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File: 46 KB, 1015x770, Plans & Pricing for Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13546787 No.13546787 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get real here, how much does an average NEET need with Honeycomb APIs connected to a Fiews.io Chainlink Node?

Low, Standard or High?

>> No.13546941
File: 5 KB, 281x179, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the only correct answer

>> No.13546978

100k calls per year would be the absolute minimum if you want to earn anything significant, so definitely standard plan as minimum

then upgrade once your node becomes AAA in reputation. Don't think people realise how important reputation will be, it's gonna become as competitive as ebay's seller rating system

you really don't want to fuck around too much and treat node operation as an actual business

>> No.13547003

Thank you for your input fren, but can you quantify any of this?

>> No.13547017

quantify what? how much profit do you think a single API call would get you? What are the implications of having the top 1% reputation in an emerging, arguably experimental market?

>> No.13547132

Quantify as in how many messages and bandwidth should a nigga anticipate?

>> No.13547158

how much profit do you want to earn?
10k per year? That'll be 1million calls per year if each call is 1cent

>> No.13547342
File: 769 KB, 1000x1399, 1_xY-kyfKN7nBfxfDixC4eHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many messages, what are they anyway? How many calls should I expect with my basic NEET-Node connceted to Honeycomb APIs?

>> No.13547509

messages = api calls. Nobody knows how much demand you'd receive, it all depends on:
1. the demand for whatever you're trying to serve
2. your reputation in comparison to other nodes (think ebay sellers rating)

Not to mention if some big fish manages to corner a market and secure a cheap deal with a provider, he could undercut you in price and drive you out of the market

so many factors. Small-time node operators need a linkpool equivalent for APIs

>> No.13547550

Settle down fags. Even if you have a good reputation and access to good API data the choke point is still widespread adoption of smart contracts. Without that there is no demand for any of this.

>> No.13547822

>messages = api calls
if i'm reading their site correctly, and i am pretty sure i am, then this isn't API calls. this is the number of JSON-RPC messages your chainlink node sends to their service to communicate with ethereum. looks like on average it is 15 messages give or take per API call. probably includes receiving the request from a smart contract and then writing the API result to the blockchain. i tested this out at home and there are several steps that need to happen between your chainlink node and ethereum client to complete a single API call.

>> No.13548290
File: 53 KB, 685x567, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking negros, this is what I am trying to figure out here. Your input is not helping at all. You are just saying what everyone knows, and that is close to nothing!

Intredasting, pic related.

>> No.13548508

No one will call you ever anon. Period.

>> No.13548560

Amazon api cost is $3.50/1MM, I’d reckon the average is somewhere around .05-.1 cents per call though. So to make $10k you need to do 10-20 million

>> No.13548595
File: 40 KB, 657x527, 1520841792676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13548649

Clue in the clueless? What's this about and do?

>> No.13548694
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I have a node and parity light client running on docker on a MBP. will likely migrate to aws or digital ocean for mainnet node, then use Fiews EaaS. beyond that I'm clueless on hooking up api's bridges yada yada. will the paid services be worth subscribing to?? anyone wanna discuss?