, if you're investing then buy and HODL until the election

>> No.1354566

That's just it, how do I tell when a bubble is about to pop?
What if I sell at X price, and the price just keeps going up and never even returns there?

>> No.1354572
File: 115 KB, 504x566, pnd jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be happy that you still made a profit. It might not return to your original position but the price will crash eventually, which is your re-entry point.

For example I bought at 5k and sold at 17k, didn't panic when it continued to go up to 25k+, just waited. Now that the price settled I bought back at 13-14k. You get used to the patterns after years of trading shitcoins

>> No.1354577

So the steele guy really wanted to Talk about TC on Alex Jones, but didnt get the chance yesterday it seems

>> No.1354603

you realize that it dropped down to 13-14k because half of the trumpfund, the 200k trump that was set aside to be paid to the Trump campaign, is missing?

and that the sole person incharge of the trumpfund is the old dev that now is completely separated from the project. and noone apparently understood this was a pretty dumb thing if you're aiming to build the coin up to become worth a small fortune.

Were currently in a limbo that could take us back to 5k pricing again at any moment depending on how fast those 200k coins can be found and put into the hands of a serious escrow. Most likely 100k has been sold off already, we can't know though since the blockexplorer mysteriously got fucked over the past month.

keep patting yourself on the back for reading the market though lmao. You just missed the top by almost 100% and bought back in at what could be the edge of a cliff.

>> No.1354624


You have no way of knowing. However its my understanding that a definite 25k in this instance would be better than trying for 30k, missing it and it dropping to 24k by the time you've sold. If it goes up to 35k instead, youd just have to suck it up.

>> No.1354627



>> No.1354630

Yup fucking pajeet dumped 100k coins

>> No.1354634

Trumpcoin is the ultimate reverse-meme. Remember those male tears cups? An hipster liberal webdev found a way to steal money from those "dumb trump supporters".

>> No.1354636
File: 111 KB, 640x480, dan-trump-eyeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I read more about this?

>> No.1354637

Btc Talk Forum

>> No.1354646

They are still with the devs by the sound of it.

Even if they did somehow vanish, myself and others would likely be willing to restore the 200k. The only thing that I dont like at the moment is that they havent quite figured out who should be looking after the coins.

Still not even considering dumping.

>> No.1354648

I shouldn't have let you niggers talk me into buying when it was 18k.

>> No.1354659

Can anyone tell me why my wallet says my coins aren't mature? that bitch has been staking foor weeks and now all of my 40k trumps aren't mature anymore. the fuck mayne

>> No.1354679

Is it a better choice to trade on Yobit or C-cex?

>> No.1354712

You should shill more on 8pol

>> No.1354774

The blockchain explorer is fucked, can't even see my own coins so at this point there's no telling what happend.

>> No.1354777

Well there are some rumors that yobit will pull an exit scam so c-cex i guess

>> No.1354784

Circle is a bitch, once you've put dollars in it click around the menu and there's a button to convert the account to bitcoin at market value. From then on out it's all bitcoin when you put money in. Such a terrible design, I don't know if they intentionally hide that they do bitcoin or what.

>> No.1354796

Even though i would recommend keeping your TC in a wallet not Exchange

>> No.1354800

I agree with this sentiment. But I'm also a lazy fuck. I like have small walls of sell orders up at prices I'm happy with, all the way up to a dollar. Not too much to slow down the bulls, but enough that I don't lose out on the moonphase because of a few butthurt bears dumping our shit down before I can clear my deposit from wallet to exchange.

>> No.1354805

Aslong as You don't keep everything in an Exchange, you are good

>> No.1354811

Is anyone else's wallet fucked?
I keep getting this error.

Assertion failed!
File: src\kernel.cpp, Line 419

Expression: pindex-> pprev|| pindex-> GetBlockHash() == (!fTestNet ? hashGenesisBlock : hashGenesisBlockTestNet)

>> No.1354813

Hmm everything seems fucked now

>> No.1354841


>> No.1354843

Trump fund going to be placed in escrow, possible alex jones as escrow holder

>> No.1354844

It's really simple. Settings then currency

>> No.1354845


dont sell u fucking morons

>> No.1354846


>> No.1354852
File: 55 KB, 250x242, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling now

>> No.1354853
File: 16 KB, 616x525, 21920_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're at the first price testing phase senpaitachi. You thought the last spike was yuuuuuge? You aint seen nothing yet.

>> No.1354854

So, how much did you lose? :^)

>> No.1354855
File: 790 KB, 1111x597, 1467339023463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low energy

>> No.1354889
File: 160 KB, 748x1036, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't sell in the 20's when it was painfully obvious it was going back to support at 8-10, then reinvest and triple his trump holdings.

>> No.1354892

Sold at 18 and bought at 13

Playing it safe, holding now

>> No.1354895

based on what?
based on the fact that it could happen, given that anything is possible, but based on no evidence at all, just one guy mentioning it somewhere to support his own theory and others picking it up.

anybody holding anyones elses crypto could pull a disappearing scam, but how often do they happen?

i expect you're just repeating what you've read, but to say there are rumours that 'they' WILL pull an exit scam is baseless scare-mongering. just like the 'Trump will sue' posters et al.

at the most basic level, do you think if you were going to try and steal a couple of million dollars worth of peoples goods and get away and live anonymously, you would tell anyone about your plans months in advance? so where did this rumour begin?

apart from all that, keep what you need to trade on the exchange, keep the rest in your wallet. that is the best and most repeated advice.

>> No.1354899

As I said its only a rumor

>> No.1354918

>implying I can safely sell off 16K trumps without fucking with things

Yeah, i'm just gonna play with the margins.

>> No.1354928

question to trumpcoiners: what is the endgame plan? How much do you have and at what price will you sell them, and when do you think that's going to be?

>> No.1354939

Around november

>> No.1354946

Ride the waves
Right now it's fluctuating on hype

>> No.1354951

Fuck why is this thread so slow compared to the past couple of days?

>> No.1354955
File: 405 KB, 1522x1413, 81Imag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in a bear trap. Nobody likes talking about those. This shit will be higher than saturn once we reach the public. Prepare your poopers.

>> No.1354956

It's early in the morning anon

>> No.1354960
File: 55 KB, 403x243, bull-and-bear-phases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait for the next bull phase. In this moment we will be euphoric. Not for any false religion, but for our enlightenment of the god emperor's shekel.

>> No.1354962

When it gets close to $2 I'm going to sell them.

>> No.1354966

Hell yeah, thats the spirit!

>> No.1354972

Ok Im back in. bought a bunch at .0001. Wheres the new developer has he gotten his shit together yet?

>> No.1354975

Is keeping on exchanges really going to fuck me dry?

>> No.1354979

Nah. Just keep proper money management in mind. Hedge your bets.

>> No.1354993

Weird, I heard the same thing about c-cex

>> No.1355000

And I'm back in with 1100 coins. About 50 coin gain. At least it's something.

>> No.1355017

I keep getting fucked on all my Trumpcoin buys. Gonna sell them all off and buy ETH instead

>> No.1355022

ETH is lit. gonna crash once the ruski bails on his failed forks

/biz/bros don't let /biz/bros buy ETH.

Welcome back on the moon mission anon

>> No.1355023

Didn't lose anything, just didn't have as much gayns

>> No.1355035
File: 72 KB, 1837x793, ss+(2016-07-02+at+11.03.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1355046

Is it too late for me to buy trumpcoins now? I have never bought any cryptocurrency before so I don't completely know how to yet. This shit just seems really interesting but I only have 100€ to invest.

>> No.1355055

I wouldn't touch it right now, there's drama among the devs and a massive sell-off. Wait for it to bottom out then risk it.

>> No.1355059

That fucking pajeet

>> No.1355075

Yeah fuck this im out

>> No.1355078

I have $300 invested, should I just cut my losses and sell?

>> No.1355083

If you don't see the potential in this I feel sorry for you.
Sure some things didn't work out, but I guarantee within the week, there will be some new hype, either a media mention, video, or whatever, and it'll at least stabilize near the previous week.

>> No.1355085

Lol wut

>> No.1355089

lmao nice dump fgt

>> No.1355091
File: 95 KB, 540x540, GxPLdT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out too guys, it was a fun ride but this pajeet shitdev forking the blockchain has me fed up with Trump for the time. Will buy in the moment it gets sorted out but I'm not taking a 100% loss.

>> No.1355105


LMFAO where's your evidence of this? Nobody cares about shit scamcoins

>> No.1355110

chicken65 bls

>> No.1355111

Hmmm not sure whats going on but this coin still has potential if new dev team takes over

>> No.1355113


we're dirty mexicans and we can BREAK DOWN THIS WALL

>> No.1355114

Check em trips lord kek i speak the truth

>> No.1355117

this is a bear trap if i've ever seen one

>> No.1355118

how would a new dev team take over if the current one refuses to cooperate with anyone? HE RAN OFF WITH THE MONEY IT IS OVER. Don't be a delusional bernout

>> No.1355119
File: 994 KB, 1366x768, -It-s-not-a-crime-if-no-one-finds-out-haiyore-nyaruko-san-31864473-1366-768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet took off with our dosh

>> No.1355121

he's scottish m8 and if he dumped he likely dumped his own pretty hefty stash not the fund

>> No.1355125

It was fun while it lasted lads, all good things come to an end. Wish I sold my final 700 trumps earlier.

If it goes back to 5k I'll reinvest but I wouldn't be surprised if the owner takes a runner. Lesson learned, always take your profits. I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole until the dust settles.

>> No.1355129


He blocked the tech director and forked the blockchain

>> No.1355131

This does seem like a bear trap and its pretty big. And a new dev team can cooperate and pick a coin back up even if previous dev bails the community just needs to help a bit. We get the block explorer running transparent fix the right nodes for the wallet and go about our biz and trump will moon im not letting go i dont have weak hands and i sold 300,000 trump way before this pump tgen bought back in im not worried at all this will moon hard after whales scare everyones coins out of hands its classic crypto

>> No.1355141

eh that could've still been to dump his stash or it could be a genuine malfunction

i don't really care either way, i bought in absurdly low so either i make stacks or i dont

>> No.1355142

Where were you when Trumpcoin was kill?

>> No.1355146

Lol trump isnt kill this all can easily be sorted out with a littke bit of cordination and effort everyone is just panicing

>> No.1355159


These are easy problems to fix and you'll see sell offs that reflect these changes. With a little effort and communication these problems can be fixed

>> No.1355160

the bad press is enough to keep a lot of potential buyers away from the coin, and don't be silly in thinking that this is some kind of long term project, after the elections this thing is going to tank, regardless of who is going to be the POTUS.

>> No.1355162

I hear there is a lot of problems with the wallet should I send all to yobit for now?

>> No.1355165

This coin taught me some valuable market lessons

>> No.1355167

Yeah that trollbox with people personifying devs and saying that chicken stole the money and exploited the community. 4chan would expose people over this back in the glory days/

>> No.1355169

the "bad press" is a trollbox and a meteoric rise followed by a sharp correction

it's crypto not the DOW

>> No.1355170

Buy high sell low?

>> No.1355172

me too

>> No.1355175

Oh man, maybe it's a 4th of July celebration to buy in AGAIN at these ludicrous prices, thank you all.

>> No.1355176

You guys i been in crypto a while dont panic sell just hold and you will see the wallets will synce a trump fund will be there and the blockchain will be transparent again

>> No.1355177

>got 1500 coins stuck inbetween transferring from my wallet to yobit

>> No.1355179

I didn't panic sell. Just sold off and bought in lower. Got 3k of my lost coins back from that, too.

>> No.1355184

Panic buy will happen soon if you check the bitcoin talk thread lucky 7 had a bad negitive vibe. Im sure chiken is just asleep he will wake up in like 8-10 hours respond on the thread cooperate with the dev team and lucky7 will stop spreading fud cuz he bought tons of cheap trump everything will sync and there will be a panic buy. You dont just bail after a coin reaches a 1 million dollar market cap when trump has the potential to be so much more. Chiken65 will come through when he has time and help other devs he has had plenty of chances to bail will lots of cash and coins but hasnt

>> No.1355186

Dev took a runner mate. This coin is finished. Trump will never indorse it, nor will anyone in the media. All fundamentals are gone, so I'm guessing whales who still hold will pump and dump it.

>> No.1355188

Chicken's had the tech lead blocked on Skype for over 3 days

>> No.1355189

I'm holding the line boys, letting the dust settle while I swim in my trumpcoin pool

>> No.1355197


wtf i hate trumpcoin now.

>> No.1355199

>Please take a moment to click Help->Debug Window in your wallet and post what it says next to "number of connections" and "Current number of blocks"

WTF why did I buy more last night.

>> No.1355202

Wrong timing, bro.

>> No.1355207

Why do the devs even matter?

Like what serious significance does the chicken shit guy have over trump coin?

>> No.1355209
File: 65 KB, 768x1024, ruff_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep holding you shitters

>> No.1355214

>indorse it

never change pajeet fudders.

Dust will settle, chicken will eventually be moved out out out and real devs can finally have total control.

These low prices are temporary

>> No.1355217

soon as that shit hits 1 penny im whaling

>> No.1355219

It's at 6k I haven't seen anything drop that hard since Orlando

>> No.1355221


thanks for trying to keep the spirits up m8s cuz i started feeling like i dropped more dosh on this than i am comfortable with losing

>> No.1355222


crypto noob here. Is this what it's like to be a coin trader? these intense waves of panic and bliss....fuck it I'm buying the dip to... to the MOON!

>> No.1355223

im holding my 1200 coins, my bros !

>> No.1355225

perfect time to buy in on this dip

>> No.1355227

See >>1353999

It was a bubble and pajeet popped it, strange though since he probably could have made a lot more money if he continued to wait.

>> No.1355228

Yes, and bless you brothers. I'm sitting pretty on 43k Trumpcoins and I'm not looking to sell. We've taken a detour but we're still heading to the moon. The God Emperor does not look kindly upon weak hands.

>> No.1355229

and here comes the aMooon

>> No.1355236


>> No.1355240

this train is not going to stop!

>> No.1355241

People have been saying this since 25k
Nasty, how does it feel to have lost 10 Bitcoin in a few hours?

>> No.1355242

We've already hit the floor, friend. There's no where to go but up.

>> No.1355246

I haven't lost anything yet because I haven't sold.

>> No.1355248

>Why do the devs even matter?

Because they stole 100k coins and there are discrepancies within the trump block chain. Someone said the dev has or may be trying to create a fork, which would be even worse than someone simply stealing coins.

It has all the tell tale signs of a con with one dev fucking over everybody else.

Lesson learned, racism is good.

>> No.1355258


1 BTC breaks the wall back to 10k

>> No.1355263

if this market isn't totally gone im quite certain 5k sats will be the bottom.

>> No.1355267

sup back again

personally i think there's no point in selling your coins now, but do as you please. there's a saying greed is good, and by that saying things will work itself out with the old devs by itself.

At this point though it's basically for sure that 100k got sold off. the funny part is considering how angry that guy sounded, i'm pretty sure he's the one who put up the 50k trump wall in at like 11k three days ago and sold off. in other words he got almost nothing compared to what he should have with his coins lol.

New devs are still willing to work hard, old devs almost certainly still own coin or want to buy back in now at the cheap. A solution means more money for everyone, therefore it's likely to happen. the solution obviously involves tech control fully being given over and transparency being restored.

>> No.1355273

Damn this honestly sucks, literally the one time I don't have my laptop and keys, the price gets so fucking low.

>> No.1355277

Fuck I'm at work for another 4 hours I'm tryna buy this dip

>> No.1355281

You might be out of luck friends. It'll probably be up to $0.06 before you get home from work. Still a good dip though.

>> No.1355288

Better than the 10 cents I almost bought at yesterday. Hopefully price fluctuates all weekend giving position increasing opportunities

>> No.1355290

>Old dev selling 100k to create this big dip
>Just buys more thanks to the dip

I can't tell if this guy's a mad man or a genius.

>> No.1355291

Some lucky son of a bitch just bought 10k cheap over at C-Cex.

>> No.1355295

All aboard the Sia train!

>> No.1355297

Jesus fuck

>> No.1355305

Dev drama is so frustrating! I was enjoying the videos and the new websites, those guys were doing a great job.

>> No.1355307

he sold those 100 or 200k 3 days ago, not today

this dip is the people dumping the coin while internal problems are trying to be fixed. logic says they will be fixed, lets hope it comes through. i do think chicken suddenly seems pretty unreasonable though, which is why im pretty sure he's mad that he dumped 100k at 11k price.

I bought back a conservative 15k between 5-10k today. pretty confident in that buy, if it fails then it's still just a small hit to my profits on this coin. we had 180btc volume in 24 hours at most and insane price increases while old dev dumped some, that tells everything about what happens to this coin if the issues are resolved.

get a trump amount you're comfortable with now below 10k and just chill on it

>> No.1355318

If you folks aren't already doing so, check the buy orders over at C-Cex.

>> No.1355324

Okay, which one of you crazy bastards just purchased 22k on C-Cex?!

>> No.1355332

>Did Chicken really sell half of the Trump Fund? This is very bad for Trumpcoin if he did. Mr. Trump will never endorse a scam. I was worried about something like this happening when he gave up his position but still wanted to hold onto the Trump Fund.
>It's impossible to tell right now because the block explorer is incorrect.

They stole coins and fucked up the chain, either a distraction or a shit effort at covering it up. This is like the eth situation, you either end up working with the same person who ran off with your money once. Or you fork and get new devs. It's not a lost cause, but it is pretty bad. I wouldn't touch it.

>> No.1355342
File: 3 KB, 125x82, 1467301473062s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dip is recovering and price is going back up. There's been a lot of tension these past days

>> No.1355343

Pajeet Chicken was moved 90% out for a reason. Now ...If he has compromised the Trump fund holdings, then his last piece of "ownership" of the coin is finally gone, and we can start to move forward 100% without him..purely with the new devs (good coming from the bad).

Whether that means we as a community chip in as the new devs use their own money(countless times in the past they've contributed THEIR OWN MONEY) to refill a new Trump fund and continue as normal sans chicken

Or, Chicken didn't end up selling some/all of the fund...
if that's the case I think it actually gets a bit trickier, because we need to get him to agree to transfer some/all of the fund to someone on the dev team (my vote is the marketing guy, out of all the devs he has revealed the most about himself, that's a big positive or Signal, he's AWESOME)
we could even offer chicken 25% of the fund to just walk away (thanks for your service, kind of thing) and easily re-contribute the lost 25% np.

The point is, that regardless of which of those two outcomes materializes, this is a GREAT thing for the project. I've spoken to nearly everyone on the new dev team over PM and some even Skype and I assure you the only thing holding them back from greatness is their unspoken worries about chicken (some have been less vocal than others, but they all are cautious of him)

Once he's out and the core group of devs can pick up the pieces (whether that's starting from 0, or having half the fund to work with) the coin will be set-back free. The point is, this is their chance to say to chicken "I'm sorry but you are off the project you created" this happens in business all the time with public companies.

This project has shown the legs and fundamentals to do amazing things DESPITE setbacks.....focusing on marketing, community, seo, memes, supporting trump, fun, high energy we will double our previous high 15 days from whatever scenario materializes from today's ashes. True last chance to join us for a discount

>> No.1355347


Chicken is a fucking small minded moron if he sold.

>> No.1355354

i'm the same as you mate. i'm not selling till it is decent decent money. people are getting worked up for nothing and believing the naysayers who have nothing better to do but spread unfounded negativity.

>> No.1355355

guys we need a new trump coin now
nobody will endorse this coin after all that has happened these past few days

>> No.1355360

I'm the video guy and I'm still as onboard now as i've ever been

don't buy into panics fellas

I've got some good shit cooking up for y'all

>> No.1355361

thank you for chiming in. i'm certain this situation is resolvable.

no all you need i transparency. a project like this is worthless without transparency and growth like we had will turn into scamming everytime without it.

>> No.1355363

If this can be fixed somehow with a community effort, this will prove the resilience of trumpcoin and buyers would flood in. Patience.

>> No.1355364

I haven't followed that closely to know what did or didn't happen, but someone had posted here that the address that was supposed to be for the trump fund only had 100k coins. And there were no other addresses with more than that (maybe it was addresses affiliated with the team, surely someone has a bigger personal stash idk). Either way the coins are gone or were never there.

That's imo a lesser problem than a fork. It may recover, but it will be bumpy, look at the fork talks and ether. And this is hitting us faster and with less community consensus.

Yeah goddamnit this could have been great.

>> No.1355365

Somebody fill me in on what just happened
I've been out for the past 2 days. What's happened? Can you all give me a brief summary or rundown?

>> No.1355369

Meant to say that they posted about the missing coins yesterday or the day before. They found out simply by exploring the block chain this was before signal7 or whoever spoke up about the situation.

>> No.1355374


Here is the TL:DR - Chicken65 the creator held onto the 200k of Trumpcoins while he passed off management duties to a team of new devs. Now we are having problems with the blockchain, because most likely Chicken has fucked with it to cover himself selling off the Trump fund.

We dont know for sure, but its pretty suspicious. This is why there have been problems with the blockchains and wallets.

Will this kill the coin? No, the good news is that we can fork it. It will however, slow things down for a bit.

>> No.1355379


emphasis on 'for a bit'. It looks like the price is stabilizing already.

>> No.1355380

and enable the good price for thos who sill want more.

>> No.1355382


In the world of crypto, there really is no stable price, especially for a coin in early stages like this. The coin has been bleeding out and will continue to bleed out until the dev team gets their shit together.

The new dev team seems awesome, BTW. I am still bullish on the coin. But this is a setback. How we recover is dictated by the new dev team and how we, as a community can support the coin and recover its image.

>> No.1355383


he sold it off at the start of the rally 3 days ago, i'm fucking certain. doubt he sold any above something like 14k considering the illogical resistance we had around 9-14k 3 days ago. would explain why he's so mad lmao. unless he's innocent, there's always a 5% chance of that too.

it's even a possibility that he didn't intend to steal the funds and just wanted to use it to buy cheap coins - then the price over doubled what he sold for and now he's fucked.

>> No.1355393

It's only been a few hours. The next news will probably be confirming what we already know, which will trigger more panic. Long term who knows.

>> No.1355394


If he did that, he is a greedy, stupid fool. What a DUMBASS!!! This coin has the potential of hitting the top 10, its nearly guaranteed, everyone here knows it, so does the yobit chatbox and thats why the thread has been plagued with idiot trolls trying to sabotage the coin. In my 3 years of trading crypto I have never been so sure of any altcoin.

This should be the very last big setback for the coin. After we get through this the coin will have nothing else holding it back.

>> No.1355395
File: 11 KB, 599x260, Coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to get in on this and deposited 50 bucks in Coin and received a confirmation e-mail, but I don't see where my bitcoins are?? Can someone help me please?

>> No.1355396
File: 256 KB, 900x900, 1463609036184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's no block explorer so I decided to put one up. It's currently syncing with the network though


>> No.1355400

Go to settings now, then currency

And you can exchange that 50 for bitcoins

>> No.1355403

New dev bros (bunch of tip top blokes by the way) have been tiptoeing around this chicken guy since they took over. I don't blame them, it's like kicking out the creators of a company once it goes public, but at this point, they need to bite the bullet and move him out,
as someone else mentioned, whether he is guilty or stupid, just pay him off or fork his ass.
I'm convined this current dev team could succeed with any blank canvas coin, so just take whatever hit you need to and start the engines again on Trumpcoin train.

if you haven't gotten in yet, this is a blessing for your entry, if you were complaining about buying more, again a blessing.

We will be back to 9
10 cents within 24 hours, scree shot this mates

>> No.1355404
File: 104 KB, 680x932, SurvivalPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, do you think I should hold off converting for now though because of how high bitcoins are rn?

I want to really get in on this panic though and don't want to lose that window of opportunity

>> No.1355408

If you're going to buy altcoins immediately it makes no difference

>> No.1355409

>as someone else mentioned, whether he is guilty or stupid, just pay him off or fork his ass.

does anyone have any faith in this coin that it will ever reach 1.00 a share?

>> No.1355411

I do. Else I wouldn't have sat on my 43k for so long.

>> No.1355412

so, people cashed out $125,000 over the last couple of days huh

>> No.1355413

screenshotted brutha

new vid will be along shortly, blockchain seems to be getting sorted and the anti-trump shills have bought in low and shut up

lesson to be learned boys, dont get wrapped up in positive or negative hype and don't base your financial decisions on a scrolling chat box filled with screeching shills

>> No.1355418

mate the potential RUMOUR of someone MAYBE mentioning trumpcoin on the alex fucking jones show sent it to a quarter

yes i have full faith this can surpass a dollar

>> No.1355420


If we can fix these issues then absolutely yes. Trumpcoin will blast off into top 50 easily.

This is coming from someone who has been trading crypto altcoins for over 3 years. This will be the first of its kind. All it needs is a TRUE dev team and a pure blockchain. We have the dev team, we just need the fixed blockchain.

>> No.1355424

good point. Next time something like this happens, we know what to mostly expect.

IF something like this happens again.

>> No.1355425

Thanks man. I feel better about buying 3k trumps at 0.03 a share. I hope to buy a VR and a nice fleshlight with my investment. I'm holding out til Nov. Please hold with me.

>> No.1355428


That's not possible. There's not enough liquidity and capital for that to happen. Chicken probably made $15k AT MOST, probably much less which is why he is pissed. There was just not enough money flowing for such a large movement.

>> No.1355430
File: 252 KB, 500x500, HawaiiTrumpPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the beginners questions

But how do I send my bitcoins from my Coin account to Yobit?

>> No.1355432


thanks m8s. i can feel my hand strengthening

>> No.1355435

its all good bruthas, crypto is volatile thats the nature of it

people in the trollbox right now who've been shilling it down just made a solid amount and bought more trumps so that should tell you what exactly just happened

avoid bear traps boys

>> No.1355436

The coin was doing something spectacular even at 5 cents. The 10 or whatever it landed at us fucking amazing for the couple months it's been around.

Why aren't I rich immediately!

Everything has to be crack to everyone all the time. Can't just be happy with a piece of free chocolate.

Please never trade anything if you're crying about current price. A 3% move up is big news in the stock market.

>> No.1355441
File: 4 KB, 428x88, 1459222630570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if I were madman enough to do this?

>> No.1355445

You would effectively help stabilize the currency and ensure the november gainz. Plus the new alex jones spike that will happen

>> No.1355446

you fucking madcunt

>> No.1355447


You'd see another launch to the moon everyone would jump back in probably

>> No.1355448


>> No.1355450


You'd also become a micro-whale in the process.

>> No.1355453

you are ill advised to publish anything or trying to make this coin grow before problems are resolved. you cannot make this grow as a donation fund when there's a chance of the donation fund being scammed off.

history will simply repeat itself if we get growth again before trumpfund is in safe escrow. before transparent escrow is established this can only be considered a scamcoin.

like that bitbobb guy in the btctalk thread, apparently he doesn't want to use lawyers/escrow agents because of mistrust or whatever, but he's super up for giving the responsibility to any random person online. i'd be very suspicious of the bitbobb dude.

i dont know who he says he is to you devs, but do not trust him with any real money at any point in this project. A lawyer needs to handle selling trumpfund and donating the money into trump's campaign. the reason being lawyers have legal ramifications when failing to do their job, people on the web do not.

What really should happen is someone needs to get in touch with trump and make him accept bitcoin donations. that way we can have 100% transparency with transactions through blockchains.

>> No.1355454

I got 10k trmp coins waiting on you anonkun

>> No.1355456

I'm just the Media Director senpai, I make things look pretty and frame things appropriately

I am well aware that this is an inopportune time to post a hype video, if there's a second pump based on media attention thats when i plan on timing my releases

>> No.1355458

do it on yobit tho

>> No.1355459

Do it and transcend into godlike state

>> No.1355467

that's still a good deal. do it.

>> No.1355472

a step by step how to buy video for even the most tech retarded normie is always appropriate.


>> No.1355476

I sold to be honest lads. I'm betting that the bottom is still a way's down, maybe back at 3500 or so. Want to double my Trumps.

>> No.1355477

it's coming

thats not the one i'm timing, I've got one that's very dependent on the direction of the coin but will be hype as fuck if i can make it happen

>> No.1355479

c-cex or yobit?

>> No.1355485


>> No.1355486


>> No.1355488

believe it or not, that's what I'm aiming for, too.

>> No.1355494

m8 i'm holding like a motherfucker

didn't sell a single coin, im in a comfortable position where playing with waves isnt worth the stress for me

best of luck for your insexment

>> No.1355498


>> No.1355506

I truly believe if we can pull through and get Alex Jones to shill for us in conjunction with a userfriendly tutorial video this could take up to the moon ;_;

travel with me

>> No.1355507

Fuck it I'm back in.

>> No.1355508

Of course, friend.

>> No.1355513

alex jones would never support a trump charity that has no guarantee of even a single cent of the money ever reaching trump

>> No.1355516
File: 931 KB, 800x770, ByzantinePepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump all ready accepts Bitcoin donations

>> No.1355517

Yeah no one ever will. The 200k coins have to be in a wallet that's publiclt viewable with a lawyer holding the keys

>> No.1355520
File: 35 KB, 387x305, e-memebus-unum-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1355538

How is anyone buying or holding Trump after this pajeet fuck news.

>> No.1355541

That's the power of Trumpcoin. Have faith brother.

>> No.1355544

It's bigger than that.
>Nobody ever cared about the donation aspect, it was a gimmick anyways
>Block chain appears OK
>New dev team

>> No.1355553

I bought all my 10,000 trumps at 4 cents each, sold them at 9 cents each today. Now they're 6 cents, I dont know if I should buy back

>> No.1355556

exactly. there is no going forward at this point without complete transparency from the devs

>> No.1355557

Just buy back the 10k and keep the profit

>> No.1355568

I think I fucked up bros.

Tried transferring my trump coins into the official trump wallet via http://www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/Guides.aspx

and it's not syncing and showing the transfer of coins from c-cex to the wallet. RIP moon journey

>> No.1355579

Just give it time. If the wallet wasn't synced when you initiated the transfer you'll have to wait for that.

>> No.1355583

TY. Protip: Run Trumpcoin wallet as an admin in windows. Silly me.

>> No.1355588

Good news:
>Trump blockchain, that is absolutely 100% in sync with Yobit, has been updated at CryptoChainer.com, for instant wallet sync.

>> No.1355597
File: 98 KB, 640x640, EmotionalFeelsPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could really use some help

I tried to transfer some bitcoins from Circle to Yobit about 2 hours ago and it still hasn't gotten into my Yobit Wallet...is this normal? How can I make this go quicker?

>> No.1355599

Does Circle give you a transaction ID?

>> No.1355603


new thread


>> No.1355604

You mean a reference ID? If so, yes.

>> No.1355611

No, not that. Check your Yobit bitcoin address on blockchain.info, if there's nothing then Circle hasn't sent the monies yet

>> No.1355612

Double check the addresses. Assuming it's correct (if you used the qr code it should be) then don't stress. It's usually quicker for me, but they won't just disappear.

>> No.1355743


>> No.1356540



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