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File: 24 KB, 374x374, x3nqedk6_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13541484 No.13541484 [Reply] [Original]

Aight I was posting /smg/ but here I go again.

So to set the scene, I'm 18 and I got no money. Tried my hand at the stock market. Got a brokerage account at "Charles Scwab" Aparently, I opened a MARGIN account and I was able to buy around 20,000 dollars worth of shares. I bought the following:

BABA: 50
BIDU: 50
IQ: 50
MCD: 7

So, technically speaking. I'm 20,000 in debt right now. The interest rate is almost 10% for a margin loan at Schwab. Is that per month? Per year? Or do I just pay that when I'm able to pay back the margin loan?

IDK guys i dont want to file for bankruptcy before i finish highschool but i also want to make sweet cash. Am I doing good? Am i retarded?

>> No.13541501
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Pic related is how i finished off today

>> No.13541550

>IQ: 50
Sounds about right

>> No.13541575

Charles Schwab compounds interest daily

>> No.13541595

>Buying on margin

Confirmed retard. Is it a wonder why 90% of investors lose money when there's winners like this?

Don't be like this guy and you'll make money on the market.

>> No.13541598
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you dont have to be so mean
at least try to tell me what my next course of actions should be
am i actually in debt?
is this just a stock market game?

>ON A $20,000 LOAN

>> No.13541609


>> No.13541632

You're in the green, congrats
Market sell everything while you're ahead, dumbfuck

>> No.13541656
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>> No.13541677


>> No.13541738

Youre fucked, you might as well yolo it on AMD calls or some shit

>> No.13541742
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That's less than 6 dollars a day. If i clear 100 bucks every day then i'm making money, and you can pay back margin rates whenever.
Does this mean i'm good?

>> No.13541762

This has got to be bait.

Sell everything before you go bankrupt retard.

>> No.13541768


>> No.13541844



>> No.13541926

Thank you OP, you just made lose my last doubts I've had about bitcoin.

>> No.13541965

>He didn't know billionaires like Mr Charles (((Schwab))) became billionaires through usury

>> No.13542006


Pretty sure that C. Schwab compounds yearly. 9% a day for a margin account is stupid. Nobody would ever open a margin account just to have to pay back nearly their entire daily earnings.

>> No.13542009

It's clear as water in this picture.
You owe $20,004 and own $20,150 in assets. Sell while you're in the money.

I won't reply again since this is most probably bait

>> No.13542024

Okay, now that we got that straight
Assuming my planned chinese economic boom becomes a reality within the next year or so-

I wont be fucked right? Assuning i keep up with the interest payment which is about 6 bucks per day?

>> No.13542026

You're gonna fit right in around here

>> No.13542033


6 Bucks a day is fucking nothing. If you are too worried about that just cut back on groceries or something. It isn't too hard to save 2k a year from personal life if it concerns you that much.

>> No.13542045

Okay, its not bait i swear.
I'm confident that this'll keep bringing in money.
Assuming my stocks are good am i fine?
So it's good?

>> No.13542069


IDK man why open a Margin account for long term investing. Your plan for a 6 year Chinese Boom is now putting you nearly 12,000 in the whole on interest payments. Just skip the BS unless you are day trading and open a regular account like the rest of the normies. Less interest payment and more opportunity to plan for that 6 year boom.

>> No.13542075

Just so you know, you are actually betting against a boom. You're short on all of those positions (making money when their share price drops).

>> No.13542103

margin doesnt put you in debt they just sell ur shit if they have to. these companies are not interested in letting you use money you dont have that they cant get back easily.

at least thats my opinion, im not an expert by any stretch

>> No.13542107

Holy shit didn't even see that. Oh god OP what the fuck dude. Calling Bait RN.

>> No.13542121

Okay, so let's say i sell everything (i don't think i can now since the market is closed)
I pay back that 20,000 and give 6 bucks of interest
Would that put me in a total daily earning of 139 dollars?

>> No.13542131


>> No.13542161

dont listen to these retards you're doing fine man. Just open new shorts on max leverage tomorrow at the open if you can you're doing god's work

>> No.13542173

You're probably going to make more money tomorrow, since futures are red. But close those positions, ffs.

Download Robinhood and trade meme stocks with pocket change, like a normal person

>> No.13542174
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>> No.13542219

Okay then, so it's clear i'm making money.
Assuming the trend we see today continues for a week or even more and i pay my interest fee- i'm in the clear and making money right?

>> No.13542261

KYS faggot

>> No.13542280

dont worry it's just a scare tactic to shake you out. Strong hands anon, always. Have you tried trading biotech stocks? you could make much more money

>> No.13542295
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>> No.13542301

Why the hostility?
So it's a 50/50 shot on bankruptcy and a decent amount of cash.
Yeah, i'm taking that

>> No.13542358

I can help explain everything for a consulting fee of $145 anon.

>> No.13542385

they're jealous because when they were in highschool they were playing vidya but you, you're shorting stocks like a champ.
Never focus on bankcruptcy and negativity. Laws of attraction apply in trading. That's why you have to focus on the gains. Picture all the weed you'll be able to buy when you'll be in profit.

>> No.13542444

I know it's b8, but depending on the outcome of tomorrow i'll keep it or sell.
I bought a huge fucking dip and i'm positive there is a lot more money to he made.

>> No.13542480

the trips of truth. checked.
yeah it's not a big deal just see on a day to day basis if you see that you start losing money just sell.

>> No.13542522

OP, for the love of god sell everything right now. You don’t know what you’re doing and the ignorance will make you bankrupt one way or another.

>> No.13542530

The most important is that you hold BABA through earnings next week. Shit will moon.

>> No.13542578

I weighed out my options.
Statistically i am unlikely to go completely broke or make it big.

Assuming worse comes to worse i will lose money, say i lose more than 500, i will sell. It's 500 dollars lost but losing 500 is a hell of a lot better than losing 20,000 i dont have

>> No.13542583
File: 156 KB, 500x647, son-i-am-disappoint-13927706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat me to it!

Seriously OP!
...da fuq?

>> No.13542597

Pay debt Greece!

as in now!!

>> No.13542671

see you already know risk management. At worst you lose a little, at best you win big.

>> No.13542683

In the slim chance this isnt bait, I feel bad for you so ill help you. You need to realise that you are in a SHORT POSITION. Google it.
In this image look at how the share prices went DOWN causing you to make PROFIT. Conversely, if they went UP (as you think they will) you would LOSE money. Since you're using margin, you'll lose a LOT of money.
You're literally betting the opposite of what you want. Just fucking close your position retard, you don't have enough brain cells to be fucking around with margin, seriously.

>> No.13542711

Ok no more bait or snark.

Seriously; who the fuk gives a 20k $ margin account to a goddam kid?
(no offense anon.)

Is this how you do business Burgers?
At your age I was working with mutual funds; you got gumption, but sorry this is beyond your grade.
Godspeed, nonetheless.

>> No.13542716

No you got it wrong, i didn't make money from the stock going down.
I bought the baba stock when it was super low, the share price is still an overall day decrease yet still higher than what i bought it for- which is why i made money.

>> No.13542725

I literally do not know how i got it.
I'm still not even sure if the money is real, it's sureal.

>> No.13542761

All 4 of your positions have opposite price movement to profit/loss. Are you telling me the same thing happened to them all?

>> No.13542782

>ask for help
>get told for the last six hours to sell
>keep asking
>keep farming unironic (you)'s
is anyone here not retarded? I need fi dolla for gas

>> No.13542818
File: 292 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190506-202651_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now i think i know what you're getting at.
The opposite price movement to profit/loss is a red flag.
What i'm trying to say is

BABA is up 0.56 since i bought it- that's 52 dollars
BIDU is up 1.04 since i bought it, that's 84 dollars
IQ is up 1.6 since i bought it 18 bucks
And finally MCD is down since i bought it. Therefore i'm down.
Is this logic i'm using flawed?

>> No.13542838
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Look OP; what did you expect? How did you plan to buy stocks with no money down?
I agree this sounds like a LARP; no one in their right mind, even at 18 sees 20k$ and just goes "wee free money!"

Come on ; what's your deal?

If real; get out of the market you will end up selling your sister and like this guy.

>> No.13542842

Under rated post

>> No.13542858

That's nir what i said though.
I said, china's market is gonna explode
I can make money on the daily and afford to pay back interests

>> No.13542908

you're 145$ in profit retard. you bought the dip like a champ when i was watching it going back up without buying, congrats. 15 May is the earnings day. You better hold until then because it's gonna moon hard. BABA is in a bull market. screencap this.

>> No.13542939

How can i believe that when you were bullshitting me with your other responses

>> No.13542951


Look, you are not dumb; but you are green. I don't expect someone your age would know what a margin account is or check interest rate with your brokerage firm's small print.

Your investments are sound but your are playing on a loan and this can hurt you bad.
Sounds condescending but; do your parents know what you are doing?
Crack a book, or a dozen, start with your own money on a safer bed like mutual funds, bonds.

Being young is the time to take risks; but have you ever asked yourself why 90% of day trader end up washed?

>> No.13542975

Alright I'm done here. Can't believe all the retards who can't recognize an obvious troll.

>> No.13542987

You did not place BUYs, (also called a long). You BORROWED 'markers' for these stocks on margin. When you close these positions, you want them to be less than you borrowed them at. The difference is what you get to keep.

The broker is holding these stocks as longs (for other customers), and allows you to bet against them appreciating in value, by going SHORT. This way the broker makes money going up or down, skimming your profit if you win. They are not placing buy/sell orders for you on the market.

The 10k they want is to keep your margin positions (which are shorts) open. They will probably not let you margin trade longs without such collateral.

>> No.13543027
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It's okay to be condescending, fuck it. Outright insult me. It's 4chan after all.
And no, they don't lol.
The point i'm trying to make is that even if that 20k wasn't on credit, i will still be investing in the stocks I am in right now. The thing is that i AM on credit and i do have interest to pay. Even with the interest factored in i am pretty sure i will still be makinf money. The only way for me to go broke is if the chinese market explodes.
I'm not trolling faggot, how do you want me to prove i'm not?

AHA, you see the thing is though that i thought i BOUGHT these stocks.
It says so in the email.
If i'm betting against them then i think it's time for me to sell.

>> No.13543044

Anon chill. Talk to your parents and own up to your dumb shit. You also sound super prone to addiction and I'd be very cautious what you stick your nose into at this age

>> No.13543172

I can't risk missing out an opportunity to weed out retards out of my bread and butter.

>> No.13543177

Respond to this pls
Look i'm not a troll and i have no idea why you guys would think that.
I can prove i'm not christ almighty

>> No.13543190

I believe you.
You need to reduce / control risks.

The interest rate is not a problem.
Much more important price movement.

After 2-3 years of work you will become experienced.

probably need to trade in the range 1k$-4k$ and get experience.

>> No.13543278

Why is everyone calling me a troll, and others sayinf i'm completelty fucked and should sell now?

/biz/ isn't exactly the most reliable place for financial advice

>> No.13543312

Because you are driving a race car, but you have not even learned how to drive.

>> No.13543333

Beginner's luck - Wikipedia

>> No.13543363

Fair enough.
The way i see it my options are

Lose all of it: Chinks Crash
Lose a couple hundred bucks: chinks go low and i sell dip
Gain a couple hundred bucks: pull out when i get higer because i'm scared
Get a shit ton of money: chink boom

>> No.13543390


Margin DOES put you in debt. These are legitimate markets, these aren't crypto exchanges.

The dude borrowed $20k and he will be expected to pay it back. If his balance goes down too low, he will have to cough up more money or they will sell his positions, but he will STILL be responsible for paying back the 20k he borrowed. If his positions don't cover all of that, then that's just his bad luck.

>> No.13543426


Short on margin.

OP, I hope you know that you might owe 20k today and $50k tomorrow. The think about shorting is that you have nearly unlimited loss. That's why most people don't short; and those who do never do it on margin.

>> No.13543449

But i'm not planning in shorting it anon.
I was thinking of keeping it from a couple months to a year.
I'm pretty sure i will be making more than 2k in profit over a time span that long which means i can pay back the 20k loan AND the interest

>> No.13543520


If we assume that you're not entirely bullshitting us, you're in serious trouble right now because the only way you could have got into this situation is via fraud.

Brokerage houses don't just loan 20k to someone who has no money. So you either lied about your income to them, or you attempted to otherwise fiddle with the money.

And you won't be around for 2 years. You'll be lucky to make it past Friday. Federal law requires that brokerages cannot loan more than 50% of the total purchase price; and Schwab requires that you have equity of at least 30% of the stocks value at all time.

Schwab also requires $2000 in your account to even allow you to borrow on margin, which leans toward you being a lying sack of shit.

The message you showed asking for money wasn't sent out just because they felt like it, it's federal fucking law.

If you don't deposit $10,004 in cash into your account in the next 48 hours, it will be liquidated to pay your debt, and you will still be responsible for the difference.

>> No.13543528


Are you sure this isn't a practice account?

>> No.13543621
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How do i tell the difference man? I mean it might be now that i think about it.
But if it was practice then it should theoretically let me put in as much money as i want. And not show an error sign after 20k
I put my income as 1k and my networth as 1k. I entered my social security and was truthful with everything.
I didn't apply for a loan.
I just kept buying stocks until it wouldn't let me anymore.
I'm showing you all my screenshots, i don't know what else to anymore. I'm just as confused as you are on how i was able to purcahsw that much in stocks.

>> No.13543670
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Here is the purchase history

>> No.13543730


Again, real brokerage houses aren't like the wild west of crypto exchanges. There are hard and fast rules that must be followed by law, and brokerage rules that must be followed by policy.

If you put $1000 in, they aren't going to give you 20k on margin.

You can read Schwabs rules here:


If I were you, I would be damn sure you aren't short. When you're short, it's possible to lose more than you have.

Also, the margin call you got is going to be a problem. Right now you have a total equity of $145.72 but a margin debt of $20k. That's why they're asking for $10k, to cover the 50% of your debt. I'm not sure how they would have allowed you to trade.

You can read here to find out how bad things can get with the margin call:


You're kind of fucked, unless you can come up with $10k in cash in the next 48 hours. Also (since you appear to be short for some reason even though it doesn't really show it), if you ARE short, you're going to get hosed and liquidated if the dow opens big tomorrow.

>> No.13543761

Okay but what i still don't get is how i was even able to purchase l that in the first place.
And as far as i know, i just bought regular stocks of baidu and baba at the dip.
Shouldn't i want it all to open big?

Also, can't i just sell everything? Pay back the loan, and then the interest?

>> No.13543788
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OK, the good news is you're not short. I'm not sure why the other screen would show daily gains when they should have shown daily loses. This image shows how each of them did today, so you should have lost money on everything but McD.

You really only have one option...

1 Hope that the American markets (and your stocks) open up positive tomorrow.
2. Sell everything.
3. Pay off the debt
4. Hope that the cost of the debt isn't more than you get selling the stocks.

You've got yourself into a serious fucking pickle.

I will say this... looking at your transaction history I'm curious on the fees. Take McD for example. Did you but one share, then 4 shares, then 2 shares in separate transactions? Or did you put in a single order to buy 7 shares? Because if you put them in as a single order, you shouldn't be seeing a $4.95 fee on each of them.

>> No.13543805

Yes thats a good idea genius. Fucking close your positions, take your small profit (with gratitude that you lucked out) and READ and STUDY about what youre doing before you fuck around with 20k and potentially life cucking consequences. Just the way you write about how certain and easy it is that your shares will go up in price tells us all how naive you are.

>> No.13543813


If everything you have said so far is true, you may have SOME leverage since it looks like THEY are the ones who fucked up.

For example, here's how most people set up their accounts...

1. They open an account
2. They transfer money into an account.
3. You can't trade until the money has cleared.
4. Their computers won't let you trade past your limits.

Somewhere along the line, if you're telling the truth, it sounds like THEY fucked up.

That doesn't mean you won't own the money; but it MAY mean that you have a bargaining chip to prevent them from totally fucking you.

>> No.13543860

Also, in the future, you have to start paying attention to the fees and what it means for profit and loss. Don't just say "I think it will go up"

Take, for example, your 1 share buy of McD. You paid $4.95 per share, which means (if you were to sell 1 share), it would have to go up $9.90 per share just for you to break even.

If/when you sell all of this, you will do it in a single transaction, so you will only have to pay the $4.95 for each trade (each of your stocks), but in future start paying attention to that.

This is the reason why you don't want to buy so few shares. And it makes a difference. For example, your IQ shares. Since you bought 50 at a time, the price only needs to go up $0.198 per share to cover the commission.

>> No.13543873
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The ones that are seperate, i bought seperatly yes.
I did so i can see how much i can push my luck in total purchasing power.
These were the tree options i had. I bought, i did not sell short.

Okay now you two hear me out.

Now the fact i was even able to buy this much is a shocker to me. I'm not quite sure how long i can have that 20k borrowed.
I'm willing to wager that the stocks will keep going up and up. I comitted no crime, no fraud. I simply continued to buy until it wouldn't let me anymore. If stocks continue to go up, what will i be held accountable for doing? Making more money?

AHA. I believe it is them that are the ones who fucked up. The only money i deposited is 50 dollars from my chase account yesterday, and that money is still pending.

I did not lie at all, i simply say this is what i observed. If you have any other questions about my pickle please ask and i will answer. I also appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to help some anon like me.

I will use my current circumstances to reap as much profit as i possibly can. If and when i am caught and hold accountable for this, i do believe i have a valid response and that the debt if paid back in full will not increase. After the fiasco is up i can invest legitimately.

Thank you for this. Not how i expected crash course finance to be like

>> No.13543924

I give up. Imagine being so stubborn on gambling 20k you dont own in a market that you dont know how it functions, on a platform you have no clue how to use or interpret. You deserve to lose everything and be crippled with high interest debt for the next 10 years of your life. Enjoy retard.

>> No.13543944


One final thing worth mentioning... it's obvious that you don't have the $10k to put into your account, so either you are going to have to sell your positions or they will.

It's better for you to sell them. They have no requirement to get the "best price" for the stocks, and it makes no difference to them since you're the one having to pay any difference.

So as soon as the market opens, look for a chance to sell. If each stock is in the green, SELL IT. Don't wait hoping it will go up more, because it could easily go down. When you sell, make sure to use a LIMIT order and not a market order.

>> No.13543947

>"people" are still posting itt

>> No.13543970


To be fair, a lot of people around here have a twisted view of how brokerages work due to their knowledge of crypto markets.

In these crypto exchanges, you throw in $100, leverage as much as you can, and the worst thing that happens is that you're liquidated and walk away.

A lot of people don't understand that regulated/real markets work different, and that when you leverage you are borrowing money just like you do at a bank, and they will expect their money back.

God forbid you short on margin. There's that famous video of the dude who went to bed with $5000 in his account, and woke up the next morning owing $100,000.

>> No.13543984


Ya, but it's educational for the readers who might make the same sort of mistakes.

>> No.13543988

Aight man. Checked.
It's a real shame too. If the 20k was mine there is a lot of potential for more money.
You don't understand, I've concluded that china within a few years will soon take over as the world's largest #1 economy.
Of course I wouldn't want to sell. It's so much potential it's unbelievable.
I still don't get why people think i'm trolling.
What is there to troll about?
Is this how people "troll" on /biz/?

>> No.13544002

>You don't understand, I've concluded that china within a few years will soon take over as the world's largest #1 economy.

I think he's pointing out that you're talking about a timeline of "a few years" but your account will be liquidated in 24 hours.

>> No.13544018
File: 2.98 MB, 3024x4032, Locked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, there are a lot of ways to troll. I've done so myself a few times. My favorite is... wait for Bitcoin to crash, then post this image, "proving" that I've locked my price well above what it actually is; then act like I'm smarter than everyone else who is "losing" when I am "winning". It's usually good for at least 20 replies.

>> No.13544039

I’m laffin

>> No.13544050

Ah, but here's the thing- the error is not on my end.
And i'm positive they will notify me first or phone me before liquidating them.
And i doubt they will do it any price.
They can just wait a bit and not have someone with no capital indebted to them.
I'm not feeding for (you)s and i wrote way too much for this to even be bait

>> No.13544091


You're wrong. They will not contact you by phone, they WILL sell at whatever market price is, and they will only notify you when it's over.

This right here >>13542174 WAS your notification. The 24/48 hour clock started ticking as soon as you clicked that link.

Not to mention, your quote saying "I did so i can see how much i can push my luck in total purchasing power." shows a cognizance of guilt, so it's not like you're entirely innocent either.

If you don't sell tomorrow, you will be liquidated no later than EOD Wednesday. They aren't going to violate federal law just for you.

>> No.13544129

>they will not violate federal law for you
I mean aren't they already now technically?
I am thinking i can give them a call 2-3 hours before the market day is over,(when i get home from school) just in case this is actually legal and we're in some loophole or idk.
If they say i need to deposit 10k im selling that shit and i'm happy with what i have

>> No.13544143


You agreed to the terms when you opened a margin account. (remember that button you checked but didn't read?)

You don't get to dictate to them on this.

>> No.13544165

There in the fine print is probably some small text that gives you a certain length of time in which the money must be deposited into your account but you can still get that margin. I still dont get how i got to buy when i have no money deposited. How am i at fault for thar.

Now this got me thinking, cant i borrow 20k everyday, work some magic and make about 100 dollars, sell then give back my loan with the interest?
So i never have a margin loan for more than a day?

>> No.13544209

>The only money i deposited is 50 dollars from my chase account yesterday,

Listen, there's no error. Nobody knows what they're talking about. I regularly borrow money from my broker.

First, your loan is collateralized with your checking account. So you probably have about $40,000 in cash moving through your checking account per year. Or have $40,000 in cash assets that Schwab is aware of, and believes it can easily garnish. No mistakes. No big deal.

You borrowed cash. You used this to purchase stock. You are net negative cash, net positive stock. Margin interest is traditionally calculated at the end of the day, and it's an expense posted to your account. You pay 9% APR. It's still a huge ripoff. But it's fine.

You are up $150. If you liquidated all your positions, that's how much cash would be left, minus the trading fees. So closer to $130.

You probably shouldn't be doing this stuff since you don't seem to understand much of it.

Also, buying Chinese stocks is going to utterly ruin you. Buying individual stocks is totally beyond you too. Try buying fee-free ETFs.

>> No.13544217
File: 27 KB, 521x589, images (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im in highschool and ive concluded the chinese market *will* go up, im certain of it, better buy as much as I can

>> No.13544219

What I mean is, Schwab has an arrangement with the bank that if you do something fishy, they can just raid your checking account. That's just how it works. Banks will help each other out. How do you think this works in real life? Bankruptcy is only available for people who really are negative.

>> No.13544228


The length of time is 24 hours. And by the look of it, they may not be at fault. Consider this...

1. A margin account is similar to a credit card, where you are given a certain amount of credit that you can purchase against. In this case, your credit was $20k.

2. You made all of your purchases today. Which means that prior to today you didn't owe any money on that credit. So today you used up your entire $20k credit limit.

3. Once today ended, you went from $0 margin to $20k margin.

4. At the close of day today, you now have margin debt, which means that the rules regarding margin debt come into play. So, as soon as the market closed today and you had 20k in margin debt, you now have to have $10k liquid, which is why they sent you the notice.

5. So, in other words... it really IS your problem not theirs. From their point of view, you opened up a $20k line of credit, you used it all today, and you are now responsible for the cash balance that you agreed with.

And, under the agreement, if you don't put up the $10k that you agreed to when you clicked that "I agree" button, they will liquidate you at market close tomorrow

Again... in looking at your transactions, this isn't them making a mistake, it's you not grasping the required cash requirements on a margin account. You're fucked.

>> No.13544266


>> No.13544273


I think the $10k call is a Regulation T issue


>> No.13544277

>First, your loan is collateralized with your checking account.
This is a problem. I unlinked my checking account after purchasinf all the stock out of panic so it wouldn't have an effect on it. The two are unlinked.
My checking out is just some college chase shit, i never had more than 900 USD in it anyhow.

And yes, you're right, all people are in the sense that I have no real world knowledge when it comes to trading stocks. However, i do like to believe I understand the current state of the world and where it's heading to.
Like i said, no more checking out.

So, assuming stocks continue to rise, do I sell or stay?

Alright, I will give them a call before closing tomorrow and see if we can truly clear thinfs up. I will update everyone on that when it happens. Might be in for a suprise.

>> No.13544278



>> No.13544309

Schwab wouldn't clear a retarded high schooler to get $20k of margin. Try again.

>> No.13544328

Why do you keep arguing against the multiple people here who are telling you thst youre playing with fire while doused in fuel. The state of your delusion is actually incredible.

>> No.13544359
File: 34 KB, 320x323, 1541459976928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unironically never going to make it. You are better off getting a trade job right here and now, and everything you want to """invest""" put into a savings account or some shit because if you even touch bonds I fear for your financial security if you actually decided that at 18 years old you would jump right into stocks and immediately set yourself up for $20K in margins fucking lmao this has to be a LARP, I don't believe you.

If you're serious and you're in that much debt assuming you have no capital to pay it off you should actually go bankrupt. What are you going to do at 18 realistically? You have 0 chance at getting a decent job right now or within the next 2-4 years so best case scenario your alternative is to pay off the debt somehow by wagecucking which will take you AT LEAST a year

>> No.13544373

If i have unlimitted time to pay off that loan and no 10k deposit to make, then I will speculate and hole my investment.

If i must put in the 10k, which i dont have. Then i will sell and purchase stocks with money i actially have. Understand?

>> No.13544389


Dude, you're not listening. You don't have unlimited time to pay this off. If you don't wire them $10k by EOD tomorrow, they will liquidate you.

>> No.13544397

*best case scenario AFTER the option of going bankrupt

Forgot to add that in. You might have fucked up but 18 is the perfect time to go bankrupt since nobody expects anything out of you anyway. It will stick with you until you're my age (25) if you live in the US, but the bad credit will help you develop strategies against poverty if you're smart enough to learn. Although if you came here for help and are rejecting what people are telling you I don't think that's a reasonable option, which is why I suggest trade jobs and simply saving your money.

>> No.13544417

Yeah, but i'm going to call them just in case tomorrow to see how much time i have to pay it off. The neither of us know if it's due by eod tomorrow.
>>13544209 says something completely different.

>> No.13544555
File: 558 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190507-000112_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's confirmed to be a margin call. No doubt about it

>> No.13544585
File: 171 KB, 1001x911, More.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is a link to Schwabs rules on margin calls:

The image is the part that (I think) applies.

The fact that they are asking for $10k and not $6k suggests that it is a (federal) Reg T Margin call, and not a maintenance call.

You will note that it says it is due "at settlement".

You can read about settlement here:

The bottom line... settlement is usually 2 days after the trade. So that would be Wednesday.

In other words... if you don't put the money in, tomorrow or liquidate yourself, they will liquidate you on Wednesday per FEDERAL LAW.

>> No.13544604

Go go go anon, you will make history like Harouna Traoré


>> No.13544608

Yep, it's a margin call no doubt about it.
I'm selling tomorrow.
Either way I'm still happy.
That's one hundred dollars minimum i wouldn't have in my pocket otherwise.

>> No.13544618


Not necessarily. That's $100 you would have had in your pocket if you had sold at close today.

If the price of your Chinese stocks goes down again tomorrow, you may wind up still owning them more money even after everything is sold.

>> No.13544626

I'm willing to wager it'll go higher up still.
Either way, we find out tomorrow.

>> No.13544645

Thank you very much btw

>> No.13544681


don't you think you've had enough blind wagering?

If the after-hours prices of your holdings hold (which they probably won't, but if they do), and counting in the $4.95 it will cost to sell each company, you're ahead $16.32 as of 8 PM tonight, minus whatever you own them as the cost of borrowing the 20k

>> No.13544710

So a total of 11 bucks.
I risked a potential 20,000 to make 11 dollars fuck me lol.
Well like i said i'll post the updates tomorrow.
Can't say i havn't learned something today.

>> No.13544745

He finally understands the gravity of the risk. And as the other anon says, you may still be a bit fucked by tomorrow.

>> No.13544748


I know I've already scared you enough, but there's one more reason you should be the one liquidating yourself...

... if they are the ones liquidating you, and if the do it in the after-hours market, you could be seriously hosed. Prices are extremely volatile in the after hours market.

For example, I looked at all of the stuff you have, and the low price in the after-hours market tonight, and calculated what would happen if you were forced into liquidation at the worst possible moment (which, with your luck so far, is not unreasonable).

If you had been liquidated in after hours, you would have lost all of your stock, and you STILL would have owed them another $961.03, which they WOULD have collected from you one way or the other.

>> No.13544763

You forgot to factor in the short-term capital gains tax on any profits, so subtract at least another 10% of that.

>> No.13544770


True. And the interest in the time it would take to pay the extra 900; and the credit score hassle.

>> No.13544774

Mind you, I'll still be on credit after this.
Just not 20k worth. I'll get 1 or 2k depending on how much i need for the marginal loan, and get that much in loans.
I'll still be investing im china as well. Except instead of 20k it'll be in tbe reals of 2-4k
Oh my that's a big oof. Lets hope tomorrow isn't my own mini black tuesday now.

>> No.13544808


Jesus dude, you're like the guy who loses his house betting on the blackjack table in Vegas, and then decides that all he needs to do is to use the kids college fund to make it all back.

You should learn from this. If you get away with your ass intact, you should thank whatever God you believe in, but you need to learn from this....

1. From now until you learn how to play the market and how all the rules work, use a cash account only. The most you can lose in a cash account is everything. In a margin account you can lose more than everything.

2. Never.... EVER short shots. And if you can't follow this rule, never EVER short stocks on a margin account. Imagine waking up one day to find out that you owe $200k. That CAN happen. That HAS happened to a lot of people.

Jesus, we need to do an intervention on you.

>> No.13544848

Alright, i guess i can say yes to your advice on the cash fund.
>short stocks
Was not planning on meddling with those

Anyway, i think it's time i head to bed. Can't wait till 9:30